I have a table that shows the amount of units produced by an employee. It also has the transaction time.
Is it possible to display data in such a way that when the current time is between 7 am to 3 pm it should only display the transaction that took place during that period of time and then when the current time is 3pm then it should only display the transactions between 3-11 pm.
sample data
units | name | TIME
10 | aa | 08:33:22
26 | bb | 10:33:22
36 | cc | 16:33:22
11 | dd | 18:33:22
Now if the current time is 13:00:00 i want all the transcations between 7am to 3pm which will be just the first 2. But when the time is 15:00:00 then it should automatically show all the transactions between 3pm - 11pm
You can use where:
where (datepart(hour, getdate()) between 7 and 14 and
datepart(hour, transactiondatetime) between 7 and 14
) or
(datepart(hour, getdate()) not between 7 and 14 and
datepart(hour, transactiondatetime) between 11 and 22
index="dummy" url="https://www.dummy.com" status="200 OK"
| stats count by id
| where count > 10
If I apply this above query for 1 day, I would get, for example
id count
ABC 50
XYZ 60
This would mean ABC hit https://www.dummy.com 50 times in 1 day, and XYZ called that 60 times.
Now I want to check this for 1 day but with every two hours interval
Suppose, ABC called that request 25 times at 12:00 AM, then 25 times at 3:AM,
and XYZ called all the 60 requests between 12 AM and 2 AM
I want the output to look like this (time format doesn't matter)
id count time
XYZ 60 12:00 AM
ABC 25 12:00 AM
ABC 25 2:00 AM
You can use bin to group events into time buckets. You can use any span value, but for the 2 hours you mentioned, the updated query would be:
index="dummy" url="https://www.dummy.com" status="200 OK"
| bin _time span=2h
| stats count by id, _time
| where count > 10
In PostgreSQL I am extracting hour from the timestamp using below query.
select count(*) as logged_users, EXTRACT(hour from login_time::timestamp) as Hour
from loginhistory
where login_time::date = '2021-04-21'
group by Hour order by Hour;
And the output is as follows
logged_users | hour
27 | 7
82 | 8
229 | 9
1620 | 10
1264 | 11
1990 | 12
1027 | 13
1273 | 14
1794 | 15
1733 | 16
878 | 17
126 | 18
21 | 19
5 | 20
3 | 21
1 | 22
I want the same output for same SQL for 30 mins. Please suggest
SELECT to_timestamp((extract(epoch FROM login_time::timestamp)::bigint / 1800) * 1800)::timestamp AS interval_30_min
, count(*) AS logged_users
FROM loginhistory
WHERE login_time::date = '2021-04-21' -- inefficient!
Extracting the epoch gets the number of seconds since the epoch. Integer division truncates. Multiplying back effectively rounds down, achieving the same as date_trunc() for arbitrary time intervals.
1800 because 30 minutes contain 1800 seconds.
Detailed explanation:
Truncate timestamp to arbitrary intervals
The cast to timestamp makes me wonder about the actual data type of login_time? If it's timestamptz, the cast depends on your current time zone setting and sets you up for surprises if that setting changes. See:
How do I match an entire day to a datetime field?
Subtract hours from the now() function
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Depending on the actual data type, and exact definition of your date boundaries, there is a more efficient way to phrase your WHERE clause.
You can change the column on which you're aggregating to use the minute too:
count(*) as logged_users,
CONCAT(EXTRACT(hour from login_time::timestamp), '-', CASE WHEN EXTRACT(minute from login_time::timestamp) < 30 THEN 0 ELSE 30 END) as HalfHour
from loginhistory
where login_time::date = '2021-04-21'
group by HalfHour
order by HalfHour;
I'm try to run a query that will allow me to see where we have scripts running that are older than 3 months old over the last 30 days delivery, so we know they need to be updated.
I have been able to build the query to show me all the scripts and their last regen dates (with specific dates put in) but can't work out;
How to look at only the last 30 days data.
How to see only the scripts where the date_regen column is older than 3 months from today's date - From the last 30 days data that I'm reviewing.
visit_datetime | client | script | date_regen |
2019/10/04 03:32:51 | 1 | script1 | 2019-09-17 13:12:01 |
2019/09/27 03:32:52 | 2 | script2 | 2019-07-18 09:44:02 |
2019/10/06 03:32:50 | 3 | script3 | 2019-03-18 14:08:02 |
2019/10/02 06:28:24 | 4 | script6 | 2019-09-11 10:02:01 |
2019/03/01 06:28:24 | 5 | script7 | 2019-02-11 10:02:01 |
The below examples haven't been able to get me what I need. My idea was that I would get the current date (using now()) and then knowing that, look at all data in the last 30 days.
After that I would then WHERE month,-3 (so date_regen 3 months+ old from the current date.
However I can't get it to work. I also looked at trying to do -days but that also had no success.
-- WHERE MONTH = MONTH(now()) AND YEAR = YEAR(now())
-- WHERE date_regen <= DATEADD(MONTH,-3,GETDATE())
-- WHERE DATEDIFF(MONTH, date_regen, GetDate()) >= 3
Code I am currently using to get the table
SELECT split_part(js,'#',1) AS script,
FROM table
WHERE YEAR=2019 AND MONTH=10 AND DAY = 01 (This where is irrelevant as I would need to use now() but I don't know what replaces "YEAR/MONTH/DAY ="
GROUP BY script,date_regen,client
I should only see client 3 as clients 1+2+4 have tags where the date_regen is in the last 3 months, and client 5 has a visit_datetime out of the 30 limit.
visit_datetime | client | script | date_regen |
2019/10/06 03:32:50 | 3 | script3 | 2019-03-18 14:08:02 |
I think you want simple filtering:
select t.*
from t
where visit_datetime >= current_timestamp - interval 30 day and
date_regen < add_months(current_timestamp, -3)
I have a table that looks like this for a span of many years:
dump_time | group_id | client_count
2014-10-21 19:45:00 | 145 | 74
2014-10-21 19:45:00 | 131 | 279
2014-10-21 19:45:00 | 139 | 49
where dump_time is of type 'timestamp without time zone'.
I want to select only rows that match a specific week of the year and a specific day of the week. For instance, I want all rows that are 3rd day of the 15th week of the year. Any idea on how I could do this? I've explored the EXTRACT command, but haven't quite figured it out.
select *
from testme
where extract(week from dump_time) = 15
and extract(dow from dump_time) = 3
I have a table that contains two columns - date an amount (usage). I want to compare my usage with last year's
Date Amount
01-01-2015 23
02-01-2015 24
03-01-2015 19
04-01-2015 11
05-01-2015 5
06-01-2015 23
07-01-2015 21
08-01-2015 6
09-01-2015 26
10-01-2015 9
01-01-2016 30
02-01-2016 19
03-01-2016 5
04-01-2016 8
05-01-2016 15
06-01-2016 27
07-01-2016 19
08-01-2016 21
09-01-2016 24
10-01-2016 27
[until today's date]
The sql statement should return results up to today's date and the diff should be a running total - the amount on a day in 2016 minus the amount on the same day in 2015, plus the previous difference. Assuming today is Jan 10, the result would be:
Day Diff
01-01-2016 7 (30-23)
02-01-2016 2 (19-24+7)
03-01-2016 -12 (5-19+2)
04-01-2016 -15 (8-11-12)
05-01-2016 -5 (and so on...)
06-01-2016 -1
07-01-2016 -3
08-01-2016 12
09-01-2016 10
10-01-2016 28
I can't figure out to do this when the data is all in one table...
Try this
SELECT t1.date Day,SUM(t2.Diff) FROM
amounts t1
(SELECT amounts.date Day, amounts.amount-prevamounts.amount Diff
FROM amounts inner join amounts prevamounts
ON amounts.date=date(prevamounts.date,'+1 years')) t2
ON t2.Day<=t1.date
group by t1.date;
demo here :