Access VBA Recordset Truncation - vba

I'm using Access 2016. I have created a function that I've passed to a query - the function's role is to parse a memo (long text) field down from 3-4k characters (parses the string between 2 markers) to a length I can work with. Here is the function:
Function getBASE(sStrx)
Dim sTemp, iBEG As Integer, iEND As Integer, sBEG As String, sEND As String
If InStr(UCase(sStrx), "FROM ") > 1 And InStr(sStrx, "{") > 1 Then
iBEG = InStr(sStrx, "{") + 1
iEND = InStr(sStrx, "}") - iBEG
getBASE = Mid(sStrx, iBEG, iEND)
End If
End Function
The resultant length of this is around 700 characters. When I create a LEN on the result, I get 700 chars. I then run a sub (code below) that contains a Split function, but the result of the split is 255 characters. However, I have a couple of msgbox's that pop up to check the length of the recordset value and it's 700 (the correct length), but for some reason, it's truncating. I don't know if this is due the function, the sub, or something else. One other thing: I can pass the original value (3-4k chars) to the sub and it works fine. I'm beyond frustrated...thx for the help.
Sub Break_String()
Dim db As DAO.Database, rsSource As DAO.Recordset, rsDest As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rsSource = db.OpenRecordset("qTEST")
Set rsDest = db.OpenRecordset("tblParsed")
Dim WrdArray() As String
WrdArray() = Split(UCase(rsSource("[getBASE]")), "FROM ")
MsgBox Len(rsSource("[getBASE]")) <---- 700 chars
For i = LBound(WrdArray) To UBound(WrdArray)
strg = strg & vbNewLine & WrdArray(i)
Next i
MsgBox strg <----- 255 chars
End Sub


get sentence with cursor and multiple commas in word vba

How do I get a sentence with multiple commas in MS Word with VBA that the cursor is in?
All the posts I've found said to get the sentence the cursor is in then use the code:
The above works well with a sentence with only 1 comma. But if I have a sentence with multiple commas like this:
For example, tomorrow is Tuesday(e.g., not Wednesday) or Thursday.
where the cursor is set somewhere in "For example" then "Selection.Sentences(1)" returns between the bars "...(e.g.|, |n...".
I'm using the latest version of Word. I plan on launching the code on an older version (I think 2013) that I first noticed the problem on.
This code is better suited to explain why MS didn't solve your problem than it is to actually solve it. However - depending upon your circumstances - you may like to play with it.
Option Explicit
Sub SelectSentence()
' 30 Jan 2018
' list abbreviations containing periods only
' in sequence of their expected frequency of occurrance
Const Abbs As String = "e.g.,f.i.,etc.,i.e."
Dim Fun As String ' sentence to select
Dim Para As Range
Dim SelStart As Long ' location of selection
Dim Sp() As String ' array of Abbs
Dim Cp() As String ' array of encoded Abbs
With Selection
Set Para = .Paragraphs(1).Range
SelStart = .Start
End With
Sp = Split(Abbs, ",")
With Para
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.Text = CleanString(.Text, Sp, Cp)
Fun = ActiveDocument.Range(SelStart, SelStart + 1).Sentences(1).Text
SelStart = InStr(.Text, Fun) + .Start - 1
.Text = OriginalString(.Text, Cp)
.SetRange SelStart, SelStart + Len(Fun) - 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
Fun = Selection.Text
Debug.Print Fun
End Sub
Private Function CleanString(ByVal Txt As String, _
Abbs() As String, _
Cp() As String) As String
' 30 Jan 2018
Dim i As Integer
ReDim Cp(UBound(Abbs))
For i = 0 To UBound(Abbs)
If InStr(Txt, ".") = 0 Then Exit For
Cp(i) = AbbToTxt(Abbs(i))
Txt = Replace(Txt, Abbs(i), Cp(i))
Next i
ReDim Preserve Cp(i)
CleanString = Txt
End Function
Private Function AbbToTxt(ByVal Abb As String) As String
' 30 Jan 2018
' use a character for Chr(92) not occurring in your document.
' Apparently it must be a character with a code below 128.
' use same character as function 'AbbToTxt'
AbbToTxt = Replace(Abb, ".", Chr(92))
End Function
Private Function OriginalString(ByVal Txt As String, _
Cp() As String) As String
' 30 Jan 2018
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(Cp) - 1
Txt = Replace(Txt, Cp(i), TxtToAbb(Cp(i)))
Next i
OriginalString = Txt
End Function
Private Function TxtToAbb(ByVal Txt As String) As String
' 30 Jan 2018
' use same character as function 'AbbToTxt'
TxtToAbb = Replace(Txt, Chr(92), ".")
End Function
For one, the code will only handle abbreviations which you program into it (see Const Abbs at the top of the code). For another, it will fail to recognise a period with dual meaning, such as "etc." found at the end of a sentence.
If you are allowed to edit the documents you work with, the better way of tackling your problem may well be to remove the offending periods with Find > Replace. After all, whoever understands "e.g." is also likely to understand "eg". Good Luck!

VBA Function not Returning Value

I have a VBA code that's designed to search a CSV String and add Carriage Returns where they should exist. I've split it up into two seperate functions - one to search the string and put the index of where the CRs should go into an array and a second function to actually add the CRs.
The issue I'm running into is that the value in the immediate window/in the watch window for the functions is correct within the function itself, but it assigns the result variable a blank string.
'*****************Import CSV**********************
'Took this straight off the internet because it was reading files as one single line
Sub ImportCSVFile(filepath As String)
line = SearchString(line, "SALE")
End Sub
'****************Search String***************************
'This is search the string for something - It will then call a function to insert carriage returns
Function SearchString(source As String, target As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim myArray() As Variant
Dim resultString As String
i = i + 1
If Mid(source, i, Len(target)) = target Then
ReDim Preserve myArray(k)
myArray(k) = i
k = k + 1
End If
Loop Until i = Len(source)
resultString = addCarriageReturns(source, myArray) 'resultString here is assigned a blank string
SearchString = resultString
End Function
'***************Add Carraige Returns**************************
'Cycle through the indices held in the array and place carriage returns into the string
Function addCarriageReturns(source As String, myArray As Variant) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim resultString As String
resultString = source
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray, 1)
resultString = Left(resultString, myArray(i) + i) & Chr(13) & Right(resultString, Len(resultString) - myArray(i) + i)
Next i
addCarraigeReturns = resultString 'The value of addCarriageReturn is correct in the immediate window here
End Function
In the function the value is not blank
...but when it passes it back, it says the value is blank
I'm just curious, why do you want separate functions like this?
Can you just use:
line = Replace(line, "SALE", "SALE" & Chr(13))

Please suggest reg express for every nth occurrence of a character in a string in vba

At the very outset, let me confess. I am not a developer nor do I have any technical background. However, I have learned a bit of coding. I want to a regular expression for finding every nth position of a character. For example, google, yahoo, rediff, facebook, cnn, pinterest, gmail. I want to find every third occurrence of the comma in the string and replace it with a semicolon. This is for a excel vba macro I am working on. For now, I am trying to loop through it and then replace. If the data is large, the macro fails. Would appreciate your reply. Thanks a ton in advance.
Here is what I am doing:
Option Explicit
Sub reg()
Dim regx As RegExp
Set regx = New RegExp
Dim allMatches As Object
Dim contents As String
Dim contents2 As String
contents = "hello, wow, true, false, why, try, cry, haha"
contents = "contents1" & contents
regx.pattern = ",{4}"
regx.Global = True
regx.IgnoreCase = False
Set allMatches = regx.Execute(contents)
contents2 = regx.Replace(contents, ";")
MsgBox contents2
End Sub
I get the data from all selected cells. Join it. Add semicolon (an indicator for the row end) at every fourth comma found. Please suggest if there is a better way to do it as I am new to this:
Here is what I have done currently by looping through array. I want to avoid this.
Function insertColon(sInputString As String) As Variant
Dim data3 As String
Dim sFind As String
Dim sReplacewith As String
Dim result As String
'Dim i As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
sFind = ","
sReplacewith = ";"
data3 = sInputString
' MsgBox = data3
' Dim J As Integer
FindN = 0
'Dim i As Integer
' i = 1
Counter = 4
' MsgBox Len(data3)
While InStr(Counter, sInputString, sFind)
FindN = InStr(Counter, sInputString, sFind)
data3 = Application.Substitute(data3, sFind, sReplacewith, Counter)
Counter = Counter + 3
' MsgBox "loop" & i
' i = i + 1
If I understood you properly then all your code could be summarized to a few lines
Dim sText As String
sText = "hello, wow, true, false, why, try, cry, haha, huh, muh"
For p = 3 To Len(sText) Step 2
sText = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(sText, ",", ";", p)
Next p
MsgBox sText
'hello, wow, true; false, why, try; cry, haha, huh; muh
Test it and let me know whether it fails. If not don't forget to accept the answer.

Query or VBA Function for adding leading zeroes to a field with special conditions

I have a macro I am trying to turn into a VBA Function or Query for adding leading zeros to a field.
For my circumstances, their needs to be 4 numeric digits plus any alphabetic characters that follow so a simple format query doesn't do the trick.
The macro I have uses Evaluate and =Match but I am unsure how this could be achieved in Access.
Sub Change_Number_Format_In_String()
Dim iFirstLetterPosition As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
For Each c In Range("A2:A100")
If Len(c) > 0 Then
iFirstLetterPosition = Evaluate("=MATCH(TRUE,NOT(ISNUMBER(1*MID(" & c.Address & ",ROW($1:$20),1))),0)")
sTemp = Left(c, iFirstLetterPosition - 1) 'get the leading numbers
sTemp = Format(sTemp, "0000") 'format the numbers
sTemp = sTemp & Mid(c, iFirstLetterPosition, Len(c)) 'concatenate the remainder of the string
c.NumberFormat = "#"
c.Value = sTemp
End If
End Sub
In my database the field in need of formatting is called PIDNUMBER
To expand on why FORMAT doesnt work in my situation. Some PIDNUMBERS have an alpha character after the number that should not be counted when determining how many zeroes to add.
In example:
12 should become 0012
12A should become 0012A
When using format, it counts the letters as part of the string, so 12A would become 012A instead of 0012A as intended.
You could try:
Public Function customFormat(ByRef sString As String) As String
customFormat = Right("0000" & sString, 4 + Len(sString) - Len(CStr(Val(sString))))
End Function
Try utilize this function, if you only want this to be available in VBA, put Private in front of the Function:
Function ZeroPadFront(oIn As Variant) As String
Dim zeros As Long, sOut As String
sOut = CStr(oIn)
zeros = 4 - Len(sOut)
If zeros < 0 Then zeros = 0
ZeroPadFront = String(zeros, "0") & sOut
End Function
The Val() function converts a string to a number, and strips off any trailing non-numeric characters. We can use it to figure out how many digits the numeric portion has:
Function PadAlpha$(s$)
Dim NumDigs As Long
NumDigs = Len(CStr(Val(s)))
If NumDigs < 4 Then
PadAlpha = String$(4 - NumDigs, "0") & s
PadAlpha = s
End If
End Function
? padalpha("12")
> 0012
? padalpha("12a")
> 0012a
See if this will work. It seems like a function would better suit you.
Function NewPIDNumber(varPIDNumber As Variant) As String
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strChar As String
For lngLoop = 1 to Len(varPIDNumber)
strChar = Mid(varPIDNumber, lngLoop, 1)
If IsNumeric(strChar) Then
NewPIDNumber = NewPIDNumber & strChar
Exit For
End If
Next lngLoop
If Len(NewPIDNumber) > 4 Then
MsgBox "Bad Data Maaaaan...." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The record = " & varPIDNumber
Exit Function
End If
Do Until Len(NewPIDNumber) = 4
NewPIDNumber = "0" & NewPIDNumber
End Function
Data Result
012a 0012
12a 0012
12 0012
85 0085
85adfe 0085
1002a 1002
1002 1002

Using Access VBA code, how do I replace words in a comment box using table columns to search for a set of words I want replaced?

I want to reference a table in access to replace words in a comment box. I would search for the words in column 1 and replace them with the words in column 2. I'm not sure how to properly name the columns to insert them in a replace function.
Here is an example of code I am trying to use,
Private Sub Replace_Click()
Dim bullet As String
Dim output As String
bullet = commentBox.Value
commentBox.Value = Replace(bullet, [tbl_name].column_name, [tbl_name].column_name)
End Sub
Options to consider:
Open a recordset of the table, loop through records and execute Replace on each value. If value is in string it will be replaced, if it's not in string then nothing happens.
Sub SubAbb()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, sStr As String
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Word, Abb FROM Words")
sStr = Me.commentBox
Do While Not rs.EOF
sStr = Replace(sStr, rs!Word, rs!Abb)
Me.commentBox = sStr
End Sub
Split string to an array, loop through array and do a DLookup on table. If abbreviation found, run Replace on the string. However, this presumes string has only words separated by single space, no punctuation or numbers or dates, which will complicate code.
Sub SubAbb()
Dim sStr As String, sAbb As String, sAry As Variant, x As Integer
sStr = Me.commentBox
sAry = Split(sStr, " ")
For x = 0 To UBound(sAry)
sAbb = Nz(DLookup("Abb", "Words", "Word='" & sAry(x) & "'"), "")
If sAbb <> "" Then sStr = Replace(sStr, sAry(x), sAbb)
Me.commentBox = sStr
End Sub