I refer this doc https://reactdatepicker.com/ I try to implement this in react native with textinput and validation,but I don't know how to use this in react native. Actually I new in react native pls any one guide me.
I need to add DOB field using datepicker and also user can type this in textinput pls help
I want to use exactly this library in react native
I want to get ready table component in react- native but is
it possbile or I should create ?. I mean you know there are a lot of ready component in c# or android, but In react-native there is or not ?
Yes, there is ready components in react-native. Just google for React Native Table Component, and probably the first link will be this React-Native-table-component
You can check out http://native.directory/ for a curated list of React Native components or search https://www.npmjs.com/ for react native table
I'm building a react native app that supports both English & Spanish locale. How to change locale from my app?
Any advice or solution ? :/
Thank you.
The official documentation for React Native explains how to add React Native views to existing native applications. However, it does not explain how to run React Native code written in JavaScript from a native application, without having to display any React Native component. Does the framework provide a way to do this?
I think reason being, R-N works on top of Native components and not other way round. I have not come across anything that you are looking.