bootstrap conflicts bootstrap awesome font icons - twitter-bootstrap-3

I have a problem with bootstrap and bootstrap awesome font.<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
when I put these together something is not working. If I remove for example bootstrap, font awesome is working. I am trying to add social media buttons like this: social media buttons
and it is working but without bootstrap. But when I add bootstrap I am loosing navigation bar: broken buttons when add bootstrap. Sorry for my bad explanation I am new in this :) any help would be appreciated.

Have you tried to implement bootstrap first and then the bootstrap awesome one?
If css classes have the same name they override each other based on wich one is defined last.
For example, when i add bootstrap.css first with a class .emoticon and after that a custom.css file that also has a .emoticon class it will use the implementation from the last one.
Hope this helps!

I would suggest to download bootstrap and implement locally. This will solve the issue, if I am not mistaken the problem cause integrity, crossorigin attributes.

Copy the code of font-awesome and bootstrap in new css file rather than cdn. Include bootstrap.css and then font-awesome.css in your Index.html, it would work.


Bootstrap-table-export: icon not showing

I'm using bootstrap-table-export to be able to export data from a table, but the icon is weird:
Does anyone knows how to change this icon? I read the docs, but I didn't understand it.
The icon is a glyphicon. If you got this symbol instead of the normal glyphicon-export, you should check if you are including the bootstrap correctly. The recommended CDN for Bootstrap is:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Hope it helps.

Dojo Tab Styles are not working for me

For Dojo TabContainer I am setting two Tabs with titles: Role, Admin.
My tabs are not not at all styled.
In the browser those two Tabs are coming as RoleAdmin
How can I style tabs?
Can anybody please suggest?
It sounds like you need to add a theme.
Add the css to the head.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
Add the theme to the body tag
<body class="claro">
I found the below great technique in
And the answer is:
With the above answer, my Tabs are looking like a charm.

Flexslider - what am I doing wrong?

I had a really simple question.
I'm trying to implement Flexslider ( onto my page but it does not seem to work (the images appear really large and are listed).
I followed all of the directions on the page. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Use jquery library above the flexslider.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/flexslider.css" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="styles/jquery.flexslider-min.js"></script>
And dont use another jquery library in that page. It create the conflict of both jquery library.
Always Use jquery latest.. It improve the efficiency and performance
of the site
Learn jquery

Remove extjs automatically added classes

I am new to Extjs. I am using Extjs 4 in my project. When the ext-all.js is loaded it automatically adds classes to the <body> tag. and all my other css styles are changed with extjs styles. I found in the documentaion that to set Ext.scopeResetCSS property to true, so I add like below.
new Ext.Component({
scopeResetCSS: true
but it doesn't change any thing. I still have the same problem.
Is there any way to stop extjs from automatically adding css classes to the tags? Please help..
This is my code to generate a multi line message box.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="components/com_jobs/js/extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/com_jobs/js/extjs/ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- extjs message box code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function removeBid(bidid){{
title: 'Address',
msg: 'Please enter your address:',
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL,
multiline: true,
//fn: showResultText
Am I doing anything wrong??? I want extjs to style only its own components. But now extjs styles are effects my whole page.. Please help.
The scopeResetCSS property is part of Ext.buildSettings, which is used at the beginning of the Ext JS initialization sequence. If you want to change it, you have to edit ext-all.js or change the settings in the Sencha JS Builder (which I'm assuming you're not using).
Open ext-all.js in your favorite text editor (one that can handle larger files, preferably) and search for "scopeResetCSS" near the beginning of the file, and you'll find it easy enough.
If you are using ExtJS 4.0.2a, then set the scopeResetCSS BEFORE the include.
However, I just switched to ExtJS 4.0.7 and the issue is back. :(
I asked a similar question for ExtJS 4.2.1 before coming across this one. The solution I adopted was to modify the DOM once ExtJS was loaded, and add a listener for the DOMNodeInserted event to watch for and handle the automatic creation of ExtJS components like pick lists. If you are interested you can find my answer here:

Dojo how to load a theme?

I want to use a theme in dojo, dojox and dijit. For example tundra. Do I need only the line
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css" />
or are more css imports needed to get all the styles that I need?
Do I need to import specific css for widgets like dialog?
Add it to the body as well:
<body class="tundra">
I think that's it: class + proper CSS link.
The class hints at how to use different themes for different parts of a page. Just put the proper class on the parent of a sub-tree where you want to see the theme.