I am using example of conversion from pptx to svg. I took the code from
And added dependencies to my gradle application
compile "org.apache.poi:poi:$apachePoiVersion"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:$apachePoiVersion"
compile "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:$apachePoiVersion"
compile "org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-svggen:$apacheBatikVersion"
compile "org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-transcoder:$apacheBatikVersion"
compile "org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-svg-dom:$apacheBatikVersion"
However it is unable to resolve classes XSLFImageRendener and XSLFRenderingHint.
What dependencies are missing? As there is no imports in the example code I assume that it should be in org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel package
I am using poi=3.16 and batik=1.9
The official note:
Please note that XSLF is still in early development and is a subject
to incompatible changes in a future release.
So POI 3.16 is not compatible with 3.15.
I fix the compatibility and rewrite the PPTX2SVG.java at Github:
I want to add kotlinx.coroutines to the command line compiler of the Kotlin so that i can import it without using gradle. For example I have a file Main.kt and no gradle tool for Kotlin. just look at mywindow. I tried search on YouTube, StackOverflow, reddit, Google and Github but it didn't solved my problem please help me out.
You will need to use the Kotlin compiler directly:
In addition, to use kotlinx.coroutines, you will need to have these JARs locally and add them to the classpath to the Kotlin compiler:
I am writing a small plugin for PhpStorm. During development, I run it in IDEA and everything works fine there. However, after I try to enable it in PhpStorm I get the following error:
Plugin 'name' is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn't define any explicit module dependencies
How can this problem be solved?
The documentation plugin compatibility says that if your plugin does not have module dependencies (built-in plugins that are non-removable parts of the IDE), then it is considered legacy and will load only in IDEA, as reported by the error message.
In order to fix this error, you need to explicitly add a dependency to one of the modules. For example, com.intellij.modules.platform:
Add the following line to plugin.xml:
And the plugin should load successfully in PhpStorm.
I am trying to compile sugar ORM to my application.But it is showing this build error.
Unable to resolve dependency for
':app#releaseUnitTest/compileClasspath': Could not resolve
How can I resolve it?Did I miss any other thing to add in gradle?
You need to change your app module's build.gradle file from:
implementation 'com.github.satyan:sugar:1.4'
implementation 'com.github.satyan:sugar:1.5'
Note: You may be using compile instead. This is now deprecated.
The current version can always be seen on the repo's page.
I use node.js connect/express.
Does anyone know an assets manager that supports on the fly compilation and minification of TypeScript source code?
Any idea how to call the compiler programmatically?
I've been using connect-assets which is build on top of Snockets. Shouldn't be that hard to implement once I figure how to compile a .ts resource.
From reading through the tsc.js code, it looks like there's a TypeScript.TypeScriptCompiler(outfile, errout, new TypeScript.NullLogger(), this.compilationSettings); function you could hook into. The code is on Codeplex, under an Apache license, and it's modular. Since TypeScript can be compiled to target CommonJS modules, it should be fairly straightforward to hack it into express.
Not a complete answer yet, but I found this project: which exposes the TypeScript compiler.
I just started learning Javafx with Java11
I created a project in IntelliJ and it gave the standard structure.
In src file when I change the package name for the package "sample" to anything else, IntelliJ gives the following error.
Error:Kotlin: The Kotlin standard library is not found in the module graph. Please ensure you have the 'requires kotlin.stdlib' clause in your module definition
The error disappears when I refactor the package back to "sample".
how do I rename without getting this problem.
this might be helpfull
Javac gives this error, when lint is enabled and you use Java 9 module in Kotlin. You have to declare "requires kotlin.stdlib" in your module-info.java.
Ran into the same issue. For me, I'm using a module-info file in the src folder that looks like this:
module javafx {
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.graphics;
opens sample;
If you rename your package to foo, then you need to change the last line to "opens foo". Otherwise it's still gonna look for and try to open a package named "sample". I have no idea what this has to do with kotlin.
I had the same problem and I solved it disabling "Kotlin migration detection". I have already response here:
I had the same problem. But as long as you are not using Kotlin in the project there is a workaround : disable the Kotlin plugin, under settings.