Forms authentication over http in WCF - how do I know which user is calling me - wcf

I'm working on a client-server application using WCF. The first client will be a desktop app (WPF) but I plan to add Xamarin (Android and iOS) and web client. I want this to be an internet service, and to potentially support a large number of clients, so I'm using http, a stateless service to conserve server resources.
I am having difficulties implementing authentication logic.
I found this great example that implements forms authentication:
It allows me to handle authentication how I want - compare username and password against the database, create an authentication cookie and return it. Subsequent calls using this cookie will be authenticated automatically.
But the problem is, I don't know which user called the service. If GetMyData() is called by user1, I want to make sure he only gets his own data. I obviously don't want to have the client send their ID separately with each request, because that can be easily tampered with - just switch "user1" for "user2" and hey presto, you're getting someone else's data.
I can get to the authentication cookie inside the service method by calling
(I can also see there's one other header called "Host")
The cookie is generated from a FormsAuthenticationTicket, which contains the username and password, but it's encrypted. I'm not sure whether it's possible for me to decrypt the cookie in my code, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the correct approach. My method was called AFTER the underlying system authenticated the caller, so presumably the cookie was decrypted and the ticket was found to be valid. So why can't I get to the data?
Sadly, every article I've found only deals with authenticating the user, but nobody seems to care about which user is using the service afterwards, as long as he's authorized.
I suppose I could store the cookies server-side, along with mapping to the specific user, and find the user that way. But I want the service to be as stateless as possible for performance reasons. Also, this would involve doing fulltext matching on a 300 character long string - for every single request! Yikes!
It seems to me that what I need is a very common use case, so there must be a proper way to do it. I just can't seem to find it. Can anyone help me out?

If you have Forms authentication setup correctly then you can get the logged-in username via Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name and send it to your service method for data access validation. Get the user id from username and validate ownership.
Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name decrypts the cookie ticket and returns the logged-in username.


REST method for UI and API access

This is a REST design question, not specific to any programming language. I am creating an application backend that is accessed via REST APIs. I would like to use the same APIs for both UI and API-based access. I am trying to figure out the best way to authenticate users so that I can reuse the same methods.
My current thinking on authentication is as follows:
API Users
These users get a user GUID and a pre-shared symmetric key. On each API request they include additional headers or request parameters that contain:
Their GUID
A security token that contains the user GUID, the current timestamp and another GUI (token GUID) concatenated together and encrypted using the shared key
Upon receiving the request, the server looks at the claimed GUID, retrieves the shared key, attempts to decrypt and verifies the token.
UI Users
These users will make a login request, supplying human credentials (userid/password). Once authenticated, a session is established backed by cookies and further REST calls are secured based on this session.
The Problem
What is the best way to write one REST endpoint that secures both ways: API access and UI access cleanly without too much duplication? I am looking to do the equivalent of the following, but perhaps more cleanly:
def hello():
user = None
if session:
user = get_authenticated_user()
user = process_auth_headers()
# Do something with user
I am looking to code the server in Flask, but I am sure the solution will apply as easily to any REST-based server-side framework.
Looking forward to some insights from the community.
We use node for our server, but I think the method we use is pretty common. There are session libraries that express can use, and they can utilize pretty well any database to store session information. They use a cookie with a key that does a lookup on the database when the client comes in. The session data is created when the client authenticates, and the cookie with the client key is added to the browser. The clients GUID is stored in the session, it never leaves the server. We use that info when they hit the server to check if they are logged in, who they are, and what they can do. We have used both FB, (client checks FB, then sends the FB id and token down to the server, which then rechecks and sets up the session or rejects it,) or the old classic, email and password. This works well when you have to scale across multiple app servers, as session is independent of the server, it works for both mobile clients and the web.

User registration/authentication flow on a REST API

I know this is not the first time the topic is treated in StackOverflow, however, I have some questions I couldn't find an answer to or other questions have opposed answers.
I am doing a rather simple REST API (Silex-PHP) to be consumed initially by just one SPA (backbone app). I don't want to comment all the several authentication methods in this question as that topic is already fully covered on SO. I'll basically create a token for each user, and this token will be attached in every request that requires authentication by the SPA. All the SPA-Server transactions will run under HTTPS. For now, my decision is that the token doesn't expire. Tokens that expire/tokens per session are not complying with the statelessness of REST, right? I understand there's a lot of room for security improvement but that's my scope for now.
I have a model for Tokens, and thus a table in the database for tokens with a FK to user_id. By this I mean the token is not part of my user model.
I have a POST /users (requires no authentication) that creates a user in the database and returns the new user. This complies with the one request one resource rule. However, this brings me certain doubts:
My idea is that at the time to create a new user, create a new token for the user, to immediately return it with the Response, and thus, improving the UX. The user will immediately be able to start using the web app. However, returning the token for such response would break the rule of returning just the resource. Should I instead make two requests together? One to create the user and one to retrieve the token without the user needing to reenter credentials?
If I decided to return the token together with the user, then I believe POST /users would be confusing for the API consumer, and then something like POST /auth/register appears. Once more, I dislike this idea because involves a verb. I really like the simplicity offered in this answer. But then again, I'd need to do two requests together, a POST /users and a POST /tokens. How wrong is it to do two requests together and also, how would I exactly send the relevant information for the token to be attached to a certain user if both requests are sent together?
For now my flow works like follows:
1. Register form makes a POST /users request
2. Server creates a new user and a new token, returns both in the response (break REST rule)
3. Client now attaches token to every Request that needs Authorization
The token never expires, preserving REST statelessness.
Most of the current webapps require email validation without breaking the UX for the users, i.e the users can immediately use the webapp after registering. On the other side, if I return the token with the register request as suggested above, users will immediately have access to every resource without validating emails.
Normally I'd go for the following workflow:
1. Register form sends POST /users request.
2. Server creates a new user with validated_email set to false and stores an email_validation_token. Additionally, the server sends an email generating an URL that contains the email_validation_token.
3. The user clicks on the URL that makes a request: For example POST /users/email_validation/{email_validation_token}
4. Server validates email, sets validated_email to true, generates a token and returns it in the response, redirecting the user to his home page at the same time.
This looks overcomplicated and totally ruins the UX. How'd you go about it?
This is quite simple, for now I am doing it this way so please correct me if wrong:
1. User fills a log in form which makes a request to POST /login sending Basic Auth credentials.
2. Server checks Basic Auth credentials and returns token for the given user.
3. Web app attached the given token to every future request.
login is a verb and thus breaks a REST rule, everyone seems to agree on doing it this way though.
Why does everyone seem to need a /auth/logout endpoint? From my point of view clicking on "logout" in the web app should basically remove the token from the application and not send it in further requests. The server plays no role in this.
As it is possible that the token is kept in localStorage to prevent losing the token on a possible page refresh, logout would also imply removing the token from the localStorage. But still, this doesn't affect the server. I understand people who need to have a POST /logout are basically working with session tokens, which again break the statelessness of REST.
I understand the remember me basically refers to saving the returned token to the localStorage or not in my case. Is this right?
If you'd recommend any further reading on this topic I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!
Tokens that expire/tokens per session are not complying with the statelessness of REST, right?
No, there's nothing wrong with that. Many HTTP authentication schemes do have expiring tokens. OAuth2 is super popular for REST services, and many OAuth2 implementations force the client to refresh the access token from time to time.
My idea is that at the time to create a new user, create a new token for the user, to immediately return it with the Response, and thus, improving the UX. The user will immediately be able to start using the web app. However, returning the token for such response would break the rule of returning just the resource. Should I instead make two requests together? One to create the user and one to retrieve the token without the user needing to reenter credentials?
Typically, if you create a new resource following REST best practices, you don't return something in response to a POST like this. Doing this would make the call more RPC-like, so I would agree with you here... it's not perfectly RESTful. I'll offer two solutions to this:
Ignore this, break the best practices. Maybe it's for the best in this case, and making exceptions if they make a lot more sense is sometimes the best thing to do (after careful consideration).
If you want be more RESTful, I'll offer an alternative.
Lets assume you want to use OAuth2 (not a bad idea!). The OAuth2 API is not really RESTful for a number of reasons. I'm my mind it is still better to use a well-defined authentication API, over rolling your own for the sake of being RESTful.
That still leaves you with the problem of creating a user on your API, and in response to this (POST) call, returning a secret which can be used as an access/refresh token.
My alternative is as follows:
You don't need to have a user in order to start a session.
What you can do instead is start the session before you create the user. This guarantees that for any future call, you know you are talking to the same client.
If you start your OAuth2 process and receive your access/refresh token, you can simply do an authenticated POST request on /users. What this means is that your system needs to be aware of 2 types of authenticated users:
Users that logged in with a username/password (`grant_type = passsword1).
Users that logged in 'anonymously' and intend to create a user after the fact. (grant_type = client_credentials).
Once the user is created, you can assign your previously anonymous session with the newly created user entity, thus you don't need to do any access/refresh token exchanges after creation.
Both your suggestions to either:
Prevent the user from using the application until email validation is completed.
Allow the user to use the application immediately
Are done by applications. Which one is more appropriate really depends on your application and what's best for you. Is there any risk associated with a user starting to use an account with an email they don't own? If no, then maybe it's fine to allow the user in right away.
Here's an example where you don't want to do this: Say if the email address is used by other members of your system to add a user as a friend, the email address is a type of identity. If you don't force users to validate their emails, it means I can act on behalf of someone with a different email address. This is similar to being able to receive invitations, etc. Is this an attack vector? Then you might want to consider blocking the user from using the application until the email is validated.
You might also consider only blocking certain features in your application for which the email address might be sensitive. In the previous example, you could prevent people from seeing invitations from other users until the email is validated.
There's no right answer here, it just depends on how you intend to use the email address.
Please just use OAuth2. The flow you describe is already fairly close to how OAuth2 works. Take it one step further an actually use OAuth2. It's pretty great and once you get over the initial hurdle of understanding the protocol, you'll find that it's easier than you thought and fairly straightforward to just implement the bits you specifically need for your API.
Most of the PHP OAuth2 server implementations are not great. They do too much and are somewhat hard to integrate with. Rolling your own is not that hard and you're already fairly close to building something similar.
The two reasons you might want a logout endpoint are:
If you use cookie/session based authentication and want to tell the server to forget the session. It sounds like this is not an issue for you.
If you want to tell the server to expire the access/refresh token earlier. Yes, you can just remove them from localstorage, and that might be good enough. Forcing to expire them server-side might give you that little extra confidence. What if someone was able to MITM your browser and now has access to your tokens? I might want to quickly logout and expire all existing tokens. It's an edge case, and I personally have never done this, but that could be a reason why you would want it.
Yea, implementing "remember me" with local storage sounds like a good idea.
I originally took the /LOGON and /LOGOUT approach. I'm starting to explore /PRESENCE. It seems it would help me combine both knowing someone's status and authentication.
0 = Offline
1 = Available
2 = Busy
Going from Offline to anything else should include initial validation (aka require username/password). You could use PATCH or PUT for this (depending how you see it).
You are right, SESSION is not allowed in REST, hence there is no need to login or logout in REST service and /login, /logout are not nouns.
For authentication you could use
Basic authentication over SSL
Digest authentication
OAuth 2
HMAC, etc.
I prefer to use PUBLIC KEY and PRIVATE KEY [HMAC]
Private key will never be transmitted over web and I don't care about public key. The public key will be used to make the user specific actions [Who is holding the api key]
Private key will be know by client app and the server. The private key will be used to create signature. You generate a signature token using private key and add the key into the header. The server will also generate the signature and validate the request for handshake.
Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b
Now how you will get private key? you have to do it manually like you put facebook, twitter or google api key on you app.
However, in some case you can also return [not recommended] the key only for once like Amazon S3 does. They provide "AWS secret access key" at the registration response.

ASP .NET WebAPI default OWIN authentication - help clear things up

I have some general/how-does-it-work-inside questions about WebAPI and OWIN (specifically, the default configuration which is set up when you create new WebAPI project in VS2013 and select Individual user account authentication). I did that, then I registered (using jQuery post) and even logged in (received token which I included in Authorization header, receiving access to protected resource. I just have some more questions about it:
Are my data stored inside authentication token? I know my password isn't, but is token containing encrypted data, or is just a random string? These are the only 2 options that I can think of: either token contains encrypted data (userId, expiration date, etc.) and server app deciphers it and grants me access to resources, or token is a random string and all user data are stored on server (token is used as a key to obtain correct user data entry). If the second theory is right, the token <-> userData lookup must be stored somewhere - is it session, cache or database maybe?
If i wanted to make a RESTful API, what about Roles, etc. (in general - data beyond simple who-are-you identification that I need for every request)? Again: first thing that comes to mind is to store them inside token. But if the data grows large isn't that too much overhead to send with each request (plus headers themselves probably are limited in size)? Second thing is using external OAuth service (like Facebook or Twitter) - if the user authenticates using external token, I can't control what information does it contain. Alternative is to get the data I need from the database each time, but isn't it bad practice? Every single request would need an extra database call to collect user's role and check if he even has access to this particular part of application. I could store it in session, but RESTful API is supposed to be stateless.
Thanks for any help as I'm just starting to dig into OAuth and WebAPI authentication. I know that I can customize everything to work as I want (so use session to store user data, etc.), but I wanted to know what the good practices are and which of them are provided out of the box with default WebAPI project in VS2013 and which need to be implemented manually.
(1) the latter is correct. The server verify token by machine key and can decipher and validate its contents.
(2) You got that correct. Its best to keep the token size min. tbh I am looking to see what others are doing about this. (+1 for the question.)

Using Sessions vs Tokens for API authentication

I have built a simple test API for a CakePHP application that will let a user login from a mobile device (or any device for that matter) and get a JSON response. This API could be used for a mobile app built in PhoneGap.
The login method looks like so:
public function login()
// Use custom method in Model to find record with password params
$findUser = $this->User->findUser(
// If a user exists and matches params
$this->User->id = $findUser['User']['id'];
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->response->body(json_encode(array('authenticated'=>true,'message'=>__('You have been logged in successfully'))));
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->response->body(json_encode(array('authenticated'=>false,'message'=>__('Username or password is incorrect'))));
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->response->body(json_encode(array('message'=>'GET request not allowed!')));
The mobile device (or any API user) can send their login details and then they get the request as JSON as true or false for authenticated. This boolean is NOT used to give the user access, it instead tells the mobile app if they can see certain screens and they ONLY get the data or can send data if the session exists!
As just stated, they are also actually logged into the API itself on the device so if they visit the website directly (from that device) they will have a session and see the same response for the JSON.
So essentially a user remains logged in for the duration of the session on the device they communicated with the server on. This is different to a token which would need to be passed for every request, where as in this example they have a session.
Now the questions...
Is it bad practice for the user to be 'actually' logged into the API
with a session like shown above? It seems like the most secure way to handle authentication for a device as it's using the same logic as the direct web root.
I've seen some APIs use access tokens instead which I've also
implemented (user gets their token returned instead of the boolean
and no session is created). But from what I can tell, this seems
like more work as then I need to check for the access token against
a user record every time a request is made.
For the sake of clarity, I am not a supporter of REST, I AM a supporter of RESTful/RESTlike services. If you look at all of the API's on the internet, very few actually stick to one standard. Whatever scheme you choose will depend on your specific problem-space. Just try to be secure and use intuitive design choices (ie dont name a service "cats" if it returns info about "dogs")
end edit
It is good practice in RESTful API's to manage some form of session/tokenizing scheme. Really the ideal (at least in my opinion, there are many schools of thought on this problem) setup involves rolling tokens.
If you are at all concerned with the security of your API, then permissions should be managed out of your database layer. Yes, this creates a bottleneck, BUT THAT IS ACTUALLY A GOOD THING. Needing to hit the database every single time to validate a client's token adds an extra step in the entire process. This slows down the API, which is actually desireable in a secure system. You don't want a malicious individual to be able to hit your API 3000 times a second, you want their requests to hang for a (somewhat) sizeable fraction of a second.
This is similar to MD5 hashing algorithms. Many of them recalculate the hash a few hundred times, with random pauses in between. This helps to keep a malicious client from attempting to brute force a password (by making it take more time to test each variation of the password string). The same applies to your API.
The other benefit, is that if you DO have a malicious user trying to log in over and over again, if you are managing them from the database layer, then you can red flag their IP Address/username/what-have-you and just drop their requests at step 1.
Anyway, for a suggested process (with rolling tokens, you can cut out parts of this if it seems overkill, but this is hella secure):
User hits a 'login' service, this requires a username/password, and returns two tokens, a Private Access Token and a Public Request Token (the server stores these tokens in the db).
The client stores these Tokens in a secure place
User accesses another endpoint to push/pull some data
Request includes a timestamp
Request includes the Public Request Token
Request includes an Access Token=> This token should be a MD5 hash of the string resulting from concatenating the timestamp string to the end of the Private Access Token string
The server takes the Public Request Token, uses that to lookup the Private Access Token that was stored
The server takes that Private Access Token, and concatenates on the Timestamp String, it then takes the MD5 of this string
If the new Access Token matches the one that the client sent the server, HURRAY, this client is validated, so push/pull the data
(Optional) The server generates new tokens on every request, and returns them to the client. This way every transaction invalidates the old tokens, and if there was some kind of man-in-the-middle attack occurring, if the VALID user has already completed their request, the malicious user now has invalid tokens and can't start messing with your API. This scheme tries to ensure that a malicious user can not expect to intercept a single communication between the server and the client, and still gain access to the system. If they do, then the REAL user should immediately get invalidated tokens. Which should then trigger their API client to hit the 'login' service AGAIN, getting new valid tokens. This once again kicks the malicious user out of the system.
This scheme is not 100% secure, no user access system ever will be. It can be made more secure by adding expiration dates on tokens. This scheme also has the added benefit that you can assign specific permissions to users/tokens (ie Read-Only access, only certain End-Points can be seen, etc)
This is not the only way you can do things, I would look up other Authentication Schemes and take what you want from each of them (OAUTH is a good place to start, then I'd look at Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)
Make your app login everytime, but not with login-pass pair as Swayok lastly suggested. When you login, server generates a token and returns it back to the client. Client then uses this token whenever it makes a request. On each request, server checks whether the token is valid and if so, executes the request.
This is very similar to how sessions work in that, server side frameworks manage it internally and these tokens expire from time to time. However, as Swayok rightuflly pointed out, you don't want session mainly because you're RESTful API should have no state. You get the same utility without storing any user specific data regarding user and logging user in with every request.
Here's a good article on this, or you can try the Facebook Graph API explorer to see it in action
Restful API restricts using sessions and saving system state at all. Each request must log-in user.
Access tokes are great but also require additional handling.
The easiest way is to send authorisation data via HTTP Basic Auth ("Authorization" HTTP header)
Mobile Applications can easily do that and it is easy to add this header for each request to API.
On server side:
$username = env('PHP_AUTH_USER');
$password = env('PHP_AUTH_PW');
And process user log-in with this data in ApiAppController->beforeFilter()
To answer your questions
Its not a bad practice as long as you close their session on app close and recreate it when needed. it is same as if they were logged in on a browser they would know and have facility to log out however the same should be available on the app as well otherwise they might have closed the app but not actually ended their session. You can handle this in many ways by asking them to log out automatic checking when they close app
Tokens are an enhanced way of doing the above however you have to consider how secure the token is when transmitted and server need to verify the token on each request. You have said that it seems like more work so yes its more work and if you have time or money constrains and looking for an answer to say if the session style would harm your application in future it wont as long as you are in control of session and not leaving user without ending the session. If you have time then implement tokens and you would like that.

Logging In: Background Details

What happens when you log into a website?
I know cookies are stored and some info (what info?) gets sent to the server...but maybe some more detail?
Once upon a time, somewhere on the Internet....
Browser: "hey, can I see this web page?, Trouble is, I don't remember speaking to you before"
Website: "sure, fill in the form, I need your username and your password"
Browser: "Here ya go"
Website: "Great!, Welcome back koldfyre! Here's the page. Look, if you want more pages, take this token and use it when you ask for another one"
Browser: Cool. That site gave me a token. I'll memorize it!
A few minutes later
Browser: "Ooh! Can I see this other web page? Here's my token"
Website: "That token looks good, hello again koldfyre, here's your web page"
That, in essence, is it. In order to remember a user has logged in, it gives the user a token which it must present with its next request. This is normally achieved by the server telling the browser to store this token in a cookie.
Delving deeper - transport layer authentication
The way the credentials are passed to the server, and the nature of the token it returns, vary depending on the authentication method employed.
The very simplest, HTTP Basic Authentication, is provided by most web server implementations. It causes your browser to pop open the familiar login dialog box. The "token" is simply your plaintext username and password base64 encoded. Not particularly secure.
A server might also provide Digest Authentication, which avoids transmission of the actual credentials - the client instead generates a hash of their credentials with a server generated salt. It is designed to prevent password sniffing and replay attacks.
Deeper still - application layer authentication
For maximum flexibility and control, most sites opt to implement the authorization in the application layer rather than the HTTP transport layer. This gives a wider variety of security choices. Any site which asks for credentials in a web page (rather than the browser's login dialog box) is using a custom authorization method.
Custom methods will vary wildly in their initial interaction, but they almost always result in the user being given a session cookie containing a randomly generated identifier. The browser then automatically presents the cookie with each subsequent request. The web application will inspect the cookie value to ensure it is still valid.
It's also possible to hand off the authorization to a trusted third party, generally to provide some sort of single-signon service. In cases like that, when you notice a user isn't authenticated, you bounce them off to the authentication provider. They authenticate them, and they will be returned to you with some kind of token you verify with the provider. Shibboleth is one example of this. You also logged into this very site using a similar method employed by OpenID
Further reading
Here's some nice answers from a similar question
PART I: How To Log In
PART II: How To Remain Logged In - The Infamous "Remember Me" Checkbox
PART III: Using Secret Questions
PART IV: Forgotten Password Functionality
PART V: Checking Password Strength
PART VI: Much More - Or: Preventing Rapid-Fire Login Attempts
PART VII: Distributed Brute Force Attacks
Other answers in that question provide even more links to round out your education!
That's a pretty general question. What you're doing, over all, is establishing some kind of credentials with the site itself. If we take the simple version, you enter a user name and a password; that means you identify yourself to the website, and then show it a secret you and the website share that no one else knows (we hope). That establishes you as authentically the person with that user name, and so we say you have authenticated yourself.
Once you've done so, there are some design decisions the website designer has to make. most people don't want to log in for every page, so the web site wants to store a little information, a credential, on your end. This means that it can tell it's still you. Often, as you say, that's a "cookie", which is nothing more that a tiny text file named with the web site's URL. This file is stored by the browser.
On many web sites, like for banking, you also want to guarantee that the data being exchanged can't be intercepted by a third party. If so, you establish a secure connection using a protocol known as SSL or TLS. What this adds to the basic connection is an exchange of information that establishes a session key. This session key is then used to encrypt the communications. This usually happens before you exchange the user name and password, so that your password is never visible to a malicious third party either.
Under the covers, when you establish a secure connection, the web site sends your browser a block of formatted data called an x509 certificate. This is another form of authentication; the certificate will have been signed by an issuer (the certificate authority or "CA") and the browser can use stored data about the CA's to ensure that the certificate is authentic.
This completely depends on the implementation of the website. Even the usage of cookies is not mandatory, but very common.
In most cases however, something like this happens:
You send in your username and password using an HTML form.
The server looks up the relevant user (using a database)
The server checks if the password matches the password that is stored in the database alongside the user.
If the password is correct, the server will store what user currently is active in the session. The identifier of this session is stored in a cookie, the actual data of this session (the current user) is stored on the server under this identifier.
Now you are logged in. You will remain logged in during the remainder of the session:
When you request another page from the server, you will send the cookie with the sesison identifier.
The server loads the session using this identifier. In this session, the current user is stored, so the server knows what user is logged in.
When you log into a web site, first your credential are authenticated. If your credentials match, then something is put into the session (on the server) to keep track of who you are so you can access data that is yours without having to re-log-in. This is obviously useless on the web server unless the client can provide information about who it is on each request. Note that the "Session" is usually maintained entirely on the web server, with the client having only a key that allows access to the session.
Remember that HTTP itself is a stateless protocol. The HTTP standard contains no method for HTTP requests to keep or persist any state between individual HTTP requests. Thus, the state is usually kept entirely on the server and you just need a method for the client to identify which session the current HTTP request belongs to.
The two common ways this is done are:
Use a cookie (for example, Apache Tomcat uses the JSESSIONID cookie) to store some hashed authentication token that will successfully look up the web session, or
rewrite the URL so that every request has the session ID added to the end of the request. Still using Apache Tomcat as the example, if cookies are disabled then the URL will be rewritten to end with a string like ";jsessionid=....". Thus, every request, every HTTP GET and POST (and the rest) will end with this string.
Thus, on each request the client makes, the session ID is provided to the web server, allowing the persisted state for this client to be quickly looked up, allowing HTTP to act like a stateful protocol.
What information is sent to the server when you log in? Whatever information you provided on the login form. Some web servers also track the TCP/IP address the request came from to avoid session hijacking attacks. This is usually all the information that is needed by the server.
If you don't allow your browser to save cookies, then you will have to log in to the web server each time you open your browser and initially open the server's web page. However, if you allow your browser to save cookies, then many servers allow you the option of saving the cookie (that is, not just using a session cookie) so that each time you go to a web page of the server, the persisted cookie will identify you so you don't need to re-login. Here, the cookie will save enough information -- often in an encrypted form that only the server can understand -- to identify you. In this case, the Cookie is not a simple session ID.
Very simply explained, what happens is mentioned below:
What goes in?
What happens inside?
Password is converted to its hash
Hash(password) is compared with the DB table or a Directory Service
(unless someone is down-rightly foolish, the site won't save your password in clear text)
If Authenticated, A status-token is stored in Session and/or cookie.
This token can just contain a status, Login Timestamps, your userId, userType(if any), et al.
This token is read and verified on every page you access if that page requires you to be logged with as a certain type of user.
If authentication fails, you are redirected to a page displaying error asking you to re-login.
What comes out
You are redirected your personal profile page/the page you were accesing to which verifies you with the help of the token.
Additionally, a Digital Certificate may come in picture if you are accessing a banking site or other critically secure site
There are two main ways of performing authentication on the web, and a few less popular ways that are also worth knowing about.
The first is HTTP authentication, as defined by RFC 2617. When you request a protected page, the server responds with a 401 status code, signalling that you aren't permitted to access the resource. In addition to this, it also sends a WWW-Authenticate header, which instructs the browser on how it wants you to authorise yourself. The browser sees this status code and the header, and prompts you for your authentication details. When you enter them, your browser prepares them according to the specific authentication scheme the server specified, and requests the page again, including an Authorization header with the prepared details. The server checks these details against its user database, and either responds with another 401 (wrong details), or the protected page with an accompanying 200 status code to indicate success.
HTTP authentication is one of those ancient features that browsers didn't implement well to begin with and have never really been improved. Because of this, it has become much more popular for web developers to implement authentication themselves using cookies to persist state. In this case, the user is presented with a standard HTML form. When the user enters their credentials into the fields and submits the form, the browser encodes it and sends it to the server in the same way it encodes any normal HTML form. The server checks the credentials, and if they are legitimate, sets a cookie with a randomly-generated ID number, along with a corresponding database/filesystem entry that recognises that ID number as belonging to a particular user.
From this point on, every request the browser makes to the server includes this ID number cookie as an HTTP header. The server recognises the cookie, looks up the ID number, and knows which user you are. When you choose to log out, the server sends a response asking your browser to forget the ID number, at which point you are just another anonymous user.
A less commonly-used option is the use of SSL client certificates. Many people are familiar with the idea of using SSL to identify a server. A cryptographic keypair is generated, signed by a trusted authority, and used to prove that the data being sent originated with the owner of the keypair. What many people aren't aware of though, is that the same can be used by a client to prove its identity to a server. This is less convenient, however, as you need to carry your certificate around with you if you want to use it on more than one machine.
There are variations and lesser-known options available of course, but these are the most prominent ones.
As others have mentioned, login procedures vary depending on implementation, but the basic case (simple web app authentication) uses something like the following pseudocode:
function login(username, password) {
user = db->get_user(username)
if (user == false) {
report_error("Unknown username")
if (user->password != hash(password)) {
report_error("Incorrect password")
// User authenticated, set session cookie
session->set_data('current_user', user->username)
Of course, in most cases, it gets a little more involved than that, but every login function starts its life looking essentially like the above. Now, if we add autologin ("remember me") to the mix, we get something like this:
function login(username, password, remember_me) {
user = db->get_user(username)
if (user == false) {
report_error("Unknown username")
if (user->password != hash(password)) {
report_error("Incorrect password")
// User authenticated, set session cookie
session->set_data('current_user', user->username)
if (remember_me == true) {
cookie_token = random_string(50)
set_cookie('autologin_cookie', cookie_token, ONE_MONTH)
// Finally, save a hash of the random token in the user table
db->update_user(user, 'autologin_token', hash(cookie_token))
Plus the function to perform the automatic login if there is a cookie present:
function cookie_login() {
cookie = get_cookie('autologin_cookie')
if (cookie == false) {
return false
// Only for demonstration; cookie should always include username as well
user = db->get_user_by_cookie(cookie)
if (user == false) {
// Corrupt cookie data or deleted user
return false
// User authenticated, set session cookie
session->set_data('current_user', user->username)
return true
NOTE: The above isn't a 'best practices' approach, and it's not very secure. In production code, you would always include a user identifier in the cookie data, use several levels of throttling, store data on failed and successful logins, etc. All of this has been stripped away to make the basic structure of authentication simple to follow.
Anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for, koldfyre. I don't know your background, but if you're unsure of how sessions and cookies work, you should read up on them separately, and if you need more elaborate details, just ask.
P.S.: You may also want to check the question "The Definitive Guide To Website Authentication" for best practice approaches
Look, it's a little hard to give you a lot more information that you already have here; I'm not sure why you want to set a bounty on it. A cookie is just a little bit of named information, and you can put anything you like in it. For a session, you'd want some kind of session ID. There are conventions for that, or you can do it yourself. Whatever you do, when you set the cookie, you leave a little data lying about on the person's browser that is more or less like this:
mystuff: this is my stuff, by golly.
When you come back, you retrieve the cookie and get that back.
If you want to see all the details of that protocol, have a look at the Wikipedia article.