Tosca: How to scan Dropdown textbox which disapper upon opening xScan - testing

I have a problem in scanning a drop-down menu which disappears upon opening the xScan. I need to get the module id of the dropdown menu to verify some test steps.
Do you have any solution with this if it is not really possible to get the module id of the dropdown menu?

Open developer tools in your browser of choice (F12), navigate to the console and input the following code:
var fulldoc='';
var scrollX=0;
var scrollY=0;
if(event.key=='q' && event.altKey){
if(event.key=='w' && event.altKey){
When the window looks the way you would want to scan, press 'Alt + Q', then press 'Alt + W'.
Now your window will freeze and then you can scan your page.
To steer the objects you need to refresh your browser.

You can resolve the issue with below 2 steps
1 - Add some text in textbox which will populate the dropdown below it .
2 - Use Send Keys Module to scroll down and select the value.

I had a similar issue where we had a popup that only appeared when clicking on a text box. The solution we received from the Tricentis trainer was as follows:
Part One
1. Open your application in Chrome
2. Right click the inspect
3. In the inspector window, on the Elements tab, navigate to your html element where it should be (you can do that by clicking on the element and check that you can see the html in the element)
4. Use the debugger to add a break point there, this should pause it and you should be able to see the elements you need to steer it.
5. Once you found the element, you will need the type of element (e.g. div, span, etc), and the class name
Part two
1. Rescan your module and select any element that matches the criteria of your element selected in Part One #5
2. Identify it by only it's class name property and tag
3. Save and close
4. Edit the element in the module view by changing the class name. This should help you steer it
Note: if the element class name is not unique, you might need to use Explicit name.
Good luck


VBA macro how to click on button on website on chrome, using Selenium

I am trying to program to click on one button on website on chrome. The name of the button is "Add to Cart".
Please see HTML of the website:
enter image description here
And this is the VBA code:
CD.FindElementByCss("div.addToCartButtons clearAfter > button blue right s-addToCart > span.Add to Cart").Click
How can I do this?
Tags are important, you can anticipate some of the events attached to certain element in DOM just by reading its tag.
In your case you can click on the button tag directly instead of clicking the tag span, since this last one rarely has a .click event attached to it.
If you can provide an url to test this website I might help you better. This are the possible approaches:
1) Advanced:
a. Spaces in class are change for dots
b. Requires to understand tag's meaning and relative position of elements in DOM
'Clicking first button in div using only tag ("button" is a tag)
CD.FindElementByCss("div.addToCartButtons.clearAfter > button").Click
2) Intermedium:
a. Use only first Class and ignore all others after first space
b. Requires to understand what an elemment.child is
'Clicking first child of "div" (Everything inside "div" is a child)
CD.FindElementByCss("div.addToCartButtons > button:nth-child(1)").Click
3) Easiest:
a. Double quotes ["] inside querySelector are changed to single quote [']
b. Requires to use Copy JS path in DevTools (Ctrl + Shif + I)
'Clicking with Javascript in your website through ExecuteScript
strTemp = "document.querySelector('div.addToCartButtons clearAfter > button blue right s-addToCart').click"
CD.ExecuteScript (strTemp)

Selenium XPath for WebTable using parent & sibling

I am trying to automate the web table on the demoqa site where I am aiming to click the edit and delete button for a specific user. Please find the attached screenshot for reference.
I am trying to click the edit and delete button for the user 'Cierra' hence I have created the customize XPath '//div[contains(text(),'')]//following::div[text()='Insurance']//following::div//div//span[#title='Edit']'
Trying to click the edit and delete button using the contains text with email '' however I see four results even I use the unique username. Could anyone help me with this?
you can enclose the result in bracket and call [1] , to get first one:
But you don't have to over complicate it , just get email then go back to parent and get span under that parent ,:
if you still want to use fancy xpath locator then use :

Unable to break from the if condition and cannot click on element

I have a svg file and i need to click on the seats, So i have used driver.findelements() when a seat is clickable it should click on it and come out of the if condition. But when i use break it is not clicking the seat, When i do not use break it will go into infinite loop.
How do i break after the seat is selected.
Please find the attached code
Make recursive function which keeps on checking that element is enabled or not.
once it is enabled , it will click and come out.
def click_enabled_element(enable_value = False)
if enable_value:

How to handle Autosuggestion text field having dropdown list in Selenium?

There is a text field called "Choose an Industry" on clicking inside it will show list of dropdown values.
Attaching the screen shot for ref
There are a couple issues with the code you posted. With a little clean up it may work but there are methods provided by Selenium via Select that you should take advantage of.
String expectedValue = "Adverstising Services";
Select dropDown = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='select2-chooseInd-container']")));
You can read more about Select and the methods available in the docs, here:

QTP - Clicking on a button with a given value

I've started using QTP last weekend so I'm still a bit confused about some things.
I've coded a function that opens an URL on IE, performs some actions and writes a report. But I have a little problem: at a certain point the function has to click on a button to go on but this button's value is changed at every refresh of the page.
For example: at the first access the button's value (or label) is "Results List (51)" but, if I refresh the page, the value becomes "Results List (11)".
What changes is the number inside the brackets (that identifies the number of results inside the list).
Obviously I recorded the action only one time and the result is this:
Browser("myBrowser").Page("myPage").Frame("myFrame").WebButton("Results List 51)").Click
How can I click on the button without having to worry about it's value?
You should open the object repository and have a look at the description that was create for your WebButton then make the property in question a regular expression.
In your case the value should be Results List \(\d+\), this means Result List followed by open-parentheses, followd by one or more digits (a number) followed by close-parentheses.
Here's an explanation on how to use regular expressions in UFT.
This question reminded me of the days when I was a beginner in QTP ;) I think I still am!
Coming to your question -
If you don't really care about what is inside the brackets then you can just give Results List*.* but if you want to check if there is a bracket and digits within it then use the value suggested by Motti i.e. Results List (\d+)
Detailed Steps as you are a rookie:
1) Go to Resources->Object Repository
In the Resources pane expand your action and double-Click the local object repository (You recorded hence the objects will be in local)
2) Click on the Concerned Object so that the object properties specific to this object is displayed.
3) Select the property (name?), at the extreme right you will see a button to configure the value, click on it.
4) Type the text Results List (\d+) or Results List*.*, select the checkbox for regular expressions.
5) A message box will appear, Click on No and then OK button.
Your script should run now!