Fitnesse getting stuck while triggering it from java and selenium webdriver - freeze

We have a requirement where in we need to trigger fitnesse test from our java + webdriver code.
While doing so most of the the times fitnesse gets stuck/freeze and the fitnesse test never executes.
Has anyone faced this issue before?
Any solution would be highly appreciated


How to contribute to selenium webdriver souce code of java?

I am working as a QA-Automation for a company. I wanted to contribute to selenium webdriver v3.0.2. I started working on it.
Forked the project from
Cloned the selenium source
Now I want to setup and run the sample tests in the project and I want to configure to my eclipse. I am just stuck this point. It would be very much helpful if anyone shares the solutions.
Thanks in advance.

Fitnesse: integration with Selenium WebDriver

I am working on a Selenium WebDriver project, written using the page object pattern.
I wanted to know whether is there any way in which I can integrate FitNesse and Selenium WebDriver project?
I know FitNesse can be used with Selenium IDE, however, I have no idea whether is it possible to use Fitnesse with WebDriver.
You sure can, it's just Java after all. One example of such a project is (my own set of FitNesse fixtures):
You could use my fixture (BrowserTest) to execute the test. Or only use the web driver setup fixture (selenium driver setup), which also also the setup to be overridden in a CI environment, and do your own thing with web driver in a custom fixture.

Selenium - Update to WebDriver

I am using "selenium-server-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar" jar file to run my test suite in selenium test runner. It runs well in firefox & chrome, but it gives this info text in the test run report
"info: Selenium 1.0 (Core, RC, etc) is no longer under active development. Please update to WebDriver ASAP"
How do i update to webdriver manually? or How can i get rid of this info text?
The info message you are seeing is essentially warning you that if you continue to use the Selenium RC API, your tests can stop working with more recent releases of browsers. In the upcoming Selenium 3, the RC API will be dropped outright.
There is no way to just get rid of the text, it is a warning message, and it is a valuable warning message.
In order to move on to WebDriver you will need to rewrite all your tests. A suggestion is to start with failing ones first. Start by reading through the official documentation. There is also a link from there pointing you towards more specifics. While you are at it, you might also want to consider refactoring your code to use PageObjects, which was not available in Selenium 1.
Note that while you are migrating your tests, it is quite possible to run a mix of WebDriver and RC tests in the same project.
Point is WebDriver is half finished kind of thing and people not that deeply testing websites, it was useful to have IDE and automate quickly, so this selenium 1.0 works much better and should not be disabled at any point.

using selenium htmlunit with load tests

Has anyone used HTML unit with TestNG invocation count and thread pool size? I drive all my Selenium2 tests with TestNG and have been playing around with running HtmlUnit tests in multiple threads as a light load test.
It seems to work almost too easy so I'm wondering what's the catch? Has anyone tried it?

Getting Jenkins to run like the Selenium IDE

I've been using Selenium IDE for regression tests, but as the number of test cases increases, I've moved it over to Jenkins to run.
However, some tests that run perfectly in Selenium IDE fail in Jenkins. Simple commands like verifying text presence.
Is it just me? Has someone else encountered the same problem?
Trying adding the command waitForElementPresent and maybe a small pause (like 1000 ms) before you verify the text is present.
We ran into similar issues; the tests would run fine locally, but break on Jenkins. Slowing it down seemed to do the trick for us. Add more details to what your failing tests look like if this doesn't help.