How to see selected method's full name on Xcode completion popup - objective-c

I'm trying to implement a delegate method in Xcode, and I see many methods looking very similar as their names/signatures are truncated:
For example, there's no way to distinguish which method is selected and which method is the one right below the selected one, and this is just one example. I have the same problem whenever there's a delegate involved with long method names and I'm trying to implement one of its methods. The popup is meant to be useful and in cases like this, it's extremely counter-intuitive.
Is there any way to display/distinguish the full method names?


What is the different between `add target` and `implements a delegate` in objective C?

For example, I make a MyUIElement, I can accept the user click it. When the user click it, the user can define a method for me when I click it. For example, they can increase the count by 1, when I click it.
So, if I am thinking on how to implement this logic...I can make a MyUIElementDelegate, and call back the MyUIElementDelegate' s onMyUIElementIsClicked: function, or I can allow user to addTarget: action: forEvents:. These two ways also works. But what is the different between them? Thanks.
Well, if the method to be called is on the same class, addTarget would be easier but if the method is defined in another class, implementing delegate would be a better idea to invoke the method. With a little bit of extra coding, delegate protocol will give you more flexibility, by the fact that it has two types of methods: #required and #optional.

Right way to create a customizable uiview

this question is about "style", because i think this is a very common problem and i'm looking for an elegant solution.
I have created some "advanced" UIView and i try to make them very customizable.
Usually i create the UIView structure inside a custom init method, but i need to know the value of all customizable parameter inside init method so sometimes i need a very long init method like:
I tried to use delegate design pattern but i need also to pass delegate inside init method.
My actual best solution is to leave empty the init method and move everything about layout inside a "configure" method. everytime i chance a property like background color or font i will call this method and i will rebuild the view.
I think there is a best way to solve this problem...
I'd be curious to see the code of UITableView Class, because with that class you can pass a delegate outside init method.
Check out something like a UIButton or UILabel. They both have tons of configurable aspects, however to simply create an instance of one of those objects, they need very little information.
In general, provide init methods that allow the consumer of your class to specify the least amount of information for the class to work.
If you do want to give the consumer a way to initialize the class with a bunch of values, consider using some sort of initWithDictionary: method that takes an NSDictionary of parameters. This keeps your method names short and allows the user to customize an arbitrary number of settings for your class.
You could also consider providing a way for the consumer to request an instance with some standard set of values. UITableViewCell, for example, has an initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method. The important part is the style - UITableViewCell provides several default styles like UITableViewCellStyleDefault and UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle.
I don't know if it is the standard/best practices way but I use a dictionary in cases like this and pass that to an initWithDictionaryinitializer. Would be possible too to create a class method that returns a 'default settings' type dictionary which can then be customized (and delegate set), so that not every param needs to be specified whenever the class is used.

Multiple IBActions for a single UI event

I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this one... if I want two very different things to happen when, say, a UIButton is used, can I hook this up in Interface Builder? I can't find a way to add multiple actions to the event.
The obvious answer is to have a single action connected, and perform both methods in the same block of code. But I quite liked the button action being connected to 'saveItem' instead of some generic 'buttonPressed' method.
I suppose I could also add the actions in code.
Unfortunately, there's not a way to do this with the builtin UI classes. You'll have to hook up to a single IBAction, then call through to the methods you want to call.

Popup window similar to Xcode's code completion?

I would like to build something similar to the code-completion feature in Xcode 4. (The visual style and behavior, not the data structure type work required for code completion).
As the user is typing, a pop-up window presents other word choices that can be selected.
The Feature in action:
I'm not exactly sure where to start. I am mainly concerned with the visual appearance of the window and how I should populate the list with a given set of words. Later I will get into making the window follow the cursor around the screen and etc.
I am mainly looking for an overview of how to display such data in a "window", and how to cusomize the appearance of the thing so it looks like a nice little informational popup rather than a full-on OS X window.
Just add a subview to your current view that happens to be a tableview. Programmatically cause it to be visible on an event (such as mouseDown), and adjust it's position based on where you want it. You will need to instantiate the proper delegate/datasource methods, but it should be pretty straight forward. You will also need a source for the words you want to use in your autocomplete, and put them in an array or something for your tableview datasource to go through.
Like I said, it's not terribly hard, provided you are comfortable using tableviews and adding views to your existing view. If this doesn't explain enough, leave a comment and I can flesh this comment out more.
Add a (completions) subview to your view and set its visible property to NO. Create a separate AutoComplete object that includes the subview as a property and fills it with potential completions. Your controller can respond to key pressed (key typed) events and give the last word (substring the text from the end to the 1st preceding blank) to the AutoComplete on each event. The basic logic in AutoComplete could be something like:
Given an AutoComplete with a list of known words "dog, spaghetti, minute, horse, spare, speed"
When asked to complete a fragment "sp"
Then the following words should be offered as potential completions, "spaghetti, spare, speed"
Which would imply that you need to instantiate it with a list of words (this could be done in the init of your controller), and create a method "-(NSArray*) completeFragment:(NSString*)fragment;". You could drop this into an OCUnit test case and iterate over your implementation of autocomplete until you get it right. You would then write a method that takes the completions from AutoComplete and lists them in the subview. Even better you might create currentWord and potentialCompletions properties in AutoComplete that gets updated as you send it "newFragment:(NSString*)fragment;" messages. Throw that into OCUnit and work it out then use that potentialCompletions property to drive updated of a the subview (which is probably best modeled as a custom tableView).

I need to know when a textfield is done being edited

I have a class that contains several textfields. I need to know when one is done being edited and send the new information to one of my other objects.
This question seemed similar but in Objective C? The buttons should be visible when the user is done entering the value in the textfield
Objective-j doesn't have the same functions.
Browsing the documentation I found several functions that seemed like they might be able to help such as, textDidEndEditing but didn't understand how to use it. There are several more that sound related and I don't know what to use.
Summary: when the textfield is done being edited I need to perform another function. Also there are multiple textfields so I need to know which one is edited.
controlTextDidEndEditing is the delegate method you should implement. Or you can just set the target/action of the textfield