Extract date part from datetime in SQL Server Compact 3.5 - sql

I am using SQL Server Compact 3.5 version for a small application. I want to extract the date part from a column (which is of datetime data type) and I used following query to try and do that:
string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT DATE(Finger_Record) as [Working Date] FROM dt_raw_data ";
When I execute it, I am getting a error saying DATE function is not a function in SQL Server Compact. Then how can I do this? Please help me.

Try this code it is work for me
select distinct CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Finger_Record,110) as [Working Date] from dt_raw_data

Try this code:
string qry = "SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(nvarchar(10), Finger_Record, 101) as [Working Date] FROM dt_raw_data ";


SQL Server datetime Format Isn't Working

TimeOpened is a column in my dataase table of type datetime2.
My convert statement is:
convert(nvarchar, TimeOpened, 114)
My output is supposed to be just the time (24 hours based) without the date, i.e.
5/16/2016 1:38:00 PM --> 13:38:00
but in practice the output I get is 01:38:00
Why is this happening?
Additionally I would like to know how to remove the seconds. Basically I want my output to be 13:38.
Try this (SQL Server 2012 or later):
SELECT FORMAT(TimeOpened,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss')
For sql server 2008 you can cast to time and then convert to char(5):
SELECT CONVERT(char(5), CAST(TimeOpened As Time))
SELECT FORMAT(cast(TimeOpened as time),N'hh\.mm') as mytime
you can see more examples on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213505.aspx#ExampleD
try this
Solved it.
The problem was that when I inserted the date I used c# datetime.now instead of getdate()

SQL Server Query: Convert to dd/mm/yyyy from datetime

I'm querying a max datetime to bring in the most recent record from another table surrounding a common ID coloumn. I would like to however format this datetime in the standard UK dd/mm/yyyy format. How would I do so? I just cant seem to get this...
Here is my code:
(SELECT TOP 1 MemberPayments.CoverFinishDay
Members LEFT JOIN MemberPayments
ON Members.MemberID = MemberPayments.MemberID
AND CoverFinishDay = (
SELECT MAX(CoverFinishDay)
FROM MemberPayments
WHERE Members.MemberID = MemberPayments.MemberID
CoverFinishDay is stored in standard american datetime. currently the query works, just in the wrong format. I need the output in dd/mm/yyyy
This will help you:
This is for SQL Sever
If you are using SQL Server 2012 you can convert any date using FORMAT function. In your case you can do like this:
SELECT FORMAT (MemberPayments.CoverFinishDay, 'd', 'en-GB')
For mor info you can access the page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213505(v=sql.110).aspx

Convert custom numeric datevalue to real date in sql query

I have an application that comes with its own database and there is nothing I can change on that configuration. However we do pull data from the database to generate reports on.
For some reason (which I don't quite grasp), the application stores dates as the following number:
numdate = (int) '1' & <last two digits of year> & <zero-leading month> & <zero-leading day>
08/10/2008 -> 1081008
01/01/2014 -> 1140101
27/02/2014 -> 1140227
For now I just pull in the number and convert it on the go to a real date.
Is it possible to do this conversion via the sql query somehow?
If it's SQL Server, the following should work:
DECLARE #dateInt INT = 1981008
To save you reading the comments, Gunther improved the performance by removing the substring operation in favour of subtraction:
You could use this if you are using C#.
string dateString = "1981008";
DateTime dt;
DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString.Remove(0,1), "yyMMdd", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out dt);
In SQL (assuming it is MS SQL), try this:

Using cast in SQL with multiple column selections

Basically I'd like to get this command to work:
$sql = "SELECT (EntryDate + TotalTime) as DataLine FROM TimeSheet WHERE EmployeeID='AA01'";
EntryDate is in the database as a text, but TotalTime is a Number. I need to cast TotalTime as a text, because I've noticed if I combine two differing types of values, it just blanks out the output.
I know I'm supposed to use CAST(TotalTime as XXX) but I'm not sure what I can legally cast it to (char/nchar doesn't seem to work, neither does string nor text). I always get an error of the form...
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(EntryDate + CAST(TotalTime as string) as DataLine FROM TimeSheet WHERE EmployeeID='AA01''
Could I get some help? Thank you!
EDIT I would like to note this isn't intended to add together the values of EntryDate and TotalTime together to produce a single value. I simply want it to give me the EntryDate value as well as the TotalTime value combined into a single line that would read something like:
"10/31/12 9.25"
EDIT AGAIN I'm sorry for not specifying before, I'm using MSSQL
Try this instead:
CAST(EntryDate AS VARCHAR(25)) + CAST(TotalTime AS VARCHAR(10)) as DataLine
FROM TimeSheet
WHERE EmployeeID = 'AA01';
However, if entrydate is a date and the int totaltime is a time, it may be better to consider converting them as a datetime object by adding them as a date part to the time part depending on the RDBMS you are using. And if possible use a DATETIME datatype to represent both date and time parts instead of two parts. Like so:
SELECT DATEADD(hh, totaltime, entrydate)
FROM TimeSheet
WHERE EmployeeID = 'AA01';
SQL Fiddle Demo
$sql = "SELECT EntryDate+''+CAST(TotalTime as char(25)) as DataLine FROM TimeSheet WHERE EmployeeID='AA01'";
$sql = "SELECT CONCAT(EntryDate,' ',CONVERT(TotalTime,char(25))) as DataLine FROM TimeSheet WHERE EmployeeID='AA01'";

Error trying to execute sql statement between two dates

The SQL:
dim sql
sSql = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[table] WHERE [sent] = 1 and datesent between '" & dStartDate & "' and '" & dFinishDate & "'"
set oRs = oConn.execute(sSql)
When i execute this sql in sql server 2008 it works fine.
However, when i execute it within my application i get error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted
in an out-of-range datetime value.
Is there something different i have to do in the application? thanks
Have you tried using ISO format dates?
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Table]
WHERE [sent] = 1 and datesent between '20120101' and '20120127'
(Strictly speaking an ISO 8601 date for sql server is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm])
Side Note: always use ISO format dates when you output to text (or have literals); that way they can be read unambiguously on all systems).
SQL Server ISO 8601 Format Dates
FROM [dbo].[Table]
[sent] = 1
and datesent between CONVERT(datetime, '01/01/2012', 101) and CONVERT(datetime, '01/27/2012', 101)
Your column datesent is not DATETIME datatype
Check your datetime setting.
set dateformat mdy
select CAST('01/27/2012' as datetime)
set dateformat dmy
select CAST('01/27/2012' as datetime) --> Exception
You can display the current setting with:
You should always use the ISO-formats 'YYYYMMDD' for your dates, as this will always be parsed correctly by SQL Server, regardless of localization setting.