Change file paths - rebol

I want to change [%a/b] to [%a/c].
Basically, the same as Change path or refinement, but with file! instead:
I want to change the a/b inside a block to a/c
test: [a/b]
In this case, either change next test/1 'c or test/1/2: 'c works.
But not when test is a file!:
>> test: [%a/b]
== [%a/b]
>> test/1
== %a/b
>> test/1/2 ; can't access 2nd value
== %a/b/2
>> next first test ; not quite what you expect
== %/b
Trying to change it gives not something you'd expect:
>> change next test/1 'c
== %b
>> test
== [%acb]

You are confusing path! and file! series, they can look similar, but their nature are very different.
A path! is a collection of values (often word! values) separated by a slash symbol, a file! is a collection of char! values. Slash characters in file! series are just characters, so file! has no knowledge about any sub-structures. It has (mostly) the semantics of string! series, while path! has the semantics of a block! series.
Now that this is cleared, about the test/1/2 result, path notation on a file! series has a different behavior than on string!, it will do a smart concatenation instead of acting as an accessor. It's called smart because it will nicely handle extra slash characters present in left and right parts. For example:
>> file: %/index.html
== %/index.html
>> path: %www/
== %www/
>> path/file
== %www/file
>> path/:file
== %www/index.html
Same path notation rule applies to url! series too:
>> url:
>> url/index.html
>> file: %/index.html
== %/index.html
>> url/:file
So for changing the nested content of test: [%a/b], as file! behaves basically as string!, you can use any available method for strings to modify it. For example:
>> test: [%a/b]
== [%a/b]
>> change skip test/1 2 %c
== %""
>> test
== [%a/c]
>> change next find test/1 slash "d"
== %""
>> test
== [%a/d]
>> parse test/1 [thru slash change skip "e"]
== true
>> test
== [%a/e]

Files are string types and can be manipulated in the same way you'd modify a string. For example:
test: [%a/b]
replace test/1 %/b %/c

This is because file! is an any-string!, not any-array!
>> any-string? %a/c
== true
>> any-array? 'a/c
== true
So the directory separator '/' in a file! doesn't mean anything special with the action CHANGE. So 'a', '/', and 'b' in %a/b are treated the same way, and the interpreter isn't trying to parse it into a two segment file path [a b].
While for a path!, because it's an array, each component is a rebol value, and the interpreter knows that. For instance, 'bcd' in a/bcd will be seen as a whole (a word!), instead of three characters 'b', 'c' and 'd'.
I agree that the file! being an any-string! is not convenient.

Here is a maybe cumbersome solution, but suitable for directories treating them as files
test/1: to-file head change skip split-path test/1 1 %c


How to test for unset parameter in rebol / red within a function?

When I call f without parameter, I got the error Script Error: if does not allow unset! for its then-blk argument why ?
f: func['p [string! unset!]][
if unset? 'p print "unset"
'p evaluates to the word p. In order to test the type of the value referred by p, you need to use :p and provide a proper body block for if:
f: func ['p [string! unset!]][
if unset? :p [print "unset"]
>> f "123"
== none
>> f

How do I write contents of a variable to a text file in Rebol 2?

Newbie question here...
I'd like to write the output of the "what" function to a text file.
So here is what I have done:
I've created a variable called "text" and assigned the output of "what" to it
text: [what]
Now I want to write the content of the "text" variable to a txt file...
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
the easiest way to write the output of statements to a file is to use
echo %file.log
with echo none you end this
>> help echo
ECHO target
Copies console output to a file.
ECHO is a function value.
target -- (Type: file none logic)
Unfortunately there is not really a value returned from the what function:
Try the following in the console:
print ["Value of `what` is: " what]
So write %filename.txt [what] will not work.
Instead, what you could do is to look at the source of what
source what
which returns:
what: func [
"Prints a list of globally-defined functions."
/local vals args here total
total: copy []
vals: second system/words
foreach word first system/words [
if any-function? first vals [
args: first first vals
if here: find args /local [args: copy/part args here]
append total reduce [word mold args]
vals: next vals
foreach [word args] sort/skip total 2 [print [word args]]
See that this function only prints (it doesn't return the values it finds) We can modify the script to do what you want:
new-what: func [
"Returns a list of globally-defined functions."
/local vals args here total collected
collected: copy []
total: copy []
vals: second system/words
foreach word first system/words [
if any-function? first vals [
args: first first vals
if here: find args /local [args: copy/part args here]
append total reduce [word mold args]
vals: next vals
foreach [word args] sort/skip total 2 [append collected reduce [word tab args newline]]
write %filename.txt collected
This function is a little hackish (filename is set, but it will return what you want). You can extend the function to accept a filename or do whatever you want. The tab and newline are there to make the file output prettier.
Important things to notice from this:
Print returns unset
Use source to find out what functions do
write %filename value will write out a value to a file all at once. If you open a file, you can write more times.
Fairly elementary: use write if you just want to save some text, read to recover it; use save if you want to store some data and use load to recover it.
>> write %file.txt "Some Text"
>> read %file.txt
== "Some Text"
>> text: [what]
>> save/all %file.r text
>> load %file.r
== [what]
You can get more information on each word at the prompt: help save or view online: load, save, read and write.

Getting output for every line of input file. Only need output once

This should be pretty simple but I'm having an issue with the flow of an awk script. I run the following script and it prints the output over and over again (if I had to guess I would say that it's printing once for every line of the input file). As requested, here is some fake input:
[30000] (03/20 00:00:02.950):{0x2D90} Pattern1
[30000] (03/20 00:00:03.911):{0x2D90} Pattern2
[30000] (03/20 00:00:02.950):{0x2D90} Pattern3
[30000] (03/20 00:00:03.911):{0x2D90} Pattern4
Here is the script:
/Pattern1/ {
/Pattern2/ {
if (agtver ~ 50357 && ctrver ~ 50357) {
print "Blamo!";
else print "No blamo. :("
And here is the output that I'm getting:
[chawkins#chawkins-DT Devel]$ ./fakeawk.awk < fake.txt
No blamo. :(
The output that I expect is a single Blamo! if the patterns match and a single No blamo. :( if it doens't match.
The problem seems to be that there are three separate { ... } sections, but I need these to be able to process two patterns... unless there is a way to condense this.
If you never see pattern1 and pattern2 after the first time, then agtver and ctrver remain set. You have to zero them out again.
edit added debug output, you should be able to see where the logic is failing.
Tested with your data, thanks for adding that!
/Pattern1/ { gsub(/\./,""); agtver=$5;}
/Pattern2/ { gsub(/\./,""); ctrver=$5;}
#dbg print "\n#dbg: $5=" $5 "xx\tagtver=" agtver "xx\tctrver=" ctrver "xxx\t$0=" $0
if (agtver ~ 50357 && ctrver ~ 50357) {
print "Blamo!";
agtver="" ; ctrver=""
else print "No blamo. :("
./fakeawk.awk < fake.txt
No blamo. :(
No blamo. :(
No blamo. :(
I hope this helps.
#(gather :vars (agtver ctrver))
# (skip :greedy) #/Pattern1/ #{agtver /5\.0\.3\.57/}
# (skip :greedy) #/Pattern2/ #{ctrver /5\.0\.3\.57/}
#(do (put-string "Blamo!\n"))
$ txr fake.txr fake.log
$ echo "junk" | txr fake.txr -
The #(gather) directive is perfect for this. It matches material that can appear in any order, and :vars (agtver ctrver) adds the constraint that bindings must be found for both of these variables, or else a failure occurs.
We can then express the two indepedent conditions we are looking for as a pair of independent whole-line pattern matches which bind two different variables.
The logic may be read as "please scan the input to gather bindings variables agtver and ctrver or else fail". And then the rules for gathering the variables are specified, one per line.
We don't really need the side effect of printing Blamo!: the successful or failed termination of the program tells us everything.

Break down JSON string in simple perl or simple unix?

ok so i have have this
{"status":0,"id":"7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1","hypotheses":[{"utterance":"hello how are you","confidence":0.96311796}]}
and at the moment i'm using this shell command to decode it to get the string i need,
echo $x | grep -Po '"utterance":.*?[^\\]"' | sed -e s/://g -e s/utterance//g -e 's/"//g'
but this only works when you have a grep compiled with perl and plus the script i use to get that JSON string is written in perl, so is there any way i can do this same decoding in a simple perl script or a simpler unix command, or better yet, c or objective-c?
the script i'm using to get the json is here, and if you want a file to use then download
How about:
perl -MJSON -nE 'say decode_json($_)->{hypotheses}[0]{utterance}'
in script form:
use JSON;
while (<>) {
print decode_json($_)->{hypotheses}[0]{utterance}, "\n"
Well, I'm not sure if I can deduce what you are after correctly, but this is a way to decode that JSON string in perl.
Of course, you'll need to know the data structure in order to get the data you need. The line that prints the "utterance" string is commented out in the code below.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
my $json = decode_json
q#{"status":0,"id":"7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1","hypotheses":[{"utterance":"hello how are you","confidence":0.96311796}]}#;
#print $json->{'hypotheses'}[0]{'utterance'};
print Dumper $json;
$VAR1 = {
'status' => 0,
'hypotheses' => [
'utterance' => 'hello how are you',
'confidence' => '0.96311796'
'id' => '7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1'
Quick hack:
while (<>) {
say for /"utterance":"?(.*?)(?<!\\)"/;
Or as a one-liner:
perl -lnwe 'print for /"utterance":"(.+?)(?<!\\)"/g' inputfile.txt
The one-liner is troublesome if you happen to be using Windows, since " is interpreted by the shell.
Quick hack#2:
This will hopefully go through any hash structure and find keys.
my $json = decode_json $str;
say find_key($json, 'utterance');
sub find_key {
my ($ref, $find) = #_;
if (ref $ref) {
if (ref $ref eq 'HASH' and defined $ref->{$find}) {
return $ref->{$find};
} else {
for (values $ref) {
my $found = find_key($_, $find);
if (defined $found) {
return $found;
Based on the naming, it's possible to have multiple hypotheses. The prints the utterance of each hypothesis:
echo '{"status":0,"id":"7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1","hypotheses":[{"utterance":"hello how are you","confidence":0.96311796}]}' | \
perl -MJSON::XS -n000E'
say $_->{utterance}
for #{ JSON::XS->new->decode($_)->{hypotheses} }'
Or as a script:
use feature qw( say );
use JSON::XS;
my $json = '{"status":0,"id":"7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1","hypotheses":[{"utterance":"hello how are you","confidence":0.96311796}]}';
say $_->{utterance}
for #{ JSON::XS->new->decode($json)->{hypotheses} };
If you don't want to use any modules from CPAN and try a regex instead there are multiple variants you can try:
# JSON is on a single line:
$json = '{"other":"stuff","hypo":[{"utterance":"hi, this is \"bob\"","moo":0}]}';
# RegEx with negative look behind:
# Match everything up to a double quote without a Backslash in front of it
print "$1\n" if ($json =~ m/"utterance":"(.*?)(?<!\\)"/)
This regex works if there is only one utterance. It doesn't matter what else is in the string around it, since it only searches for the double quoted string following the utterance key.
For a more robust version you could add whitespace where necessary/possible and make the . in the RegEx match newlines: m/"utterance"\s*:\s*"(.*?)(?<!\\)"/s
If you have multiple entries for the utterance confidence hash/object, changing case and weird formatting of the JSON string try this:
# weird JSON:
$json = <<'EOJSON';
"id":"an ID",
"UtTeraNcE":"hello my name is \"Bob\".",
'utterance' : 'how are you?',
: "
"confidence" : 0.9
# RegEx with alternatives:
print "$1\n" while ( $json =~ m/["']utterance["']\s*:\s*["'](([^\\"']|\\.)*)["']/gis);
The main part of this RegEx is "(([^\\"]|\\.)*)". Description in detail as extended regex:
["'] # opening quotes
( # start capturing parentheses for $1
( # start of grouping alternatives
[^\\"'] # anything that's not a backslash or a quote
| # or
\\. # a backslash followed by anything
) # end of grouping
* # in any quantity
) # end capturing parentheses
["'] # closing quotes
If you have many data sets and speed is a concern you can add the o modifier to the regex and use character classes instead of the i modifier. You can suppress the capturing of the alternatives to $2 with clustering parenthesis (?:pattern). Then you get this final result:
Yes, sometimes perl looks like a big explosion in a bracket factory ;-)
Just stubmled upon another nice method of doing this, i finaly found how to acsess the Mac OS X JavaScript engine form commandline, heres the script,
alias jsc='/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/jsc'
x='{"status":0,"id":"7aceb216d02ecdca7ceffadcadea8950-1","hypotheses":[{"utterance":"hello how are you","confidence":0.96311796}]}'
jsc -e "print(${x}['hypotheses'][0]['utterance'])"
Ugh, yes i came up with another answer, im strudying python and it reads arrays in both its python format and the same format as a json so, i jsut made this one liner when your variable is x
python -c "print ${x}['hypotheses'][0]['utterance']"
figured it out for unix but would love to see your perl and c, objective-c answers...
echo $X | sed -e 's/.*utterance//' -e 's/confidence.*//' -e s/://g -e 's/"//g' -e 's/,//g'
shorter copy of the same sed:
echo $X | sed -e 's/.*utterance//;s/confidence.*//;s/://g;s/"//g;s/,//g'

Rebol: Found a way to auto-generate and execute code dynamically, is there a better way?

I have experimented with this:
>> code-block: copy []
== []
>> append code-block [func[][print "a"] ]
== [func [] [print "a"]]
>> do do code-block
Is there a way to avoid to do "do" twice :)
What you have put into code-block is not the function, but the source of the function, hence the need to do it once to make a function, then do it again as a function.
You can see that like this:
length? code-block
== 3
To just put the function in code-block, can do this:
code-block: copy []
append code-block func[][print "a"] ;; no block around the FUNC
Or this:
code-block: copy []
append code-block reduce [func[][print "a"] ] ;; use REDUCE to evaluate the block
Either way, what is in code-block is now just the function:
length? code-block
== 1
type? first code-block
== function!
do code-block ;; what you asked for!