Aligning metagenomic reads (OTU representatives) to my phylogenetic tree ~AND~ evaluating how multiple samples align - phylogeny

I am working with amino acid sequences.
I got a fasta file containing reference sequences and a txt file giving the categorization (domain, subdomain, nickname etc etc etc.) for each sequence. First thing, I need to construct a tree with these sequences to check that they group according to the categories they belong to. Example: sequences belonging to domain A group together, sequences belonging to subdomain A1 group together and so on.
Then... I got a fasta file containing OTU representatives derived from metagenomic reads AND a OTU count table declaring how many of each of these representatives are present in each one of my 20 samples. I need to align these OTU sequences to the previously constructed tree ~AND~ consider the per-sample count, to check the categories each sample is enriched for.
What softwares should I use?
Thank you!

We used MAFFT for alignment and Fasttree to build phylogenetic trees, but there are many other options.
We used pplacer to add short aminoacid sequences derived from metagenomic reads to a tree. Not sure about the abundance part, but you could get started from there


How can I recode 53k unique addresses (saved as objects) w/o One-Hot-Encoding in Pandas?

My data frame has 3.8 million rows and 20 or so features, many of which are categorical. After paring down the number of features, I can "dummy up" one critical column with 20 or so categories and my COLAB with (allegedly) TPU running won't crash.
But there's another column with about 53,000 unique values. Trying to "dummy up" this feature crashes my session. I can't ditch this column.
I've looked up target encoding, but the data set is very imbalanced and I'm concerned about target leakage. Is there a way around this?
EDIT: My target variable is a simple binary one.
Without knowing more details of the problem/feature, there's no obvious way to do this. This is the part of Data Science/Machine Learning that is an art, not a science. A couple ideas:
One hot encode everything, then use a dimensionality reduction algorithm to remove some of the columns (PCA, SVD, etc).
Only one hot encode some values (say limit it to 10 or 100 categories, rather than 53,000), then for the rest, use an "other" category.
If it's possible to construct an embedding for these variables (Not always possible), you can explore this.
Group/bin the values in the columns by some underlying feature. I.e. if the feature is something like days_since_X, bin it by 100 or something. Or if it's names of animals, group it by type instead (mammal, reptile, etc.)

Cypher BFS with multiple Relations in Path

I'd like to model autonomous systems and their relationships in Graph Database (memgraph-db)
There are two different kinds of relationships that can exist between nodes:
undirected peer2peer relationships (edges without arrows in image)
directed provider2customer relationships (arrows pointing to provider in image)
The following image shows valid paths that I want to find with some query
They can be described as
or in other words
0-n c2p edges followed by 0-n p2p edges followed by 0-n p2c edges
I can fix the first and last node and would like to find a (shortest/cheapest) path. As I understand I can do BFS if there is ONE relation on the path.
Is there a way to query for paths of such form in Cypher?
As an alternative I could do individual queries where I specify the length of each of the segments and then do a query for every length of path until a path is found.
MATCH (s)<-[]->(d) // All one hop paths
MATCH (s)-[:provider]->()-[:peer]-(d)
MATCH (s)-[:provider]->()<-[:provider]-(d)
Since it's viable to have 7 different path sections, I don't see how 3 BFS patterns (... BFS*0..n) would yield a valid solution. It's impossible to have an empty path because the pattern contains some nodes between them (I have to double-check that).
Writing individual patterns is not great.
Some options are:
MATCH path=(s)-[:BFS*0.n]-(d) WHERE {{filter_expression}} -> The expression has to be quite complex in order to yield valid paths.
MATCH path=(s)-[:BFS*0.n]-(d) CALL module.filter_procedure(path) -> The module.procedure(path) could be implemented in Python or C/C++. Please take a look here. I would recommend starting with Python since it's much easier. Python for the PoC should be fine. I would also recommend starting with this option because I'm pretty confident the solution will work, + it's modular. After all, the filter_procedure could be extended easily, while the query will stay the same.
Could you please provide a sample dataset in a format of a Cypher query (a couple of nodes and edges / a small graph)? I'm glad to come up with a solution.

Recursive Hierarchy Ranking

I have no idea if I wrote that correctly. I want to start learning higher end data mining techniques and I'm currently using SQL server and Access 2016.
I have a system that tracks ID cards. Each ID is tagged to one particular level of a security hierarchy, which has many branches.
For example
- Management
- Supervisory
- Manager
- Executive
- Vendors
- Secure
- Per Diem
- Inside Trades
There are many other departments like Maintenance, some simple, some with much more convoluted, hierarchies.
Each ID card is tagged to a level so in the Maintenance example, - Per Diem:Vendors:Maintenance:Root. Others may be just tagged to Vendors, Some to general Maintenance itself (No one has root, thank god).
So lets say I have 20 ID Cards selected, these are available personnel I can task to a job but since they have different area's of security I want to find a commonalities they can all work on together as a 20 person group or whatever other groupings I can make.
So the intended output would be
CommonMatch = - Per Diem
CardID = 1
CardID = 3
CommonMatch = Vendors
CardID = 1
CardID = 3
CardID = 20
So in the example above, while I could have 2 people working on -Per Diem work, because that is their lowest common security similarity, there is also card holder #20 who has rights to the predecessor group (Vendors), that 1 and 3 share, so I could have three of them work at that level.
I'm not looking for anyone to do the work for me (Although examples always welcome), more to point me in the right direction on what I should be studying, what I'm trying to do is called, etc. I know CTE's are a way to go but that seems like only a tool in a much bigger process that needs to be done.
Thank you all in advance
Well, it is not so much a graph-theory or data-mining problem but rather a data-structure problem and one that has almost solved itself.
The objective is to be able to partition the set of card IDs into disjoint subsets given a security clearance level.
So, the main idea here would be to layout the hierarchy tree and then assign each card ID to the path implied by its security level clearance. For this purpose, each node of the hierarchy tree now becomes a container of card IDs (e.g. each node of the hierarchy tree holds a) its own name (as unique identification) b) pointers to other nodes c) a list of card IDs assigned to its "name".)
Then, retrieving the set of cards with clearance UP TO a specific security level is simply a case of traversing the tree from that specific level downwards until the tree's leafs, all along collecting the card IDs from the node containers as they are encountered.
Suppose that we have access tree:
And card ID assignments:
At the moment, B,C,E only make sense as tags, there is no structural information associated with them. We therefore need to first "build" the tree. The following example uses Networkx but the same thing can be achieved with a multitude of ways:
import networkx
G = networkx.DiGraph() #Establish a directed graph
Now, assign the card IDs to the node containers (in Networkx, nodes can be any valid Python object so I am going to go with a very simple list)
So, now, to get everybody working under "A" (the root of the tree), you can traverse the tree from that level downwards either via Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) and collect the card IDs from the containers. I am going to use DFS here, purely because Networkx has a function that returns the visited nodes depending on visiting order, directly.
#dfs_preorder_nodes returns a generator, this is an efficient way of iterating very large collections in Python but I am casting it to a "list" here, so that we get the actual list of nodes back.
vis_nodes = list(networkx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G,"A")); #Start from node "A" and DFS downwards
cardIDs = []
#I could do the following with a one-line reduce but it might be clearer this way
for aNodeID in vis_nodes:
if G.node[aNodeID]:
In the end of the above iteration, cardIDs will contain all card IDs from branch "A" downwards in one convenient list.
Of course, this example is ultra simple, but since we are talking about trees, the tree can be as large as you like and you are still traversing it in the same way requiring only a single point of entry (the top level branch).
Finally, just as a note, the fact that you are using Access as your backend is not necessarily an impediment but relational databases do not handle graph type data with great ease. You might get away easily for something like a simple tree (like what you have here for example), but the hassle of supporting this probably justifies undertaking this process outside of the database (e.g, use the database just for retrieving the data and carry out the graph type data processing in a different environment. Doing a DFS on SQL is the sort of hassle I am referring to above.)
Hope this helps.

Linking related topics IR

How to link terms(keywords entities) which have some relation among them through text documents . Example is of google when you search for a person it shows recommendations of other people related to that person .
In this picture it figured out spouse , presidential candidate , and equal designation
I am using frequency count technique . The more two terms occur in same document the more chance of them to have some relation. But this also links unrelated terms like pagemarks , verbs and page refences in a text document .
How should I improve it and is there any other easy but reliable technique ?
You should look a few techniques
1.) Stop word filtering: it is common in text mining two filter words which are typically not very important as they are two frequent. Like the, a, is and so on. There are predefined dictionaries.
2.) TF/IDF: TF/IDF re-weights words on how much they separate documents.
3.) Named Entity Recognition: For your task at hand it might be sufficient to just focus on the names. Named entity recognition can extract names from documents
4.) Linear Dirichlet Allocation: LDA finds concept in documents. A concept is a set of words which frequently appear together.

What formula is used for building a list of related items in a tag-based system?

There are a lot of sites out there that use 'tags' to categorize items in their system. For example, YouTube uses keywords to categorize videos, Stack Overflow uses tags to categorize questions, etc.
What formulas do these sites use (especially SO) to build a list of items related to another item based on the tags it has? I'm building a system much like the one on SO and I'd like to find a way to generate a list of 20 items or so based on the tags of one item, but also make it spread enough so that each photo generates a vastly different list, and so that clicking an item in any given related list could eventually lead you to almost every item in the database.
The technical term for an organization based on user tags is a folksonomy. A google search for that term brings up a huge amount of material on how these systems are put together. A good place to start is the Wikipedia article.
I had to solve this exact problem for a contract a few years back, and the company was nice enough to let me blog about how I did it at
You'll note that if you get a decent volume of data then you'll really, really want to do this out of the database.
Similarity between items is often represented as dot products between the vectors representing the items. So if you have a tag based system, each tag will define one dimension. The vector then for an item becomes 1 in dimension i if tag i is set for this item (or higher numbers if you allow multiple tagging). If you calculate the dot product of the vectors of two items you will get the similarity for those items (N.b. the vectors have to be normalized so that the absolute value is 1).
Note that the dimensionality will get very large (several tens of thousands of tags are common). This sounds like a show stopper for this kind of thing. But you will also not that the vectors are really sparse and multiple dot product become one big matrix multiplication of a sparse matrix with it's own transposition. Using efficient algorithms for sparse matrix multiplication, this can be done relatively fast.
Also note, that most systems do not only rely on tags, but rather on "user behavior" (whatever that means). I.e. for Youtube user behavior would be "Watching a video", "Subscribing to a channel", "looking for similar videos as video X" or "tagging video x with tag y".
I ended up using the following code (with different names), which finds all other items with at least one tag in common, and orders the results by number of common tags, descending, and subsorts by other criteria specific to my problem:
SELECT PT.WidgetID, COUNT(*) AS CommonTags, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria1, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria2, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria3, PS.Date FROM WidgetTags PT INNER JOIN WidgetStatistics PS ON PT.WidgetID = PS.WidgetID
WHERE PT.TagID IN (SELECT PTInner.TagID FROM WidgetTags PTInner WHERE PTInner.WidgetID = #WidgetID)
AND PT.WidgetID != #WidgetID
GROUP BY PT.WidgetID, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria1, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria2, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria3, PS.Date
ORDER BY CommonTags DESC, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria1 DESC, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria2 DESC, PS.OtherOrderingCriteria3 DESC, PS.Date DESC, PT.WidgetID DESC