PostgreSQL Full Text Search with substrings - sql

I'm trying to create the fastest way to search millions (80+ mio) of records in a PostgreSQL (version 9.4), over multiple columns.
I would like to try and use standard PostgreSQL, and not Solr etc.
I'm currently testing Full Text Search followed
It works, but I would like some more flexible way to search.
Currently, if I have a column containing ex. "Volvo" and one containing "Blue" I am able to find the record with the search string "volvo blue", but I would like to also find the record using "volvo blu" as if I used LIKE and "%blu%'.
Is that possible with full text search?

The only option to something like this is by using the pg_trgm contrib module.
This enables you to create a GIN or GiST index that indexes all sequences of three characters, which can be used for a search with the similarity operator %.
Two notes:
Using the % operator may return “false positive” results, so be sure to add a second condition (e.g. with LIKE) that eliminates those.
A trigram search works well with longer search strings, but performs badly with short search strings because of the many false positive results.
If that is not good enough for your purposes, you'll have to resort to an third-party solution.


SQL Server Efficient Search for LIKE '%str%'

In Sql Server, I have a table containing 46 million rows.
In "Title" column of table, I want make search. The word may be at any index of field value.
For example:
Value in table: BROTHERS COMPANY
Search string: ROTHER
I want this search to match the given record. This is exactly what LIKE '%ROTHER%' do. However, LIKE '%%' usage should not be used on large tables because of performance issues. How can I achieve it?
Though I don't know your requirements, your best approach may be to challenge them. Middle-of-the-string searches are usually not very practical. If you can get your users to perform prefix searches (broth%) then you can easily use Full Text's wildcard search (CONTAINS(*, '"broth*"')). Full Text can also handle suffix searches (%rothers) with a little extra work.
But when it comes to middle-of-the-string searches with SQL Server, you're stuck using LIKE. However you may be able to improve performance of LIKE by using a binary collation as explained in this article. (I hate to post a link without including its content but it is way too long of an article to post here and I don't understand the approach enough to sum it up.)
If that doesn't help and if middle-of-the-string searches are that important of a requirement then you should consider using a different search solution like Lucene.
Add Full-Text index if you want.
You can search the table using CONTAINS:
FROM YourTable
WHERE CONTAINS(TableColumnName, 'SearchItem')

SQL: LIKE and Contains — Different results

I am using MS SQL Express SQL function Contains to select data. However when I selected data with LIKE operator, I realised that Contains function is missing a few rows.
Rebuilt indexes but it didn't help.
Sql: brs.SearchText like '%aprilis%' and CONTAINS(brs.SearchText, '*aprilis*')
The contains function missed rows like:
PS. If I search directly CONTAINS(brs.SearchText, '*22-28.aprīlis*'), then it finds them
contains is functionality based on the full text index. It supports words, phrases, and prefixed matches on words, but not suffixed matches. So you can match words that start with 'aprilis' but not words that end with it or that contain it arbitrarily in the middle. You might be able to take advantage of a thesaurus for these terms.
This is explained in more detail in the documentation.

Lucene - Which field contains search term?

I have developed a search application with Lucene. I have created the basic search. Basically, my app works as follows:
My index has many fields. (Around 40)
User can enter query to multiple fields i.e: +NAME:John +SURNAME:Doe
Queries can contain wildcards such as ? and * i.e: +NAME:J?hn +SURNAME:Do*
Queries can also contain fuzzy i.e: +NAME:Jahn~0.5
Now, I want to find, which field(s) contains my search term(s). As I am using wildcard and fuzzy, I cannot just make string comparison. How can I do it?
If you need it for debugging purposes, you could use IndexSearcher.explain.
Otherwise, this problem looks like highlighting, so you should be able to find out the fields that matched by:
re-analyzing your document,
or using its term vectors.

Lucene: search within search using FuzzyQuery

I need to make a FuzzyQuery using an index that contains around 8 million lines. That kind of query is pretty slow, needing about 20 seconds for every match. The fact is that I can narrow down the results using another field to about 5000 hits before doing the fuzzy search. For this to work, I should be able to make a search by the "narrower" field first, and then use the fuzzy search within those results.
According to the lucene FAQ, the only thing I have to do is a BooleanQuery, where the "narrower" should be required (BooleanClause.Occur.MUST in lucene 3).
Now I have tried two different approaches:
a) Using the Query Parser, with an input like:
narrower:+narrowing_text fuzzy:fuzzy_text~0.9
b) Constructing a BooleanQuery with a TermQuery and a FuzzyQuery
Neither did work, I'm getting about the same times than the ones when the narrower is not used.
Also, just to check that if the narrower was working the times should be much better, I reindexed only the 5000 items that match the narrower, and the search went fast as hell.
In case anyone wonders, I'm using pylucene 3.0.2.
Doppleganger, you can probably use a Filter, specifically a QueryWrapperFilter.
Follow the example from Lucene in Action. You may have to make some modifications for use in python, but otherwise it should be simple:
Create the query that narrows this down to 5000 hits.
Use it to build a QueryWrapperFilter.
Use the filter in a search involving the fuzzy query.

SQL with Regular Expressions vs Indexes with Logical Merging Functions

I am trying to develop a complex textual search engine.
I have thousands of textual pages from many books.
I need to search pages that contain specified complex logical criterias.
These criterias can contain virtually any compination of the following:
A: Full words.
B: Word roots (semilar to stems; i.e. all words with certain key letters).
C: Word templates (in some languages roots are filled in certain templates to form various part of speech such as adjactives, past/present verbs...).
D: Logical connectives: AND/OR/XOR/NOT/IF/IFF and parentheses to state priorities.
Now, would it be faster to have the pages' full text in database (not indexed) and search through them all using SQL and Regular Expressions ?
Or would it be better to construct indexes of word/root/template-page-location tuples.
Hence, we can boost searching for individual words/roots/templates.
However, it gets tricky as we introduce logical connectives into our queries.
I thought of doing the following steps in such cases:
1: Seperately search for each individual words/roots/templates in the specified query.
2: On priority bases, we merge two result lists (from step 1) at a time depedning on the logical connective
For example, if we are searching for "he AND (is OR was)":
1: We shall search for "he", "is" and "was" seperately and get result lists for each word.
2: Merge the result lists of "is" and "was" using the merging function OR-MERGE.
3: Merge the merged result list from the OR-MERGE function with the one of "he" using the merging function AND-MERGE.
The result of step 3 is then returned as the result of the specified query.
What do you think gurues ? Which is faster ? Any better ideas ?
Thank you all in advance.
There are plenty of off-the-shelf solutions to this kind of problem. I would strongly recommend you use one of those instead of developing your own.
You don't say what database solution you're using. If it's Microsoft SQL Server, you could use its Full Text Search features. If it's MySQL, take a look at its Full-Text Search Functions. I'm sure Oracle, DB2 and any other major DBMS will have similar functionality.
Alternatively, take a look at Apache's Lucene for Java or Lucene for .NET. This will allow you to index documents without needing to use a DBMS.