Using aws xray with apache - apache

My understanding on aws xray is, xray is similar to dynatrace and I am trying to use xray for monitoring apache performance. I do not see any document related to xray with apache except below.
Can anyone please suggest if it is possible to use aws xray with apache and if yes can you also point some document related to it. Thanks.

I assume that by "apache" you mean the Apache Tomcat servlet container, since you are referring to a maven artifact which is a Java build tool.
Disclamer: I don't know what "dynatrace" is and I don't know which logging you specifically want.
But as far as the Apache Tomcat servlet container and X-Ray goes - here is the link to get started:
Start by adding AWSXRayServletFilter as a servlet filter to trace incoming requests. A servlet filter creates a segment While the segment is open you can use the SDK client's methods to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open.
As for the mentioned maven artifact:
aws-xray-recorder-sdk-apache-http – Instruments outbound HTTP calls made with Apache HTTP clients
So, you'll need this if, let's say, a client makes a request to your Tomcat server and your Tomcat server makes a request to another server thus acting as a client in this case.


Does javamelody work with spring webflux?

can anyone point me to a resource, how I can get spring-webflux and javamelody to work together?
Seems, that a servletcontext is neccessary for startup, which I don't have/need.
I'm aware of the coll metrics stuff, that comes with spring-boot 2.x, but I don't have anything to display the metrics with, and am locked to a company environment, where just installing something isn't a valid option.
javamelody is mainly based on monitoring of memory, cpu, http requests, sql requests and spring components among other things. See javamelody-spring-boot-starter for example.
But as far as I know, Spring webflux does not use the servlet api. So what do you want to monitor?
If you just want to have graphs in a browser, then start a http server for javamelody reports like in standalone. And if you also want to monitor sql requests and spring components, then add in your application all methods from this example, except monitoringSessionListener and monitoringFilter.
A new spring-boot-starter for javamelody in webflux could be created if it makes sense.

How to share an ignite instance among jetty webapps

The docs state:
Servlet-based startup may be used in any web container like Tomcat,
Jetty and etc. Depending on the way this startup is deployed the
Ignite instance can be accessed by either all web applications or by
only one. See web container class loading architecture:
But then points to a dead link regarding Jetty.
I'm using Jetty. How would this be done (sharing the ignite instance among all web applications)?
Link to Jetty classloading
Link to Ignite web configuration
The latter describes web session clustering but you don't have to enable that to use Ignite. I think these docs should cover your case.
To share Ignite instance between web apps, you will need:
Put Ignite libraries into server's main lib/ directory, and not under your web app directory
Instantiate Ignite using Jetty API, as per the documentation that you referenced
Server service = new Server();
ServletHttpContext ctx = (ServletHttpContext)service.getContext("/");
ServletHolder servlet = ctx.addServlet("Ignite", "/IgniteStartup",
servlet.setInitParameter("cfgFilePath", "config/default-config.xml");
This assumes you are starting Jetty programmatically, i.e. with your own code. Your mileage may vary if you don't.

weblogic response requests time

Please let me know whether it's possible to configure weblogic response requests time. As of new we have configuration on HTTPD, but due to performance issues on weblogic/java side we would like to have response time info from weblogic
You can use weblogic's http logs to achieve this. Before, you just have to update your servers' configuration to setup access logs in extended format to have the time-taken information. Have a look to this product documentation :

Is there a way to monitor apache with New Relic?

Can I monitor static pages served with Apache from New Relic?
A module perhaps I should include?
New Relic now has plugins. One publisher has already published a plugin for Apache.
If this plugin does not monitor Apache for you in a way that is useful, you can fork this project and improve it or create your own.
New Relic doesn't have an Apache monitor just yet, and the web application monitors we have see requests after Apache hands them over, so there's very little visibility there, too.
New Relic DOES support a "queueing time" measure that will let you know how long requests are sitting in your Apache and pre-web application layer. This involves modifying your Apache configuration to include a special HTTP header that includes a timestamp of when Apache started processing the request.
You can read more about that here:

Can my requirements be met with JMX?

I am completely new to JMX. I have a specific requirement and wanted to know if it is possible to accomplish within the scope of JMX.
I have a set of resources which include many weblogic instances, jBoss instances and Tomcat instances running across many servers. Now I need a one stop solution, UI to monitor these resources, check their current status and if they are down, I need to start and stop them from that webpage.
Is this possible using JMX?
You could use nagios combined with check_jmx to monitor (create statistics)
and may trigger a restart of a resource. (I'm not sure if can trigger a restart direct via JMX)
Check out Jopr,
jmx4perl comes with a full featured Nagios Plugin check_jmx4perl for access JMX information. It comes with a set of preconfigured check for various resources, currently for JBoss, Tomcat and Jetty (more are in the pipeline).