Query returns Object(Builder), undefined property - sql

I have following code
public function detailCustomer(Customer $customer)
$vehicles = DB::table('vehicles')
->where('cust_id', '=', $customer->id);
return view('customers.detail', array('customer' => $customer, 'vehicles' => $vehicles));
Where table vehicles consists of:
cust_id <FK> //this is foreign key to customer->id
In the customers.detail view, I tried to use following code to show data, but I get this error:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\PostgresConnection::$spz
#if (count($vehicles) > 0)
<?php $i = 1; ?>
#foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle)
<?php $i++; ?>
I have read this topic but seems it's not my problem because I use foreach to iterate through the object but seems I do not get the object from database into my $vehicles variable, because in the error page, it shows also something like this:
'customer' => object(Customer), 'vehicles' => object(Builder)
What makes me think that customer gets its object correctly, but vehicles gets Builder?? Really no idea what is wrong there. Any ideas?
Just to describe what am I doing in the project that I work on, I have a customer detail page where I click a button to add a vehicle to his detail page (profile page) and I send customer id as parameter to the function where I add vehicle into database, which works (vehicle is added correctly with the customer id). Now that problem shows up when I want to show detail page with vehicle information like the code above shows.
Hope its clear enough. Thanks for suggestions.

Try to add ->get() or ->paginate($YOUR_LIMIT_ONE_PAGE) in your Controller
public function detailCustomer(Customer $customer)
$vehicles = DB::table('vehicles')
->where('cust_id', '=', $customer->id)->get();
// ->where('cust_id', '=', $customer->id)->paginate($YOUR_LIMIT_ONE_PAGE);
return view('customers.detail', array('customer' => $customer, 'vehicles' => $vehicles));
And try to replace your foreach to this forelse
#forelse ($vehicles as $index => $vehicle)
<td>{{($vehicle->spz !== null) ? $vehicle->spz : '-'}}</td>
<td>{{($vehicle->type !== null) ? $vehicle->type : '-'}}</td>
<td>{{($vehicle->brand !== null) ? $vehicle->brand : '-'}}</td>
<td colspan='4'>Data not found</td>


prestashop 1.7 add a field to checkout process (and save it)

Good day, I've created a module that adds a new field (ask for invoice) during the checkout, I've added it in the payment selection hook.
How I save the field value (it is a checkbox) once the page is submitted? I mean after a payment is been selected and the submit button is pressed?
public function hookDisplayPaymentTop()
$sql = 'SELECT vat_number FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address WHERE `id_address` = '.$this->context->cart->id_address_invoice;
$vat_number = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);
if ($vat_number == false) {
$message = $this->l(' your VAT number is invalid or ');
$vat_status = 0;
$message = $vat_number;
$vat_status = 1;
'foo' => 'bar',
'usrId' => $this->context->customer->id,
'vat' => $vat_number,
'vat_status' => $vat_status,
'cartId' => $this->context->cart->id
return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/front/doyouinvoice.tpl');
and the TPL is like:
<h5>Do you need an invoice?</h5>
<div class="ggAskInvoiceError {if $vat_status == 1}hideThisMessage{/if}">
{l s="You need to add your VAT number in the billing address." m="ggaskinvoice"}
<div class="ggAskContainer">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="askInvoice" id="askInvoice" {if $vat_status == 0}disabled='disabled'{/if} data-cartid="{$cartId}" > {l s="I need an invoice for this order" m="ggaskinvoice"}</label>
Maybe try to use Tools::isSubmit
I'm not sure if this can work for you,
Try to create a controller in your module like this: in yourModule/controller/controllerName,
class yourModuleNameModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function initContent(){
if(Tools::isSubmit('askInvoice')){ //askInvoice is your name button
//Your php code
And for the DisplayHook i think you only need to do this
return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/front/doyouinvoice.tpl');

Sylius: How to sort product by variant.sku

I would like to sort the products by its sku. How would that be possible ?
I tried to add in ProductRepository.php:
$queryBuilder = $this->getCollectionQueryBuilder();
->innerJoin('product.taxons', 'taxon')
->innerJoin('product.variants', 'variant')
->andWhere('taxon = :taxon')
->setParameter('taxon', $taxon)
foreach ($criteria as $attributeName => $value) {
->andWhere('product.'.$attributeName.' IN (:'.$attributeName.')')
->setParameter($attributeName, $value)
but got:
Cannot select distinct identifiers from query with LIMIT and ORDER BY
on a column from a fetch joined to-many association. Use output
Finally what I did: Sorted the products just before output in a custom twig function:
{% set products = skusort(products) %}
In my SkusortExtenstion.php (as of PHP 5.3)
$product->getIterator()->uasort(function($a, $b){
return $a->getMasterVariant()->getSku() > $b->getMasterVariant()->getSku();
return $product;
Was afraid of performance issue as there's a lot of products but seems to be very fast.
Another way is to reload method getPaginator() of class Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository. In that case we must instantinate DoctrineORMAdapter with $useOutputWalkers flag (the latest constructor argument).
So, put the folowing code in your ProductRepository.php:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getPaginator(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
return new Pagerfanta(new DoctrineORMAdapter($queryBuilder, true, true));

Shopify API getting order by name or order_number

Im using a plugin for CakePHP to make the calls to obtain certain orders. I can call all orders with certain fields, but I was wondering how would I have to make the call to get the orders with a certain name or order_number? Here is the source for the call to Shopify. Its already authenticated and everything:
public function call($method, $path, $params=array())
if (!$this->isAuthorized())
$password = $this->is_private_app ? $this->secret : md5($this->secret.$this->ShopifyAuth->token);
$baseurl = "https://{$this->api_key}:$password#{$this->ShopifyAuth->shop_domain}/";
$url = $baseurl.ltrim($path, '/');
$query = in_array($method, array('GET','DELETE')) ? $params : array();
$payload = in_array($method, array('POST','PUT')) ? stripslashes(json_encode($params)) : array();
$request_headers = in_array($method, array('POST','PUT')) ? array("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", 'Expect:') : array();
$request_headers[] = 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: ' . $this->ShopifyAuth->token;
list($response_body, $response_headers) = $this->Curl->HttpRequest($method, $url, $query, $payload, $request_headers);
$this->last_response_headers = $response_headers;
$response = json_decode($response_body, true);
if (isset($response['errors']) or ($this->last_response_headers['http_status_code'] >= 400))
throw new ShopifyApiException($method, $path, $params, $this->last_response_headers, $response);
return (is_array($response) and (count($response) > 0)) ? array_shift($response) : $response;
private function shopApiCallLimitParam($index)
if ($this->last_response_headers == null)
return 0;
$params = explode('/', $this->last_response_headers['http_x_shopify_shop_api_call_limit']);
return (int) $params[$index];
...and the code that makes the GET call:
// I only want the id and title of the collections
$fields = "fields=name,id,status,financial_status,fulfillment_status,billing_address,customer";
// get list of collections
$custom_collections = $this->ShopifyAPI->call('GET', "/admin/orders.json", $fields);
$this->set('collections', $custom_collections);
I think I'm missing the place where I can put the conditions for the call to get certain orders. I've already read the API documentation but can't seem to get the answer.
I've tried putting the ?name=%231001 on the url after .json to try and get the order #1001, but it brings back a empty array.
Then I tried ?order_number=1001 but it brings me every order with as well 1001 D: This is really confusing, Could anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
Well I found out that you can actually get the order using the name or order_number. Its another property that is not listed on the documentation for some reason. But in the URL, if your using another language, all you have to add in the GET is admin/order.json?name=%2310001&status=any this is to get the order 10001 so just add the order_number after the %23. I saw this on a forum in Shopify university, I was just implementing this wrong on my code. If your using the CakePhp shopify plugin like me all I did was add on the $field the ?name=%23". number ."&status=any";
Ill leave the code here:
$this->layout = 'main';
$order_number = "18253";
$fields = "name=%23". $order_number ."&status=any";
$order = $this->ShopifyAPI->call('GET', "/admin/orders.json", $fields);
if (!empty($order)) {
$this->set('order', $order);
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> No existe el numero de orden ingresado.','default',array('class' => 'alert alert-danger alert-dismissible', 'type' => 'alert'));
Hope this helps someone :P

Method not receiving attributes from shortcode call, general OOP problems

The method OpenMods that you see below, is supposed to take an array generated by an fgetcsv function, and put it into an HTML table. __construct is supposed to, as is typically the case, define the attributes for the class, and shortcode is supposed to take two attributes from the shortcode, and if mods comes back, it is supposed to call another function in the class.
OpenMods did function when it was outside of a class, without the class attribute calls, so I'm fairly certain that isn't the source of my problem. My problem most likely lies within __construct and shortcode; However please don't overlook OpenMods as it may contain errors that are contributing to the problem, I'm just giving my estimation which isn't worth much since I'm having to ask to for help.
This is an example of the shortcode I'm trying to make work:
[priceguide file=’test.csv’ type=’mods’]
class CsvImporter
private $parse_header;
private $header;
private $delimiter;
private $length;
function __construct($parse_header=false, $delimiter="\t", $length=8000)
add_shortcode( 'priceguide', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );
$this->parse_header = $parse_header;
$this->delimiter = $delimiter;
$this->length = $length;
public function shortcode($atts) {
$attributes = extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'file' => '',
'type' => '',
), $atts ));
if ($attributes['mods'])
function OpenMods($file) {
$fp = fopen(plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . $file , "r" );
if ($this->parse_header)
$header = fgetcsv($fp, $this->length, $this->delimiter);
// table header and search html
echo('<input type="text" class="search" id="search" placeholder="Search">');
echo('<table id="table"> <tr class="hidden">
// integer for drop down/price submit
$a = 1;
// set values for table data
while ($header !== FALSE) {
$name = $header[0];
$quanid = $header[2];
$table = $header[3];
$cssId = 'row-'.$a;
//generate HTML
foreach ($header as $index=>$val) {
echo htmlentities($val, ENT_QUOTES);
// query to get item prices
$sql = "SELECT ItemID, Price
FROM {$table}
WHERE ItemID = %d
global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $quanid));
// put the results in the table
// HTML for hidden row/price submission
<button class="toggler" data-prod-cat="' . $cssId . '">Vote</button>
echo('<tr class="cat' . $cssId . ' hidden" style="display:none">');
echo('<td colspan="4" style="white-space: nowrap">Enter ' . $name . ' Price:
<form action="" name="form' . $quanid . '" method="post"><input type="text" id="' . $quanid . '" maxlength="4" name="' . $quanid . '" value="price_input" class="input" />
<button id="submit" name="submit" class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button></form>
return ob_get_clean();
Based on OP comment, the problem is, the object can not created and in this case, __constructor() will not run, and add_shortcode( 'priceguide', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) ); will never triggered.
There are two solutions. One, if you are make the shortcode method to static, and add this in your functions.php file:
add_shortcode( 'priceguide', 'CsvImporter::shortcode' ) );
The second option, if you do not want to make it static if you instantiate an object from your class, before anythings happens. In your functions.php
add_action('init', 'my_init');
global $CsvImporter;
function my_init() {
global $CsvImporter;
$CsvImporter = new CsvImporter();
In this case, when no output send to the buffer, you create a new CsvImporter object, so the __construct() will run, so shortcode will registered.

Can't update product in magento module

have an issue updating magento product from frontend using a module that its function is for customers to create their own products and have the admin approve before enabled(this part is working).
the problem is when a customer tries to updated their admin approved product (as before approval, product states that newly created product is pending, but they can still update the data/attributes created during the product create function, the same attributes that are not updating using the controller)
first of all i have a controller with the action to update the approved/pending customer product
public function editPostAction() {
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('productid');
if ( $id !== false ) {
list($data, $errors) = $this->validatePost();
if ( !empty($errors) ) {
foreach ($errors as $message) {
$this->_redirect('customer/products/edit/', array(
'id' => $id
} else {
$customerId = $this->_getSession()->getCustomer()->getid();
$product = Mage::getResourceModel('customerpartner/customerpartner_product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('customer_id', $customerId)
->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', $id)
if ( isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES) > 0 ) {
foreach($_FILES as $image ) {
if ( $image['tmp_name'] != '' ) {
if ( ( $error = $this->uploadImage($image, $id) ) !== true ) {
$errors[] = $error;
if ( empty($errors) ) {
$this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('Your product was successfully updated'));
} else {
$this->_getSession()->addError('Product info was saved but was imposible to save the image');
foreach ($errors as $message) {
as well as a form that on submit is supposed to update the product attributes and images but the page reloads on submit and shows successful saved message but the attributes are not updated and going back to the edit form (for each product created) for that product the values in the update form have the values of the update we just submitted, bet yet the products attributes are not updated in the catalog either (they remain the same values as entered in the create new process)
don't no if to continue to figure out what is going wrong or just move to either use api or direct sql to get the job done.
see this post Magento 1.7: Non-system product attribute not saving in PHP script the problem maybe different but the solution can be found in that post
updated to a new action to call in .phtml see below as it seems to be updating the product data as needed, still wanting to improve..
called in form using /frontendname/editApprovedPost/
public function editApprovedPostAction() {
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('productid');
$idproduct = $this->getRequest()->getParam('product_id');
if ( $id !== false ) {
list($data, $errors) = $this->validatePost();
if ( !empty($errors) ) {
foreach ($errors as $message) {
$this->_redirect('customer/products/edit/', array(
'id' => $id
} else {
- now added more php code to action (in this order) after the } else {...
require_once 'app/Mage.php';
then add admin store for frontend product updates...
then get the customer id...
$customerId = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerId();
then use the forms product Id to get the Product Id to update...
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load("".$idproduct."");
then use setName() to update/save the attribute value grabbed from the forms input value...
$product->setName($this->getRequest()->getParam('name'));//use whatever attributes need (only text and text area tested so far)
then save/update product data with...
then add to run through errors...
if ( empty($errors) ) {
$this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('Your product was successfully updated'));
} else {
$this->_getSession()->addError('Product info was saved but was imposible to save the image');
foreach ($errors as $message) {
then with a form to submit in frontend with customer logged in and customer group config
custom form only visible to Customer Group 2 (default is Wholesale)
form below....
sorry cant paste form to much work to paste the code here, any way using the
which i have read in some posts is that to update product in frontend you need to be "admin", which this seems to do just fine. As Noted before, the script was not updating and it was because it is trying to save to a different models data when the data to be updated was an actual product (that has been approved and created using the different models data) and it was updating using
$product = Mage::getResourceModel('customerpartner/customerpartner_product_collection')
would be good to here anyone else's comments
hope this helps someone because was think time to close this build.