Consul back up strategy (service discovery, consensus) - backup

I am interested in creating backups (snapshots) for data being stored in consul. I am using it as my backend storage for my service. I found few tools like consulate, consul-backup which take snapshots for the data which consul stores on the disk. Imagine, I have a 5 node set up where consul is running on all the 5 hosts and we have a quorum of 3. One of them is going to be the leader. With different back up strategies implemented, which backup the data on every single host, does it make more sense to back up only the leader ? The leader would be expected to maintain the most latest state of data. Then why do we need to back up every single host? And if we decide to back up just the leader, then if the leadership changes while the data was being backed up, would that result into any issues ?


Apache Kafka: Mirroring vs. Replication

Mirroring is replicating data between Kafka cluster, while Replication is for replicating nodes within a Kafka cluster.
Is there any specific use of Replication, if Mirroring has already been setup?
They are used for different use cases. Let's try to clarify.
As described in the documentation,
The purpose of adding replication in Kafka is for stronger durability and higher availability. We want to guarantee that any successfully published message will not be lost and can be consumed, even when there are server failures. Such failures can be caused by machine error, program error, or more commonly, software upgrades. We have the following high-level goals:
Inside a cluster there might be network partitions (a single server fails, and so forth), therefore we want to provide replication between the nodes. Given a setup of three nodes and one cluster, if server1 fails, there are two replicas Kafka can choose from. Same cluster implies same response times (ok, it also depends on how these servers are configured, sure, but in a normal scenario they should not differ so much).
Mirroring, on the other hand, seems to be very valuable, for example, when you are migrating a data center, or when you have multiple data centers (e.g., AWS in the US and AWS in Ireland). Of course, these are just a couple of use cases. So what you do here is to give applications belonging to the same data center a faster and better way to access data - data locality in some contexts is everything.
If you have one node in each cluster, in case of failure, you might have way higher response times to go, let's say, from AWS located in Ireland to AWS in the US.
You might claim that in order to achieve data locality (services in cluster one read from kafka in cluster one) one still needs to copy the data from one cluster to the other. That's definitely true, but the advantages you might get with mirroring could be higher than those you would get by reading directly (via an SSH tunnel?) from Kafka located in another data center, for example single connections down, clients connection/session times longer (depending on the location of the data center), legislation (some data can be collected in a country while some other data shouldn't).
Replication is the basis of higher availability. You shouldn't use Mirroring to handle high availability in a context where data locality matters. At the same time, you should not use just Replication where you need to duplicate data across data centers (I don't even know if you can without Mirroring/an ssh tunnel).

Redis cache in a clustered web farm? Sync between two member nodes?

Ok, so what I have are 2 web servers running inside of a Windows NLB clustered environment. The servers are identical in every respect, and as you'd expect in an NLB clustered environment, everybody is hitting the cluster name and not the individual members. We also have affinity turned off on the members in the cluster.
But, what I'm trying to do is to turn on some caching for a few large files (MP3s). It's easy enough to dial up a Redis node on one particular member and hit it, everything works like you'd expect. I can pull the data from the cache and serve it up as needed.
Now, let's add the overhead of the NLB. With an NLB in play, you may not be hitting the same web server each time. You might make your first hit to member 01, and the second hit to 02. So, I'd need a way to sync between the two servers. That way it doesn't matter which cluster member you hit, you are going to get the same data.
I don't need to worry about one cache being out of date, the only thing I'm storing in there is read only data from an internal web service.
I've only got 2 servers and it looks like redis clusters need 3. So I guess that's out.
Is this the best approach? Or perhaps there is something else better?
Reasons for redis: We only want the cache to use in-memory only. No writes to the database. Thought this would be a good fit, but need to make sure the data is available in both servers.
It's not possible to have redis multi master (writing on both). And I might say it's replication is blazing fast (check the slaveof command of Redis).
But why you need it in the same server? Access it as a service. So every node will access the actual data. If the main server goes down, the slave will promptly turn itself into a master.
One observation: you might notice that Redis makes use of disk in an async way. An append only file that it does checkpoint depending on the size from time to time so.

synch data in Redis multi masters configuration

I'm a newbie to Redis and I was wondering if someone could help me to understand if it can be the right tool.
This is my scenario:
I have many different nodes, everyone behaving like a master and accepting clients connections to read and write a few geographical data data and the timestamp of the incoming record.
Each master node could be hosted onto a drone that only randomly get in touch and can comunicate with others, accordind to network conditions; when this happens they should synchronize their data according to their age (only the ones more recent than a specified time).
Is there any way to achieve this by Redis or do I have to implement this feature at application level?
I tried master/slaves configuration without success and I was wondering if Redis Cluster can somewhat meet my neeeds.
I googled around, but what I found had not an answer good for me
Using Redis Replication on different machines (multi master)
Teo, as a matter of fact, redis don't have a multi master replication.
And the cluster shard it's data through different instances. Say you have only two redis instances. Instance1 will accept store and retrieve instance1 and instance2 data. But he will ask for, and store in, instance2 every key that does not belong to his shard.
This is not, I think, really what you want. You could give a try to PostgreSQL+BDR as PostgreSQL supports nosql store and BDR provides a real master master replication ( if that's really what you need.
I work with both today (and also MongoDB). Each one with a different goal. Redis would provide a smaller overhead and memory use, fast connection and fast replication. But it won't provide multi master (if you really need it).

Couchbase node failure

My understanding could be amiss here. As I understand it, Couchbase uses a smart client to automatically select which node to write to or read from in a cluster. What I DON'T understand is, when this data is written/read, is it also immediately written to all other nodes? If so, in the event of a node failure, how does Couchbase know to use a different node from the one that was 'marked as the master' for the current operation/key? Do you lose data in the event that one of your nodes fails?
This sentence from the Couchbase Server Manual gives me the impression that you do lose data (which would make Couchbase unsuitable for high availability requirements):
With fewer larger nodes, in case of a node failure the impact to the
application will be greater
Thank you in advance for your time :)
By default when data is written into couchbase client returns success just after that data is written to one node's memory. After that couchbase save it to disk and does replication.
If you want to ensure that data is persisted to disk in most client libs there is functions that allow you to do that. With help of those functions you can also enshure that data is replicated to another node. This function is called observe.
When one node goes down, it should be failovered. Couchbase server could do that automatically when Auto failover timeout is set in server settings. I.e. if you have 3 nodes cluster and stored data has 2 replicas and one node goes down, you'll not lose data. If the second node fails you'll also not lose all data - it will be available on last node.
If one node that was Master goes down and failover - other alive node becames Master. In your client you point to all servers in cluster, so if it unable to retreive data from one node, it tries to get it from another.
Also if you have 2 nodes in your disposal you can install 2 separate couchbase servers and configure XDCR (cross datacenter replication) and manually check servers availability with HA proxies or something else. In that way you'll get only one ip to connect (proxy's ip) which will automatically get data from alive server.
Hopefully Couchbase is a good system for HA systems.
Let me explain in few sentence how it works, suppose you have a 5 nodes cluster. The applications, using the Client API/SDK, is always aware of the topology of the cluster (and any change in the topology).
When you set/get a document in the cluster the Client API uses the same algorithm than the server, to chose on which node it should be written. So the client select using a CRC32 hash the node, write on this node. Then asynchronously the cluster will copy 1 or more replicas to the other nodes (depending of your configuration).
Couchbase has only 1 active copy of a document at the time. So it is easy to be consistent. So the applications get and set from this active document.
In case of failure, the server has some work to do, once the failure is discovered (automatically or by a monitoring system), a "fail over" occurs. This means that the replicas are promoted as active and it is know possible to work like before. Usually you do a rebalance of the node to balance the cluster properly.
The sentence you are commenting is simply to say that the less number of node you have, the bigger will be the impact in case of failure/rebalance, since you will have to route the same number of request to a smaller number of nodes. Hopefully you do not lose data ;)
You can find some very detailed information about this way of working on Couchbase CTO blog:
Note: I am working as developer evangelist at Couchbase

NService Bus: Nitty-Gritty Deployment Issues

Please consider the following questions in the context of multiple publications from a scaled out publisher (using DB subscription storage) and multiple subscriptions with scaled out subscribers (using distributors) where installs and uninstalls happen regularly for initial deployments, upgrades, etc. using automated MSI's.
Using DB subscription storage, what happens if the DB goes down? If access to the Subscription DB is required in order to Publish a message, how will it be delivered? Will it get lost? Will the call to Bus.Publish throw an exception?
Assuming you need to have no down-time deployments: What if you want to move your subscription DB for a particular publication to a different server? How do you manage a transition like this?
Same question goes for a distributor on the subscriber side: What if you want to move your distributor endpoint? One scenario I can think of is if you have multiple subscriptions utilizing a single distributor machine, it might be hard if you want to move some of them to another distributor server to reduce load.
What would the install/uninstall scenarios look like for a setup like this (both initially, and for continuous upgrades)? It seems like you would want to have some special install/uninstall scripts for deployment of the "logical publication" and subscription DB, as well as for the "logical subscriptions" and the distributors. The publisher instances wouldn't need any special install/uninstall logic (since they just start publishing messages using the configured subscription DB, and then stop when they are uninstalled). The subscriber worker nodes wouldn't need anything special on install other than the correct configuration of the distributor endpoint, but would need uninstall logic to make sure they are removed from the distributors list of worker nodes.
Eventually the publisher will fail and the messages will build up in the internal queue. You will have to plan the size of disk you need to handle this based on the message size and how long you want to wait for a DB to come up. From there it is based how much downtime you can handle. You can use DB mirroring or clustering to make the DB have less downtime.
Mirroring and clustering technologies can also help with this. Depends on if you want to do manual or automatic failover and where your doing it(remote sites?).
Clustering MSMQ could help you here. If you want to drop a distributor and move it within a cluster you'd be ok. Another possibility is to expose your distributors via HTTP and load balance them behind either a software or hardware load balancing solution. Behind the load balancer you'd be more free to move things around.
Sounds like you have a good grasp on this one already :)
To your first question, about the high availability of the subscription DB, you can use a cluster for failover. If the DB is down, then the Bus.Publish will throw an exception, yes. It is recommended to keep the subscription DB separate from your applicative DB to avoid having to bring it down when upgrading your app. This doesn't have to be a separate DB server, a separate DB on the same DB server will be fine.
About moving servers, this is usually managed at a DNS level where for a certain period of time you'll have both running, until communication moves over.
On your third question about distributors - don't share a distributor between different publishers or subscribers.
As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to not add/remove subscribers when doing these kinds of maintainenance activities. This usually simplifies things quite a bit.