Powershell process wait for SQL query to complete - sql

I have a Powershell script that runs daily. The script is supposed to run a SQL query and create a file with the results.
Import-Module SqlPs
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "C:\SQL Queries\dailyexport1pm.sql" | Out-File -filepath "I:\HTPN Training and Workflow\Daily Epic Completion\$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)dailyexport1pm.txt"
This used to work, however we recently added a large amount of data that causes the query to take up to 3.5 minutes. I do not have a strong understanding of powershell and need to have the out-file process run once the SQL query is complete. Any assistance would be appreciated.
The script outputs a blank txt file. When I check the task scheduler last run result, that the powershell script is the only action of, it says "The operation completed successfully. (0x0)"

I think there might be some error in the sql-file. Requesting you to try this once:
try {
Import-Module SqlPs
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile "C:\SQL Queries\dailyexport1pm.sql" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -OutputSqlErrors $false
catch {
$Error | out-file -filepath "C:\temp\SqlLog.txt"
Note: Later if you see no error and the output is coming properly then you can pipe it to 'Out-File -filepath "I:\HTPN Training and Workflow\Daily Epic Completion\$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)dailyexport1pm.txt" '
Hope it helps.


Powershell script as a step in sql job giving error

I am trying to create a sql job which syncs users from a csv file to ad group.
My powershell script is one of the steps of this job. Issue is that my script is supposed to run on another server which has Active Directory but i keep on getting error when i run this step.
My script is following:
invoke-Command -Session Server-Name
Import-Module activedirectory
$ADUsers = Import-csv \\Server-Name\folder\file.csv
foreach ($User in $ADUsers)
$Username = $User.sAMAccountName
if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $Username})
foreach($group in $groups){Add-ADGroupMember -identity $group -Members $Username}
Write-Output "$username has beeen added to group $group"
Error i am getting is
Executed as user: Username. A job step received an error at line 2 in a PowerShell script. The corresponding line is 'Invoke-Command -Session Server-Name. Correct the script and reschedule the job. The error information returned by PowerShell is: 'Cannot bind parameter 'Session'. Cannot convert the "Server-Name" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession". '. Process Exit Code -1. The step failed.
server name has '-' in between so need to know if that is causing the issue
or i am using wrong way to run this script on a different server from a sql job
Any help would be appreciated!
Jaspreet I am not expert on powershell but seems like you are passing the wrong parameters.Just referring to Microsoft docs seems like you need to pass the computer name rather than -Session
Try with this line of code at starting
invoke-Command -ComputerName Server-Name.
For more please refer Microsoft docs

Capture the Error returned within sql result data set using power shell script

I am new to power shell and trying to execute multiple SQL scripts in a single PS script file. Below is my code,
Function ExecuteQuery($scriptname, $variableExe, $Databasename, $folder, $Optional)
invoke-sqlcmd -inputfile $ScriptLocation\$folder\$scriptname -Variable $variableExe -database $Databasename
-username $UsernameExecuteDBScript -password $PasswordExecuteDBScript -serverinstance $ServerName -querytimeout 65535
Then I am checking for any errors that may occur using the following code,
if($Error[0].Exception.Message -Match "Error")
Write-Host '------------------------------------------------'
Write-Host 'An Error has occured'
Write-Host $scriptname "execution Failed"
I am logging this SQL result, as well as the error messages generated in the command prompt using Start-Transcript
start-transcript $file
ExecuteQuery script1.SQL $null $dbname xy 0
ExecuteQuery script2.SQL $xyz $dbname xy 0
ExecuteQuery script3.SQL $null $dbname xy 0
I execute my PS script using a .bat file.
But I have an issue with this, if any SQL query completed it's execution successfully , but the table returned has columns saying "Error 547, FK violation" or some other similar error messages, my powershell script or Start Transcript do not capture it. It just goes on and runs the script and next scripts in the list.
Below is a sample data returned by the sql execution. The query completes it's execution and goes on to the next script. But the actual execution of the delete did not happen due to the FK violation. Data is returned in the table with 3 columns
ERR_MESSAGE : The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK
_abc_sample". The conflict occurred in database "sample", table "dbo.sample_LOOKUP", column 'CONFIG_ID'.
ERR_LINE : 201
I want the Powershell script execution to be stopped/terminated and log the information into my log file when this happens.
Can anyone please help me out with this

Powershell Job within SQL Server Agent

I am having trouble with a powershell job returning a result set when it runs, it runs successfully but no results. I am running it against a list of servers. If I run the script against a specific server that I know I can connect to, it runs fine and gives results.
This is a script within the sql server agent running powershell. Am I using the SMO object right? Ive tried to use a try/catch (job fails), ive tried to add -ErrorAction "Continue" to the script (job fails), using smo to resolve a server name in order to use the if statement (job succeeds) but no results. Here is the script:
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
$instanceNameList = Get-Content "c:\Scripts\InPutFiles\servers.txt";
$results = #()
foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList)
$serverObject = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($instanceName)
$serverName = $serverObject.ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS;
if($serverName -ne $null) {
$results += Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "
(My Query is in here!)
" -ServerInstance $instanceName.Name}
$instanceName| Where-Object {$_} | Export-csv 'C:\scripts\HungJobs_UnabletoConnect.csv' -NoTypeInformation
$results| Where-Object {$_} | Export-csv 'C:\scripts\HungJobs.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Mid-way through your script, is the $scripts variable being populated properly by the Invoke-Sqlcmd?
If so, I'm thinking that you should be able to do away with Where-Object {$_} on your last two commands. Where-Object is used as a filter, and in these two cases it doesn't seem to be filtering anything. You should just be able to directly export the $instanceName and $results directly to csv.

Equivalent to bash "expect" in powershell

I'm using powershell to run another powershell script, at some point the other script asks for some input, I would like to be able to read the output from the other script and based on that supply input to it. Similar to what you can do with expect on bash.
Any ideas?
Just posting my solution so that it can help someone. I faced the same problem while running some other script that will ask for answers. First create a file "inputFileLocation.txt" with answers to each question in each line in sequence. Then run the script in below syntax. And it will do the work.
`cmd.exe /c "script.bat < inputFileLocation.txt"`
You just use Expect program in your powershell. It works. Powershell is a shell too, you can run code wrote by powershell, which call bash code, which call powershell again.
Bellow is a test, it passed.
It "can work with tcl expect" {
$bs = #'
echo "Do you wish to install this program?"
select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) echo "install"; break;;
No ) exit;;
$bsf = New-TemporaryFile
$bs | Set-Content -Path $bsf
$tcls = #'
# exp.tcl \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$#"}
package require Expect
set timeout 100000
spawn {spawn-command}
expect {
"Enter password: $" {
exp_send "$password\r"
"#\? $" {
exp_send "1"
eof {}
timeout {}
$tclf = New-TemporaryFile
$tcls -replace "{spawn-command}",("bash",$bsf -join " ") | Set-Content -Path $tclf
"bash", $tclf -join " " | Invoke-Expression
Remove-Item $bsf
Remove-Item $tclf
Let me explain the test.
create a bash file which expect an input.
create a tcl file which call bash created in step one.
invoke tcl program from powershell, it works, will not waiting for input.
Sample to solve part of the problem
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
Start-Process -FilePath C:\myexecbatchfile.bat
# Wait the application start for 2 sec
Start-Sleep -m 2000
# Send keys
Start-Sleep -m 3000
I am not aware of any native capability to duplicate exact. This question has an answer that claims to be able to pass content to/from a process, so it might work with what you want.
How to run interactive commands in another application window from powershell
Good Luck!
Lee Holmes put out an "Expect for Powershell" in 2014 on the Powershell Gallery called Await. Turns out emulating expect is a lot more complicated than you'd imagine, involving the Win32 calls.

powershell: invoke-sqlcmd catching errors when using -InputFile instead of -Query

I have an powershell script which is executing sql scripts from a given folder. This is working, but in case of error I don't see the reason of the error. In some cases the error is displayed, when the powershell itself throws the error. But when it's a more simple failure such as a primary key conflict, no error is shown.
I've tried it the following way, but this does not work when using the "-InputFile" parameter. Replacing this by the "-Query" Parameter and the error will be shown.
sqlps Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$dbInstance" -Database "$dbName" -InputFile "$updateScriptsFolder\$updateSql" -username $username -password $password -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Verbose -OutputSqlErrors 1
Write-Host "Error while executing $updateScriptsFolder\$updateSql" -foregroundcolor red
Write-Host $error -foregroundcolor red
The only solution for now is to add the error handling to every sql script. But it's very likely that developers forget to add the errorhandling to their script. I want a more general error handling. Can anybody help?
As per the comments above, read the file into a string variable and use that variable as the value for the -query parameter.