Webseal junction name change after some seconds - webseal

I have angular2 app that is called from webseal server.
I'm getting the junction name value from the cookie: "IV_JCT"
The problem is that the junction name value is changed after some seconds from: "%2Fempsvcs" to the "real" junction name.
To solve this issue I added sleep for 5 seconds before getting the junction name.
Any ideas why it is working like this?
Thanks in advance

The IV_JCT cookie is set using a block of javascript that is injected into the client response on each request for a junction where scripting support (-s) is enabled. The value is set to the name of the junction where the request originated from. Check your WebSEAL request logs and you will see a call being made to /realjunction (whatever that name is) at some point during the client communicating with WebSEAL. Using the IV_JCT cookie within the browser is not an accurate way to determine the context (junction) being used because it could change if the client requests something on a different junction, and then you read the value after that request occurs.


jMeter issue when using Cookie manager and Regular expression extractor

So basically I need to extract an auth token from header response of 1st http request and then use the extracted data in 2nd (and all the following) http requests cookies.
The issue here is, that I have cookie manager set for the whole controller and instead of getting actual data I get the name of variable in my cookie ".authToken=${auth}".
I am guessing the reason is that the variable is not declared when the test reaches Cookie manager, but I would expect jmeter to be smart enough to declare the variable when it gets to the regular expression extractor.
Cache Manager
Cookie Manager (Cookie Policy:compatibility; Implementation:HC3)
Http Request
Regular expression extractor
Http request (I need to use value extracted above in Request Cookie here)
Http request (I need to use the same value in Request Cookie here)
Http request (I need to use the same value in Request Cookie here)
All the http requests are recorded with implementation HttpClient3.1
Pretty sure I have everything configured correctly as in variable names, regular expression since it works in a very specific case:
The only time it seemed to work correctly was when I had Cookie manager inside the http request and disabled the 'main' Cookie manager (the one for the whole controller). Then it got extracted correctly, but that would be really silly workaround for such a basic requirement and also I have many http requests (over 100) where I need to use the extracted value.
Jmeter doesn't need to use the variable before it's declared by the regular expression extractor, I made sure that the domain is correct and it gets used for the first time after it should have been extracted.
Another workaround I thought of would be having separate threads, have them linked and send the variable in between them, launching the next one once the data gets extracted, but that seems a little bit too drastic.
What I tried:
Splitting http requests into 2 different controllers and using 2 different Cookie managers - got "${auth}" instead of some value
Defining user variable above controller and then using "Apply to: Jmeter Variable" option - again got just string "${auth}" instead of some value.
Moving the Cookie manager to a position after the http request which is used for the extraction - again "${auth}" instead of some value
Setting different cookie's policy (not all of them, but few)
Setting "CookieManager.save.cookies=true" in jmeter.properties (and still have on true)
Any help/ideas are appreciated. I have been trying to figure this out for about an hour and I think I must be missing something very simple.
Alright, finally got this resolved after roughly 2 hours.
Thanks to this article, I was able to do what I needed
In nutshell: You need to use beanshell pre-processor and add the cookie manually
Here is the beanshell script in case the site dies:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("CookieName", vars.get("YourExtractedVariable"), "Domain", "Path", false, 0);

Rest API and UUID

One of the reasons, and probably the main one, to use UUID is to avoid having a "centralized" point responsible for creating and assigning ids to resources.
That means that, for REST APIs, the clients could (and should) be able to generate, and give the UUID for a certain resource when they POST that specific resource for the first time. That would minimize problems related with successfully posting a resource for the first time but not getting the ID back as response (connectivity problems for example). That can result in a new post for some of the clients, generating duplicated resources.
My question are:
Having UUID generated by clients and being exposed in the REST API is a best practice?
Are there any other alternatives to that?
REST does not really care if the UUID is generated by the server or by the client. It just needs a unique resource-identifier in form of an URI.
What form the URI has, is not important to clients and servers - only that they are unique and may be obtained by clients (HATEOAS). You need of course also a resource on the server side which is able to create the sub-resource for you and understands that you want to provide the UUID instead of generating an own one. Instead of a UUID you could f.e. also use a url-encoded title of a blog-post or like this question a combination of hash-value and question-title 31584303/rest-api-and-uuid to uniquely identify a resource.
Generating a UUID by a client is in my opinion not used that ofen in practice, but I may be wrong on this matter. The actual question is rather, why should a client really provide an own UUID instead of letting the server create one? The client is, IMO, only interested in getting the data to the server and having some way to retrieve it at some later point, which will be provided through the location header returned in the response of a POST request.
If connection issues are an actual concern, you could let the client send an empty POST to create a resource and send back the location within the header. The content is than added via a PUT request.
There still can be some connection issues involved:
request does not reach the server
response does not reach the client
While the primer one is no issue for the client as well as for the server as no operation is executed and the request can simply be resent, the latter one will actually create a resource at the server side, though the link never reaches the client. Therefore the actual resource is in an unreferencable state unless you provide a way to iterate over all resources, which contains also the empty ones.
A server can have a cleanup thread in the back which removes empty resources after a given amount of time. If a client sends a further empty POST request but this time also receives the URI of the created resource, he can update the state of the resource via PUT. PUT is idempotent. If the server did not receive the request, the client can simply resent it. PUT has the semantic of updating existing or creating a new resource if it is not yet available. So, the server can create the resource in that case with the provided content. If the request did reach the server, a further update does not change the state of the resource.
one advantage of client-generated UUID is: the client knows the resource key even before creating the resource. no need to read the response of the POST/PUT except for errors

Is a PATCH that leads to a DELETE of a resource appropriate for a REST API?

Consider the idea that I have a resource called Posts (the equivalent table in my database is named Post) and it has a subresource[?] (field/attribute for Post table) called numberOfDislikes.
Periodically, PATCH /api/v1/posts/123 is requested in order to increment the numberOfDislikes field.
Within the callback function that runs when a PATCH /api/v1/posts/123 request is made, when the numberOfDislikes reaches 10, the posts with ID = 123 is deleted.
Is that RESTful?
Yes. The client sends the PATCH to alter the server state of the resource. If this is successfull, the server returns a response to the client which tells the client that the PATCH was successfull.
If now, based entirely on logic on the server side, the server state of the resource leads to it be it deleted, this has nothing to do with the RESTfulness of the server. It is just server logic.
If the client now GETs the resource the server should respond with the proper HTTP response 410 Gone:
Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again. This should be used when a resource has been intentionally removed and the resource should be purged.
That is exactly what happend: the resource is no longer available.

Best HTTP Method for Get or Create

I'm writing an HTTP based API, and I have a situation where the user specifies a resource, and if that resource doesn't yet exist the server creates it. It's basically built on top of Django's get_or_create method.
What would be the most idiomatic/correct HTTP method to use in this situation?
I'm suspecting that POST would be proper. However, I'm not entirety sure. Though it seems that GET would be incorrect seeing as it's not supposed to have any side-effects.
I would use GET for this. Repeated calls to this end point will return the same resource, so it's still Idempotent.
A GET request expresses the user's intent to not have any side effects. Naturally, there will always be side effects on the server like log entries for example, but the important distinction here is whether the user had asked for a side effect or not.
Another reason to stay away from GET surfaces if you respond with the recommended 201 Created response for a request where the resource is being created on the server. The next request would result in a different response with status 200 OK and thus it cannot be cached as is usually the case with GET requests.
Instead, I would suggest to use PUT, which is defined as
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already
existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a
modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the
Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is
capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user
agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI.
If a
new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent
via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified,
either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent
to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource
could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate
error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the
In the above form, it should be considered a "create or update" action.
To implement pure "get or create" you could respond with 409 Conflict in case an update would result in a different state.
However, especially if you are looking for idempotence, you might find that "create or update" semantics could actually be a better fit than "get or create". This depends heavily on the use case though.
I would not use GET for creating resources because you never know if some robot (like a search engine robot) is following listed GET calls which would then create a lot of useless resources.

What HTTP error code for failure to create a new resource because a parent entity is gone

Say i have an API exposing two related resources, Company which has many Employees.
Say I create a new Company: POST http://domain/api/company/ which returns something like http://domain/api/company/123.
If company/123 is removed from the system (say by a DELETE) then GET http://domain/api/company/123 could return HTTP response code 410 (Gone).
My question is this. If I now try to create an Employee under Company/123 by doing POST http://domain/api/employees/ (with companyId set to 123 in the request body) what HTTP response code should be sent back by the server due to the invalid request?
E.g. the request is correctly formated, but there is a logical error due to the fact that company 123 is gone.
Internal Server Error 500?
Not a 500, because there is no problem with the server.
I would suggest 409 Conflict.
From the RFC:
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required. Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.
It doesn't exactly match your case, but it is very close IMHO.
For example the server could tell you the parent resource does not exist for you to post to, and you can "resubmit" the employee to a different company. :)
I ran in the same situation here.
After evaluating the HTTP Status code options, it appears to me the best option is to return a 424 Failed Dependency
The 424 (Failed Dependency) status code means that the method could
not be performed on the resource because the requested action
depended on another action and that action failed. For example, if a
command in a PROPPATCH method fails, then, at minimum, the rest of
the commands will also fail with 424 (Failed Dependency).
From RFC