MVC ResultStream only working with link -

I'm creating a barcode using ASP.Net MVC
The problem is it's working with links. But it needs to work with form values.
This is my controller :
public ActionResult Barcode(BarcodeModel B)
string BarcodeTitle = B.BarkodTitle;
string BarcodeNumber = B.BarcodeNumber;
Codec objbar = new Codec();
Byte[] BarcodeImage = objbar.getBarcodeImage(BarcodeNumber, BarcodeTitle);
Stream Memory = new MemoryStream(BarcodeImage);
Memory.Position = 0;
var Result = new FileStreamResult(Memory, "image/png");
Result.FileDownloadName = String.Format("{0}.png", BarcodeTitle);
return Result ;
This is my JavaScript code :
<script type="text/javascript">
function BarkodKaydet()
var BarkodModel = new Object();
BarkodModel.DeweyCode = document.getElementById('DeweyCode').value;
BarkodModel.CutterNumber = document.getElementById('CutterNumber').value;
BarkodModel.Year = document.getElementById('Year').value;
BarkodModel.Bind = document.getElementById('Bind').value;
BarkodModel.Copy = document.getElementById('Copy').value;
BarkodModel.BarcodeTitle = document.getElementById('BarcodeTitle').value;
BarkodModel.BarcodeNumber = document.getElementById('BarcodeNumber').value;
type: "post",
url: "#Url.Action("Barcode")",
dataType : "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(BarkodModel),
success: function (data) { console.log(data); },
failure: function (errMsg) {
But it's not working.
It' just working with link how I'm changing controller to ;
public ActionResult Barcode(string barcodeNumber, string barcodeText)
Codec objbar = new Codec();
Byte[] BarkodImage = objbar.getBarcodeImage(barcodeNumber, barcodeTitle);
Stream Memory = new MemoryStream(BarcodeImage);
Memory.Position = 0;
var Result = new FileStreamResult(Memory, "image/png");
Result.FileDownloadName = String.Format("{0}.png", BarcodeTitle);
return Result ;
this and change view to ;
<img src="/Home/BarcodeImage?barcodeText=Can&barcodeNo=12345" />
to this.
When the page opening, the linked image sending values to controller and showing barcode to me.
But I need;
When the form values submitting to model, ActionResult needs to create barcode from model, refresh the same page and It will show only barcodeImage to me.
How can I configure it ?
Best regards.


How can I pass JSON formatted data from View to controller action in ASP.NET Core MVC

I am new core MVC. I want to send data from view to controller in JSON format.
I am creating dynamic table for saving data of data. post I want to send this newly added data controller.
Kindly see the logic and update me if anything I doing wrong or how can I achieve my aim.
I want to retrieve the values in SubmitExpense() method
Here is the javascript:
$(function () {
$('#btnSave').on('click', function () {
var ExpenseCliamViewModel = {};
var ExpenseClaimLineItems = new Array();
$("#myTable:eq(0) TR").each(function () {
var row = $(this);
var ExpenseClaimLineItem = {};
ExpenseClaimLineItem.LineItemTitle = row.find("TD").eq(1).html();
ExpenseClaimLineItem.LineItemDescription = row.find("TD").eq(2).html();
ExpenseClaimLineItem.ExpenseTypeName = row.find("TD").eq(3).html();
ExpenseClaimLineItem.LineItemAmount = row.find("TD").eq(4).html();
ExpenseClaimLineItem.LineItemClaimDate = row.find("TD").eq(5).html();
// alert(ExpenseClaimLineItem);
ExpenseCliamViewModel.ExpenseClaimLineItem = ExpenseClaimLineItems;
ExpenseCliamViewModel.Title = $("#Title").val();
ExpenseCliamViewModel.Description = $("#Description").val();
ExpenseCliamViewModel.TotalAmount = $('#lblGrandTotal').html();
// ExpenseCliamViewModel.Title = $("#Title").val();
if (ExpenseCliamViewModel != null) {
type: "POST",
url: "/Expense/SubmitExpense",
data: JSON.stringify(ExpenseCliamViewModel),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
if (response != null) {
} else {
alert("Something went wrong");
failure: function (response) {
error: function (response) {
Here is the controller C# method:
public JsonResult SubmitExpense(ExpenseCliamViewModel expenseCliamViewModelData)
int insertedRecords = 1;
return Json(insertedRecords);
In your ajax, try :
Change your code $("#myTable:eq(0) TR") like below :
$("#myTable").find("tr:gt(0)").each(function () {

How to pass pdf file to Controller that requires IFormFile

I've been working on this the whole day and did my research already, I can't seem to find a solution anywhere. I have this function that calls a List in my controller, the List needs a IFormFile parameter,
here's my javascript method
function fileUploader_uploaded(e) {
const file = e.file;
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function () {
toggleDropZoneActive($("#dropzone-external")[0], false);
$("#dropzone-item")[0].data = fileReader.result;
const _fileReader = new FileReader();
var r = _fileReader.readAsBinaryString(file);
$("#dropzone-text")[0].style.display = "none";
url: '#Url.Action("_Index", "FileUploader")',
data: { CFile: r}, // I'm trying to pass the pdf file here
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
and this is my List in controller
public object _Index(IFormFile CFile)
if (CFile != null)
string documentText = "";
using PdfDocumentProcessor documentProcessor = new PdfDocumentProcessor();
documentText = documentProcessor.Text;
string word = #"([0-9]+.[0-9]+-[0-9]+)";
Regex regex = new Regex(word);
foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(documentText))
Response.StatusCode = 400;
return sectionsList;
the CFile is always empty i tried different ways already like passing
data: { CFile: e.file}
Does anyone else have idea?
From this code data: { CFile: e.file}, you post it as the string, so it can not be recognized as a file. You need to use FormData and change the contentType.
function fileUploader_uploaded(e) {
const file = e.file;
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function () {
toggleDropZoneActive($("#dropzone-external")[0], false);
$("#dropzone-item")[0].data = fileReader.result;
const _fileReader = new FileReader();
var r = _fileReader.readAsBinaryString(file);
$("#dropzone-text")[0].style.display = "none";
//----------edit here---------
var form = new FormData()
form.append('CFile', file)
url: '#Url.Action("_Index", "FileUploader")',
data: form,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function (data) {
The bakend should add [FromForm].
public object _Index([FromForm]IFormFile CFile)

How to pass HTML(View) Table data to controller to save in slq table

I am calculating the some values based on data available for previous month and displaying in table format in view. I have another model where I need to pass these values and save in database. I am not inputting any value, either values are static or calculated. Values are not passed from view to controller.
I have tried the jquery/ajax but not successful.
public JsonResult Proccess(List<ServerCount> deviceCounts)
if(deviceCounts == null)
deviceCounts = new List<ServerCount>();
var startOfTthisMonth = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year,
DateTime.Today.Month, 1);
var FromDate = startOfTthisMonth.AddMonths(-1);
var ToDate = startOfTthisMonth.AddDays(-1);
var billMonth = startOfTthisMonth.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MMM") + "-" + startOfTthisMonth.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy");
ServerCount model = new ServerCount();
foreach (ServerCount sc in deviceCounts)
model.BillingMonth = billMonth;
model.ServiceName = sc.ServiceName;
model.BaslineVol = sc.BaslineVol;
model.ResourceUnit = sc.ResourceUnit;
model.DeviceCount = sc.DeviceCount;
model.DeployedServer = sc.DeployedServer;
model.RetiredServer = sc.RetiredServer;
int insertRecords = _context.SaveChanges();
return Json(insertRecords);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("body").on("click", "#btnSave", function () {
var deviceCounts = new Array();
$("#tblServerCount TBODY TR").each(function () {
var row = $(this);
var deviceCount = {};
deviceCount.ServiceName = row.find("TD").eq(0).html();
deviceCount.BaslineVol = row.find("TD").eq(1).html();
deviceCount.ResourceUnit = row.find("TD").eq(2).html();
deviceCount.DeviceCount = row.find("TD").eq(3).html();
deviceCount.DeployedServer = row.find("TD").eq(4).html();
deviceCount.RetiredServer = row.find("TD").eq(5).html();
var model = $("#MyForm").serialize();
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.Action("Proccess", "DeviceCountServers", new { Area = "Admin" })?' +model,
data: JSON.stringify(deviceCounts),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (r) {
alert(r + " record(s) inserted.");
I looking that data from table is saved to sql on click of button

Calling HttpGet Method Using Ajax on IpagedListPager Mvc

I want to call HttpGet method on every page using ajax using IpagedList in MVC
Controller [HttpGet]
public ActionResult TestStarted(int TestId,DateTime End_Time,int page=1)
ViewBag.ct = 0;
ViewBag.TestId = TestId;
var Questions = GetNoOfQuestions().ToList();
ViewBag.Questions = Questions;
EAssessmentNew.BAL.StudentBal studBal = new EAssessmentNew.BAL.StudentBal();
EAssessmentNew.Dal.Student_Answer_Master _studAnsdal = new EAssessmentNew.Dal.Student_Answer_Master();
String TestName = studBal.FetchTestName(TestId);
ViewBag.TestName = TestName;
ViewBag.EndTime = End_Time;
List<Question> model = new List<Question>();
model = new Test_Planning().Fetch_Question_By_Test(TestId); = model.Count();
if (Request.QueryString["cnt"] != null)
int count = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["cnt"].ToString());
List<int> ChkOptions = studBal.GetCheckedAnswers((int)TestId, model[count].QuestionId, (int)(studBal.getStudentId(Session["sname"].ToString())));
ViewBag.ChkOptions = ChkOptions;
int cnt = 0;
if (ChkOptions.Count() != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < model[count].Options.Count(); i++)
if (model[count].Options[i].OptionId == ChkOptions.ElementAt(cnt))
model[count].Options[i].IsChecked = true;
model[count].Options[i].IsChecked = false;
if (cnt >= ChkOptions.Count() - 1)
cnt = ChkOptions.Count() - 1;
return View(model.OrderByDescending(v => v.Question_Id).ToPagedList(page, 1));
return View(model.OrderByDescending(v => v.Question_Id).ToPagedList(page, 1));
My View
<script type="text/javascript">
var TestId ='#ViewBag.TestId'
function loadQuestions() {
url: '#Url.Action("Student","TestStarted")',
data: { TestId:TestId },
<div class="pagedList">
#Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action( "",new { onclick="loadQuestions()"}), PagedListRenderOptions.TwitterBootstrapPager)
I have done paging using IpagedList i want to call HttpGet Method Of controller on each and every page but i want this to perform without page refresh i have written ajax for it now i just want to know how can i call that ajax method using #Html.PagedListPager and on onClick event
Just Correct your url in ajax request as :
Instead of this
url: '#Url.Action("Student","TestStarted")'
It should be this
url: '#Url.Action("TestStarted","Student")'
and #Html.PagedListPager produces 'anchor' tag in html so you can put a click event on document as shown :-
$(document).on('click', 'a', function() {
url: this.href,
type: 'GET',
datatype: "html",
data :{ TestId : $("#TestId").val(), End_Time :$("#End_Time").val(), page :$("#page").val() }
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
return false;
In above code click event binds with every 'anchor' tag so if you need for specific 'anchor' tags then you can specify class as $(.pager).on('click', 'a', function() {}) and here '#results' is the target div id whose html is coming from controller action in your case this id may be different.

Creating a pdf from a Knockout JS view & viewModel

Scenario: In our application a user can create a invoice by filling in certain fields on a Knockout view. This invoice can be previewed, via another Knockout page. I want to use the preview url within our PDF creator (EVOPdf), so we can provide the user with a PDF from this invoice.
To preview the invoice we load the data (on document ready) via an ajax-request:
var InvoiceView = function(){
function _start() {
$.get("invoice/GetInitialData", function (response) {
var viewModel = new ViewModel(response.Data);
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $("#contentData").get(0));
Start: _start
My problem is within the data-binding when the PDF creator is requesting the url: the viewModel is empty. This makes sense because the GetInitialData action is not called when the PDF creator is doing the request. Calling this _start function from the preview page directly at the end of the page does not help either.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Looking at the documentation of EvoPdf, JavaScript should be executed, as the JavaScriptEnabled is true by default:
How could I solve this, or what is the best approach to create an pdf from a knockout view?
Controller action code:
public FileResult PdfDownload(string url)
var pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
// add the Forms Authentication cookie to request
if (Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName] != null)
var pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);
return new FileContentResult(pdfBytes, "application/pdf");
var model = this;
model.invoiceToEdit = ko.observable(null);
model.downloadInvoice = function (invoice) {
var url = '/invoice/preview';
window.location.href = '/invoice/pdfDownload?url=' + url;
The comment of xdumaine prompted me to think into another direction, thank you for that!
It did take some time for the Ajax request to load, but I also discovered some JavaScript (e.g. knockout binding) errors along the way after I put a ConversionDelay on the pdf creator object
pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 5; //time in seconds
So here is my solution for this moment, which works for me now:
To start the process a bound click event:
model.downloadInvoice = function (invoice) {
var url = '/invoice/preview/' + invoice.Id() + '?isDownload=true';'/invoice/pdfDownload?url=' + url);
which result in a GET resquest on the controller action
public FileResult PdfDownload(string url)
var pdfConverter = new PdfConverter { JavaScriptEnabled = true };
// add the Forms Authentication cookie to request
if (Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName] != null)
pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 5;
var absolutUrl = ToAbsulte(url);
var pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(absolutUrl);
return new FileContentResult(pdfBytes, "application/pdf");
The Pdf creator is requesting this action on the controller, with isDownload = true (see bound click event):
public ActionResult Preview(string id, bool isDownload = false)
return PartialView("PdfInvoice", new InvoiceViewModel
IsDownload = isDownload,
InvoiceId = id
Which returns this partial view:
// the actual div with bindings etc.
#if (Model.IsDownload)
//Include your javascript and css here if needed
#Html.Hidden("invoiceId", Model.InvoiceId);
$(document).ready(function () {
var invoiceId = $("#invoiceId").val();
JavaScript for getting the invoice and apply the knockout bindings:
DownloadInvoiceView = function() {
function _start(invoiceId) {
$.get("invoice/GetInvoice/" + invoiceId, function(response) {
var viewModel = new DownloadInvoiceView.ViewModel(response.Data);
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $("#invoiceDiv").get(0));
return {
Start: _start
DownloadInvoiceView.ViewModel = function (data) {
var model = this;
var invoice = new Invoice(data); //Invoice is a Knockout model
return model;