Setting up a server with a github repo , get oauth_error -

I have setup a drone server (not in a container , running on my machine for the first part of this).
I have a github repo set up and the details for the github client and secret.
The server is http://localhost:4040 and the 'Authorization callback URL' set to http://localhost:4040/authorize
When I hit access http://localhost:4040 to login am sent to github to authorize the application. (This is in line with what I expected). The details all look correct (what I think it should be).
When I click the Authorize application button in the github screen I am redirected back to http://localhost:4040/authorize and on to http://localhost:4040/login?error=oauth_error
Where can I get more information on this error? Can I provide more details?
Where can I get more information about setting up a drone server (first) then a docker drone (as it seems that is the setup preferred (correct?))?
Thanks in advance for your time on this


How to use Github Personal Access Token in Jenkins

I can ask this question in many ways, like
How to configure Jenkins credentials with Github Personal Access Token
How to clone Github repo in Jenkins using Github Personal Access Token
So this is the problem
The alternate solution that I am aware of
SSH connection
username password configuration in Jenkins. However,
use of a password with the GitHub API is now deprecated.
But My question is how to setup Github connection with Jenkins using Personal Access Token
The new solution proposed by git is
Which says:
Beginning August 13, 2021, we will no longer accept account passwords
when authenticating Git operations and will require the use of
token-based authentication, such as a personal access token (for
developers) or an OAuth or GitHub App installation token (for
integrators) for all authenticated Git operations on You
may also continue using SSH keys where you prefer.
What you need to do:
Basically, change the add URL as
https://<access token><userName>/<repository>.git
Something like this
https://<access token>
and set the credentials to none.
Thanks to #Gil Stal
[OLD Technique]
After many discussion on multiple threads from Stackoverflow
I found one thread that is useful.
Refer to this answer:
Personal access token can be used as a password, as far as Jenkins is concerned at least. I added new credentials to the credential manager.
Go to Jenkins
Go to credentials > System > Global credentials > Add credentials a page will open.
In Kind drop-down select Username and password.
In User put a non-existing username like jenkins-user or user.
Add Personal Access Token in the password field
Now start configuring your project.
source code management tab, select new configured credentials from Drop-down near credential Under Repository URL
So this is how we can configure or setup Authentication between Jenkins and Github using Personal Access Token
Git Clone in Jenkins with Personal Access Token idles forever
Change jenkins pipeline to use github instead of gitlab
The accepted answer wont work anymore because of this:
You will need to:
Change the URL of the repo to: https://<access token><user-name>/<repo-name>.git (Replace every <...> with the real parameters)
Set the credentials to none.
As of August 2021 the answer posted by Dupinder Singh is accurate. The only thing I would add is that if you are part of a team, the url format appears to be a bit different. This is what worked for me:
https://<access token><team>/<repo>.git
for example
Note that if you use a personal access token you don't need to have any github credentials stored in jenkins.
As for credentials for Jenkins Github Plugin, please be aware only Personal access tokens are now accepted by this plugin.
To generate such a token, follow the Github docs (e.g. here). Don't save it, it can be regenerated in Github and updated in Jenkins if lost or when migrating to a different server.
To add the token do Jenkins credentials store, go to <JENKINS_URL:PORT>/credentials/store/system/domain/_/newCredentials and select Kind "Secret text" (not the default "Username and password"), then paste the token as Secret and choose some ID.
Testing: the credential should appear on the list of Credentials at <JENKINS_URL:PORT>/credentials/ and be selectable from the drop-down list at <JENKINS_URL:PORT>/configure/, where pressing the "Test connection" button should display "Credentials verified for user <GITHUB_USER>".
More info: see the Github plugin docs.
Caveats: Git Plugin has its long-standing issues, so if the newly created "Secret text" does not appear in your pipelines, try if this solution helps (with "the user who triggered the build" considered safer than "SYSTEM"):
There is (yet another) way to do this as of 2020/04 which is supposed to be superior to personal access tokens. The best part is that you can continue using a username/password-style credential, and the plugin will handle authenticating with GitHub in the background.
Benefits include:
Larger rate limits - The rate limit for a GitHub app scales with your organization size, whereas a user based token has a limit of 5000 regardless of how many repositories you have.
User-independent authentication - Each GitHub app has its own user-independent authentication. No more need for 'bot' users or figuring out who should be the owner of 2FA or OAuth tokens.
Improved security and tighter permissions - GitHub Apps offer much finer-grained permissions compared to a service user and its personal access tokens. This lets the Jenkins GitHub app require a much smaller set of privileges to run properly.
Access to GitHub Checks API - GitHub Apps can access the the GitHub Checks API to create check runs and check suites from Jenkins jobs and provide detailed feedback on commits as well as code annotation

Unable to redirect back to application page after keycloak login

I have deployed the OIDC provider-keycloak in a k8s cluster and it is exposed as a load balancer.
I'm using this along with Istio to redirect back to my application after successful login in keycloak.
The application is accessible at https://<istio-ingressgateway-ip>/hello
When I hit https://<istio-ingressgateway-ip>/hello, it is correctly re-directing me to Keycloak login page at https://<keycloak-ip>/auth/realms/<realm-name>/protocol/openid-connect/auth
However, after entering the username and password for the user, I'm not able to get the redirection back to my application at https://<istio-ingressgateway-ip>/hello.
I think the user set up is correct as I'm successfully able to login to the keycloak user console at
I have configured the below values as the 'valid redirect URIs' in keycloak client:
Can please someone let me know what is missing here for the redirection.
Assuming you are using Authservice for the authentication and that your configuration is correct. I had the same issue and when I looked at the logs from the authservice container in my pod, I got to know that authservice failed to obtain the access token in exchange with the authorization code. The issue, as stated by Ryan from Authservice was:
When the Authservice tried to gracefully shutdown the TLS connection, and the server on the other side did not participate fully in the graceful shutdown.
This issue now has been fixed, and you can build a new docker image from the master branch to be able to fix it. More details about the issue and its resolution can be found on this github issue.
If in case this is not the issue, then there could be a problem with the flow from keycloak, you can use OpenID debugger to get the authorization code and then you can use that code to get the access token. This will help you identify if there is an issue on keycloak part.
If your configurations are correct and the above fix doesn't solve your issue, you should consider creating an issue on github with the logs from your authservice container.

API connect published api in developer portal can't work
Follow previous link to do create loopback project named ibmsvt and do test locally, we can post and get.
then publish this api as running api app on bluemix and we will get api target url and tls file.
type url and tls in api designer invoke, and publish api product again.
check api connect service and we can find that published api product has been published, configure developer portal, and invite developers
login developer portal and register one app
subscribe app to api product and run post command.
We will see that we only get can't post error information...
Please see attachment info for error info and api file.
From the screen capture provided, it looks like you're displaying the logs for the loopback application deployed on bluemix. It also looks like the POST request from APIConnect hit the Bluemix application as well. However, I'm unable to see the exact message of the error. What error did you get when you execute the POST from APIConnect? I suspect the POST did not include the $(request.path), what did you change the invoke url to be ? Can provide the x-ibm-configuration section in your yaml file? It will be located in your /definitions.
Thanks and best regards,
I am just have the exact problem, and struggled for days on redoing the tutorial several times, but still met with the same problem until found the upper reply, and gave me a hint.
In the tutorial, it says like the following:
Update the following fields with the values you copied previously:
Invoke URL: Insert the API target URL. You must specify the secure protocol HTTPS. For example:
TLS Profile: Insert the API invoke tls-profile.
For example:
The origininal URL is $(runtime-url)$(request.path)$(
And the correct URL after updating is like following:$(request.path)
no slash before $(request.path), and $( should be deleted.
I also checked a tutorial video, it also do like this, but the screen for this step is passed away very quickly, you will not pay attention to this detail normally.

Bigcommerce authentication get request only returns scope and code, context is missing

I am kicking off the Bigcommerce app installation process by following the instructions given in this official documentation page apparently I am following every thing. I have https Auth Callback url setup in the app configuration page
NOTE: I am using ngrok to tunnel my localhost to internet.
When Install my app I receive the code and scope objects in the Get Request but not the context object.
Please help me with what did I missed ? and how I can get the context object ?
I tested it without ngrok and its the same.

JMeter - Trouble signing into a simple authentication website while recording

I have been trying to resolve this for some time now. I tried googling for this problem but didn't manage to find anything. All the questions I found were about replaying already recorded HTTPS requests.
So, I need to record HTTPS requests on a site protected with simple authentication (the pop-up window asking for username and password).
And this is where I get stuck. I enter correct login details and confirm it, nothing happens and in a second i get prompted to enter login details again, no error message nothing. When I press ESC I get 401 UNAUTHORIZED error.
Basically the site is acting as if the login details were incorrect when in fact I tried the same login details without Jmeter's proxy and the server accepted it.
What I tried:
1) Logging into this site without JMeter's proxy - works without problem
2) Recording different HTTPS site with JMeter's proxy - I tried my email and that works correctly as well
I should also mention that I am behind a company proxy, but I tried it at home and the result was same.
As for JMeter configuration, I am using everything on default having:
Thread Group
HTTP Cache Manager
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request Defaults
Recording Controller
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Guessing the Thread Group doesn't really matter since I don't run any tests, only recording.
Additional Details:
Logging into sharepoint website
Forgot to mention I tried already Blazemeter Extension, but when i try to record the logging session, it just freezes. Website hangs on trying to contact Blazemeter Cloud and Blazemeter plugin freezes, making it imposssible to stop recording and having to restart whole browser.
Also just noticed that when I am already logged in and try to access the site it records it without any issue. So it's only the login which is problematic for some reason.
JMeter removes cookies and authorization headers while recording.
You can use JMeter Chrome Extension as an alternate way of recording your test scenario.
In order to properly replay the recorded script you'll need to add HTTP Authorization Manager to it .
Sharepoint can have different authentication types, i.e.
Basic HTTP Authentication
Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM)
See Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter guide to learn how to bypass each authentication challenge in your JMeter test.
So I was able to finally resolve this. The issue lied in sharepoint authentication. I was logged in a domain with my personal account, but was trying to access the sharepoint using a different account.
Sharepoint ignored the login details I was prompted to enter and used mw domain credentials instead. So the answer for me was to access the sharepoint website while being logged into domain(windows) with the same account.