Can adjacent thread stacks corrupt each other? - embedded

Observation is-
2 threads a and b are created one after the other. Stack size required for thread b is thrice of the allocated stack size.
Execution of thread b uses/corrupts stack allocated to thread a. Now when thread a executes, OS gives stack overflow error.
Note: New functions are added to thread b. No new function executes in the context of thread a.
RTOS used is embOS.
Is this scenario possible? Or the interpretation of the observations might be wrong in this case? How can I find out?

The scenario is very likely, somewhat depending on the layout of your memory; but almost certainly something bad will happen. embOS normally does no memory protection, since most systems it runs on don't have an MMU to protect you memory.
On most architectures stacks grow downwards, i.e. from the upper memory addresses to the lower ones. If you create your stacks like the following (common to do so when using embOS):
static char stack_a[512];
static char stack_b[512];
and thread b uses 1536 bytes of stack memory, it will use stack_b for its first 512 bytes, stack_a for the next 512 bytes and 512 bytes from something we can't see here. So bad things will happen...
The reason that embOS detects your stack corruption is (with the configurations I know), that it put some special signature to the lower bytes of the stack and checks at some occasions if this signature is still intact. This although implies, that you need more than 512 bytes of stack space when you want to use 512 byte stack memory in your thread. Having some reserve on your stacks is almost always a good idea.


Estimating available RAM left with safety margin in C (STM32F4)

I am currently developing application for STM32F407 using STM32CubeMx and Keil uVision. I know that dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems is mostly discouraged, but from spot to spot on internet I can find some arguments in favor of it.
Due to my inventors soul I wanted to try to do it, but do it safely. Let's assume I'm creating a dynamically allocated fifo for incoming UART messages, holding structs composed of the msg itself and its' length. However I wouldn't like to consume all the heap size doing so, therefore I want to check how much of it I have left: Me new (?) idea is to try temporarily allocating some big chunk of memory (say 100 char) - if it's successful, I accept the incoming msg, if not - it means that I'm running out of heap and ignore the msg (or accept it and dequeue the oldest). After checking I of course free the temp memory.
A few questions arise in my mind:
First of all, does it make sens at all? Do you think, basic on your experience, that it could be usefull and safe?
I couldn't find precise info about what exactly shares RAM in ES (I know about heap, stack and volatile vars) so my question is: providing that answer to 1. isn't "hell no go home", what size of the temp memory checker would you pick for the mentioned controller?
About the micro itself - it has 192kB RAM, however in the Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Source\Templates\arm\startup_stm32f407xx.s file only 512B+1024B are allocated for heap and stack - isn't that very little, leaving the whooping, remaining 190kB for volatile vars? Would augmenting the heap size to, say 50kB be sensible? If yes, do I do it directly in this file or it's a better practice to do it somewhere else?
Probably for some of you "safe dynamic memory" and "embedded" in one post is both schocking and dazzling, but keep in mind that this is experimenting and exploring new horizons :) Thanks and greetings.
Keil uVision describes only the IDE. If you are using KEil MDK-ARM which implies ARM's RealView compiler then you can get accurate heap information using the __heapstats() function.
__heapstats() is a little strange in that rather than simply returning a value it outputs heap information to a formatted output stream facilitated by a function pointer and file descriptor passed to it. The output function must have an fprintf() like interface. You can use fprintf() of course, but that requires that you have correctly retargetted the stdio
For example the following:
typedef int (*__heapprt)(void *, char const *, ...);
__heapstats( (__heapprt)fprintf, stdout ) ;
outputs for example:
4180 bytes in 1 free blocks (avge size 4180)
1 blocks 2^11+1 to 2^12
Unfortunately that does not really achieve what you need since it outputs text. You could however implement your own function to capture the data in memory and parse the result. You may only need to capture the first decimal digit characters and discard anything else, except that the amount of free memory and the largest allocatable block are not necessarily the same thing of course. Fragmentation is indicated by the number or free blocks and their average size. You can perhaps guarantee to be able to allocate at least an average sized block.
The issue with dynamic allocation in embedded systems are to do with handling memory exhaustion and, in real-time systems, the non-deterministic timing of both allocation and deallocation using the default malloc/free implementations. In your case you might be better off using a fixed-block allocator. You can implement such an allocator by creating a static array of memory blocks (or by dynamically allocating them from the heap at start-up), and placing a pointer to each block on a queue or linked list or stack structure. To allocate you simply remove a pointer from the queue/list/stack, and to free you place a pointer back. When the available blocks structure is empty, memory is exhausted. It is entirely deterministic, and because it is your implementation can be easily monitored for performance and capacity.
With respect to question 3. You are expected to adjust the heap and system stack size to suit your application. Most tools I have used have a linker script that automatically allocates all available memory not statically allocated, allocated to a stack or reserved for other purposes to the heap. However MDK-ARM does not do that in the default linker scripts but rather allocates a fixed size heap.
You can use the linker map file summary to determine how much space is unused and manually expand the heap. I usually do that leaving a small amount of unused space to account for maintenance when the amount of statically allocated data may increase. At some point however; you end up running out of memory, and the arcane error messages from the linker may not make it obvious that your heap is just too big. It is possible to override the default linker script and provide your own, and no doubt possible then to automatically size the heap - though I have never taken the trouble to try it.
Okay I have tested my idea with dynamic heap free space checking and it worked well (although I didn't perform long-run tests), however #Clifford answer and this article convinced me to abandon the idea of dynamic allocation. Eventually I implemented my own, static heap with pages (2d array), occupied pages indicator (0-1 array of size of number of pages) and fifo of structs consisting of pointer to the msg on my static heap (actually just the index of the array) and length of message (to determine how many contiguous pages it occupies). 95% of msg I receive should take up only one page, 5% - 2 or 3 pages, so fragmentation is still possible, but at least I keep a tight rein on it and it affects only the part of memory assigned to this module of the code (in other words: the fragmentation doesn't leak to other parts of the code). So far it has worked without any problems and for sure is faster because the lookup time is O(n*m), n - number of pages, m - the longest page possible, but taking into consideration the laws of probability it goes down to O(n). Moreover n is always a lot smaller the number of all allocation units in memory, so way less to look for.

How can I change maximum available heap size for a task in FreeRTOS?

I'm creating a list of elements inside a task in the following way:
l = (dllist*)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(dllist));
dllist is 32 byte big.
My embedded system has 60kB SRAM so I expected my 200 element list can be handled easily by the system. I found out that after allocating space for 8 elements the system is crashing on the 9th malloc function call (256byte+).
If possible, where can I change the heap size inside freeRTOS?
Can I somehow request the current status of heap size?
I couldn't find this information in the documentation so I hope somebody can provide some insight in this matter.
Thanks in advance!
(Yes - FreeRTOS pvPortMalloc() returns void*.)
If you have 60K of SRAM, and configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE is large, then it is unlikely you are going to run out of heap after allocating 256 bytes unless you had hardly any heap remaining before hand. Many FreeRTOS demos will just keep creating objects until all the heap is used, so if your application is based on one of those, then you would be low on heap before your code executed. You may have also done something like use up loads of heap space by creating tasks with huge stacks.
heap_4 and heap_5 will combine adjacent blocks, which will minimise fragmentation as far as practical, but I don't think that will be your problem - especially as you don't mention freeing anything anywhere.
Unless you are using heap_3.c (which just makes the standard C library malloc and free thread safe) you can call xPortGetFreeHeapSize() to see how much free heap you have. You may also have xPortGetMinimumEverFreeHeapSize() available to query how close you have ever come to running out of heap. More information:
You could also define a malloc() failed hook ( to get instant notification of pvPortMalloc() returning NULL.
For the standard allocators you will find a config option in FreeRTOSConfig.h .
It is very well possible you run out of memory already, depending on the allocator used. IIRC there is one that does not free() any blocks (free() is just a dummy). So any block returned will be lost. This is still useful if you only allocate memory e.g. at startup, but then work with what you've got.
Other allocators might just not merge adjacent blocks once returned, increasing fragmentation much faster than a full-grown allocator.
Also, you might loose memory to fragmentation. Depending on your alloc/free pattern, you quickly might end up with a heap looking like swiss cheese: Many holes between allocated blocks. So while there is still enough free memory, no single block is big enough for the size required.
If you only allocate blocks that size there, you might be better of using your own allocator or a pool (blocks of fixed size). Thaqt would be statically allocated (e.g. array) and chained as a linked list during startup. Alloc/free would then just be push/pop on a stack (or put/get on a queue). That would also be very fast and have complexity O(1) (interrupt-safe if properly written).
Note that normal malloc()/free() are not interrupt-safe.
Finally: Do not cast void *. (Well, that's actually what standard malloc() returns and I expect that FreeRTOS-variant does the same).

free function not working in c / objective-c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do malloc() and free() work?
I have encountered a weird problem and I'm really not sure why it doesn't work.
I have the following code in Xcode:
void *ptr = malloc(1024 * 1024 * 100);
memset(ptr, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 100);
free (ptr); //trace this line
ptr = malloc (1024 * 1024 * 100);
memset(ptr, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 100);
free (ptr); //trace this line
I put a breakpoint on each of the free() line, and when I traced the program, free didn't really free up the 100mb. However, if I change the number from 100 to 500 (allocate 500mb twice), memset 500mb, free() works fine. Why?
free can never fail(it does not have a return value) unless you call it with a improper address, which gives you undefined behavior.
You do not have to bother whether free actually frees memory or not you just have to ensure that you call free on the correct address after you are done with dynamic memory usage, rest the compiler should take care for you.
This is one of those things that you should just believe on your compiler to handle correctly.
Also, free just marks the memory being deallocated free(as name says) for reuse. It does not zero out or initialize the memory being deallocated.
When you pass a block of memory to free, that memory does not necessarily get returned to the operating system right away. In fact, based on the wording in the C standard, some argue that the memory can't be returned to the OS until the program exits.
The wording in question is (C99, ยง7.20.3.2/2): "The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation." Their argument is that when/if a block of memory is allocated and then freed, it should be available for allocation again -- but if it's returned to the OS, some other process might take it, so it's no longer available for further allocation, as the standard requires. Personally, I don't find that argument completely convincing (I think "allocated by another process" is still allocation), but such is life.
Most libraries allocate large chunks of memory from the OS, and then sub-allocate pieces of those large chunks to the program. When memory is freed by the program, the put that block of memory on an "available" list for further allocation. Most also (at least at times) walk through the list of free blocks, merging free blocks that are adjacent addresses.
Many also follow some heuristics about what memory to keep after it's been freed. First, the keep an entire block as long as any of the memory in that block remains in use. If, however, all the memory in a block has been freed, they look at its size, and (often) at how much free memory they have available. If the amount available and/or size of the free block exceeds some threshold, they'll usually release it back to the OS.
Rather than having fixed thresholds, some try to tailor their behavior to the environment by (for example) basing their thresholds on percentages of available memory instead of fixed sizes. Without that, programs written (say) ten years ago when available memory was typically a lot smaller would often do quite a bit of "thrashing" -- repeatedly allocating and releasing the same (or similar) size blocks to/from the OS.
free() does not have to immediately unmap and return to the OS the pages backing up previously but no longer allocated buffers. It may keep them around so you can allocate memory quickly again. When the program finishes, the pages will be unmapped and returned to the OS.
As others already said, free() doesn't have to return memory to the OS. But I reject an idea that you should never care whether the memory is returned. There should be a good reason to care, but there are valid reasons.
If you do want to return memory to OS, use a platform-specific way which provides this guarantee:
mmap with MAP_ANONYMOUS on systems supporting it (there are many, but MAP_ANONYMOUS is not POSIX): mmap instead of malloc, munmap instead of free.
VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree on Windows.
[Shoul I add something here for other systems? Feel free to suggest.]
These ways of allocating memory work with big memory units (system page size or more).

How does a stack memory increase?

In a typical C program, the linux kernel provides 84K - ~100K of memory. How does the kernel allocate more memory for the stack when the process uses the given memory.
IMO when the process takes up all the memory of the stack and now uses the next contiguous memory, ideally it should page fault and then the kernel handles the page fault.
Is it here that the kernel provides more memory to the stack for the given process, and which data structure in linux kernel identifies the size of the stack for the process??
There are a number of different methods used, depending on the OS (linux realtime vs. normal) and the language runtime system underneath:
1) dynamic, by page fault
typically preallocate a few real pages to higher addresses and assign the initial sp to that. The stack grows downward, the heap grows upward. If a page fault happens somewhat below the stack bottom, the missing intermediate pages are allocated and mapped. Effectively increasing the stack from the top towards the bottom automatically. There is typically a maximum up to which such automatic allocation is performed, which can or can not be specified in the environment (ulimit), exe-header, or dynamically adjusted by the program via a system call (rlimit). Especially this adjustability varies heavily between different OSes. There is also typically a limit to "how far away" from the stack bottom a page fault is considered to be ok and an automatic grow to happen. Notice that not all systems' stack grows downward: under HPUX it (used?) to grow upward so I am not sure what a linux on the PA-Risc does (can someone comment on this).
2) fixed size
other OSes (and especially in embedded and mobile environments) either have fixed sizes by definition, or specified in the exe header, or specified when a program/thread is created. Especially in embedded real time controllers, this is often a configuration parameter, and individual control tasks get fix stacks (to avoid runaway threads taking the memory of higher prio control tasks). Of course also in this case, the memory might be allocated only virtually, untill really needed.
3) pagewise, spaghetti and similar
such mechanisms tend to be forgotten, but are still in use in some run time systems (I know of Lisp/Scheme and Smalltalk systems). These allocate and increase the stack dynamically as-required. However, not as a single contigious segment, but instead as a linked chain of multi-page chunks. It requires different function entry/exit code to be generated by the compiler(s), in order to handle segment boundaries. Therefore such schemes are typically implemented by a language support system and not the OS itself (used to be earlier times - sigh). The reason is that when you have many (say 1000s of) threads in an interactive environment, preallocating say 1Mb would simply fill your virtual address space and you could not support a system where the thread needs of an individual thread is unknown before (which is typically the case in a dynamic environment, where the use might enter eval-code into a separate workspace). So dynamic allocation as in scheme 1 above is not possible, because there are would be other threads with their own stacks in the way. The stack is made up of smaller segments (say 8-64k) which are allocated and deallocated from a pool and linked into a chain of stack segments. Such a scheme may also be requried for high performance support of things like continuations, coroutines etc.
Modern unixes/linuxes and (I guess, but not 100% certain) windows use scheme 1) for the main thread of your exe, and 2) for additional (p-)threads, which need a fix stack size given by the thread creator initially. Most embedded systems and controllers use fixed (but configurable) preallocation (even physically preallocated in many cases).
edit: typo
The stack for a given process has a limited, fixed size. The reason you can't add more memory as you (theoretically) describe is because the stack must be contiguous, and it grows toward the heap. So, when the stack reaches the heap, no extension is possible.
The stack size for a userland program is not determined by the kernel. The kernel stack size is a configuration option for the kernel (usually 4k or 8k).
Edit: if you already know this, and were merely talking about the allocation of physical pages for a process, then you have the procedure down already. But there's no need to keep track of the "stack size" like this: the virtual pages in the stack with no pagetable entries are just normal overcommitted virtual pages. Physical memory will be granted on their first access. But the kernel does not have to overcommit memory, and thus a stack will probably have complete physical realization when the executable is first loaded.
The stack can only be used up to a certain length, because it has a fixed storage capacity in memory. If your question asks in what direction does the stack being used up? the answer is downwards. It is filled down in memory towards the heap. The heap is a dynamic component of memory by which it can actually grow from the bottom up, based on your need of data storage.

Handling stack overflows in embedded systems

In embedded software, how do you handle a stack overflow in a generic way?
I come across some processor which does protect in hardware way like recent AMD processors.
There are some techniques on Wikipedia, but are those real practical approaches?
Can anybody give a clear suggested approach which works in all case on today's 32-bit embedded processors?
Ideally you write your code with static stack usage (no recursive calls). Then you can evaluate maximum stack usage by:
static analysis (using tools)
measurement of stack usage while running your code with complete code coverage (or as high as possible code coverage until you have a reasonable confidence you've established the extent of stack usage, as long as your rarely-run code doesn't use particularly more stack than the normal execution paths)
But even with that, you still want to have a means of detecting and then handling stack overflow if it occurs, if at all possible, for more robustness. This can be especially helpful during the project's development phase. Some methods to detect overflow:
If the processor supports a memory read/write interrupt (i.e. memory access breakpoint interrupt) then it can be configured to point to the furthest extent of the stack area.
In the memory map configuration, set up a small (or large) block of RAM that is a "stack guard" area. Fill it with known values. In the embedded software, regularly (as often as reasonably possible) check the contents of this area. If it ever changes, assume a stack overflow.
Once you've detected it, then you need to handle it. I don't know of many ways that code can gracefully recover from a stack overflow, because once it's happened, your program logic is almost certainly invalidated. So all you can do is
log the error
Logging the error is very useful, because otherwise the symptoms (unexpected reboots) can be very hard to diagnose.
Caveat: The logging routine must be able to run reliably even in a corrupted-stack scenario. The routine should be simple. I.e. with a corrupted stack, you probably can't try to write to EEPROM using your fancy EEPROM writing background task. Maybe just log the error into a struct that is reserved for this purpose, in non-init RAM, which can then be checked after reboot.
Reboot (or perhaps shutdown, especially if the error reoccurs repeatedly)
Possible alternative: restart just the particular task, if you're using an RTOS, and your system is designed so the stack corruption is isolated, and all the other tasks are able to handle that task restarting. This would take some serious design consideration.
While embedded stack overflow can be caused by recursive functions getting out of hand, it can also be caused by errant pointer usage (although this could be considered another type of error), and normal system operation with an undersized stack. In other words, if you don't profile your stack usage it can occur outside of a defect or bug situation.
Before you can "handle" stack overflow you have to identify it. A good method for doing this is to load the stack with a pattern during initialization and then monitor how much of the pattern disappears during run-time. In this fashion you can identify the highest point the stack has reached.
The pattern check algorithm should execute in the opposite direction of stack growth. So, if the stack grows from 0x1000 to 0x2000, then your pattern check can start at 0x2000 to increase efficiency. If your pattern was 0xAA and the value at 0x2000 contains something other than 0xAA, you know you've probably got some overflow.
You should also consider placing an empty RAM buffer immediately after the stack so that if you do detect overflow you can shut down the system without losing data. If your stack is followed immediately by heap or SRAM data then identifying an overflow will mean that you have already suffered corruption. Your buffer will protect you for a little bit longer. On a 32-bit micro you should have enough RAM to provide at least a small buffer.
If you are using a processor with a Memory Management Unit your hardware can do this for you with minimal software overhead. Most modern 32 bit processors have them and more and more 32 bit micro controllers feature them as well.
Set up a memory area in the MMU that will be used for the stack. It should be bordered by two memory areas where the MMU does not allow access. When your application is running you will receive a exception/interrupt as soon as you overflow the stack.
Because you get a exception at the moment the error occur you know exactly where in your application the stack went bad. You can look at the call stack to see exactly how you got to where you are. This makes it a lot easier to find your problem than trying to figure out what is wrong by detecting your problem long after it happened.
I have used this successfully on PPC and AVR32 processors. When you start out using an MMU you feel like it is a waste of time since you got along great without it for many years but once you see the advantages of a exception at the exact spot where your memory problem occur you will never go back. A MMU can also detect zero pointer accesses if you disallow memory access to the bottom park of your ram.
If you are using an RTOS your MMU protects the memory and stacks of other tasks errors in one task should not affect them. This means you could also easily restart your task without affecting the other tasks.
In addition to this a processor with a MMU usually also has lots of ram your program is a lot less likely to overflow your stack and you don't need to fine tune everything to get you application to run correctly with a small memory foot print.
An alternative to this would be to use the Processor debug facilities to cause a interrupt on a memory access to the end of your stack. This will probably be very processor specific.
A stack overflow occurs the stack memory is exhausted by too large of a call stack ? e.g. a recursive function too many levels deep.
There are techniques to detect a stack overflow by placing known data after the stack so it could be detected if the stack grew too much and overwrote it.
There are static source code analysis tools such as GnatStack, StackAnalyzer from AbsInt, and Bound-T which can be used to determine or make a guess at the maximum run-time stack-size.