Redis server how to check pass value directly on value range - redis

I need to manage below data using redis.
918005000000|918005099999|UP EAST|BSNL|4|22
I have one api for operator detection. I am passed mobile number via api & check number above series & which series match at configure & return line.
For example.
Mobile number :- 919967288367
This number match in second series. So that we return below out put.
We need this match directly on value. because we not using loop for performance basis.
I have 10000 series.
Please help any.

The simplest approach is to use a Sorted Set, where members are your rows and their scores is the range's start.
ZADD ops 918005000000 "918005099999|UP EAST|BSNL|4|22" 919967200000 "919967299999|MAHARASHTRA|AIRTEL|15|20"
To query a number:
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE ops 919967288367 -inf LIMIT 0 1

The solution is simple! Store the series as keys instead as values.
Store these series as Redis keys and values.
Key: 918005000000 Value:918005099999|UP EAST|BSNL|4|22
Key:919967200000 Value:919967299999|MAHARASHTRA|AIRTEL|15|20
Now, given a mobile number 919967288367, form a key pattern like
9199672* and get all the matching keys.
From this set of keys select the smallest key and get it's value from redis.


REDIS SISMEMBERS Performance: LUA script on multiple keys vs single transaction

I have a dozen of REDIS Keys of the type SET, say
The set contains a userId and the problem statement is to check if the user is present in any of the set or not
The solution I tried is to get all the keys and append with a delimiter (, comma) and pass it as an argument to lua script wherein with gmatch operator I split the keys and run sismember operation until there is a hit.
local vals = KEYS[1]
for match in (vals..","):gmatch("(.-)"..",") do
local exist ='sismember', match, KEYS[2])
if (exist == 1) then
return 1
return 0
Now as and when the number of keys grows to PUBSUB_USER_SET-20 or PUBSUB_USER_SET-30 I see an increase in latency and in throughput.
Is this the better way to do or Is it better to batch LUA scripts where in instead of passing 30keys as arguments I pass in batches of 10keys and return as soon as the user is present or is there any better way to do this?
I would propose a different solution instead of storing keys randomly in a set. You should store keys in one set and you should query that set to check whether a key is there or not.
Lets say we've N sets numbered s-0,s-1,s-2,...,s-19
You should put your keys in one of these sets based on their hash key, which means you need to query only one set instead of checking all these sets. You can use any hashing algorithm.
To make it further interesting you can try consistent hashing.
You can use redis pipeline with batching(10 keys per iteration) to improve the performance

Getting top results from Redis hash

I am trying to write a query in Redis to get the first 2 field values of my hash key..
Basically, when I do HVALS hashname, I want to get the values of the first 2 fields added (the oldest 2). This is somewhat like getting the TOP 2 tuples in a SQL database.
Is this possible in redis?
No, this isn't possible. The order of fields and values in a Redis Hash is for all intents and purposes random (despite the empirical evidence obtained on from experimenting on smallish Hashes). For ordering elements, refer to Redis' Sorted Sets.
Update: to answer the question in the comment, IIUC it looks like you can solve it easily with just Strings. Because of Redis' nature, at any given moment there is either one user waiting for a specific match, or zero. You can SET matchmaking:blue username1:token if the key doesn't exist (i.e. zero users waiting for the match) and GET and DEL it if it exists. Be sure to use SET's "NX" subcommand, MULTI/EXEC and/or Lua to ensure the atomicity of these two logical operations.
From what I have experimented with, HVALS returns values for keys in the order you're looking for i.e. oldest key first. Now its up to you to only pick the first two values using the client program e.g. HSET myhmap name "abhi" , HSET myhmap email "test#test" , HSET myhmap planet "earth", HSET myhmap galaxy "andromeda". HVALS myhmap will return "abhi","test#test", "earth" , "andromeda"

Redis - Sorted set, find item by property value

In redis I store objects in a sorted set.
In my solution, it's important to be able to run a ranged query by dates, so I store the items with the score being the timestamp of each items, for example:
# Score Value
0 1443476076 {"Id":"92","Ref":"7ADT","DTime":1443476076,"ATime":1443901554,"ExTime":0,"SPName":"7ADT33CFSAU6","StPName":"7ADT33CFSAU6"}
1 1443482969 {"Id":"11","Ref":"DAJT","DTime":1443482969,"ATime":1443901326,"ExTime":0,"SPName":"DAJTJTT4T02O","StPName":"DAJTJTT4T02O"}
However, in other situations I need to find a single item in the set based on it's ID.
I know I can't just query this data structure as if it were a nosql db, but I tried using ZSCAN, which didn't work.
ZSCAN MySet 0 MATCH Id:92 count 1
It returns; "empty list or set"
Maybe I need to serialize different?
I have serialized using Json.Net.
How, if possible, can I achieve this; using dates as score and still be able to lookup an item by it's ID?
Many thanks,
Assume it's not possible, but any thoughts or inputs are welcome:
In Redis, data can only be queried by its key. Even if we use a hash,
we can't say get me the keys wherever the field race is equal to
Edit 2:
I tried to do:
ZSCAN MySet 0 MATCH *87*> ZSCAN MySet 0 MATCH *87*
1) "192"
2) 1) "{\"Id\":\"64\",\"Ref\":\"XQH4\",\"DTime\":1443837798,\"ATime\":1444187707,\"ExTime\":0,\"SPName\":\"XQH4BPGW47FM\",\"StPName\":\"XQH4BPGW47FM\"}"
2) "1443837798"
3) "{\"Id\":\"87\",\"Ref\":\"5CY6\",\"DTime\":1443519199,\"ATime\":1444172326,\"ExTime\":0,\"SPName\":\"5CY6DHP23RXB\",\"StPName\":\"5CY6DHP23RXB\"}"
4) "1443519199"
And it finds the desired item, but it also finds another one with an occurance of 87 in the property ATime. Having more unique, longer IDs might work this way and I would have to filter the results in code to find the one with the exact value in its property.
Still open for suggestions.
I think it's very simple.
Solution 1(Inferior, not recommended)
Your way of ZSCAN MySet 0 MATCH Id:92 count 1 didn't work out because the stored string is "{\"Id\":\"92\"... not "{\"Id:92\".... The string has been changed into another format. So try to use MATCH Id\":\"64 or something like that to match the json serialized data in redis. I'm not familiar with, so the actual string leaves for you to discover.
By the way, I have to ask you did ZSCAN MySet 0 MATCH Id:92 count 1 return a cursor? I suspect you used ZSCAN in a wrong way.
Solution 2(Better, strongly recommended)
ZSCAN is good when your sorted set is not large and you know how to save network roundtrip time by Redis' Lua transaction. This still make "look up by ID" operation O(n). Therefore, a better solution is to change you data model in the following way:
change sorted set
# Score Value
0 1443476076 {"Id":"92","Ref":"7ADT","DTime":1443476076,"ATime":1443901554,"ExTime":0,"SPName":"7ADT33CFSAU6","StPName":"7ADT33CFSAU6"}
1 1443482969 {"Id":"11","Ref":"DAJT","DTime":1443482969,"ATime":1443901326,"ExTime":0,"SPName":"DAJTJTT4T02O","StPName":"DAJTJTT4T02O"}
# Score Value
0 1443476076 Id:92
1 1443482969 Id:11
Move the rest detailed data in another set of hashes type keys:
# Key field-value field-value ...
0 Id:92 Ref-7ADT DTime-1443476076 ...
1 Id:11 Ref-7ADT DTime-1443476076 ...
Then, you locate by id by doing hgetall id:92. As to ranged query by date, you need do ZRANGEBYSCORE sortedset mindate maxdate then hgetall every id one by one. You'd better use lua to wrap these commands in one and it will still be super fast!
Data in NoSql database need to be organized in a redundant way like above. This may make some usual operation involve more than one commands and roundtrip, but it can be tackled by redis's lua feature. I strongly recommend the lua feature of redis, cause it wrap commands into one network roundtrip, which are all executed on the redis-server side and is atomic and super fast!
Reply if there's anything you don't know

Redis Bit Select All Keys With Offset Value of 1

If I have a series of keys representing bitmaps in Redis, how can I get a list of all keys whose n bit value is equal to 1. For example, I have the following bitmaps:
keyname:20140418:item1: 000111...0010
keyname:20140418:item2: 000101...1010
keyname:20140418:item3: 100011...0010
I want to get the list of all items whose first value is 0 which would result in:
In Redis, always prepare your data in such a way that retrieval is easy and most of all scalable.
When storing the data, accompany the SET with a ZADD zerostartingbitmaps [unixtimestamp] [linkedkey]
To fix all your data and fill the Sorted Set, use SCAN and bitwise operations.
Hope this helps, TW

Redis: fan out news feeds in list or sorted set?

I'm caching fan-out news feeds with Redis in the following way:
each feed activity is a key/value, like activity:id where the value is a JSON string of the data.
each news feed is currently a list, the key is feed:user:user_id and the list contains the keys of the relevant activities.
to retrieve a news feed I use for example: 'sort feed:user:user_id by nosort get * limit 0 40'
I'm considering changing the feed to a sorted set where the score is the activity's timestamp, this way the feed is always sorted by time.
I read which recommend using lists because of the time complexity of sorted sets, but by keep using lists I have to take care of the insert order,
inserting a past story requires to iterate through the list and finding the right index to push to. (which can cause new problems in distributed environments).
should I keep using lists or go for sorted sets?
is there a way to retrieve the news feed instantly from a sorted set, (like with the sort ... get * command for a list) or does it have to be zrange and then iterating through the results and getting each value?
Yes, sorted sets are very fast and powerful. They seem a much better match for your requirements than SORT operations. The time complexity is often misunderstood. O(log(N)) is very fast, and scales just fine. We use it for tens of millions of members in one sorted set. Retrieval and insertion is sub-millisecond.
Use ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max WITHSCORES [LIMIT offset count] to get your results.
Depending on how you store the timestamps as 'scores', ZREVRANGEBYSCORE might be better.
A small remark about the timestamps: Sorted set SCORES which don't need a decimal part should be using 15 digits or less. So the SCORE has to stay in the range -999999999999999 to 999999999999999. Note: These limits exist because Redis server actually stores the score (float) as a redis-string representation internally.
I therefore recommend this format, converted to Zulu Time: -20140313122802 for second-precision. You may add 1 digit for 100ms-precision, but no more if you want no loss in precision. It's still a float64 by the way, so loss of precision could be fine in some scenarios, but your case fits in the 'perfect precision' range, so that's what I recommend.
If your data expires within 10 years, you can also skip the three first digits (CCY of CCYY), to achieve .0001 second precision.
I suggest negative scores here, so you can use the simpler ZRANGEBYSCORE instead of the REV one. You can use -inf as the start score (minus infinity) and LIMIT 0 100 to get the top 100 results.
Two sorted set members (or 'keys' but that's ambiguous since the sorted set is also a key in itself) may share a score, that's no problem, the results within an identical score are alphabetical.
Hope this helps, TW
Edit after chat
The OP wanted to collect data (using a ZSET) from different keys (GET/SET or HGET/HSET keys). JOIN can do that for you, ZRANGEBYSCORE can't.
The preferred way of doing this, is a simple Lua script. The Lua script is executed on the server. In the example below I use EVAL for simplicity, in production you would use SCRIPT EXISTS, SCRIPT LOAD and EVALSHA. Most client libraries have some bookkeeping logic built-in, so you don't upload the script each time.
Here's an example.lua:
local r={}
local zkey=KEYS[1]
local'zrangebyscore', zkey, KEYS[2], KEYS[3], 'withscores', 'limit', 0, KEYS[4])
for i=1,#a,2 do
r[i+1]'get', a[i])
return r
You use it like this (raw example, not coded for performance):
redis-cli -p 14322 set activity:1 act1JSON
redis-cli -p 14322 set activity:2 act2JSON
redis-cli -p 14322 zadd feed 1 activity:1
redis-cli -p 14322 zadd feed 2 activity:2
redis-cli -p 14322 eval '$(cat example.lua)' 4 feed '-inf' '+inf' 100
1) "1"
2) "act1JSON"
3) "2"
4) "act2JSON"