Enable haptic Feedback on react-native touchable view - react-native

I an writing a react-native app, And I noticed that while the buttons look like native buttons when clicked - they do not behave as one (At lease not like android button behave).
Clicking on android app button - make a sound and give the user an haptic Feedback.
On the sound I saw that there is github discussions and open issue, but I could not found anywhere anything about the haptic Feedback.
How can I make my view (any touchable view..) to make haptic feedback on click?
This is really important feeling in an app.
I want something like this (In android)
View view = findViewById(...)
This doesn't require from the app to have permission for Vibrate.
And managing haptic feedback on my own with the Vibrate api will cause users that disable this option globally to experience bad behavior

If you are using Expo with react-native, I recommend you to use Expo haptics
After installing the library You can use it like:
<TouchableOpacity onPress = { ()=> {
} } > </TouchableOpacity>

I found this component on github https://github.com/charlesvinette/react-native-haptic
I didn't try it yet, but it should help you to get the haptic feedback you want.

I also have nearly the same requirements and I ended up using this library react-native-haptic-feedback.
Keep in mind that haptic feedback is available only on some latest android devices and in iOS above iPhone 6s. Here is a simple code snippet:
import ReactNativeHapticFeedback from "react-native-haptic-feedback";
const options = {
enableVibrateFallback: true,
ignoreAndroidSystemSettings: false
ReactNativeHapticFeedback.trigger("impactMedium", options);
In your case, it will work directly with the button's onPress method such as:
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{ReactNativeHapticFeedback.trigger("impactMedium", options);}} />
Note: I found that the most versatile type which is supported by maximum devices is impactMedium.

You can use the built-in Vibration module facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/touchablewithoutfeedback
import { Vibration } from 'react-native';
onPressIn={() => Vibration.vibrate()}
Remember to include this in your AndroidManifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

I published a project on Github which provides this functionality.
Check this repo out: react-native-haptic-view


Android sometimes restarts my React Native application in the background

I am creating a fitness application in react-native 0.66.1. To manage my pages, I use react-navigation 6.
My cover page, HomeScreen, allows to load user data before actually entering the application :
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native'
const HomeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
useCallback(() => {
// load user data and app configuration in context
}, [])
return (
<ActivityIndicator />
<Image ... logo />
On one of my pages (StartGymScreen), I have a countdown using the react-native library react-native-countdown-circle-timer.
Everything works fine but sometimes when I put the app in the background and come back to it, it fully recharges via HomeScreen. My countdown is therefore lost (I have to come back to StartGymScreen and restart it).
I think (but I'm not sure) that this is a normal situation and that "Android" sometimes turns off apps to conserve battery power.
But I have a few questions :
I did not find anything on the react-native documentation, what explains this ?
Is it possible to prevent this? Sometimes the application restarts after 1 minute of background. Sometimes 2, sometimes 3 ... it's very random.
I sometimes use another fitness app (Hercules) which also has a countdown timer but not this problem, how does it do ?
As you said, this is normal behavior and not related to your application. The android os will handle these jobs for your applications.
There are some settings in the phone to limit your application from running in the background. But it's not the ideal way to manage this issue.
All your needs are to keep running your application in the background.
So, there are some solutions like using headless Js. read more on RN documentation. You can create an unstoppable service for your application. You can use this article to do it.
Also, there is a solution with using react-native-background-actions package.

DeviceMotion Expo iOS13

I’m working on an VR app using Expo and a-frame with a webview. Everything worked well with iOS12 but I have some problems since I updated to iOS13 and SDK35. When I start the webview, it is impossible to use the VR mode, the scene can only be moved if the user is manually swiping the screen.
After some research, I found that iOS13 requires an user gesture for using the device motion:
I looked in the Expo doc but the Permissions doesn’t seem to handle the DeviceMotion permission (and the DeviceMotion page only says we can check if it’s enabled or not). Is there any way to solve this ?
Thanks in advance
You can use react-native-gesture-handler
You can run expo install react-native-gesture-handler
You can use this if you want to solve the problem of gestures. The rights to gestures appear to be missing from the document.
import { TapGestureHandler, RotationGestureHandler } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
class ComponentName extends Component {
render () {
return (
Read the react-native-gesture-handler docs for more information on the API and usage.

How can I insert an admob banner into my app?

I need to insert an admob banner in the app, I followed a lot of tutorials on internet but any of thoose works. Can someone help me? I'm using an android emulator
the code I used with react native admob is:
import {
} from 'react-native-admob'
onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}
but It gives me and error:<< Invariant Violation:requireNativeComponent:"RNGADBannerView" was not found in the UIManager>>
You can use react-native-firebase for admob, it's works like charm for my app.

How to make a text to speech work in background in React Native app?

I have a question that I have not been able to solve for some time and I have not been able to do it yet. Do you know how to make a text to speech work in background React Native Android app?
If you want sounds to work on iOS in background mode you need to do 2 things:
enable audio capabilities in xcode
configure AVAudioSession. There is already a package for it here: https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-audio-session
I did this at the root of the project, using react-native-sound, but should be the same with react-native-audio-session:
import Sound from 'react-native-sound';
Sound.setCategory('Playback'); // this will play sound in background
Somewhere in your background runner:
Tts.speak('Some text);
We can use ACCESSIBILITY.Accessibility, means making your apps usable to both normal users and users with disabilities. Any person can have one or more form of disability.
Turn on TalkBack in your device Settings
Open your device's Settings app Settings app.>>Open Accessibility>> then TalkBack.>>Turn on TalkBack.
then add following props to every component of ReactNative.
Like this:-
return (
onPress={() => {

Barcode scanning using react native

I am using react-native-camera to build a barcode scanner for Android and iOS both.
I am able to scan the barcode in iOS but the issue is there is no visual for the scanning boundary. And I want the whole screen to be able to scan the bar code not just the middle of the screen.
Is there any way around it?
If there is some other library that would also work for me.
Well it took me all day but I finally found a library that worked. If anyone finds their way here and is looking for a barcode scanner for react native that works on android...I am here to help.
1st if you do not have rnpm get it...it is very helpful!(npm install -g rnpm)(https://github.com/rnpm/rnpm)
then run these commands in your project file:
npm install --save react-native-barcodescanner
rnpm link react-native-barcodescanner
at this point I synced gradle and reran the app from android studios...not sure if it is needed(also sometimes rnpm link forgets a new line character...if you have an error message about the word include it is because this...just find it in your setting.gradle file add a new line before the word include)
now it is ready to use.
import it:
import BarcodeScanner from 'react-native-barcodescanner';
then use it in your render function's return statment:
If you need more info check out that link. I hope this helped someone avoid the torture I endured going through library after old library that did not work.
Happy coding! :)
I recommend using React Native Community's React Native Camera. It's quite well maintained and you can simply pass a callback prop to receive the output:
<RNCamera onBarCodeRead={this.handleBarCodeRead}></RNCamera>
Your callback will be invoked when a barcode is detected in the camera's view. From the docs:
Event contains data (the data in the barcode) and type (the type of the barcode detected).
There is a react-native library for scanning QR codes with Highlighting scanning area with animated scan bar that moves up and down.
You can use isShowScanBar prop to show scan bar or either disable by passing false to this prop.
Github Link https://github.com/shifeng1993/react-native-qr-scanner#readme
It's npm is also here https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-qr-scanner
It's props are listed here https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-qr-scanner#qrscanner
Firstly, Install the react-native-camera library as this library is dependent on it.
Just run this command in root directory of your project
npm i react-native-qr-scanner
then run this link command react-native link react-native-camera && react-native-qr-scanner
Import it using :
import {QRscanner} from 'react-native-qr-scanner';
<QRscanner onRead={this.onRead}
cornerBorderColor ='black'
isRepeatScan = {true}
cornerColor ='black'
hintText="Please Align QRCode"
renderBottomView={this.bottomView} flashMode={this.state.flashMode}
onRead = (res) => {
It works for both Android and iOS
js.coach is a good place to look for react native plugins
Just found universal code scanner - combines android and ios:
Tried on Android works just fine.
Expo provides BarCodeScanner component out of the box (preinstalled in managed apps).
It works like a charm, I definitely recommend it.
You can see if BarCodeScanner works with your bar code, try it in snack: https://snack.expo.io/#documentation/barcodescanner-example