How to use aggregate functions in my criteria in SQL Server? - sql

I have table called VoucherEntry
These are my records,
ID VoucherOnlineID TransactionNumber Store Amount
120 137 26 1001 100
126 137 22 2000 -56
128 137 30 3000 -20
133 137 11 2000 -5
Now I want to add 2 columns which is having carry amount and Balance amount. If the VoucherEntry.Amount = 100 Then carry column should be 0, other wise it should display like below
Expecting output
ID VoucherOnlineID TransactionNumber Store Carry Amount Balance
120 137 26 1001 0 100 100
126 137 22 2000 100 -56 44
128 137 30 3000 44 -20 24
133 137 11 2000 24 -5 19
we can sort the record By ID column or Date column, after you sort the records will display in above order

You need two variations of a Cumulative Sum:
,Coalesce(Sum(Amount) -- Cumulative Sum of previous rows
Over (PARTITION BY VoucherOnlineID
ORDER BY DATE -- or whatever determines correct order
ROWS BETWEEN Unbounded Preceding AND 1 Preceding), 0) AS Carry
,Sum(Amount) -- Cumulative Sum including current row
Over (PARTITION BY VoucherOnlineID
ORDER BY DATE -- or whatever determines correct order
ROWS Unbounded Preceding) AS Balance
FROM VoucherEntry

sql Server 2008 and below
declare #t table(ID int,VoucherOnlineID int,TransactionNumber int,Store int,Amount int)
insert into #t VALUES
,(133,137,11,2000,-5 )
select *
,isnull((Select sum(Amount) from #t t1
where t1.VoucherOnlineID=t.VoucherOnlineID
and< ) ,0)Carry
,isnull((Select sum(Amount) from #t t1
where t1.VoucherOnlineID=t.VoucherOnlineID
and< ) ,0)Balance
from #t t


select top 5 max records in "High" column and 5 min records from "Low" Column in same query and from same table partitioned by stock name

we have 6 months historic data and need to find out what is the top 2 max highs and top 2 min lows per each stock for all the stocks. Below is the sample data
Stock High Low Date prevclose ....
ABB 100 75 29/12/2019 90
ABB 83 50 30/12/2019 87
ABB 73 45 30/12/2019 87
infy 1000 675 29/12/2019 900
infy 830 650 30/12/2019 810
infy 730 645 30/12/2019 788
I tried the following queries, but not getting the expected results.. I need results such as top 2 high rows and top 3 min low in one result set. I tried below query but no luck..
select * into SRTrend from (
--- Resistance
select * from (Select top (5) with ties 'H' as 'Resistance', RowN=Row_Number() over(partition by name order by High desc),* from Historic
order by Row_Number() over(partition by name order by High desc))B
Union all
select * from (Select top (5) with ties 'L' as 'Support', RowN=Row_Number() over(partition by name order by Low asc),* from Historic
--where name='ABB'
order by Row_Number() over(partition by name order by Low asc))C
PS: Hurdles which I faced is when I tried to export data to another table, getting very messed up results instead of getting top 2 max(highs) and top3 min(lows), I am getting single rows.
You can use rank() as follows:
select *
from (
rank() over(partition by stock order by high desc) rn_high,
rank() over(partition by stock order by low asc) rn_low
from mytable t
) t
where rn_high <= 2 or rn_low <= 3
The inner query ranks records twice, by descending high and ascending low within groups of stocks. Then the outer query filters on top 2 and bottom 3 per stock (ties included).

Grouping a column in oracle

I have three columns within my table:
Amount, OrderNumber, Customerid
For each customerid there will be ordernumber and amount.
Now i need to display customerid,Ordernumber and Amount(total Amount- for each customerid).
custid srcnumber amount
112 4344 20
112 7678 10
112 8766 30
34 6577 15
34 4566 5
custid srcnumber amount
112 4344 60
112 7678 60
112 8766 60
34 6577 20
34 4566 20
Use sum() over (partition by ..) analytic function to sum up the amount per each row :
select Customerid as custid,
OrderNumber as srcnumber,
sum(amount) over ( partition by Customerid ) as amount
from tab
order by custid desc

How to select the first row that met condition

I have the following View in PostgreSQL:
idshipment idorder quantity_order date quantity_in_shipment percent_sent
50 1 1020 1.1.16 432 42
51 1 1020 17.1.16 299 71
51 1 1020 20.1.16 144 85
51 1 1020 45.1.16 145 100
52 2 1 3.1.17 5 100
This View shows shipments per order.
For example:
idorder=1 was sent by 4 shipments:
quantity in first shipment is 432 which means 42% of order was sent
quantity in second shipment is 299 which means 71% of order was sent
quantity in third shipment is 144 which means 85% of order was sent
quantity in forth shipment is 145 which means 100% of order was sent
I need a query which will show me the first date where each order was sent above 75%. meaning each order shows only one row.
For the above data I should see:
idorder date
1 20.1.16 (cause its 85% first time above 75%)
2 3.1.17 (cause its 100% first time above 75%)
How can i do that?
You can use distinct on:
select distinct on (t.idshipment) t.*
from t
where t.percent_sent >= 75
order by t.idshipment, t.percent_sent asc;
Try something like this:
SELECT iorder, MIN("date") AS "date"
FROM your_view
WHERE percent_sent >= 75
GROUP BY iorder
use group by to get only one record per idorder and MIN() to aggregate date by selecting the earliest date
I created a table call shipment that has data like you provided:
and execute this query
SELECT s.idorder, MIN( as date
FROM shipment s
WHERE percent_sent >= 75
GROUP BY s.idorder
idorder date
----------- ----------
1 2016-01-20
2 2017-03-01

Cumulative Compoud Interest Calculation(Oracle Database 11g Release 2)

I have a requirement to calculate rolling compound interest on several accounts in pl/sql. I was looking for help/advice on how to script calculate these calculations. The calculations I need are in the last two columns of the output below (INTERESTAMOUNT AND RUNNING TOTAL). I found similar examples of this on here, but nothing specifically fitting these requirements in pl/sql. I am also new to CTE/Recursive Techniques and the Model technique I found required a specific iteration which would be variable in this case. Please see my problem below:
Input Table:
2002 1 1000 0.05315 70
2003 1 1500 0.04213 80
2004 1 800 0.03215 75
2005 1 950 0.02563 78
2000 2 750 0.07532 79
2001 2 600 0.06251 75
2002 2 300 0.05315 70
Desired Output:
2002 1 1000 0.05315 70 53.15 983.15
2003 1 1500 0.04213 80 104.62 2507.77
2004 1 800 0.03215 75 106.34 3339.11
2005 1 950 0.02563 78 109.93 4321.04
2000 2 750 0.07532 79 56.49 727.49
2001 2 600 0.06251 75 82.98 1335.47
2002 2 300 0.05315 70 86.93 1652.4
One way to do it is with a recursive cte.
with rownums as (select t.*
,row_number() over(partition by acct_id order by yr) as rn
from t) -- t is your tablename
,cte(rn,yr,acct_id,amount,interest_rate,expenses,running_total,interest_amount) as
(select rn,yr,acct_id,amount,interest_rate,expenses
from rownums
where rn=1
union all
select t.rn,t.yr,t.acct_id,t.amount,t.interest_rate,t.expenses
from cte c
join rownums t on t.acct_id=c.acct_id and t.rn=c.rn+1
select * from cte
Sample Demo
Generate row numbers using row_number function
Calculate the interest and running total of the first row for each acct_id (anchor in the recursive cte).
Join every row to the next one (ordered by ascending order of year column) for each account_id and compute the running total and interest for the subsequent rows.

Calculate MonthlyVolume - PIVOT SQL

I am using SQL server 2008 and I have following Table with millions of rows...Here are few sample records
Serial_Num ReadingDate M_Counter Dyn_Counter
XYZ 3/15/2014 100 190
XYZ 4/18/2014 140 240
XYZ 5/18/2014 200 380
ABC 3/12/2014 45 40
ABC 4/19/2014 120 110
ABC 5/21/2014 130 155
This table will always have only one reading for each month and no missing months....
and I would like calculate M_Counter and Dyn_Counter values for each month, For an example XYZ -> May month calculated counter value should be 60 = 200 (05/18/2014 value) - 140 (04/18/2014 value). I would like to insert data into another table in following way.
CalculatedYear CalculatedMonth Serial_Num M_Counter_Calc Dyn_Counter_Calc
2014 4 XYZ 40 50
2014 5 XYZ 60 140
2014 4 ABC 75 70
2014 5 ABC 10 45
Any help really appreciated!
If you're using MS SQL, something like this should work. The concept is to sort the dataset based on Serial_Num and ReadingDate. Add a sequential Row ID and store into a temp table. Join the table onto itself such that you match up the current row with the previous row where the serial numbers still match. If there wasn't a prior month's reading, the value will be null. We use Isnull( x, 0) to account for this when doing the calculations.
declare #Temp1 table
RowID int,
Serial_Num varchar(3),
ReadingDate datetime,
M_Counter int,
Dyn_Counter int
insert into #Temp1
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Serial_Num, ReadingDate), *
from MyTable T
Year(T1.ReadingDate) As CalculatedYear,
Month(T1.ReadingDate) as CalculatedMonth,
T1.M_Counter - ISNULL(T2.M_Counter,0) as Calculated_M_Counter,
T1.Dyn_Counter - isnull(T2.Dyn_Counter,0) as Calculated_Dyn_Counter
from #Temp1 T1
left outer join #Temp1 T2 on T1.RowID = T2.RowID + 1 and T1.Serial_Num = T2.Serial_Num
order by T1.Serial_Num, Year(T1.ReadingDate), Month(T1.ReadingDate)