To write a macro for the clear all button in qlikview so that displays a certain selection - qlikview

I have a sheet that brings in data from a view (after some logic is applied to the view).
I set the state for the clear button. But when I press the clear all button the data shown is from the whole view instead of the data derived from the logic.
Please tell me a way through which even when I press clear all, only that particular set of data is displayed.

Clear All is always going to over-ride your Clear State settings, that is by design.
The Clear State is relevant only to the standard Clear action.
You can lock the selections (right click Lock, turns the selections blue) then Clear All won't affect them.
But obviously then if you use Unlock and Clear All it'll override the locked selections as well.


How to know if a user has stopped their selection in a datagridview?

My scenario: I have a datagridview and it contains some data. User can select a row, or multiple rows in that datagridview, and they need to know a summary about those rows they selected.
Handling multiple rows in datagridview is easy enough, and I have no problem getting what the user need: Two numbers indicate how many item is selected, and their total weight in those rows. I passed that data to a small summary form to display, and I put the code to show that form under dgv.SelectionChange().
But then disaster follow: each time user select a row, that form will appear. Which is, if user select 20 rows, they will see 20 summary forms.... and any more than that, well.. you can imagine. I thought about putting something inside SelectionChange() to check if user has stopped their selection.. but can't think of any.
This seems like a very simple matter, but somehow I can't figure it out..
My question, how to know if a user has stopped their selection in a datagridview ?
I still don't have enough points to just comment, so my answer would be I don't think you can reliably without adding another control (ie, button). You can't read the users mind and since the number of rows can be variable, how would you ever know? You could try something like if the cursor leaves the DGV but that would be frought with issues as well. While it would be an extra click for those just selecting 1 row, I still think having a "Get Summary" button would be the way to go. Sort of like when selecting items to compare - you can click any number of items and while they may show which items you've picked so far in another area, the comparison table doesn't appear until you click the Compare button.
From what I understand, you actually have two options.
Add a button
Since you can't figure out when the selection is done, just add a button that will call the Form you want to display, that way you are sure that it will display only when user asks for it.
Use a timer
Another option is to use a Timer, every time the selection changed, you reset the timer to one second (to keep the example simple).
And whenever the timer does a tick, you call the Form and stop the timer. That way it will trigger one second (or less) after the user made the selection and gives him one second to change it...
Honnestly, I think the button option is the best, as you give the power to your user. Maybe they will want to select some rows but don't want to see your form, as they will only copy it to paste it somewhere else...

Need To Revert Multiple Controls Back To Previous Values

I have the following situation where I have multiple controls on a form. The user can select an Edit mode which allows them to modify the contents of the controls (textboxes, checkboxes, comboboxes, etc.) After editing has been made, the user can either select the Save or Cancel button.
Obviously clicking on save will save all changes to the database, however, if the user clicks on cancel, I want to 'somehow' revert all controls back to their previous state.
Currently, when the user clicks on cancel, the form turns off edit mode, but the controls remain with all the changes made until they reload the form.
Is there an easy way around this, or do I need to reload the entire form content from the database each time the user clicks on cancel?
Thanks in advance.
I'm just going to outline a possible solution here.
You could have a dictionary in your form in which you store the content of your controls whenever a user first modifies them, indexing them by the control name.
When the user starts modifying a control, you check if the control already exists in the dictionary. If it doesn't you add a new entry to the dictionary with the current value of teh control.
If the user cancels the editing process, you can loop through the dictionary, find each control in your form by its name (Form.Controls(ControlName) or something like that I think), set its value back to what it was and remove the entry from the dictionary.
It's not the most elegant solution as it will involve linking up all your controls to the TextChanged event or equivalent to capture their value when they are modified...
To avoid that, you could fill the dictionary right at the start when you load your form, after populating the values from the DB and then only set those controls' value back which have a different value when the user cancels.

Excel: Fixed Button Position

Needing some help attaching an Excel/VBA button on an Excel sheet. I need it to stay in the same position on the screen regardless of how I scroll or zoom. Preferably, I need this on the bottom left or right of the screen.
I have tried adding a button. Then, I right clicked on the button. Clicked on Format Controls -> Properties -> selected Don't Move or Size With Cells. Am I missing something that's making this not work?
I know this post is old, but here's to anyone it could be useful. The VisibleRange property of ActiveWindow can solve this problem. Use something like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("MY_BUTTON'S_NAME")
.Top = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Top + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Height - 5
.Left = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Left + ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Width - .Width - 5
End With
End Sub
Here is the idea that I put across the comment earlier today :) Typically we can get a Floating User Form by setting the Modal property of the form to be 0 which is indeed a Modeless state.
Basic Points to consider:
Look & Feel of the form to make it look like a Button (Not show title bar/Not Resizable/
Hidden Close Button etc)
Setting the position of the Button
Which Event should trigger the form-button (WorkBook Open)
What would you do with Form Initialize Event
Whcih Events should keep it stick to the same position alive
Further Points to consider:
You might only want to keep this button vissible for the workbook you are working, and if you open another instance of a workbook, do you still want to keep the button
If you minimize the Excel Window instance, how do you plan to manage the state of the button and keep it visible
Post about keep displaying a form even the workbook is minimized.
One other great reference I happend to see, (little bit technical) but worth the shot - at least to get to know the certain properties/methods that you could make use: Extending VBA User Form Control.
The article include the following info, and please note the last line as well :)
They give you access to capabilities that are not available from VBA or from the objects (UserForms, Workbooks, etc.,) that make up a VBA Project. When you call an API, you are bypassing VBA and calling directly upon Windows. This means that you do not get the safety mechanisms such as type checking that VBA normally provides. If you pass an invalid value to an API or (a very common mistake) use a ByRef parameter instead of a ByVal parameter, you will most likely completely and immediately crash Excel and you will lose all your unsaved work. I recommend that until you are confident that your API calls are solid you save your work before calling an API function.
Add new Row on the beginning of your WorkSheet and set your button on it, then:
Freeze Top Row
Right click → properties → placement → change to 3.

How to use Mouseout Function in VBA with a condition Check?

Hi I have a VBA application with a combobox selection option.One of the combobox option is Other which when user select that option an invisibled label will pops up and prompt the user to fill the txtOther my question is how I can get rid of the prompted label and make it to invisible after user fill the txtOther and move(focused)in other control?
here is a shot of my app:
Thanks for your time and help
It depends on how often or when you want the check to be done. I couldn't find a good reference to show you all of this, but you can view your VBE.
Within the code behind your userform you can use events for the text box.
If you want the check done every time you leave the text box:
Use the TextBox_Exit event.
If you want it to fire whenever the contents are changed, used TextBox_Change. There's lots of options, but based on your explanation I'd probably use Exit.
This answer shows some syntax examples for using the Textbox_Exit event.

Excel Button Growing

I'm working on a workbook in Excel 2010 that someone else created (I don't know which version they were using) with a button in it that invokes a macro. There are a lot of macros defined, so I'm right-clicking on it to find out which one it calls, but the context menu doesn't appear. Instead, when I click off, the button gets larger. I can make this happen as many times in a row as I'd like. There is another button the same worksheet that has the same context menu problem, but instead of growing, the text shrinks each time. There is another button that functions normally when I do this.
Growing buttons in Excel is a fairly common issue, with several theories about why this happens, including the use of multiple monitors or using proportional fonts. I have yet to see a definitive answer about this, but there are several workarounds that may work for you.
Delete and re-create the buttons.
Programmatically set the height and width of the buttons when the workbook is opened and when a button is clicked.
Select the button with another object or two on the sheet and group them.
Don't use them at all.
My personal choice is #4. As an alternative to buttons, I either use hyperlinks or shapes with macros assigned to them.
I think you want to enter "Design Mode" in the work book:
You should be able to right-click on the button to see what it does after that.
I have this same issue. I have two Excel workbooks with similar buttons on each. This only happens on one of them, but it happens every time I open that file.
I have found a sort of work-around. I open a blank Excel document, then I open the affected one and the buttons do not change size any more. When I open the second one, I have to drag it into the window with the already-open file. If I double-click on it, it opens in a new window and the problem remains.
I have the same issue sometimes. In my case, I could replicate it 100% on one file but it was inconsistent on an virtually identical file. I also found the size error wasn't permanent -- I could save and reopen the file to restore the button's appearance. I could also create a new window and then discard the damaged window.
For me, the button resized when I accessed the sheet's HPageBreaks collection. I was able to avoid the problem by temporarily changing the window view as follows:
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
' do pagination stuff using HPageBreaks
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView