How to fix an error "access to the path denied" in the hosted application in IIS -

My application involves in deleting a file from TFS Source control explorer and moving the newly created file to the deleted file path. It is properly working when i am running it locally, I hosted this application in a server machine but it is throwing me an error saying "access to the path denied" when it comes to the delete functionality of the file.
I have tried the following.
1) Added IIS_IUSRS identity with FullControl access for the file security property.
2) Enabled the Directory Browsing for the website in IIS server.
3) Tried creating a user account to run the app pool.
but no luck. I am getting the same error. Please suggest me something. Thanks in advance.


After uploading MVC website to the folder httpdocs from FIlezilla and browsing it the showing Internal Server error

I am getting 500 Internal server.I have uploaded files to the server using Filezila .and when i am browsing it.Its showing internal server error.
Whats is the permission of your files and directory's which you have uploaded in your account. Also check your .htaccess file code.
There may be several reasons , let me list few which i think might be the reason.
1) Check the folder and file permissions on the hosting . Folder permission should be 755 and the file permission should be 644 by default to work on
2) If there is any .htaccess file try to remove that file and check again reloading (Note : if you are using cPanel try selecting show hidden files in file manager to view the .htaccess file )
3) whether your db is been properly configured in the configuration file of your MVC site ( however if it is the reason the page will will throw some db connectivity error . just in case if it is i am asking you to check )
If that helps, update me . If not, Kindly post the error log which can be taken in cPanel or if you are using different solution ask your hosting provider on how to view error log.
The best and universal approach if you have root access on the server would be to look for more information in the web server log:
If you do not have root access, you can check the Error log in cPanel -> Errors, it will provide you with more details on what the problem is.

Folder permissions getting changed when folder is deployed through FTP in cloud 9 IDE

I am trying to deploy a folder using 'Deploy to FTP Server' option in cloud9 IDE. Folder got deployed correctly on the remote location. But when I tried to access the files in folder I encountered error 403 Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this document.When checked through console, permissions got changed. It is not feasible to change the folder permissions each time. What should I do?
Any help will be highly appreciated.

404.0 error on remote web service, but not local on IIS

I have a web service I have written and am trying to publish to a production server. The strange thing is, when I pushed it on the server and set up a virtual folder for the service, it doesn't want to work when accessed from the Internet!
If I open up IIS 6 admin, look at the folder, right click on the .asmx file and select browse; it opens in Internet Explorer fine! If i change the URL to the public URL name, it works ok, but only on the server. If I try to access it from my desktop, I get a 404.0 error! I know the file is there, it works fine on localhost on the server!
I'm pulling my hair out! Any suggestions?
It was a stupid error on my part. When i deployed the web service, i put it in it's own folder on the server. I didn't check permissions on the folder though. When accessing it on localhost, my logged in user had administrative privileges and could see the file. Remotely, as anonymous, it couldn't. Once i matched permissions to what wwwroot had, it worked fine.
List item

"access denied" error in phpmyadmin

We've decided to move one of our websites from one web hosting service to another. So, I backed up all the files and transfered them to the new host. Here's the problem I can't import the sql file into new database on the new host, I get "Access denied" error. weird. I'm using CPanel version 11.
Any idea?
You need to change the file permissions?
A lot of web hosts do not allow importing files with phpMyAdmin. However, you could easily get the same results with a quick PHP app.
Try the file. Just upload it and use it to import the file. If adminer shows an error then call your web hosting company as it might be a problem at their end.

WCF Threading current owner

I hosting a WCF service on Windows 7 IIS. When the service is trying to write to a config file and getting the error:
"Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MIMS\Master\ahug_uqt.tmp' is denied."
This is not the name of the config file although I assume ConfigurationManager is creating a temp file then updating this to the real config file.
Anyway, I have checked that neil-laptop (that's my user), ASPNET, NETWORKSERVICE and LOCALSERVICE have full control over the programs folder and they do. When debugging into the service it shows the current thread principal as neil-laptop. This should not be the case as it is an IIS process.
So, how can I see which user the thread is running under so that I can give this the appropriate permissions. Bearing in mind also that the above worked on Win2003 and XP when I gave the users full control to the folder. Darn you Windows 7.
I modified the user that the IIS App Pool is running under to use the NETWORK SERVICE account and gave this account permissions to the appropriate folder.
Simple really. Not sure about security implications for this but the NETWORK SERVICE account is very limited in it's permissions so should be fine.