Visual studio 2015 use the navigation bar to switch context -

By clicking on a certain command in my code, I get the information not available and available within my project. I do not understand how this is possible, and informs me that you can use the navigation bar to switch context, but I do not know how to do that. The attached figure shows the message. My questions are:
How can something be available and not avilable in the same project?
What is the navigation bar and how do I use it to change the context?
This is the message I received:
Dim r as list (of Streaming) = Await StartAsync(...)
MSGEM – Available
MSGEM – Not Available
You can use the navigation bar to wsitch context.

This could be be down to two front-end files sharing the same back-end codefile. In such a situation, the code file will reference a front end control which is in only one of the front end files and not both.
If you do not use such a coding technique, it can easily happen accidently when making a backup of a front end code file by copying it to a different filename but forgetting to add the .exclude extension.
See this answer for more details:
You can use the navigation bar to switch contex


How to use a custom icon in a dolphin smalltalk treeview?

In a Dolphin smalltalk treeview I'd like to use a custom icon, depending on the state of the item displayed, (differente state, different icon)
How can I do that ?
I cannot really understand how to use a "my" icon.
I've create a class "connection", with an instance variable "connected"
and two class methods "connectedIcon and unconnectedIcon that returns icon images.
Then an instance function "icon" that returns one or the other image based on the connection state.
I can add instances of this class to a tree view and see the name of the connections.
But how to show my Icons ?
I tried to sustitute the getImageBlock of my presenter view with the following expression [:obj | obj icon] but it doesn't work.
(nothing seems to happen).
this is made in my presenter initialize :
super initialize.
treePresenter view getImageBlock: [:obj | obj icon]
what's wrong with it ?
best regards
When you are editing a TreeView, one of the properties is getImageBlock. By default it is not really a block but another object that understands the message #'value:' (the class IconicListAbstract). You can replace this property with a code block (or other object that understands #'value:') and answer the image you want displayed.
In Microsoft Windows, icons are typically stored in a DLL. You should be able to use an icon explorer or editing tool to see the icons in a dll. For example, get IconExplorer from and try opening DolphinDR7.dll. Do the icons and numbers match what you see when you return a number in your application?
To determine (or override) the resource library used, see SessionManager>>#'defaultResLibPath'.
Typically, the getImageBlock is set using the property editor in the GUI editor, but setting it through code can work as well.
Wonderful Dolphin Smalltalk!
I had two problems
1) how and where to modify the getImageBlock method of my Treepresenter.
2) where to put the icons ad how to get the imageindex of each icon.
This is the solution :
1) it's not needed.
The treeview sends an #iconImageIndex" message to my model
this is handled by the default method (in the Object class) that send to my object the message #icon
and to the result of this message (an icon) the message #iconIndex.
This message is understood from the icon that answers with its own iconIndex.
So the only method I need to impement is #icon in my class Connection
that I implemented as follows:
opened ifTrue: [^Connection connectedIcon] ifFalse: [^Connection unconnectedIcon]
In the class itself the two icons are imported in the image by evaluating the createIconMethod,
as explained in the blog article 'Beauty with less Beast'.
So my problems are solved.
Thanks to all.

Controlling level and focus of windows other apps with CGPrivate functions

How to use these private functions on other windows? It would be nice to have this knowledge back in the wild. I am specifically trying to get CGSOrderWindow and CGSSetWindowLevel to work.
I was trying in the direction of:
temporarily register as the dock and then register the dock as the dock again immediately afterwards
code injection into the Dock process per this comment:
Also, the author of the above project seems determined to make all core functionality available as a framework. It seems to be implemented as code injection into the Dock process.
Reason I know this is possible
I have been doing work on trying to setLevel on window of another app, and focus window of another app if focused. I am posting this again with the info I learned because from my searching online, I know this was done in the past, its just the knowledge is not publicly out there anymore. The sourceforge pages are no longer there. So I was wondering if you could help me make this information public again.
This is the topic I read that gave me this information -
Here you see comments like:
You cannot control an another app's windows from a user-level process, unfortunately.
You can, Slava, you just need to register as the Dock. It might be possible to temporarily register as the dock and then register the dock as the dock again immediately afterwards, not sure. I think the call you'd be wanting to investigate as CoreDockRegisterDockOwner in HIServices.framework.
You could also use APE or similar to do control the windows, or (as mentioned above) register as the Dock (look for the private APIs with Universal Connection in their name). Has anyone found a polite way of getting the Dock to give up its universal connection? The only way I can find is to force quit the Dock and grab the universal connection when it's not looking (which prevents the dock reloading).
There's an open source project up on that looks much more like the window managers I've used on Unix boxes than (or Space.dock):
Verifying things work
This is what I learned, from the sources at bottom of this post, we see all these functions work with CGWindowIds, so how do I get that, this is how:
Get all windows with CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo. Then access each element from that array with CFArrayGetValueAtIndex and then get the CGWindowId with objectForKey:, kCGWindowNumber, and then integerValue.
Now if I try to focus or set level of a window that is OWNED by the app running the code, it works fantastic. For instance:
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
Will focus it, rez_CGError is 0. Even if the window is minimized, it is unminimized, without animation, and shown.
Now however, if I try this on a window of a different app we get some errors:
MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app = 40;
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
This fails and rez_CGError is 1000, which I suspect means "cid (CGSConnection) used does not have permission to modify target window". The same happens if I first do [app activateWithOptions: (NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps | NSApplicationActivateAllWindows)] before making the call above.
So I first get the cid of that owning window like this:
var rez_CGError = CGSGetWindowOwner(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, &ownerCid);
This works good and I get ownerCid is set to a value. Then I do the focus command with this new connection:
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(ownerCid, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
However this gives rez_CGError of 268435459, which I suspect means "current app does not have permission to use this ConnectionId (cid)". (Same happens if I call activateWithOptions first.
My Sources for the Private Functions
Here is the sources for some private functions I found -
This one source here contains a function that is not in the above link - CGSGetConnectionIDForPSN - i test it and it exists - from -

Add a new category to the navigation bar of the windows files explorer

How can I programmatically add a new category to the navigation bar of the windows files explorer. I mean something like this (For Example)
It is namespace shell extension. NSE must be registered in Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\Namespace\NSE_CLSID. Also it must implement IPropertyStoreFactory and must return True when system requests value of PKEY_IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree property.

titanium how do i add a view to the single context

So i have a titanium app, and i just read about single contexts. (Incidentally, somebody here should write a book about programming in titanium... the only one out there doesn't really mention single contexts or any of that new-fangled stuff. Heck, make it an eBook. I'd buy it)
The titanium documentation stresses their use (!/guide/Coding_Strategies-section-29004891_CodingStrategies-Executioncontexts) and then politely forgets how to implement a single context!!
So, question:
Let's say i have the awesomeWidget page - this just shows a button, and when you click on a button a new screen appears.
The aswesomeWidget page is accessed through another page - it is not from the root of the titanium app.
Keeping to single contexts, how do i add the view that the button creates to the current window?
Do I:
keep a global pointer to the current (and only) window?
pass the variable holding the current window down to all the following pages that use it
something else?
First off, Titanium keeps a reference to your current window anyway for you, so this use case is easy. For example:
awesomeWidgetButton.addEventListener('click' function(e) {
var yourView = Ti.UI.createView({...});
If you want to dig further, the concept of a single context is closely tied to the use of CommonJS modules and the require keyword. It is very simple to keep a single context, just never open a window with the url component filled out, and liberally use the require() keyword. Other than that, its up to your imagination to keep track of who points to what and vice versa, there are standard patterns and best practices that apply here (MVC, Singletons, just keep it simple) just as in coding in any other language.

How do I remove icons from menu items in an Eclipse RCP-based application?

I am working on an Eclipse RCP-based application, and we have decided that we do not want any of the menu items to display icons next to the text. The problem we are seeing is that the standard actions like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and so on all display the default icons for the corresponding actions.
Is there any way to tell the action management infrastructure to ignore the icons? My brute force solution to this was to rebuild the SWT so that MenuItem.setImage() was a no-op, and then include our own copy of the SWT in the final product, but it seems like there should be a lighter-weight solution.
This turned out to be easier than I had hoped.
Create a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor. Override the method register like this:
protected void register(IAction action) {
Then, create a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchWindowAdvisor that overrides createActionBarAdvisor:
public ActionBarAdvisor createActionBarAdvisor(IActionBarConfigurer configurer) {
return new MyActionBarAdvisor(configurer);
That's it. All actions will no longer have icons.
I believe you want to further examine going into the manifest and looking into
org.eclipse.ui.views and seeing if there is anything in there for removing icons
What is the reason for not including icons?
A lot of effort went into creating a standard interface, what would be the benefit of deviating from the standard? Do you think their omission increases usability?
Having said all that you could try contributing a fragment with some AspectJ around advice to intercept calls to setImage() and veto them.
You can do this by going to the extension tab in plugin.xml.add the extension (if not present).Right click create a new menu contribution.again right click and create a new u have the option to change the images with the ones saved in your icon folder in your class path