how to setup Thingworx 7.0 for high availability? - thingworx

I am currently trying to instantiate 2 or more instances of thingworx on a single machine for trying Thingworx for high availability.Can you specify the different software along with their version that are required to setup Thingworx 7.0 for high availability?.Are their any tutorials that can help me with the setup?

If you want to use two or more ThingWorx instances on same machine then you can install two or more Apache tomcat server on same machine with different ports (check stackoverflow question for the same) and deploy ThingWorx on both of them.
And you can refer Installing and Upgrading ThingWorx to install ThingWorx guide to install ThingWorx.

To decrease the duration of outage for critical internet of things systems ,you can configure thingwrox core for high availability .This requires a complex setup which you can configure by this guide


Is it possible to install adobe connect on shared hosting through cpanle?

I've watched many tutorials which instructors thought how to install adobe connect on local windows server mostly in VMware. I guess I need vps to follow those instructions.
What I'm really looking for is how to install adobe connect on subdomain of my shared hosting which uses cpanel. Is it even possible?
If yes, is there any tutorial how to do?
No, Adobe Connect requires a dedicated Windows Server to run. I made dozens of Adobe Connect installations, I provide professional installation help, installation scenario depends on your usage requirements (concurrent users etc.) therefore you may need additional servers for your installation.
Current version requires virtual servers running on Vmware ESX, but I made installations on several other virtualization products with no problem.

Get few information of virtual machines using PowerCLI

I am using PowerCLI on RHEL to fetch information from VMs.
I have searched many websites, but I am not getting how to find this details like:
Established connections of VM,
Load Average,
Top Processes,
Process Counts..
It would be a grateful, if anybody knows how to get these details using PowerCLI...
note: I think there are cmdlets which work for windows powerCLi, but doesn't for RHEL.
Thank you
Invoke-VMScript is going to be the cmdlet you'll want to use to obtain that sort of information, however it is not yet functional in the PowerCLI Core fling.
Note: The PowerCLI Core fling isn't a supported VMware release and it also has a dependency on using the PowerShell Alpha release... where as PowerShell is on Beta and even RC builds.
The goal is certainly to make it functional on PowerShell 6.0, but it's not there yet.

IBM WAS 8.0 to 8.5.5 migration

I am asked to upgrade IBM WebSphere application server 8.0 to 8.5.5 on linux environment. Could you please give me a step by step guide for this migration?
The simplest method (assuming your WebSphere instances have enough spare CPU/disk/etc) is to build a second WebSphere cell at the new level and migrate applications across one at a time. Access to the application servers should be controlled by either a web server (using the WAS plugin) or an IP sprayer product and which version of app server used should be controlled in that layer. Updating in place has many pitfalls and can be difficult to recover from if something goes wrong which can lead to extended down time for your applications.

REDIS server requirements for BlueDomino hosting

I have a Python / REDIS service running on my desk that I want to move to my Blue-Domino-hosted site. I've got Python available on the server, but not REDIS. They don't give me root access to my Debian VM so I can't git, extract, and install myself from a Unix prompt.
Their tech support might do the install for me, but they need me to point them to server requirements, which I don't see on the REDIS download page.
I could probably FTP binaries to the site if they were available, but that's dicey.
Has anyone dealt with this?
Installing Redis is actually quite easy, from source. It doesn't have any dependencies, so just download the tarball, unzip it, and follow the install instructions. I'm always afraid of doing that sort of stuff, but with Redis it really was a breeze. If you don't dare to do it their tech support should be able to do it.
If it is Intel/AMD server, you can compile the Redis somewhere (32 bit version for example), and upload it as binary. Then start it with Python. I did this myself couples weeks ago.
For port you will need to use something over 1000. I don't recommend to use default port. Remember to change LogLevel too. Daemonize works well as non-root too.
Some servers blocks all external ports, so you will not be able to connect to Redis from outside, but this will be a problem only if you connect from different machine. For same machine should be OK, since is "internal".
However, I am unsure how hosting administrator will react when he sees the process running :) I personally will kill it immediately.
There is other option as well - check service like . But their free account is small, you probably will need to spend some money for more RAM.
Is your hosting provider looking for a minimum set of system requirements for running Redis? This is indeed not listed on the Redis website. Probably because there aren't many exotic requirements. Also it depends a lot on your use case. Basically what you need to run Redis is:
Operating system: Unix like, Linux is recommended (one reason to favor Linux I've heard of is the performance of its TCP/IP stack)
Tools: GCC, make, (git).
Memory: lots (no seriously this depends on your use case, but because Redis keeps everything in-memory you need a least more RAM than the size of your dataset).
Disk: disk access for making snapshots.
The problem seems to be dealing with something non-traditional with my BlueDomino hosting. Since this project is a new venture, I think the best course for me is to rent a small Linux VM from rackspace and forget about the BD hosting.

Does a cloud service like Azure or EC2 exist which can run arbitrary workloads? (e.g. Client SKUs of Windows)

Azure and EC2 are optimized for running servers. Lots and lots of servers. Both platforms attempt to manage tons of things for you -- in Azure's case, it wants to manage even the target operating system.
However, I'd like to use such a service for a different reason: Testing.
I've got a ton of operating systems I need to support. My tests don't actually take that long, but running them on every platform is time consuming. I was going to just use a cloud service for this, thinking that these machines would be running for much less than an hour, and it wouldn't cost all that much.
The problem is that the major cloud services won't run client versions of Windows -- Windows Server only.
Is there a cloud service which would let me run every client and server version, and every service pack level, of Windows released starting with Windows 2000 SP4 to the present day?
Try CloudSigma, Defiantly can upload your own ISO's and run any x86 and 64bit OS you like on it. They have their in-house versions to get started but you can bring your own OS versions.
Based in Switzerland but they would have also the servers in the US, performance i've expected to quite good.
There is also a free trail on at the moment
The list of Open Virtualization Alliance members may have some candidates for you.
A search on the page for "operating system" suggests the following possibilities (in addition to the already-mentioned CloudSigma):
stepping stone GmbH (I'm less sure about this one)
Sublime IP
No, commercial cloud services like Azure and Amazon EC2 are themselves virtual, so you don't get a great deal of control over the operating system.
An option may be to consider renting a full physical server (colocated, or managed) and then use a battery of virtual machines to run the tests. Something like VMWare's snapshot feature sounds perfect: spin up a clean virtual machine, deploy the test code, then throw away changes to the disk once the tests have been completed.
Or, indeed, as #Stuart suggests - run the tests locally.
This definitely isn't something Azure offers - I think all of Azure's images are based near to Windows Server 2008 R2.
For EC2 you could set up images for Server 2003 through to 2008R2 - but nothing else. There are also some services out there to assist with this - e.g. VaasNet
For testing the other Windows operating systems, I simply don't think there's a cloud service available to let you do this. I don't even think there are any cloud services where you can run "Virtual PC" type applications on top of the hosted operating system - as I think most of the virtualization APIs are disabled in the cloud environments (virtualization within virtualization not supported!)
Sorry to say this, but your best bet may be local test hardware running VirtualPC images.
It appears that the Xen Cloud Platform might do what you're after. This page ends with:
Guest Operating Systems: the XCP binary distribution is delivered with a wide range of Linux and Widnows guests. Check out the release notes for a complete list.
And their PDF document Xen Cloud Platform Virtual Machine Installation Guide (Release 0.1, Published October 2009) says that Windows 2000 Server has "No known issues."
(I don't have any affiliation with Xen)
In conjunction with the above, there is also a list of Xen VirtualPrivateServerProviders, several of which say they include Windows.
Buy time on an EC2 instance and use it to host VirtualBox VMs with VMs set up for each operating system you want to test for. Use a RDP client or VNC or some other means to control the guest OS. This forum post seems to point to that being possible. But yes it is not a cloud service itself and you would have todo some initial setup and configuration work yourself.