I was making a notification system with a box on the rightside. I want that this box update himself when user receive a new notification from other users,
this is the box
I want to do this update without using the setTimeout that javascript offers. I think that if I've a lot of users and I use the setTimeout every 5/10 seconds it can be create some problems, that I don't want.
I was thinking to use the long polling, but I never used that. So do you have some suggestion? In few words I want that when an user Y writes a comment in the post of user X, this last user receive an update of him notification's box.
What do you recommend me? If you have also some tutorial where I can learn how to do that I'll appreciate it.
Thank you!
Use React (https://reactjs.org/) with Firebase (firebase.google.com). Google's firebase is a realtime database and if you fetch data from it in your React app, it will update itself every time there is a change.
So I have a React Native App. I want to publish it to the Playstore (Later to the Appstore too). Now if I want to make an update the user needs to login again, because I am just overwriting the old App File. How can I prevent it or is there a solution, where I don't need to publish the update to the playstore and just make changes and it gets updated directly without the user needs to update it through the App-/Playstore. I already saw Microsoft Code Push but I think first it costs money and second everybody can see the source code ? :)
Thank you for you help.
So I want to know: If I update the App, is the Async Storage going to be reseted or will it just stay with the data in it?
#dianaqqq already told you. If you update the App the Async Storage should not be affected from this, because it's not really a direct part of your app; it's more like a party of the whole system and your app uses this.
For more information read this:
With the new API, it is great that we are able to push orders to the POS app - now I just need a way to notify customers that the pick-up is ready. I have my own system seperately right now, but is there any way to do this inside of Square. Or even better, is there any way to hook into a square event?
I see webhooks, but only things like payment, refund, dispute events. Is there any way to catch an order status change?
Currently there are webhooks for different order update events:
You could then create some webservice of lambda to process such webhook payload, and submit an email using some 3rd party email sending solution.
There is a challenge that since you will need to query the square api for the rest of order details, you will need to create a square app, implement oauth etc.
Unfortunately, there's currently no Order webhooks at this time. Webhooks are definitely an area Square's APIs have been focusing and improving lately, so I suspect this to be an area we continue to improve. With that said, there is no ETA on if/when this is coming, sadly we do not share public timelines.
I'm trying to make a simple app using Flutter, cryptocurrency price tracker. Using this API to retrieve a data. That how it looks:
The problem is, it only retrieves the latest data and do not updates as the price changes every time. It will change only after restarting an app. I was thinking to add a floating refresh button but i seems an old school. SO my aim is to let it update the price by itself,in real time(LIVE) without USER doing something, every time there is a change in price. My question is, what technology is behind this ? How could I implement this ? What should I Google in order to find the required knowledge ? Who could give me the right direction to think and learn. I don't really know the special terminology for this concepts, tried my best to explain the question. Thnx!
How could I implement this ?
Following are the steps that you need to follow.
Create a stateful widget with a Periodic Timer object. setup the timer value, say 10 seconds.
Now you will get a callback for every 10 seconds. So, from that callback method, simply call the API end point to fetch the latest data.
Use setState method to show the latest data on the UI.
Thats all, now your app will refresh the data by its own for every 10 seconds without any user interaction.
You can use web sockets.
This will let you push updates to the client without polling in real time.
I am working with real time tracking application using react-native.
And want the accuracy Uber and Swiggy and other tracking application do.
I am using react-native-geolocation-service, but not getting accuracy like Uber.
I just want to know how Uber track realtime? Does they request to server every single second?
Because there position is moving continuously, which is not possible in my app. I am saving coordinates after every 15 seconds.
Please suggest what can I use for making accurate path?
And what does Uber and other tacking apps used for tracking? And how they get realtime data for every single second?
For getting real time location you can use paid services like https://www.navixy.com/. I have used this service year ago and they are providin lot of functionalities track Android device with their API's.
Try Firebase Realtime database or cloud firestore. It works like realtime data update.
Store lat long on firestore/database whenever there is change in position and within a second you will be able to get those data on other end.
It is having nice performance when it comes to real time data update. I have used it with one of the native application before a year.
For react native, you can use Geolocation api which is having watchposition method. It will be invoked whenever there is location change.
Building a simple application which restricts usage based on the date. For example, you can only view a page 3 times per day.
However, if I use the device time, users can change their time and then view these pages again.
Is there another best practice method of doing so? Trying to avoid a call to the server. Using react-native. Thanks
Best practice is only use server time.
you can use following lib
This is kinda tricky without hitting the server.
Let's assume that the first time they open your app the user date is correct. (I really don't know any other way checking that in an offline way)
That moment we need to save the current timestamp to the localstorage (called AsyncStorafe in RN).
The only way you can really be sure that the timestamp is correct is keep a task that counts every seconds/minute/hours, whatever is logical in your situation.
Doing this in react native won't get you that far, but we are able to make a Java background service for example that we start as soon as the app closes. Here you should keep up with the time and save this when the app launches to a place where it's also accessible from react native (not sure if AsyncStorage is).
Here you can find some information about bavkground tasks in RN: https://hackernoon.com/easy-os-background-tasks-in-react-native-bc4476c48b8a?source=linkShare-cdf0b7d5ccb4-1538965801
The most secure amd easy way of time cheat prevention is by hitting the server vut if that's not a possibility that this may be a interesting way to still check it. Good luck!