SqlQuery throws exception in Ignite 2.0.0 - ignite

I have just upgraded to V2.0.0 and tried the following code ..
SqlQuery diffSql = new SqlQuery(PendingAvGroup.class,
" from PendingAvGroup as pnd " +
"where not exists(select 1 from " +
"\"Processed_PendingAvGroup_cache\".PendingAvGroup prc " +
" WHERE prc.resourceGroupId = pnd.resourceGroupId)"
But i get the following error ..
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "Pending_PendingAvGroup_cache.PENDINGAVGROUP._KEY" not found;
SQL statement:
SELECT "Pending_PendingAvGroup_cache".PendingAvGroup._key, "Pending_PendingAvGroup_cache".PendingAvGroup._val from PendingAvGroup as pnd where not exists(select 1 from "Processed_PendingAvGroup_cache".PendingAvGroup prc WHERE prc.resourceGroupId = pnd.resourceGroupId) [42122-195]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:345) ~[h2-1.4.195.jar:1.4.195]
Its appears that when ever I provide a FROM clause I get '._KEY" not found;' error ... even for a single table.
Id really appreciate anyones help on this ..

This is actually a quirky thing of SQL (I'm not sure if it is a standard or just H2). By default Ignite generates query with the original table name in select clause "Pending_PendingAvGroup_cache".PendingAvGroup, but it must actually use your alias pnd there.
To solve this you have to set the alias on SqlQuery and Ignite will generate correct query:
SqlQuery diffSql = new SqlQuery(PendingAvGroup.class, "...").setAlias("pnd");
Another option is to use SqlFieldsQuery:
new SqlFieldsQuery("select _key, _val from ....")


MS Access sql - Update query syntax

Seems a small issue with an sql update query. But I can not get my head around this issue. Not very much acquainted with sql.
Based on a selection, selected rows from a table (7DARphases) are copied and inserted to another table (7tblDAR). And the Project ID (PRJID column) for all the inserted rows should be updated with a fixed value (PID) taken from the form.
Issue is: I am facing syntax issue in the part where the fixed value needs to be inserted in the PRJID column of added rows.
Code is:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
PID = Me.PRJID.Value
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO 7tblDAR (Phase, Deliverable, Link_PIM_temp, Link_PIM_WB, Description, Accept_criteria, Deliv_type, TollgateID, Workstream, Accountable, ClientRACI) SELECT [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable, [7DARphases].Link_PIM_temp, [7DARphases].Link_PIM_WB, [7DARphases].Description, [7DARphases].Accept_criteria, [7DARphases].Deliv_type, [7DARphases].TollgateID, [7DARphases].Workstream, [7DARphases].Accountable, [7DARphases].ClientRACI FROM 7DARphases WHERE ((([7DARphases].SolType) Like '*2PP*')) ORDER BY [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable;"
sqlUpdt = "update 7tblDAR set PRJID = '" & Me.PRJID.Value & "' from 7tblDAR where tblDAR.PRJID = """""
dbs.Execute sqlstr, dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute sqlUpdt, dbFailOnError
The 'sqlstr' works fine and inserts rows.
But 'sqlUpdt' gives error:
"Run-time error 3075: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ..."
Can you please help me out with this.
Plus, if possible, can you suggest to perform this action in one query itself.
Why not put the value in when you insert the values?
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO 7tblDAR (Phase, Deliverable, Link_PIM_temp, Link_PIM_WB, Description, Accept_criteria, Deliv_type, TollgateID, Workstream, Accountable, ClientRACI, PRJID)
SELECT . . .,
'" & Me.PRJID.Value & "'
WHERE [7DARphases].SolType Like '*2PP*')
ORDER BY [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable;"
This saves the trouble of having to update it later.

double where statement in SQL and ASP

I am a little lost on how to incorporate TWO Where in my sql statement in my asp.
I am trying to get the userID and password entered previously and compare it with what I have in my database created on SQL:
I think my problem comes from my double quotation and single quotation.
UserID is a number in my database and Password is a short text.
var mycon = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var myrec = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
mycon.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Users\\Omnivox.mdb");
var txtpassword = Request.QueryString("txtpassword");
var txtuserID = parseInt (Request.QueryString("txtuserID"));
var sql;
sql = "SELECT UserID, UserPassword FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID+ " AND UserPassword='" + txtpassword + "';";
myrec.Open(sql, mycon);
thank you
UPDATE: It is still not working. The error massage is : no value given for one or more required parameters for the line myrec.Open(sql,mycon)
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword';
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID + " AND UserPassword='"+txtpassword+"'";
If you'd done any kind of basic debugging, like LOOKING at the query string you're generating, you'd have seen this:
sql = "SELECT [..snip..] UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword
^^--- no space
^--- missing +
which produces
SELECT .... UserID=1234AND userPassword
^^---syntax error, no such field '1234AND'
And then, yes, your quotes are wrong too
sql = "SELECT ... UserID=" +txtuserID "AND UserPassword="'+txtpassword
^------------------^-- one string
^-----------------^-- another string
It should be
sql = "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID + " AND UserPassword='" + txtpassword + "';";
I find another more flexible solution is better. Sometimes based on conditions you have one where condition, in others you have zero, and in others you have two. If you go down these paths they don't solve that issue. The following does.....
Some sql query
where 1=1 -- ## A condition that will always be true and does nothing to your query.
and first optional where clause
and second optional where clause
This way if you don't have the first where clause in a given situation but you do have the second you are not missing the words "where". You always have the where and you optionally add any array of "and" parts to your where statement. 100% flexibility in this method works for all challenges. Plus it is easier to follow code once you get past the wtf is this 1=1 nonsense reaction.

SQL Server : drop table with SQL parameters

I'm trying to drop a table using SqlParameters. I have this code .
DataRowView d= (DataRowView) cmbTabele.Items[cmbTabele.SelectedIndex];
string name = (d["table_name"]as string);
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("drop table #nume ", dbCon);
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("#nume", name);
com.ExecuteNonQuery(); // ERROR HERE
I receive this error :
Incorrect syntax near '#nume'.
But when I do
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("drop table " + name, dbCon);
it works, and I really don't understand this error.
You cannot use a parameter for a table name. Although you'll normally get told off around here for building up a query using string concatenation, this is one occasion where you'll need to!
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("drop table " + name, dbCon);
I do not recommand it, but if you really want to use SQLParameter, then it is possible this way.
SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand("EXEC('drop table ''' + #nume + '''')", dbCon);
But really, there is no advantage in doing it this way. This work on SQL Server 2005 and newest version of it.

Sqlcommand Parameters not executing

I am encountering a strange problem when attempting to execute a DELETE query agains a SQL Server table using VB.NET, SQL Command, and Parameters.
I have the following code:
sqlCommand.Transaction = transaction1
sqlCommand.Connection = conn
sqlCommand.CommandText = sqlQuery
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("#userID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(userID)
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("#groupID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(groupID)
''#Delete the user from the group.
MessageBox.Show("User: " + Convert.ToString(userID) + " Group: " + Convert.ToString(groupID))
MessageBox.Show("Param, UserID: " + sqlCommand.Parameters.Item(0).Value.ToString)
MessageBox.Show("Param, GroupID: " + sqlCommand.Parameters.Item(1).Value.ToString)
return_deleteUser = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Catch ex As Exception
Dim hr As Integer = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex)
MsgBox("Removal of user from group has failed: " + ex.Message() & hr)
End Try
Which executes the following SQL Query:
My problem is that when the code executes, there is no error reported at all. I have ran SQL Profiler and the query doesn't appear in the trace list. The three messageboxes that I have added all return the correct values, and if I was to execute the SQL query against the table with the values the query succeeds. Both the userID and groupID are 3-digit integers.
Can anyone suggest why the code is not working as intended, or any further debugging that I can use to step through the code? Ideally I would love to see the completed SQL query with the parameters completed, but I haven't found out how to do this.
I have the following later in the code to check if the execute's all processed successfully:
If return_insertEvent > 0 And return_updateUser > 0 And return_nextSID > 0 And return_deleteUser > 0 Then
return_removeADGroup = RemoveUserFromGroup(userID, groupName)
MessageBox.Show("Remove FS User from AD Group: " + return_removeADGroup)
returnResult = 1
returnResult = 0
End If
If you require any further information please don't hesitate in contacting me.
You are missing a Transaction.Commit
Update in respone to additional info added to question:
Why do you have 4 transactions? Since their commit and rollbacks are all executed together, you only need one transaction. I suggest you use a TransactionScope
You can assign the current transaction to ADO.NET Command objects:
ADO.NET and System.Transactions
Transaction Processing in ADO.NET 2.0
I might guess that your calling proc has the values of userid and groupid backwards. If the DELETE doesn't find a matching record, it will complete successfully, but not do anything. I suggest wrapping your delete up in a stored procedure. Then you can add code to test if the parameter values are getting through correctly.
Create Procedure UserDelete
#userid int, #groupID int
Select #userid as UID, #groupID as GID INTO TESTTABLE;
Run your code then go check the contents of TESTTABLE.
FWIW: I don't like trying to get the whole parameter declaration in one line. Too much going on for me. I like this...
Dim pUID as New Parameter("#userid", SqlDbType.Int)
pUID.Value = userid
After some time debugging and sql tracing, I have found out that the stupid application that the DB belongs to treats the group members differently, the groups reside in a administration database, but the users membership to the group resides in another database.
Thank you to everyone above who provided there time and thoughts in assisting with the code. I have changed the code as recomended to use only two transactions and two connections (1 for the admin and sub-database). The code is much nicer now and is that bit easier to read.
Thanks again,

"Null" value in Queries

I'm trying to run code that will copy fields into a new table, moving them from a _New table to the original table. The VBA code that does this works as such:
SQLStatement = CStr("INSERT INTO " & TName & " SELECT * FROM " & TName & "_New")
Log.WriteLine "Running query with string """ & SQLStatement & """ "
QueryTimer = Timer
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLStatement
Log.WriteLine "Query time: " & (Timer - QueryTimer)
The log is just a handful of procedures in a class module I threw together. Its output on the error is
#142921: Running query with string "INSERT INTO Records SELECT * FROM Records_New"
#142941: Error Date/Time: 7/21/2009 2:29:40 PM
#142941: Error # & Description: 3162, You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type.
I can confirm that TName and SQLStatement are both valid strings at the time the SQL operation is run, and that the sources (Records and Records_New) are both valid. Option Explicit is set elsewhere in the file to avoid any confusion from typos. The error is thrown on the DoCmd line.
Why would this have a Null value, even though DoCmd.RunSQL doesn't return a value?
Can you post the table descriptions for Records and Records_New tables?
I would wager that you are trying to insert a NULL value into one of the columns of the "Records" table (and the column description is NOT NULL).
Hope this helps.
I think it will help if you also change the insert statement to be more specific about which columns it is inserting/selecting. You are asking for bugs by being so non-specific.
This may seem like it is non-responsive to your answer, but I suspect that the columns in the select table and destination table are either not lined up, or there is a field in the destination table that disallows null.
Try this:
In a new Query (in SQL view) paste your query "INSERT INTO Records SELECT * FROM Records_New" in and try to run it manually. I bet you get a more specific error and can troubleshoot the query there before running it with the added complexity of the code around it.
INSERT INTO Statement (Microsoft Access SQL)
Your SQL INSERT statement is incorrect - it should be:
INSERT INTO Records SELECT * FROM [Records_New];
Here's what you need to use:
CStr("INSERT INTO " & TName & " SELECT * FROM [" & TName & "_New)"];")
Maybe Timer needs parens?
QueryTimer = Timer()