How to open access in google spreadsheet for a google api project? - api

I need a help. I have a project in google api, but i don't know how to open access in google spreadsheet for a project. So which gmail i need to open access?

You may refer with this documentation.
Every request your application sends to the Google Sheets API needs to identify your application to Google. There are two ways to identify your application: using an OAuth 2.0 token (which also authorizes the request) and/or using the application's API key. Here's how to determine which of those options to use:
If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an individual's private data), then the application must provide an [OAuth 2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to.
If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for you.
Here are some examples and quickstart.


is OAuth 2.0 appropriate for my use-case?

I am building a restful API that allows users to access and manage their own resources programmatically (via CURL/HTTP) instead of using the dashboard we provide.
I have my own authorization server and resource servers so there is no 3rd party involved. I am torn between using OAuth 2.0 and simple API Keys. OAuth 2.0 seems like an overkill, yet I don't want to release a public API then change the authorization method in the future.
Is it possible to build a hybrid solution where users can log-in to the dashboard, generate a "refresh-token", specify the scope, then copy this refresh-token and use it in their own code to call the /token endpoint and get an access token?
This would be similar to OAuth 2.0 except that the authorization step is done directly by the authenticated user on the 1st party dashboard. Is this a legitimate solution? Do you have any other recommendations?
OAuth2 is to outsource user/password/MFA management, integration with social logins. You seem to manage users in your dashboard already. On that basis, issuing a manual access token as you described works, provided you sign it and the verify signature in the api/resource servers.

Make Google Calendar API client library to call API directly with access token/refresh token

We have two solutions, one is a website, the other is a windows service. We write our own HTTP client class to redirect the users to go through the Google OAuth process from the website and get the Google Calendar access token/refresh token. Now we want the windows service to call the Google calendar API with the .net client library and access token/refresh token.
However, it appears that in order to use the client library, we have to go through the OAuth process again. Since we already get the access token/refresh token, I wonder whether it's possible to make the client library to call the Google Calendar API directly with the access token/refresh token.
I read through their doc and it appears that there's no similar examples:
Any proposals are appreciated. Thank you!

Web API 2: Authentication and authorization with third-party access tokens generated in the browser

I am struggling with understanding how to implement the following in Web API 2's OWIN pipeline.
I am building an application that will allow users to log in with several third-party identity providers such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. However, I want the authentication step to be performed entirely client-side. For example, Facebook provides developers a snippet of markup and JavaScript that perform the authentication within the browser, resulting in a Facebook access token--all without any calls to my API.
The Web API templates that ship with Visual Studio 2013 all seem to assume that the API itself is in charge of the authentication flow. I have successfully gotten this style of authentication working, but in my opinion it is not the responsibility of the API to perform this work.
Here is the approach I have been trying to implement (so far unsuccessfully):
Provide endpoints like /authenticate/facebook that accept the appropriate access token and return a JWT with "decoded" claims if the access token is valid. This JWT would have similar claims regardless of the third-party identity provider. For Facebook, I think this involves a call to Graph API's /me endpoint.
Store the JWT in the browser's localStorage for subsequent API calls
Send the JWT in the Authorize header for each API call
Avoid cookies if at all possible
My questions:
Is this an appropriate way to handle third-party authorization?
Should the JWT's expiration match the third-party access token's? I assume yes, but I want to be aware of any caveats here.
Where and how do I store the third-party access tokens for use on subsequent API calls? Do I include them with the JWT?
Is there a template I can use out-of-the-box, or perhaps an online resource that implements authentication and authorization in this way? I don't understand how to use Web API's many classes and features to implement this.
I have this mostly figured out now. I believe my architecture choice is the correct one after much research, specifically into the so-called "assertion flow." I am using Thinktecture's Identity Server 3 project to act as my STS. I am using a custom implementation of ICustomGrantValidator to perform the validation of the Facebook access token and conversion to claims.

How to create a user using directory API with no user behind (OAuth2 or so authentication)

I have an application with users/password (not developed by us) that calls a web service to inform us when a new user is created. This web service should enable us to create automatically a user through the google Directory API service to create an account on the Google Apps For Education.
How can I do that without using OAuth but using only login/password for the admin user of the Google Apps account ?
I know to update CSV file to create/update accounts in Google Apps but would need to create the accounts on Google without doing manual upload and batch.
Thanks for your answer.
The old ClientLogin authentication method for Google APIs is deprecated and is not supported by the Admin SDK Directory API.
You should use OAuth 2.0. Once you have the OAuth 2.0 refresh token for your script, you don't need to reauthenticate the user each time, just grab a new access token if the current one expires.
You may also be able to take advantage of existing applications that already perform the OAuth work for you like GAM.
I just did this exact same thing in a GAfE domain. I needed to create 60,000 accounts quickly, and have them placed in specific organizational units (schools). I'm now putting together a series on how to make sense out of Google Apps for Education using the API explorer and OAuth 2.0.
Basically, you'll need to forget passing user/pass credentials using the API. You'll need to create an OAuth 2.0 ID (web application), and enter a redirect URI (the callback page that will process the request after authorization has been granted). At this point, you'll need to compile a URL string with the following information:
Base URL for the authorization request
data scope
client ID
response type
redirect URI
See the example below:
Once authorization has been granted, you'll be passed a code in the URL that you'll need to exchange for an ACCESS TOKEN using a POST request to https:// The response will include the access token that you can then use in your POST request to the directory.users.insert API.

Authentication for new Twitter API 1.1

I have an application that needs to display number of followers and following (users/show.json) for a random user on a public page (authentication is not required).
With the Twitter API 1.0 it was quite easy as authentication is not needed for the request. With the new Twitter API 1.1 is no more possible, so I need to authenticate the request (via OAuth).
Is it possible only "authenticate" the application and not the user too?
I mean: can I avoid to ask user to login and only authenticate with application key/secret? Or everytime I need to create a token with user credentials too, creating callback, etc.?
Yes, it is possible! If your application doesn't need to do things like post statuses or send direct messages on behalf of a user, you should be able to retrieve all of a user's public information with a single hardcoded set of Twitter OAuth credentials, and not require the user to authenticate.
Login to Twitter and go to the developer dashboard at
Register a new application; after the application is registered, view the application details. You'll see an "OAuth Tool" tab, where you'll find all the relevant OAuth values for that application: Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.
Using these credentials, you'll be able to make requests to the new Twitter API.
If you're not comfortable using the Twitter API directly, there are a number of good API wrappers out there for various languages -- among others, the Temboo SDK, which will give you code snippets for calling various methods (and also gives you a place to securely store your Twitter credentials, so you don't need to bake them into your application).
Take a look at:
(Full disclosure: I work at Temboo.)
The easiest way to do what you're asking is to use Twitter API 1.1's 'application-only authentication' feature, which works for much of the API. See Application-only authentication. You can see a Python example of it in
Once you have a bearer token, you only need to include that in your request authorization header - signing is not necessary.