how to select the elements dont have a particular class inside div - selenium

I have the html like below. And I want those webelments through CSSselector or xpath which don't have div< class="locked"
Can anyone help me. The output should come as two webelements which are
"I am free video1" & I am free video2.
Locked Video
<div class="item video " data-reactid="165">
<a href="/video/peppa/xyz" data-reactid="166">
<div class="LazyLoad is-visible" style="height:168px;" data-reactid="167">
<img class="visual-video" src="https://abc.jpg?w=300" alt="I am locked video">
<p class="text" data-reactid="168">Episodio completo</p>
<img class="video" src="/images/icon-video.svg" data-reactid="169">
<div class="locked" data-reactid="170">
<div class="opaque" data-reactid="171"></div>
<p data-reactid="172">Activa tu cuenta</p>
<p class="name" data-reactid="173">I am locked video</p>
Free Video 1
<div class="item video " data-reactid="185">
<a href="/video/ghi" data-reactid="186">
<div class="LazyLoad is-visible" style="height:168px;" data-reactid="187">
<img class="visual-video" src="https://ghi.jpg?w=300" alt="I am free video1">
<p class="text" data-reactid="188">Episodio completo</p>
<img class="video" src="/images/icon-video.svg" data-reactid="189">
<p class="name" data-reactid="190">I am free video1</p>
Free Video 2
<div class="item video " data-reactid="192">
<a href="/video/sddfo" data-reactid="193">
<div class="LazyLoad is-visible" style="height:168px;" data-reactid="194">
<img class="video" src="/images/icon-video.svg" data-reactid="195">
<p class="name" data-reactid="196">I am free video2</p>

This is relatively straightforward to do with XPath:
//div[contains(#class, 'video') and not(div[#class='locked'])]
Note that, strictly speaking, to avoid false positives, you should be handling the class attribute values properly:
//div[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' video ') and
not(div[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' locked ')])]

Are those Texts are constant? If yes, then you can take elements from text.
How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium Webdriver (Python)?

This is an interesting question and i came up with a idea.
My idea is to capture all the videos first and then remove the locked videos from all videos list. Code is below,
//Gather all the videos
List<WebElement> all = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class,'item video']/a"));
//Gather the videos which has locked
List<WebElement> locked = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class,'item video']//div[#class,'locked']"));
//Remove the locked videos from all videos
for(WebElement lock : locked)
//Now "all" contains only the free videos.
for(WebElement free : all)
//Do the stuff
Note - Not tested. Kindly check and let me know if works

If your CSS implementation supports the :not() "pseudo-element" selector, then you could try
That may be overly specific as I don't understand the context of the mark-up.
For XPath, I think it would be something like this:
//div[contains(#class, 'video') and not(.//div[contains(#class, 'locked')])]//p[contains(#class,'name')


Unable to click an elemt " Search Intimation View-Details" thows not such element Exception

I am new to selenium,Guys please help me to click this element " Search Intimation View-Details".Cant able to use the ID has it is in number,& class name is not pointing exactly to that button.Guide me please,I'm strucked up.I tried
driver.findElementByXPath(" //div[span='Search Intimation View-Details'] ").click();
driver.findElementByClassName("v-tree-node v-tree-node-expanded v-tree-node-root v-tree-node-last ").click();
Below is the code
<div class="v-tree-node v-tree-node-expanded v-tree-node-last" id="gwt-uid-36" role="treeitem" aria-selected="false" aria-labelledby="gwt-uid-35" aria-level="2" aria-expanded="true">
<div class="v-tree-node-caption">
<div id="gwt-uid-35" for="gwt-uid-36">
<div class="v-tree-node-children v-tree-node-children-last" role="group">
<div class="v-tree-node v-tree-node-leaf v-tree-node-leaf-last" id="gwt-uid-38" role="treeitem" aria-selected="true" aria-labelledby="gwt-uid-37" aria-level="3">
<div class="v-tree-node-caption v-tree-node-selected">
<div id="gwt-uid-37" for="gwt-uid-38">
<span>Search Intimation View-Details</span>
<div class="v-tree-node-children v-tree-node-children-last" role="group"></div>
I believe you are using Java selenium binding, so Use this code
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[normalize-space()='Search Intimation View-Details']")).click()
The below script uses the Java programming language and uses the CSS locators to find the required element if we are unable to find using the class, id, XPath, etc.

Autocomplete with Selenium

I'm having some (actually, a lot) of trouble automating selection from autocomplete options with Selenium. Currently, I am able to automate the inputting of the text, though, I am not able to select anything from the appearing drop-down suggestions list that pops up. I tried searching here for some answers to my problem, but nothing has worked. Below is the element that appears with the suggestions that I am trying to select:
<div class="cs-autocomplete-popup">
<div class="inner">
<div class="cs-autocomplete-Matches csc-autocomplete-Matches">
<li class="cs-autocomplete-matchItem csc-autocomplete-matchItem">
<span class="csc-autocomplete-matchItem-content cs-autocomplete-matchItem-content" id="matchItem::matchItemContent">john doe</span>
<div class="csc-autocomplete-addToPanel cs-autocomplete-addToPanel">
<div class="content csc-autocomplete-addTermTo cs-autocomplete-addTermTo">Add "John Doe" to:</div>
<li class="cs-autocomplete-authorityItem csc-autocomplete-authorityItem" id="authorityItem:">Local Persons</li>
<div class="cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView" style="top: 2px; left: 149px; display: none;"><div class="cs-miniView">
john doe
<span class="csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field1Label cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field1Label">b.</span>
<span class="csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field1 cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field1" id="field1"></span>
<span class="csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field2Label cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field2Label">d.</span>
<span class="csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field2 cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field2" id="field2"></span>
<span class="csc-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field3 cs-autocomplete-popup-miniView-field3" id="field3"></span>
From this, I am trying to select "john doe". Does anyone know an efficient/complete way of doing this? I would very much appreciate the help.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("get the exact field address of autocomplete textbox");
//for xpath: need to take the common xpath from the list of the elements.
List<WebElement> link=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'cs-autocomplete-matchItem-content') and .='john doe']");
for(int i=0; i<=link.size(); i++)
if(link.get(i).getText().equalsIgnoreCase("john doe");

How to Click on a Text in Selenium Webdriver 2.x

I am not able to click on the below HTML values through selenium webdriver click command through Java.
Here's my HTML...I have to click on PAAcctAcctRels, PAAcctActivityData, etc. as in the HTML.
I tried with LinkText (driver.findElement(By.linkText("PAAcctAcctRels")).click();) and xpath (driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//[#id='primaryNavLevel2Z6_G868H4S0K881F0AAEO37LG28N0']/div[1]/a")).click();)
<div id="primaryNavLevel2Z6_0G5A11K0KGF200AIUB98T20G52" class="dropdown_1columns">
<div class="col_1">
<a class="" href="?uri=nm:oid:Z6_0G5A11K0KGF200AIUB98T20G53">
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">
<span class="wpthemeAccess"> currently selected</span>
<div class="col_1">
<a class="" href="?uri=nm:oid:Z6_0G5A11K0KGF200AIUB98T20GD4">
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">PAAcctActivityData</span>
<div class="col_1">
<a class="" href="?uri=nm:oid:Z6_0G5A11K0KGF200AIUB98T20GT1">
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">PAAcctAddrEmail</span>
Is there any other way to do this..please let me know.
1- For Clicking on text 'PAAcctActivityData', you can use the below code:
2- For Clicking on text 'PAAcctAddrEmail', you can use the below code:
NOTE:- The above xpaths will locate thespan elements with exact innerHTML/text as 'PAAcctActivityData' or 'PAAcctAddrEmail', respectively.
By.linkText("PAAcctAcctRels") won't work because that link has more text (ie ' currently selected'), and the problem with your xpath is that is starts with .//
The following should work (I have avoided using * for performance)
Try using //[#id='primaryNavLevel2Z6_G868H4S0K881F0AAEO37LG28N0']/div[1]/a/span
as xpath. Remove the initial '.' and add '/span' at the end.

How can i click an image from the search results page

I am writing a test in Webdriver C# with Nunit. I have a search results page loaded with a list of products with images. I want to click the 1st image in the results.
I have tried using the Xpath (I used firepath to get this value)
[FindsBy(How = How.XPath, Using = "html/body/form/div[2]/div[4]/div/div[2]/p")]
private IWebElement ProductImage_xpath {get; set; }
When it runs it says:
Could not find element by XPath.
I would like to use CSS selector if possible as that is faster than finding by Xpath.
What syntax could I use to locate the image from the code snipped below?
Note: the hyperlinks are dynamic, I don't want to use the href.
public SearchResultsPage clickProduct_Image()
Console.Out.WriteLine("ProductImage = " + ProductImage_xpath.Text);
return new SearchResultsPage(Driver);
The Code snippet:
<div id="main" class="nav_redesign s-left-nav-rib-redesign" data-page-construction="aui" skeleton-key="results--searchTemplate listLayout so_gb_en --left-nav--shopping-engine">
<div id="topStatic">
<div id="top">
<div id="topAmabot"> </div>
<div id="searchTemplate" class="searchTemplate listLayout so_gb_en ">
<div id="topDynamicContent">
<div id="rightContainerATF">
<div id="rightResultsATF">
<div id="widthPreserver"></div>
<div id="centerPlus">
<div id="rhsAjax"></div>
<div id="resultsCol" class="">
<div id="centerMinus" class="">
<div id="atfResults" class="list results apsList">
<div id="result_0" class="fstRow prod celwidget" name="1780974728">
<div class="linePlaceholder"></div>
<div class="image imageContainer">
<a href="">
<div class="imageBox">
<img class="productImage cfMarker" alt="Product Details" src=",TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU02_AA160_.jpg" onload="viewCompleteImageLoaded(this, new Date().getTime(), 16, false);">
Xpath is very very bad choice to find element on the page =). As you said better use css selector. I don't know how your image presents on the page, but i'll write possible variants, choose the best one. So, using css selectors to find your image:
1. You can find any element using it's class
//will find "div class="image imageContainer""
2. Combine searching by class and find first "a" child in that div
driver.findElement(By.css(".imageContainer > a"))
3.Find element using known attribute
driver.findElement(By.css("img[alt='Product Details']"))
4. Find element by ID
Well, it will be enough for you, i think. If you have any questions, you are welcome.

How to Know Available Data from my website for my Google Custom Search

I'm trying to implement a Google Custom Search Engine into my website. So far, I've been able of changing my snippets layout, and show the variables Google shows in its examples:
Well, in the examples, everything looks great, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE VALUES THEY MAY PRINT. I mean, if you see this snippet:
<div id="mysite_thumbnail">
<div data-if="Vars.thumbnail" class="gs-image-box gs-web-image-box">
<a class="gs-image" data-attr="{href:url, target:target}">
<img class="gs-image" data-attr="{src:thumbnail.src, width:48, height: 48}"/>
it's pretty clear that "Vars" is holding some data GSE is printing. My problem is that I don't know what "Vars" holds, and when developing my view I can't know if the value is there, and what is its name.
So, the question is: How can I print "Vars"? I suppose is a js variable you may obtain from the jsapi, but juss guessing, console.log() was not working for me, :(
Well, I finally found out how to post the data:
From Google Search Engine Api documentation:
You only have to add the following code in your snippet:
<span data-body="JSON.stringify(Vars)"></span>
So, you'll have something like:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Load the Search API
google.load('search', '1');
// Set a callback to load the Custom Search Control when you page loads
<div style="display:none">
<div id="mysite_thumbnail">
//This will show all Vars content
<span data-body="JSON.stringify(Vars)"></span>
<div data-if="Vars.thumbnail" class="gs-image-box gs-web-image-box">
<a class="gs-image" data-attr="{href:url, target:target}">
<img class="gs-image" data-attr="{src:thumbnail.src, width:48, height: 48}"/>
<div data-ifel="Vars.thumbnail == 0" class="gs-image-box gs-web-image-box">
<a class="gs-image" data-attr="{href:url, target:target}">
<img class="gs-image" data-attr="{src:'XXXXX.png', width:115, height: 90}"/>
<div id="mysite_webResult">
<div class="gs-webResult gs-result"
data-vars="{longUrl:function() {
var i = unescapedUrl.indexOf(visibleUrl);
return i < 1 ? visibleUrl : unescapedUrl.substring(i);}}">
<td valign="top">
<div data-if="Vars.richSnippet" data-attr="0"
<td valign="top">
<div class="gs-title">
<a class="gs-title" data-attr="{href:unescapedUrl,target:target}"
<div class="gs-snippet" data-body="html(content)"></div>