VBA dynamic pictures - vba

I am trying to insert a picture into excel based off a cell value. The Cell value is in the image path. I am new, what I have is partially based on recording the macro and part from looking stuff up. This is what I tried...
I keep getting an error on the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert line
Sub Part_Picture()
' Part_Picture Macro
Dim imageName As String
Dim imageFolder As String
Dim imagePath As String
For Each Cell In Range("B7")
imageName = Cell.Value
imageFolder = "Q:\New Project Part Folders\Elizabeth Delgado\Database pictures\Part\" & imageName
imagePath = imageFolder & ".jpg"
Next Cell
End Sub

"Unable to get the insert property of the Pictures class" is a generic error message which you may as well just translate as "Something went wrong with what you're trying to do and I can't give you more information". It's likely though that the path to the image file has not been build correctly.
1) Remove the .Select from your insert statement. Syntactically it makes no sense. Just use ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(imagePath)
2) Check the value in cell B7 is the file name only, not including the extension. Since your code adds ".jpg" you dont need that in B7.
3) Check the file is actually a jpg, not for instance a png
4) Check the file / folder actually exists
FYI For Each Cell In Range("B7") is only going to iterate one cell - B7 - and is unnecessary. If you only intended for one cell to be read you should use imageName = Range("B7").Value, or better yet since you need a string use imageName = Range("B7").Text

Consider this option.
Sub InsertPics()
Dim fPath As String, fName As String
Dim r As Range, rng As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
fPath = "C:\your_path_here\"
Set rng = Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
i = 1
For Each r In rng
fName = Dir(fPath)
Do While fName <> ""
If fName = r.Value Then
With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fPath & fName)
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
Set px = .ShapeRange
If .ShapeRange.Width > Rows(i).Columns(2).Width Then .ShapeRange.Width = Columns(2).Width
With Cells(i, 2)
px.Top = .Top
px.Left = .Left
.RowHeight = px.Height
End With
End With
End If
fName = Dir
i = i + 1
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' Note: you need the file extension, such as ',jpg', or whatever you are using, so you can match on that.
Whatever picture name you put in Column A, will be imported into the adjacent cell in, Column B

The .Pictures.Insert("c:\fixedfile.png") asked a fix file name as its parameter. However you may use FileCopy "desiredfile.png", "fixedfile.png" to replace the content of fixedfile.png which then meet your needs.


Check if there's been data copied/pasted from a excel file (VBA)

Im going to start by telling what my intention was with this code
In my job we have to open every sales order that will be sent in that day and check for the itens to be shipped manually.
Since its very time consuming i tought in creating a worksheet that it will look for the itens in every sales order and copy/paste in my master so i can know what i need to get.
However to my sheet works I had to make a few changes in the Sales order, but now I want to create a error check, that if the file that it was open was an older SO it will tell me its order number so later i can check it.
Also i want to check if by some reason nothing was found in that SO.
Now ill explain what my code does (I have a little knowledge in coding and in excel vba, so please dont judge my ugly script)
Using the value of a cell in a range, it will open the folder and file that matches it's value, then will look for a specific range and for a specific cell value, in this case "Perfil", if this value is found it will copy some cells.
After looking for that file it will open another one and do the same.
However if "Perfil" is not found it wont copy and paste anything and it will just go to the next file.
Public Sub test()
On Error GoTo Errormsg
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim Fonte As Workbook
Dim Dest As Workbook
Dim Filename As String
Dim FolderName As String
Dim Arquivo As String
Dim Path As String
Dim celula As Range
Dim cll As Range
Dim Inicio As Range
Dim Fim As Range
Dim OffInicio As Range
Dim OffFim As Range
Dim busca As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Dest = Workbooks("testee.xlsm")
Path = 'My file path
lrow = Sheets(1).Range("A" & Sheets(1).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each celula In Dest.Worksheets(1).Range("A3:A" & lrow)
Pedido = Cells(celula.Row, 1)
FolderName = Pedido & "*"
Arquivo = "\" & Pedido
Folder = Dir(Path & FolderName, vbDirectory)
Filename = Dir(Path & Folder & Arquivo & "*.xlsx")
Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(Path & Folder & "\" & Filename, 0)
Set Fonte = Workbooks(Filename)
Set Inicio = Fonte.Worksheets(1).Cells.Find(what:="MODO DE FIXAÇÃO DO PRODUTO")
Set Fim = Fonte.Worksheets(1).Cells.Find(what:="OBSERVAÇÕES")
Set OffInicio = Inicio.Offset(1, 0)
Set OffFim = Fim.Offset(-1, 1)
Set busca = Range(OffInicio, OffFim).Columns(5)
Set check = Range(OffInicio, OffFim).Columns(9)
Range(OffInicio, OffFim).Columns(5).Select
Set busca = Selection
For Each cl In busca
tipo = Cells(cl.Row, 5).Value
If tipo = "Perfil" Then
tamanho = Cells(cl.Row, 6).Value
expessura = Cells(cl.Row, 11).Value
cor = Cells(cl.Row, 12).Value
lrow2 = Dest.Sheets(2).Range("D" & Dest.Sheets(2).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
linha = lrow2 + 1
Dest.Sheets(2).Range("D" & linha).Value = Pedido
Dest.Sheets(2).Range("E" & linha).Value = tamanho
Dest.Sheets(2).Range("H" & linha).Value = cor
End If
Next cl
End If
Next celula
lrow2 = Dest.Sheets(2).Range("D" & Dest.Sheets(2).Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
linha = lrow2 + 1
Dest.Sheets(2).Range("D" & linha).Value = Pedido
Dest.Sheets(2).Range("E" & linha).Value = "Pedido com modelo Antigo"
End Sub
I want to know the files that no data has been copied, so I can check manually and see why it wasnt.
To do that i tought in checking if in that file any data has been copied and pasted in my master sheet, if nothing was done it will send a message in a cell telling its number so i can check it later.
Now is my question:
I dont know if is possible to check if anything was pasted from that file, in case is possible, how i do that?
I cant just check if "Perfil" exists because for my sheet works I had to change a few things in the sheets that had the data I needed, and "perfil"is not something that the older version of it had.
Also in my new version "Perfil"is not the only value that the column can have so i cant just check if perfil is not found there.
There are a few ways you can check if anything has changed in the workbook. I'd suggest this method:
In any (new or existing) standard module, add a public variable declaration at or near the top of the module:
Public wksChanged As Boolean
For each worksheet that you want to monitor for changes, open the Worksheet's module by right-clicking the worksheet's tab and clicking View Code:
...and then add this procedure (to each applicable worksheet module):
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
wksChanged = True
End Sub
wksChanged will default to False when the workbook is first opened, and will change to True when any cell is changed. You can "reset" it at any time with:
wksChanged = False

VBA User Function Checking a Directory

Below is the code so far
I often times have to check if a Purchase Order has been saved in a directory, there could be hundreds of purchase orders listed in Excel.
As the Workbook changes, so often does the filepath.
As such, I would like to make a function that asks for a cell value that contains a string for the filepath, and then a a cell for the PO #.
I'm a little stumped on how best to past information from the Excel sheet. I need a cell reference for the filepath to the directory, and a cell reference for the PO #.
I've been able to make this work with a subroutine, that is what is posted below. This is the third VBA Program I've worked on, please let me know if there is more legwork I should do before posting this:
Dim directory As String
Dim TempfileName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Sub Check_PO()
x = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For x = 2 To 673
While Cells(x, 14) = 0
x = x + 1
i = Cells(x, 14)
TempfileName = "\\network\file\name\here\" & "*" & i & "*.pdf"
directory = Dir(TempfileName, vbNormal)
While directory <> ""
Cells(x, 18) = "Matched"
directory = Dir
Next x
End Sub
Here's a simple UDF:
Public Function HaveReport(fPath As String, fileName As String)
HaveReport = IIf(Dir(fPath & fileName, vbNormal) <> "", _
"Matched", "Not Matched")
End Function

Excel VBA to replace image, create PDF, move to next image in folder and repeat

I have an Excel worksheet that i use as a printable single page PDF report that contains an image with some text. In a column to the side I have a list of all the images in a specific folder and i would like to use VBA to cycle through the list replacing the image in the worksheet and creating a PDF to be stored in the same folder. I currently do this manually which is a pain and would like to automate it with VBA.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
The code i use manualy by changing the full path of the image to be replaced is as follows>
Sub AddPicturesFULL()
Dim myPic As Picture
Dim wkSheet As Worksheet
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim rowCount2 As Long
Dim Pic As Object
Set wkSheet = Sheets("REPORT(FULL)") ' -- Change to your sheet
For Each Pic In wkSheet.Pictures
Next Pic
'-- The usual way of finding used row count for specific column
rowCount2 = wkSheet.Cells(wkSheet.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row
If rowCount2 <> 0 Then
Set myRng = wkSheet.Range("N2", wkSheet.Cells(wkSheet.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp))
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If Trim(myCell.Value) = "" Then
'MsgBox "No file path"
ElseIf Dir(CStr(myCell.Value)) = "" Then
MsgBox myCell.Value & " Doesn't exist!"
'myCell.Offset(0, 1).Parent.Pictures.Insert (myCell.Value)
Set myPic = myCell.Parent.Pictures.Insert(myCell.Value)
With myCell.Offset(0, -13) '1 columns to the right of C ( is D)
'-- resize image here to fit into the size of your cell
myPic.Top = .Top
myPic.Width = .Width
myPic.Height = 640
myPic.Left = .Left
myPic.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
End With
End If
Next myCell
MsgBox "There is no file paths in your column"
End If
End Sub
Create an ActiveX Image on the Sheet instead of using drawing Pictures
Then you can use
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 20 Step 1
imgTest.Picture = LoadPicture(Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, COLUMN).Value)
Sheets("Sheets1").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="C:\test" & i & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard
Next i
To loop through the column with imagepaths and set the image for each of them. Then just export it as a PDF.
Of course you have to adjust the i values and COLUMN to your needs.

excel vba file name extraction without file extension

I have the following excel vba code to get the txt files from a folder and put them into excel.
Sub testfilelistfromfolder()
Dim varDirectory As Variant
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim strDirectory As String
strDirectory = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
i = 1
flag = True
varDirectory = Dir(strDirectory & "*.txt", vbNormal)
While flag = True
If varDirectory = "" Then
flag = False
Cells(i + 2, 2) = varDirectory
varDirectory = Dir
i = i + 1
End If
End Sub
so my question is:
Is there a way to list the txt filenames without the .txt extension?
or should I add a line to trim the names?
something like this:
variable = Left(Sheet1.[A1],InStr(Sheet1.[A1],".")-1)
and if so, how should i adapt this to my original code, where should i put it? is it also possible to replace Sheet1 with the active sheet parameter?How?
thank you very much.
I'd tackle is thusly
sStr = InStr(varDirectory, ".txt")
Cells(i + 2, 2) = Left(varDirectory, sStr - 1)
flNAME = Left(Cells(1, 1).Value,Len(Cells(1, 1).Value)-4)
This grabs the Value of the cell indicated and trims the last for characters off. Obviously if it is not a dot with a three letter extension you will have extra characters. For example, .XLSX would leave the dot.
The code is going to assume that you means the cells of the active sheet. If you want to get data from a different sheet then you need to add code to select the new sheet.
I am not sure what you are trying to use if for so it is hard to say where you will need it in your code at.

Get filenames FSO with comparison of filenames to sort first by specific namestructure

In the code below I could wrote a code to display filenames from a folder. The problem is now that I should display them in the correct Row. For now they are displayed in random sequence and that is not the purpose.
In column "A" the filenames to search for are called with similar name format PBM12.T5.103.
The actual filename to find is called with similar name format 1_29_PBM_12_T5__103.
I have to find a solution to compare "only" the Fat marked letters and numbers like displayed here above, without . or _
As you will see PBM12T5103 is returning in both namestructures.
Please don't try fixed length counts because the filenames are dynamic and the amount of letters are variable. The comparison of the SUBSTITUTED length of column "A" ( PBM12T5103) is the key to comparison but I can not handle to establish this comparison.
When the filename in column "A" has been found, in column "C" the full filename of found file has to be displayed as the original format 1_29_PBM_12_T5__103
Maybe a solution can be found when extra columns can be made to establish the comparison?
In Excel I could approach a solution, but this will not work automized like it should do.
I made the LEN(count dynamic), but this is still no solution to display the full filenames in the required row...
Hopefully somebody can help me out ..
Option Explicit
Sub fileNames_in_folder()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Dim fldpath
Dim fld As Object, fil As Object, fso As Object, j As Long
fldpath = "C:\"
On Error Resume Next
'start count row
j = 11
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set fld = fso.getfolder(fldpath)
For Each fil In fld.Files
'here I have to add an IF statement in order to compare the filenames written in column "A" with files from folderPath C:\"
'When the correct files is found it should be displayed in column "C"
Cells(j, 34).Value = fso.GetBaseName(fil.path)
End If
'count behaviour
j = j + 1
End Sub
I will suggest you different way of getting file names. Instead of FileSystemObject let's use simple Dir function which allows to check the pattern of file name.
1) Files in my testing folder are as follows
2) I assumed that file pattern is as follows:
XXX > 3 letters text
Y > any length number/text
Z > any length number/text
W > any length number/text
3) The code of subroutine is placed in 2013-06-01...xlsm file which you could see in the pic above (the same folder where your files are). Code is as follows (change where appropriate):
Sub solution()
Dim j As Long, LastRow As Long
Dim fldPath
'your path below
fldPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ChDir fldPath
Dim arrPattern As Variant
Dim filName As String
For j = 1 To Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
arrPattern = Split(Cells(j, "A"), ".")
'I suggest to use different way of checking _
pattern of file name. Pattern rules:
filName = Dir("*" & Left(arrPattern(0), 3) & "*" & _
Mid(arrPattern(0), 4) & "*" & _
arrPattern(1) & "*" & _
arrPattern(2) & "*")
If Len(filName) > 0 Then
Cells(j, "B") = filName
Cells(j, "B") = "not found"
End If
Next j
End Sub
4) results are presented in the picture below: