mssql - copy different datatypes datas from one column to another column in same table - sql

I Tried to copy data's from one column to another column in same table by using following code.
UPDATE [dbo].[name] SET [name_HId] = [name_Id]
while running this query its showing an error which is
Operand type clash: int is incompatible with hierarchyid
Here the name_HId is in hierarchyid datatype and the name_Id is in int.
how can solve this problem?

just cast the int value to varchar:
UPDATE [dbo].[name]
SET [name_HId] = Cast([name_Id] as varchar(max))

add the slashes and then cast to hierarchyid
select cast('/' +cast(5 as varchar)+ '/' as hierarchyid)
When you cast a hierarchyid to string, it will look something like '/5/' or '/5/8/'


Convert ntext to numeric

One of my column is defined as ntext datatype which is no longer supported by many streams. I'm trying my best to convert that column to numeric or int and every attempt is reaching anywhere.
reg_no #my ntext field | name | country | etc |
I tried to alter the col using the command we all use, but failed
alter table tabl1
alter column [reg_no] numeric(38,0)
Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric
Any suggestions on fixing this or has anyone come across this in the past, if yes how did you get over it
You should be able to do this in two steps:
alter table tabl1 alter column [reg_no] nvarchar(max);
alter table tabl1 alter column [reg_no] numeric(38,0);
ntext is deprecated and conversion to numeric is not supported, but converting to nvarchar() is supported.
This assumes that the values are compatible with numeric. Otherwise you will get a type conversion error. If this happens, you can get the offending values by using:
select *
from t
where try_convert(numeric(38, 0), try_convert(nvarchar(max), x)) is null
select convert(int,convcert(varchar(40), reg_no)) as newfieldname from tabl1

[Insert Destination [26]] Error: Column "GovtProgYN" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types

I am executing an ETL process and getting captioned error:
source datatype is char(1) and destination datatype is nchar(2)
How do I insert data from char to nchar?
Please help.
You don't say what platform you are using but you need to tell it to convert. Something like
Per your title error, the n in nchar adds support for unicode, (same with nvarchar vs varchar). The data you are trying to insert is type char, but your destination field (GovtProgYN?) requires nchar.
Most SQL engines support a CAST function, which looks something like this: CAST( field AS datatype ). In your case, you would want to cast your insert value to nchar(2).
INSERT INTO Table ( GovtProgYN )
VALUES ( CAST ( #value AS nchar(2) )
Some SQL engines, like SQL Server, require you to designate unicode using the N prefix to a character string. If you are trying to manually insert a nchar value, use N'c' rather than 'c'.
INSERT INTO Table ( GovtProgYN )
VALUES ( N'c' )

Converting varchar datatype to datetime datatype using SQL 2012 management studio

I have a column which has ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn it is stored as varchar(25). I need to save it as datetime in the same column. I have tried using
update tablename
set columnname = (SUBSTRING(columnname,1,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(columnname,3,3) + '-' +
SUBSTRING(columnname,6,4) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(columnname,11,8));
and then
alter table tablename
alter columnname datetime;
but later it shows up the error
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
How do I change it any other opinion or any modification for the above query. Please help. Thank you.
As per your given string format, you should use datetime2 data type
Your string format is almost correct, only 1 colon is extra after Year.
If you fix that thing, you can directly cast the varchar field into datetime2. For example first you can replace the extra colon with space by running following query,
UPDATE myTable
SET targetColumn = STUFF ( targetColumn , 10, 1, ' ')
-- ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn
-- \
-- this colon is extra which is at 10th position
After this you can directly ALTER your table and change the data type to datetime2.
Important: data in all the lines must contain valid date
Here is a test which shows how you can convert
CREATE TABLE testTable(testCol varchar(25));
INSERT INTO testTable(testCol)
VALUES('03Jan2014 18:33:39.999999');
ALTER TABLE testTable ALTER COLUMN testCol datetime2;
FROM testTable
DROP TABLE testTable;
It has already been answered here: Is there a way to convert a varchar to DATETIME in SQL SERVER 2008?
He uses: convert(datetime,'24/05/2012 09:56:06',103)
Although you might have to do some substrings to adapt to a format covered by convert:
Add a new column
alter table t
add n datetime
Update the new column
update t
set n = datetimefromparts(
cast(substring(o,6,4) as int),
case substring(o,3,3)
when 'jan' then 1
when 'dec' then 12
cast(substring(o,1,2) as int),
cast(substring(o,11,2) as int),
cast(substring(o,14,2) as int),
cast(substring(o,17,2) as int),
cast(substring(o,20,6) as int)
If you need to drop the old column
alter table t
drop column o

Convert nvarchar to bigint in Sql server 2008

I want insert all rows of a table into another table, and I also want convert a nvarchar field into bigint, but when I use convert(bigint, col1) SQL Server shows an error:
Error converting data type nvarchar
to bigint
How can I fix this problem?
You could try to use ISNUMERIC to determine those rows that are indeed numeric:
UPDATE dbo.YourTable
SET BigIntColumn = CAST(NVarcharColumn AS BIGINT)
WHERE ISNUMERIC(NVarcharColumn) = 1
That would convert those rows that can be converted - the others need to be dealt with manually.
You should convert bigint to nvarchar not vice versa
cast(Other_Column_name as nvarchar) not cast (Column_Name as bigint)
you can try this:
Here I convert navrchar value of column into bigInt and than perform Addition of thos two columns find blow :
SELECT (CAST(col1 AS BIGINT) + CAST(col2 AS BIGINT)) AS TotalValue from tableName

how to insert multiple values which is the output of a select query

charindex('for the company',string)-charindex('my',string)+len('my')-9))) as datetime)
from table
len(String)-charindex('company',string)+len('company')-9)))as varchar)
from description
this 2 queries has a set of rows as output.
I want to insert these values to another table using single insert.
What i did is:
insert into table2(orderid,orderdate)
cast(ltrim(rtrim(Substring(String, len('The order number')+1,
CHARINDEX ( 'as been created at', String) - len ('as been created at')))) as int)
charindex('for the company',string)-charindex('at',string)+len('at')-9))) as datetime)
from description
but its not inserted..its showing error like The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value..
Is there any another way to insert this?
when inserting a datetime you should specify a string that is SQL compliant i.e.
I suspect that the CAST function cant convert the type specified. However you dont need to convert to a datetime, you can simply insert the string representation of the datetime.
Other issues you may encounter are the casting of ltrim(rtrim()) to an int. LTRIM, RTRIM both return a varchar. CHARINDEX already returns an int.
Ensure your types are consistent
To insert output from your two queries into a single table, the data types and number of columns from these queries should match with that of the table. You can use convert
charindex('for the company',string)-charindex('at',string)+len('at')-9)))
for your datetime column and try (provided your target table has a datetime column for OrderDate).