Can't configure GPU bios properly - gpu

I have 6 GPUs of RX470. It should be mining average 25-27 mh/s each but it's only 20 mh/s. Overall is 120 instead of 150-170. I think the problem is GPU bios configuration but can't figure out any other thing. Any suggestions?

25 mh/s is what you would expect from an RX 480 stock. To get the same hashrate for RX 470, you'd be looking at overclocking memory speed (+600). In terms of how to overclock, it depends on whether your running linux or windows.


Performance drop in matrix multiplication for certain sizes on AMD Polaris

I have an OpenCL code that multiplies 2 matrices (GEMM) with M=4096, N=4096 and K=16. (i.e. matrices 4096 x 16 floats)
I run it on Polaris 560, 16CU GPU.
I noticed very strange performance drops for this size, matrix multiplication with this size has ~8-10 GFlops performance while if I change N to 4095 or 4097 I'm getting around 130-150Gflops. I notices similar behaviour with other GEMM libraries like clblas or miopengemm - I'm getting significant performance drop for this particular size of 4096x16 and changing N by 1 boosts the performance several times.
The workload is split into work-groups of 256 threads. Each work-group handles 128x16 and 128x16 matrix tiles (8x8 block per threads).
I tried changing matrix tiling to 96x96 with 6x6 blocks instead of 128x128 with 8x8 - same result.
I tested same code with ROCm 3.7 OpenCL, Clover OpenCL and even with Windows OpenCL driver - same behavior.
There is no such issue with nvidia gtx 960 having same number of gpu cores (threads) and same memory type/size.
I suspect that this is somehow cache/collision related but I don't understand how it happens. Thus I don't know how to work-around it.
Finally I found that clBlas library (developed for AMD originally) handles special case of lda % 1024==0, ldb % 1024==0 probably due to cache
I found that the better way was to rearrange blocks in z-curve order instead of queuing several kernels.
To handle cases M!=N or M != 1<<n I just increased number of work groups on M/N to neares 1<<n and groups that don't have jobs exit in the begging not adding too much overhead.
z-order improved performance x4 times.

WSL2 io speeds on Linux filesystem are slow

Trying out WSL2 for the first time. Running Ubuntu 18.04 on a Dell Latitude 9510 with an SSD. Noticed build speeds of a React project were brutally slow. Per all the articles on the web I'm running the project out of ~ and not the windows mount. Ran a benchmark using sysbench --test=fileio --file-test-mode=seqwr run in ~ and got:
File operations:
reads/s: 0.00
writes/s: 3009.34
fsyncs/s: 3841.15
read, MiB/s: 0.00
written, MiB/s: 47.02
General statistics:
total time: 10.0002s
total number of events: 68520
Latency (ms):
min: 0.01
avg: 0.14
max: 22.55
95th percentile: 0.31
sum: 9927.40
Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 68520.0000/0.00
execution time (avg/stddev): 9.9274/0.00
If I'm reading this correctly, that wrote 47 mb/s. Ran the same test on my mac mini and got 942 mb/s. Is this normal? This seems like the Linux i/o speeds on WSL are unusably slow. Any thoughts on ways to speed this up?
Not sure if this is a fair comparison, but the output of winsat disk -drive c on the same machine from the Windows side. Smoking fast:
> Dshow Video Encode Time 0.00000 s
> Dshow Video Decode Time 0.00000 s
> Media Foundation Decode Time 0.00000 s
> Disk Random 16.0 Read 719.55 MB/s 8.5
> Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 1940.39 MB/s 9.0
> Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 1239.84 MB/s 8.6
> Average Read Time with Sequential Writes 0.077 ms 8.8
> Latency: 95th Percentile 0.219 ms 8.9
> Latency: Maximum 2.561 ms 8.7
> Average Read Time with Random Writes 0.080 ms 8.9
> Total Run Time 00:00:07.55
---edit 2---
Windows version: Windows 10 Pro, Version 20H2 Build 19042
Late answer, but I had the same issue and wanted to post my solution for anyone who has the problem:
Windows Defender seems to destroy the read speeds in WSL. I added the entire rootfs folder as an exclusion. If you're comfortable turning off Windows Defender, I recommend that as well. Any antivirus probably has similar issues, so adding the WSL directories as an exclusion is probably you best bet.

Loading large set of images kill the process

Loading 1500 images of size (1000,1000,3) breaks the code and throughs kill 9 without any further error. Memory used before this line of code is 16% of system total memory. Total size of images direcotry is 7.1G.
X = np.asarray(images).astype('float64')
y = np.asarray(labels).astype('float64')
system spec is:
OS: macOS Catalina
processor: 2.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 16 GB 2
memory: 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
getting the bellow error while running the code on 32 vCPUs, 120 GB memory.
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 14.1 GiB for an array with shape (1200, 1024, 1024, 3) and data type float32
You would have to provide some more info/details for an exact answer but, assuming that this is a memory error(incredibly likely, size of the images on disk does not represent the size they would occupy in memory, so that is irrelevant. In 100% of all cases, the images in memory will occupy a lot more space due to pointers, objects that are needed and so on. Intuitively I would say that 16GB of ram is nowhere nearly enough to load 7GB of images. It's impossible to tell you how much you would need but from experience I would say that you'd need to bump it up to 64GB. If you are using Keras, I would suggest looking into the DirectoryIterator.
As Cris Luengo pointed out, I missed the fact that you stated the size of the images.

Tensorflow strange CPU usage

my problem is with Tensorflow and the usage of the CPU.
My System:
CPU => AMD FX 8320 (8 Cores รก 3,5ghz) and 8 Threads
Grafik => GTX 970
RAM => 16Gb and i belive ddr3 2600
I want to run a A3C algorithm for Starcraft 2 (pysc2) on my pc what works fine but the usage of the cpu ist somewhat strange.
If i start the algorithm with 4 Workers i get something about 150k Steps in 1h
and all cpu's are used about 25-30%
If i start the same algorithm with 8 Workers i get something about 120k Steps in 1h and all cpu's are used about 25-30%
If i now start the algorithm with 4 workers twice i get each 150k steps 1h and the cpu usage is 60-70%
Why cant i start the algorithm with 8 Workers, get the double amount of steps in 1H and the cpu is used to 70%?

GTX 970 bandwidth calculation

I am trying to calculate the theoretical bandwidth of gtx970. As per the specs given in:-
Memory clock is 7Gb/s
Memory bus width = 256
Bandwidth = 7*256*2/8 (*2 because it is a DDR)
= 448 GB/s
However, in the specs it is given as 224GB/s
Why is there a factor 2 difference? Am i making a mistake, if so please correct me.
The 7 Gbps seems to be the effective clock, i.e. including the data rate. Also note that the field explanation for this Wikipedia list says that "All DDR/GDDR memories operate at half this frequency, except for GDDR5, which operates at one quarter of this frequency", which suggests that all GDDR5 chips are in fact quad data rate, despite the DDR abbreviation.
Finally, let me point out this note from Wikipedia, which disqualifies the trivial effective clock * bus width formula:
For accessing its memory, the GTX 970 stripes data across 7 of its 8 32-bit physical memory lanes, at 196 GB/s. The last 1/8 of its memory (0.5 GiB on a 4 GiB card) is accessed on a non-interleaved solitary 32-bit connection at 28 GB/s, one seventh the speed of the rest of the memory space. Because this smaller memory pool uses the same connection as the 7th lane to the larger main pool, it contends with accesses to the larger block reducing the effective memory bandwidth not adding to it as an independent connection could.
The clock rate reported is an "effective" clock rate and already takes into account the transfer on both rising and falling edges. The trouble is the factor of 2 for DDR.
Some discussion on devtalk here:
In fact, your format is correct, but the memory clock is wrong. GeForce GTX 970's memory clock is 1753MHz(refers to