SQL Server Prevent Duplication - sql

SQL Table contains a table with a primary key with two columns: ID and Version. When the application attempts to save to the database it uses a command that looks similar to this:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FirstTable] ([ID],[VERSION]) VALUES (41,19)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SecondTable] ([ID],[VERSION]) VALUES (41,19)
SecondTable has a foreign key constraint to FirstTable and matching column names.
If two computers execute this statement at the same time, does the first computer lock FirstTable and the second computer waits, then when it is finished waiting it finds that the first insert statement fails and throws an error and does not execute the second statement? Is it possible for the second insert to run successfully on both computers?
What is the safest way to ensure that the second computer does not write anything and returns an error to the calling application?

Since these are transactions, all operations must be successful otherwise everything gets rolled back. Whichever computer completes the first statement of the transaction first will ultimately complete its transaction. The other computer will attempt to insert a duplicate primary key and fail, causing its transaction to roll back.
Ultimately there will be one row added to both tables, via only one of the computers.

Ofcourse if there are 2 statements then one of them is going to be executed and the other one will throw an error . In order to avoid this your best bet would be to use either "if exists" or "if not exists"
What this does is basically checks to see if there is data already present in the table if not then you insert , else just select.
Take a look at the flow shown below :
if not exists (select * from Table with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where
/* insert */
/* update */
commit /* locks are released here */

The transaction did not rollback automatically if an error was encountered. It needed to have
set xact_abort on
Found this in this question
SQL Server - transactions roll back on error?


Transaction not rolling back with PK violation

As per my knowledge if we start transaction (begin tran/commit tran), it will be completely done or nothing. But when I am executing below TSQL code the first insert statement works while the 2nd doesn't.
Background: table A has two columns (ID primary key, Name varchar), and it already had 3 rows of data (ID of 1,2,3).
begin tran
insert into A values (4, 'Tim') -- this works
insert into A values (2, 'Tom') -- this doesn't work because it violates the PK constraint
commit tran
select * from A
Here is my question: since the 2nd insert statement violates the PK constraint and couldn't be committed, I was thinking that everything inside this transaction should all be rolled back because the transaction should be succeed or fail as one unit. But in fact, 'Tim' is added into A while 'Tom' didn't. Does this violate the automicity of transaction?
It depends on how you handle errors in your transaction. If you catch them, or if you ignore them (it seems you are ignoring them), then the transaction will continue and will commit.
Any decent "transaction manager" of a programming language/framework:
Will stop the execution of the code and will roll the transaction back, or
Will doom the transaction, so a commit will never be carried out. It will be replaced by a roll back instead.
If you run these commands at the SQL prompt, you are probably not using any transaction manager, and that's why you may be ignoring the error purposedly and carrying on as if everything was good.
That's not how transactions work in SQL Server. If you have a "statement-terminating" error, SQL Server just continues to the next statement. If you have a "batch-terminating" error, the transaction is aborted and rolled back.
Now I don't want that behaviour ever.
So the first line I write in every stored procedure is:
That tells SQL Server that "statement-terminating" errors should be automatically promoted to "batch-terminating" errors. Add that statement to the beginning of your script and you'll see that it now works as expected.

Deadlock happens on 1 single table with 2 users doing simple statement

Final solution
What we did actually was to bypass the line by line insert by creating a work table & session ID, and having a stored proc that DELETE and INSERT from the temp table to the main table all at once. No more deadlocks!
Final process :
DELETE FROM TheTable_work (with sessionID, just in case…)
INSERT INTO TheTable_work (line by line with ADODB)
I call a stored procedure that does :
DELETE FROM TheTable (with some
INSERT INTO TheTable FROM TheTable_work (1
DELETE FROM TheTable_work (clean up)
We do think it's because of index lock but I am waiting for confirmation from DBA (explanation here).
Isolation levels did not change nothing (we tried all of possibilities, even turning on and off READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT)
I am having an application that causes a deadlock into my database when 2 users "write" to the database at the same moment. They do not work on the same data, because they have different id, but they work on the same table.
User 1 (id = 1), User 2 (id = 2)
User 1 does : 1 DELETE statement, followed by 3000 INSERT
User 2 does : 1 DELETE statement, followed by 3000 INSERT
User 2 DELETE in the middle of user 1 INSERT (example : after 1500). Result in Deadlock.
Statements (examples, but they work)
DELETE FROM dbo.TheTable WHERE id = 1 /* Delete about 3000 lines */
INSERT INTO dbo.TheTable (id, field2, field3) VALUE (1 , 'value2','value3')
I use ADODB (Microsoft Access...) so I do a simple query execute , example :
ConnectSQLServer.Execute "DELETE or INSERT statement"
Error Message
Run-time error '-2147457259 (80004005)':
Transaction (Process ID76) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Other informations
There is no transaction involved, only simple INSERT or DELETE query,
one by one
There is no RecordSet involved, nor open
We tried to looked for a deadlock trace but no graphic showed up, a DBA tries to understand why
I'd like to understand why they deadlock each other and not just "wait" until the other one is finished! How can I do better operations ? =)
Access : it's a access front-end with SQL-Server backend. No linked tables, vba code pushed queries via ADODB connection.
Edit : Deadlock graph
On the left we have 1 (of 3000) INSERT statement, on the right one DELETE.
I deleted an index on a column that is used in the DELETE statement and I can not reproduce the deadlock anymore! Not a clean solution, but temporary. We think about INSERT 3000 lines in a temp table then copy from temp table to TheTable all at once (DELETE and INSERT in a stored procedure).
DELETE will hold an Update lock on the pages :
Update (U)
Used on resources that can be updated. Prevents a common form of
deadlock that occurs when multiple sessions are reading, locking, and
potentially updating resources later.
And INSERT will hold an intent/exclusive lock on the same pages.
Exclusive (X)
Used for data-modification operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE. Ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same
resource at the same time.
Used to establish a lock hierarchy. The types of intent locks are:
intent shared (IS), intent exclusive (IX), and shared with intent
exclusive (SIX).
If you wish to run both queries at the same time,
each will have to wait for the other at a given time.
I suggest you to run each insert in a seperate transaction if no rollback is needed for the whole set of inserts.
Or, try to remove parallelization, or do these operations at different times.
To make short :
1) Try to make sure each INSERT is correctly commited before going to the next one.
2) Or try to avoid doing both operations at the same time
Another guess would be to adjust the Transaction Isolation Level for the sessions that produce the problem. Check the following documentation.
Reference :
Lock Modes
Transaction Isolation Level

How to execute part of the code only once while running multiple instances in T-SQL

I have a stored procedure that is called from business code. This code uses parallelism, so multiple instances of this SP could be running at the same time depending on some conditions.
There is some logic in this SP that I want to execute only once. I have a table (let's call it HISTORY) that holds a UID for the run and a DATETIME when this portion of the code is executed. Here's my flow:
-- some logic
IF certain conditions are met, check if HISTORY does not have an entry for the UID
1. Add an entry in HISTORY for the current UID
2. Run the once only code
The issue is that, at times, the logic above still gets executed multiple times if different instances reach that part at the same time. What can I do to ensure that it only runs once?
Thank you!
-- we inserted, do logic that should run only once
HOLDLOCK (equivalent to running the transaction under SERIALIZABLE, but more granular) ensures that no other transaction running in parallel can insert an entry in HISTORY for that UID; any transaction that tries so will block until the first INSERT is finished and then return (since a row already exists). Ensure that an index on UID exists, otherwise it will lock a lot more than is healthy for performance.
Getting code like this right is always tricky, so make sure to test it in practice as well by stress-testing concurrent inserts for the same (and different) UID.

postgresql hang forever on serializable transaction

I use libpqxx for my connection to postgresql. And everything was ok, until i run serialazable query on one table on one row.
CREATE TABLE t1(id integer primary key);
postgres 9.4.4_x64
pqxx::connection c1(conn_str);
pqxx::connection c2(conn_str);
pqxx::transaction<pqxx::isolation_level::serializable> t1(c1);
t1.exec("INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (25)");
pqxx::transaction<pqxx::isolation_level::serializable> t2(c2);
t2.exec("INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (25)"); //hang here
my program hang forever. hang in PQexec function. Why? Is i think it must rollback one of transaction? but no? just hang.
UPDATE: same result for pure libpq:
c1 = PQconnectdb(conninfo);
c2 = PQconnectdb(conninfo);
res1 = PQexec(c1, "BEGIN");
res1 = PQexec(c1, "INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (104)");
res2 = PQexec(c2, "BEGIN");
res2 = PQexec(c2, "INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (104)");
res2 = PQexec(c2, "END");
res1 = PQexec(c1, "END");
postgresql 9.1 - same hang
The hang has nothing to do with the serializable isolation level.
I'm no libpqxx expert, but your example appears to be running both transactions in a single thread. That's your problem.
t2.exec("INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (25)");
The above statement has to wait for t1 to commit or rollback before completing, but t1.commit() never gets a chance to execute. Deadlock! This is absolutely normal, and will happen regardless of your chosen isolation level. This is just a consequence of trying to run statements from 2 concurrent transactions in the same thread of execution, not a good idea.
Try running both transactions on different threads, and your hang will go away.
If only the two transaction are involved, you should get a unique violation error for transaction t2 - exactly the same as with default READ COMMITTED isolation level:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "t1_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(25) already exists.
t1 tried the insert first and wins regardless which transaction tries to commit first. All following transactions trying to insert the same key wait for the first. Again, this is valid for READ COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE alike.
A possible explanation would be that a third transaction is involved, which tried to insert the same key first and is still open. Or several such transactions, artefacts of your tests.
All transactions wait for the first one that tried to insert the same key. If that one commits, all other get a unique violation. If it rolls back, the next in line gets its chance.
To check look at pg_stat_activity (being connected to the same database):
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
More specifically:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle in transaction';
Then commit / rollback the idle transaction. Or brute-force: terminate that connection. Details:
psql: FATAL: too many connections for role
form postgres team:
"In concurrent programming, a deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are each waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does."
definition it is not a deadlock in the first place. "c1" is not waiting for "c2" to finish and can happily go about its business with id=104. However, your application never gives c1 the next command because it is stubbornly waiting for "c2" to perform its insert - which it cannot due to the lock held by "c1".
Lock testing can be done within a single thread but deadlock testing implies that both connections need to simultaneously be attempting to execute a command - which a single program cannot accomplish without threading.
David J.

How to handle a transaction in Sybase ASE?

I have to insert records into a table in a test environment, so that I now know that it will throw a primary key constraint violation. And because of the scripts that will be run independantly by other people once the time to migrate from an environment to another, I wish to make my script rollback whenever it encounters a problem.
My script is as follows:
use my_db
-- No rows of the given "my_code" must exist, as they shall be replaced.
if exists (
select 1
from my_table
where my_code like 'my_code'
) delete from my_table
where my_code like 'my_code'
-- All rows shall be inserted altogether, or rejected altogether at once.
begin tran a
insert into my_table (field1, field2, field3) values (value1, value2, value3)
if ##error != 0 or ##transtate != 0
rollback tran a
insert into my_table (field1, field2, field3) values (value1, value2, value3)
if ##error != 0 or ##transtate != 0
rollback tran a
commit tran a
I have tried what I could get from these posts:
Error Handling in Sybase
How to continue executing rest of while loop even if an exception occurs in sybase?
Transaction Handling in Sybase
I have tried with only verifying ##error, ##transtate and both, and I always get the message box reporting the error, and no records are rolled back, that is, the passing rows are still inserted.
I wonder whether there is a way to make sure that Sybase handles the transactions adequately as expected, or else, simply make sure it doesn't autocommit rows when they are inserted as SQL Server allows it - I mean, SQL Server inherit from Sybase, after all... So was it into Sybase, or is it new to SQL Server, I don't know.
I wish to avoid having the error and more preferably log the error and rollback or delete the inserted rows insde the transaction.
Notice that I don't use a stored procedure. This script is a one-timer to update the database for recent changes occured in the software that uses the database.
The code looks mostly correct. If you hit a duplicate-key error upon the insert, then this will be caught by the IF-test.
However, you should also add some logic (GOTO or additional IF-ELSE tests based on a flag) that skips the second insert when you have decided to roll back the first insert.
Currently your code will always execute the second insert, regardless. Unlike some other databases, in ASE control flow is not affected by an error condition and you need to intercept this yourself.
Also note that both inserts are identical, so if there is unique index on the table the second insert will always generate dup-key error if the first insert was successful.
It sounds as if you are using a client that checks the status after every statement or something? ASE itself does not pop up any error message boxes.
To develop this, it is best to run the script from the command line with
isql [...] -i yourscriptfile.sql
Just two remarks:
You are using a transaction name ('a'). This is not necessary and can in fact cause problems: when you roll back to a named transaction, as you do, that must be the outermost transaction or the rollback will fail. Best don't use transaction names.
This problem in the previous bullet can in fact occur if there is already a transaction active when you execute this code. You should always check this at the start of your script with
if ##trancount > 0
print 'Error: transaction already active'
or something similar.
Rob V.