Oracle SQL Help Data Totals - sql

I am on Oracle 12c and need help with the simple query.
Here is the sample data of what I currently have:
Table Name: customer
Table DDL
create table customer(
customer_id varchar2(50),
name varchar2(50),
activation_dt date,
space_occupied number(50)
Sample Table Data:
customer_id name activation_dt space_occupied
abc abc-001 2016-09-12 20
xyz xyz-001 2016-09-12 10
Sample Data Output
The query I am looking for will provide the following:
customer_id name activation_dt space_occupied
abc abc-001 2016-09-12 20
xyz xyz-001 2016-09-12 10
Total_Space null null 30

Here is a slightly hack-y approach to this, using the grouping function ROLLUP(). Find out more.
SQL> select coalesce(customer_id, 'Total Space') as customer_id
2 , name
3 , activation_dt
4 , sum(space_occupied) as space_occupied
5 from customer
6 group by ROLLUP(customer_id, name, activation_dt)
7 having grouping(customer_id) = 1
8 or (grouping(name) + grouping(customer_id)+ grouping(activation_dt)) = 0;
------------ ------------ --------- --------------
abc abc-001 12-SEP-16 20
xyz xyz-001 12-SEP-16 10
Total Space 30
ROLLUP() generates intermediate totals for each combination of column; the verbose HAVING clause filters them out and retains only the grand total.

What you want is a bit unusual, as if customer_id is integer, then you have to cast it to string etc, but it this is your requirement, then if be achieved this way.
SELECT customer_id,
(SELECT 1 AS seq,
FROM customer
SELECT 2 AS seq,
'Total_Space' AS customer_id,
NULL AS name,
NULL AS activation_dt,
sum(space_occupied) AS space_occupied
FROM customer
Inner query:
First part of union all; I added 1 as seq to give 1
hardcoded with your resultset from customer.
Second part of union
all: I am just calculating sum(space_occupied) and hardcoding other
columns, including 2 as seq
Outer query; Selecting the data
columns and order by seq, so Total_Space is returned at last.
| abc | abc-001 | 12-SEP-16 | 20 |
| xyz | xyz-001 | 12-SEP-16 | 10 |
| Total_Space | null | null | 30 |

Seems like a great place to use group by grouping sets seems like this is what they were designed for. Doc link
SELECT coalesce(Customer_Id,'Total_Space') as Customer_ID
, Name
, ActiviatioN_DT
, sum(Space_occupied) space_Occupied
FROM customer
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((Customer_ID, Name, Activation_DT, Space_Occupied)
The key thing here is we are summing space occupied. The two different grouping mechanisms tell the engine to keep each row in it's original form and 1 records with space_occupied summed; since we group by () empty set; only aggregated values will be returned; along with constants (coalesce hardcoded value for total!)
The power of this is that if you needed to group by other things as well you could have multiple grouping sets. imagine a material with a product division, group and line and I want a report with sales totals by division, group and line. You could simply group by () to get grand total, (product_division, Product_Group, line) to get a product line (product_Divsion, product_group) to get a product_group total and (product_division) to get a product Division total. pretty powerful stuff for a partial cube generation.


Add temporary column with number in sequence in BigQuery

I have two columns: customers and orders. orders has customer_id column. So customer can have many orders. I need to find order number in sequence (by date). So result should be something like this:
customer_id order_date number_in_sequence
----------- ---------- ------------------
1 2020-01-01 1
1 2020-01-02 2
1 2020-01-03 3
2 2019-01-01 1
2 2019-01-02 2
I am going to use it in WITH clause. So I don't need to add it to the table.
You need row_number() :
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by order_date) as number_in_sequence
from table t;

SQL Server: how to divide the result of sum of total for every customer id

I have 4 tables like this (you can ignore table B because this problem did not use that table)
I want to show the sum of 'total' for each 'sales_id' from table 'sales_detail'
What I want (the result) is like this:
sales_id | total
S01 | 3
S02 | 2
S03 | 4
S04 | 1
S05 | 2
S05 | 3
I have tried with this query:
sales_id = any (select sales_id
from sales
where customer_id = any (select customer_id
from customer)
but the query returns a value if 15 because they are the sum of those rows of data.
I have tried to use "distinct" before sum
and the result is [ 1, 2, 3 ] because those are distinct of those rows of data (not sum of each sales_id)
It's all about subquery
You are just so far off track that a simple comment won't help. Your query only concerns one table, sales_detail. It has nothing to do with the other two.
And, it is just an aggregation query:
select sd.sales_id, sum(
from sales_detail sd
group by sd.sales_id;
This is actually pretty close to what the question itself is asking.

How to get the count of distinct values until a time period Impala/SQL?

I have a raw table recording customer ids coming to a store over a particular time period. Using Impala, I would like to calculate the number of distinct customer IDs coming to the store until each day. (e.g., on day 3, 5 distinct customers visited so far)
Here is a simple example of the raw table I have:
Day ID
1 1234
1 5631
1 1234
2 1234
2 4456
2 5631
3 3482
3 3452
3 1234
3 5631
3 1234
Here is what I would like to get:
Day Count(distinct ID) until that day
1 2
2 3
3 5
Is there way to easily do this in a single query?
Not 100% sure if will work on impala
But if you have a table days. Or if you have a way of create a derivated table on the fly on impala.
CREATE TABLE days ("DayC" int);
VALUES (1), (2), (3);
FROM sales
You can use this query
SqlFiddleDemo in Postgresql
FROM sales
cross JOIN days
WHERE "Day" <= "DayC"
| DayC | count |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 3 | 5 |
FROM sales
cross JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT "Day" as "DayC" FROM sales) T
WHERE "Day" <= T."DayC"
try this one:
select day, count(distinct(id)) from yourtable group by day

How do I create a frequency distribution?

I'm trying to create a frequency distribution to show how many customers have transacted 1x, 2x, 3x, etc.
I have a database transactions and column user_id. Each row indicates a transaction, and if a user_id shows up in multiple rows, that user has done multiple transactions.
Now I'd like to get a list that looks something like this:
Tra. | Freq.
0 | 345
1 | 543
2 | 45
3 | 20
4 | 0
5 | 3
Currently I have this, but it just shows a list of users and how many transactions they have had.
SELECT user_id, COUNT(user_id) as number_of_transactions
FROM transactions
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY number_of_transactions DESC;
I did some digging and was suggested that generate_series might help, but I'm stuck and don't know how to move forward.
Use the first result as input to an outer query where you apply the count again, but this time grouping on number_of_transactions:
SELECT number_of_transactions, COUNT(*) AS freq
SELECT user_id, COUNT(user_id) as number_of_transactions
FROM transactions
GROUP BY user_id
) A
GROUP BY number_of_transactions;
This would transform a result like:
user_id number_of_transactions
----------- ----------------------
1 2
2 1
3 2
4 4
to this:
number_of_transactions freq
---------------------- -----------
1 1
2 2
4 1

How to insert multiple columns value under a single column and separate the column name?

In the database there is a table
Name | id | Yearly_Profit | Yearly_Loss | Monthly_Profit | Monthly_loss
Alex 1 10 20 30 40
Ben 2 100 200 300 400
The output table will be like this
Name | id | Profit | Loss | Type
Alex 1 10 20 Yearly
Ben 2 100 200 Yearly
Alex 1 30 40 Monthly
Ben 2 300 400 Monthly
How can I do this?
Is this something like pivot or other?
You could use unpivot, but union all would be the simplest solution for you.
select Name, id, Yearly_Profit as Profit, Yearly_Loss as Loss, 'Yearly' as Type
from your_table
union all
select Name, id, Monthly_Profit , Monthly_loss, 'Monthly'
from your_table
This query would work for you, in this specific scenario.
Yearly_Profit AS 'Profit',
Yearly_Loss AS 'Loss',
'Yearly' AS 'Type'
FROM Table
Monthly_Profit AS 'Profit',
Monthly_Loss AS 'Loss',
'Monthly' AS 'Type'
FROM Table
But, if you'd have multiple columns in your table then you'd probably have to use a UNPIVOT.