VueJS performance issues with a table loaded from an array - vuejs2

I have a performance problem with VueJS. I have a table with X rows, which I load through an array. The problem is that when I change a single element of the array, it renders all the array again, and therefore, performs all the conditions again (v-if, if inside v-bind:class, etc.). I leave a jsfiddle where from a table, hide only 1 element, and update the whole table again.
var users = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
id: i,
visible: true
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
users: users
methods: {
random: function() {
return faker.random.number();
toggleRows: function(){
this.users[5].visible = !$(this.$refs.togglerows).is(":checked");
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox" ref="togglerows" v-on:click="toggleRows" /> Hide some rows
<table border="1" cellspacing="0">
<tr v-for="u in users" v-if="u.visible">
<td>{{ + ' ' + random() }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
How can I avoid this behavior?
Thanks in advance.

Because everything is rendered in the same scope, when you show/hide the single row you want, Vue is forced to re-render all the rows. Instead, isolate the scope of the changes using a component.
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
random: function() {
return faker.random.number();
And your main template ends up looking like this:
<tr is="row" v-for="u in users" :key="" v-if="u.visible" :user="u"></tr>
Here is the updated fiddle.


Vue.js making object.length value reactive

Trying to display Total records. Students.length works the first time on page load thanks to the created() method. However, calling filteredStudents(), is out of date. What is the easiest way to make this reactive?
<div class="d-inline-flex flex-row p-4 col-2">
Total record(s): {{ recordCount }}
<table class="table border table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="bg-secondary">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr v-for="student in filteredStudents()" :key="student._id">
<td>{{ student.firstName }}</td>
<td>{{ student.lastName }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
import MixinCommon from '#/mixins/common.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
Students: [],
studentcount: 0
created() {
this.Students = this.getSutdentList()
computed: {
recordCount() {
return this.Students.length
mixins: [MixinCommon],
methods: {
filteredStudents() {
return this.searchStudentList(this.searchTerm.toUpperCase(), this.Students)
I don't know the implementation of the searchStudentsList method, but you could try using the filteredStudents as a computed property, or making a watch property on the searchTerm in order to make the search again:
Using computed:
<div class="d-inline-flex flex-row p-4 col-2">
Total record(s): {{ recordCount }}
<table class="table border table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="bg-secondary">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr v-for="student in filteredStudents" :key="student._id">
<td>{{ student.firstName }}</td>
<td>{{ student.lastName }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
import MixinCommon from '#/mixins/common.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
Students: [],
studentcount: 0
created() {
this.Students = this.getSutdentList()
computed: {
recordCount() {
return this.Students.length
filteredStudents() {
return this.searchStudentList(this.searchTerm.toUpperCase(), this.Students)
mixins: [MixinCommon],
Using watch property:
<div class="d-inline-flex flex-row p-4 col-2">
Total record(s): {{ recordCount }}
<table class="table border table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="bg-secondary">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr v-for="student in filteredStudents" :key="student._id">
<td>{{ student.firstName }}</td>
<td>{{ student.lastName }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
import MixinCommon from '#/mixins/common.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
Students: [],
filteredStudents: [],
studentcount: 0
created() {
this.Students = this.getSutdentList()
this.filteredStudents = this.searchStudentList(this.searchTerm.toUpperCase(), this.Students)
computed: {
recordCount() {
return this.Students.length
watch: {
searchTerm(newValue) {
this.filteredStudents = this.searchStudentList(newValue.toUpperCase(), this.Students)
mixins: [MixinCommon],

In vuejs, quoting variables in HTML element attribute doesn't work

Here is the code:
<tr v-for="(item, index) in detail" :key="" class="[[ ]]">
<td>[[ index + 1 ]]</td>
<td>[[ ]]</td>
The rendered HTML looks like this:
<tr class="[[ ]]">
<tr class="[[ ]]">
<tr class="[[ ]]">
The class="[[ ]]" just don't change. What I expect is:
<tr class="Job">
<tr class="Jesse">
<tr class="Wazert">
How should I fix it?
First thing Square bracket not worked in vue.js you need to use interpolation for binding the data dynamically.
So you need to use like For Example
<table border="1">
<tr v-for="(item, index) in detail" :key="" :class="">
<td>{{ index + 1 }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
data: function () {
return {
detail: [{ name: "Job" }, { name: "Jesse" }, { name: "Wazert" }],
Here you can play with code
You need to use class-binding and interpolate the data:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
detail: [ { name: "Job" }, { name: "Jesse" }, { name: "Wazert" } ]
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<tr v-for="(item, index) in detail" :key="" :class="">
<td>{{index + 1}}</td>

vue - datatable - item-expanded - load from server

I'm using the component datatable from Vuetify library. There is a problem on item-expanded, the code
<template v-slot:expanded-item="{ headers, item }">
<td :colspan="headers.length">
<th data-field="id" data-visible="false">id</th>
<th data-field="league_id" >league_id</th>
<th data-field="Start" >Start</th>
<th data-field="End" >End</th>
<th data-field="Current" >Current</th>
<tr v-for="rec in item.details" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ rec.league_id }}</td>
<td>{{ rec.start }}</td>
<td>{{ rec.end }}</td>
<td>{{ rec.current }}</td>
loadDetails: function({item}) {
if (item.details)
this.ChildApiCall(item).then((data) => {
item.details = data.response;
// var self = this;
// return new Promise(function (resolve) {
// self.ChildApiCall(item).then((data) => {
// item.details = data.response;
// resolve(item);
// })
// });
async ChildApiCall(item) {
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("action", "GetRecordDetailsLeaguesJS");
const items = await general.GetData("/api/03leagues.php", formData);
return items;
if I add to server call (03leagues.php) 1 second delay on response, the row expanded but showing only the table header row. When collapse and expand again, showing the table as should be.

How to extract single record ( id ) from JSON response and display in DOM using VueJS?

I have created a List view to see records from a JSON API response. Now I want user to click on a icon eg. '>' to see only that record on the full page ( Detail View ). I am not sure which vue directive I need to use and how to display in the DOM.
I tried this http://localhost:8000/Patients/1/?format=json but then directive v-for is not working
<div id="app" class="container">
<p v-if="loading">Loading...</p>
<div v-else>
<h3 class="heading" style="text-align:left">Patients List</h3>
<input id="lens" v-model= "search" placeholder ="Search here">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th scope="col">ID</th>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Mobile</th>
<th scope="col">Email</th>
<tr v-for="patient in filteredPatients" v-bind:key="patient">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ patient.first_name + " " + patient.last_name }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {
loading: false,
patients: '',
search: '',
mounted () {
this.loading = true;
.then(response => (this.patients =
.catch(error => console.log(error))
.finally(() => this.loading = false)
computed: {
filteredPatients() {
return this.patients.filter(patient => {
return `${patient.first_name} ${patient.last_name} ${} ${} ${}`.includes(;
From the filteredPatients()method you are only returning three field i.e first_name,last_name and email but from your loop you are expecting to get five fields i.e id,first_name,last_name,email and mobile
How about you get your data directly from the patients value in the data section but you will first have to change it to an array.
After that have an onclick listener on the table rows and pass the specific product as an argument to the listener method.This way you will have the selected/clicked record.From here you can pass the record to the other page as props.
So the final code would look somehow like this:
<div id="app" class="container">
<p v-if="loading">Loading...</p>
<div v-else>
<h3 class="heading" style="text-align:left">Patients List</h3>
<input id="lens" v-model= "search" placeholder ="Search here">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th scope="col">ID</th>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Mobile</th>
<th scope="col">Email</th>
<tr v-for="(patient,id )in patients" :key="id" #click="getOneRecord(patient)">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ patient.first_name + " " + patient.last_name }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {
loading: false,
patients: {},
search: '',
mounted () {
this.loading = true;
.then(response => (this.patients =
.catch(error => console.log(error))
.finally(() => this.loading = false)
computed: {
filteredPatients() {
return this.patients.filter(patient => {
return `${patient.first_name} ${patient.last_name} ${} ${} ${}`.includes(;

Vue.js 2 filter is not working with data table

Attempting to filter data by the name of the client. Tried many options with no luck. currently i have the list of clients broken out to a separate component with intention to use vuex as the project becomes larger. So with that being said i have currently placed the logic for filtering inside my client info component where as the input for the search is in the clients list component. see below
this is the clients info component
<tbody class="client-info">
<tr v-for="(client, index) in filterClient" :key="index">
<td>{{ index }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ client.type }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><router-link v-bind:to="'/client/'"><i class="far fa-eye"></i></router-link></td>
export default {
name: 'client-info',
props: {
clients: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
search: ''
created() {
computed: {
filterClient () {
return this.clients.filter( client => {
return !this.searchClient || > -1
this is the clients list component
<!-- this is the head of the table list -->
<table class="table table-bordered table table-light table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="thead-primary">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Type</th>
<th scope="col">Email</th>
<th scope="col">Phone</th>
<th scope="col">Profile</th>
<!-- the clients data is imported from client info file -->
<client-info :clients="allClients"></client-info>
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import ClientInfo from '#/components/clientslistexperience/ClientInfo'
export default {
name: 'ClientsList',
components: {
data() {
return {
search: null
computed: {
i am aware that the data for the search is placed in both components at the moment, just trying different things out. Also that right now it is not being set up to use vuex for the logic and state. If I am completely off track please let me know!
Table tag requires thead, tbody or tr . it removes other tag , so put table tag inside your component.
<client-info :clients="allClients"></client-info>
and put table tag along with all inner tag
<table class="table table-bordered table table-light table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="thead-primary">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Type</th>
<th scope="col">Email</th>
<th scope="col">Phone</th>
<th scope="col">Profile</th>
<tbody class="client-info">
<tr v-for="(client, index) in filterClient" :key="index">
<td>{{ index }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ client.type }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><router-link v-bind:to="'/client/'"><i class="far fa-eye"></i></router-link></td>