Get Word bookmark index to replace image inside bookmark from Excel - vba

This question is related with a previous one.
I have an open Word document with a bunch of bookmarks, each with an inline image of an Excel table previously exported from Excel.
Now, I need to update the tables in the Word document as they have changed in Excel.
The way I'm doing this is matching the table names in Excel with the bookmark names in Word. If they are equal than I want to replace the existing images in Word by the current ones.
This is my code so far:
Option Explicit
Sub substituir()
Dim Mark As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim ShpRng As Range
Dim WordApp As Object
Dim DocumentoDestino As Object
Dim folha As Worksheet
Dim tabela As ListObject
Dim nomeTabela As String
Set WordApp = GetObject(class:="Word.Application")
Set DocumentoDestino = WordApp.ActiveDocument
For Each folha In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If folha.Visible Then
'loop all excel tables
For Each tabela In folha.ListObjects
tabela.Name = Replace(tabela.Name, " ", "")
Mark = CStr(tabela.Name)
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists(Mark) Then
Set Rng = .Bookmarks(Mark).Range ' returns runtime error 13: Type mismatch, I guess it is because .Bookmarks expects the bookmark index instead of the name.
If Rng.InlineShapes.Count Then
Set ShpRng = Rng.InlineShapes(1).Range
With ShpRng
Debug.Print .Start, .End
End With
End If
End If
End With
Next tabela
End If
Next folha
End Sub
The code seems ok, except for the line marked above that returns runtime error 13, is there any way to get to the bookmark index instead of the name or another way to fix the issue?
Thanks in advance!

The problem is from the Range object. There is such an object in Excel as well as in Word. Since you are running Excel, both Rng and ShpRng are declared as Excel ranges implicitly. Declare them as Word.Range.
Quite generally, be more careful with your use of variables. You perfectly declared Set DocumentoDestino = WordApp.ActiveDocument, but then you proceed with
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists(Mark) Then
In Excel, there is no ActiveDocument. Perhaps that is why Excel correctly divines your intention to refer to DocumentoDestino. However, if you don't keep tight control instances are likely to arise - whenever you least expect them, of course - when Excel makes the wrong guess.


Manipulate a word document ("caller"/"context") from an excel workbook ("callee"/"controller") that was opened by it

I have a Word-macro in Normal.dotm that opens an Excel-workbook Reference Check.xlsm.
The macro uses RegExp as well as Range.Find to find strings of a certain pattern, and then it places this information onto sheets in the Excel-workbook.
This is the basic template:
Sub GetReferencesAndHyperlinksToExcel()
' Shortcut Key: Ctrl+[Num *]
Dim oRegex As New RegExp
Dim oRegExMatches As MatchCollection
Dim oRegExMatch As Match
Const strPattern As String = "(my pattern)"
Dim SourceDocument As Document
Dim oStory As Range
Dim hl As Hyperlink
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim R as Excel.Range
' Set the context
Set SourceDocument = ActiveDocument
' Load the spreadsheet
Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\...\Reference Check.xlsm")
' Set starting range to write to
With xlWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference Checks")
Set R = .Range("ref")(1, 1)
End With
' Initialise regex
With oRegex
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
' ==== Iterate through story ranges, then execute regex and write matches and hyperlinks to the spreadsheet ====
' ==== Iterate through story ranges, then iterate through hyperlinks and write hyperlinks to the spreadsheet ====
End Sub
The Excel-workbook does some calculations and lookups (with pre-filled column formulas) against a Data Table within the Workbook.
Using that information, I manipulate the active Word document (the "caller" or the "context") in predictable^ ways.
^If it's predictable, then we should be able to use a macro to do the work for us.
The problem
I want to use the now-open Excel workbook Reference Checks.xlsm as a "console" or "controller", where I can change some data, and use data, to perform operations on (make changes to) the document.
To do this, I believe I need to somehow be able to refer to the original "caller" or "context", i.e. the Word document that was Active when I originally called it (Set SourceDocument = ActiveDocument), from within the now-open Workbook. This means that either:
Macros within Excel (tied to Buttons) Reference Check.xlsx act on SourceDocument (preferred), or
Macros within Excel (tied to Buttons) Reference Check.xlsx call a Macro within Word Normal.dotm and then act on the SourceDocument* (if this is possible, the above should be), or
Various macros within Normal.dotm act on SourceDocument* (workable, but clunky)
*Note: This must actually be SourceDocument (the "caller" or "context") and not ActiveDocument, because it is possible that as I switch between windows, another document could become ActiveDocument.
Things I've thought of
For option 1, use a global variable in Reference Checks.xlsm, then when I load the workbook, set the reference to SourceDocument. This is my preferred option. I have no idea how to do this, however.
For option 3, use a global variable in Normal.dotm, set the reference to the workbook when I open it, then read information in the workbook when I call the macros. A drawback would be that I have many macros I might call, and I would have to have many public subs (makes Normal.dotm quite unwieldy).
How do I do this?
I have tested this and it worked perfectly with Office 2010.
Note that you need the Excel Library in your Word Normal Template and the Word Library in the Excel Reference Check.xlsm
You will need the following:
Sub in the ThisWorkBook module in the Reference Check.xlsm.
So in your Excel VBA Project -> Microsoft Excel Objects -> ThisWorkBook
Option Explicit
Sub ExcelWordController(WordDocFromWord As Document)
'If you are wanting to use it as a Document then _
you will need the Word Library in Excel
MsgBox WordDocFromWord
'Just put some funny text inthe doc for a test
WordDocFromWord.Range(0, 0).Text = "Yeah Baby It works"
'Here you can then call someother Sub or so some processing
End Sub
Then in your Word Normal project:
Option Explicit
'Sub in Word Normal
Sub ExcelControlWordFromWordInitiation()
'Obvisouly you alrady have the Excel Library in the Word Doc
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
'xlWorkbook is a object in the Word Excel Library
'So I changed the name
Dim RefCheckWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim R As Excel.Range
Dim SourceDocument As Document
Set SourceDocument = ActiveDocument
'You want to be able to see the Excel Application
xlApp.Visible = True
Set RefCheckWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Reference Check.xlsm")
'Calling the Sub in Excel from Word
Excel.Application.Run "ThisWorkBook.ExcelWordController", SourceDocument
End Sub

How to call Word macros from Excel

I have two macros, one in Excel, and one in Word. The Excel Macro calls the Word macro. My code is as follows:
Public wb1 As Workbook
Public dt1 As Document
Sub openword()
Dim wpath, epath As String 'where the word document will be opened and where the excel sheet will be saved
Dim wordapp As Object 'preparing to open word
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
While wb1.Sheets.Count <> 1
wpath = "C:\users\GPerry\Desktop\Projects and Work\document.docm"
Set wordapp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Set wordapp = CreateObject(Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD", vbNormalFocus)) this is one I tried to make work because while word.application seems to work, I don't *understand* it, so if anyone can help, that'd be awesome
wordapp.Visible = True
Set dt1 = wordapp.Documents.Open(wpath)
wordapp.Run "divider", wb1, dt1
End Sub
And word:
Sub divider(wb1, dt1)
Set dt1 = ThisDocument
If dt1.Paragraphs.Count > 65000 Then
Set cutrange = dt1.Range(dt1.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, dt1.Paragraphs(65000).Range.End)
If wb1.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1) <> "" Then
wb1.Sheets.Add After:=Sheets.Count
End If
Set cutrange = dt1.Content
If wb1.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1) <> "" Then
wb1.Sheets.Add After:=Sheets.Count
End If
End If
cutrange.Cut Destination:=wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Cells(1, 1)
wb1.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1).TextToColumns Destination:=wb1.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
End Sub
My problem is that the variable wb1 isn't getting passed between them. Even though I put wb1 in the list of variables to send to the macro, when it arrives at the document, wb1 has no value inside of it. I would re-initialize it, but I don't know how to refer to an already existing document - only how to set it equal to one as you open it.
So either how do I pass the value through into the Word macro, or how do I re-initialize this variable? Preferably without having to set something equal to the excel application, because every time I try that it sets it equal to Excel 2003, not 2010 (though any solutions to that are also, of course, welcome).
You can't use the Excel global objects from inside of Word without explicitly qualifying them (they simply don't exist there). In particular, that means you can't use Sheets. You should also explicitly declare the variable types of your parameters - otherwise they'll be treated as Variant. This is important with reference types because in that it helps prevent run-time errors because the compiler knows that the Set keyword is required.
Sub divider(wb1 As Object, dt1 As Document)
Set dt1 = ThisDocument
If dt1.Paragraphs.Count > 65000 Then
Set cutrange = dt1.Range(dt1.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, dt1.Paragraphs(65000).Range.End)
If wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1) <> "" Then
wb1.Sheets.Add After:=wb1.Sheets.Count
End If
Set cutrange = dt1.Content
If wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1) <> "" Then
wb1.Sheets.Add After:=wb1.Sheets.Count
End If
End If
cutrange.Cut Destination:=wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets.Count)).Cells(1, 1)
wb1.Sheets(wb1.Sheets.Count).Cells(1, 1).TextToColumns Destination:=wb1.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
End Sub
Note - you also don't need to pass dt1 at all. You never use the value in the parameter and actually set it to something else. This could be a source of errors if you're using internal calls, because dt1 is implicitly passed ByRef (it gets boxed when you call it through Application.Run). That means whenever you call divider, whatever you pass to dt1 in the calling code will change to ThisDocument. You should either remove the parameter or specify that it is ByVal.
Borrowed from another SO link.
Sub Sample()
Dim wdApp As Object, newDoc As Object
Dim strFile As String
strFile = "C:\Some\Folder\MyWordDoc.dotm"
'~~> Establish an Word application object
On Error Resume Next
Set wdApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
wdApp.Visible = True
Set newDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add(strFile)
Call wdApp.Run("YHelloThar", "Hello")
'~~> Rest of the code
End Sub

Defining a variable as a range - VB.NET

I think I'm losing my mind - how do you declare a variable as a string and then set it equal to a range in an Excel workbook in VB.NET? In VBA this was easy:
Dim SQL as string
SQL = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("SQL")
If I try do something like this in VB.NET (in Visual Studio 2015), first I can't find Activeworkbook. Second, if I try Excel.Range("SQL"), I get an error saying that 'Range' is an interface type and cannot be used as an expression. Also, it doesn't look like the Range data type exists either. Surely this functionality exists in VB.NET, right?
Thanks for the help!
To work on Excel since VB.NET, first you must add the reference to your Project :
To Add a Reference :
In Solution Explorer, right-click on the References node and choose Add Reference.
Import the Reference in your code :
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Try to use this code :
Dim AppExcel As New Excel.Application 'Create a new Excel Application
Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook = AppExcel.Workbooks.Add() 'Create a new workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet = workbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Create variable a Sheet, Sheet1 must be in WorkBook
'Work with range
Dim cellRange1 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A1") 'Range with text address
cellRange1.Value = "Text in Cell A1"
Dim cellRange2 As Excel.Range = sheet.Cells(2, 2) 'Range("B2:B2") with index; Cells(N°Row,N°Col)
cellRange2.Value = "Text in Cell B2"
Dim tableRange3 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A1:F4") 'Range with text address
Dim tableRange4 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(1, 1), sheet.Cells(4, 6)) 'Range("A1:F4") with index; Cells(N°Row,N°Col)
AppExcel.Visible = True 'To display the workbook
Code without variable sheet
Dim AppExcel as New Excel.Application
Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook = AppExcel.Workbooks.Add()
Dim cellrange1 as Excel.Range = AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Feuil1").Range("A1")
You would need to start from your application object. Suppose that's AppExcel:
Dim AppExcel As New Excel.Application
From there, you could do:
Dim cellrange1 as Excel.Range = AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("SQL")
Because you've declared cellrange1 as a Range it can't be set to Range("SQL").Value.
Value returns an object which is the value contained in that Range.
That's so wordy. To put it (maybe) more clearly, Range("SQL") returns a Range. Range("SQL").Value returns an object.
If you want to get the value, that would be cellrange1.Value, or perhaps cellrange1.Text. Assuming that the range contains some sort of SQL, I'd go with Text.
An unfortunate aspect of Excel interop programming is that many properties return objects rather than strongly-typed values. For example, the object returned by Range.Text is always going to be a string, but the property still returns an object. That means that Visual Studio intellisense will often not tell you what type a property returns. You'll need to look up properties and functions in the documentation to really know what they return.

Writing Data from Excel to Word

I want to use Excel to store "tag names" in column A and their associated "replacement text" in Column B. When the code runs, it needs to collect each tag, one at a time (row by row), search an entire Word document for those words, and replace them with their corresponding replacements.
I noticed the special tags in the headers and footers weren't being replaced. I turned to this article ( and found that working with a range of ranges (or cycling through all available Story Ranges in the document) I was able to do this.
I improved my code, as recommended in the link above and it worked, so long as my code was embedded in my "Normal" Word file, thereby using my VBA code from Word to operate on another Word document. However, the goal is to use VBA Excel to operate the replacements while reading an Excel file.
When I moved the code to Excel, I'm getting hung up on an Automation error which reads,
"Run-time error '-2147319779 (8002801d)': Automation error Library not registered.".
I've looked for answers from reviewing the Registry to using "Word.Application.12" in place of "Word.Application".
I have a Windows 7, 64-Bit machine, with Microsoft Office 2007. I have the following libraries selected:
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library
Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library
Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library
I have no issues with operating inside of Excel with regard to VBA. Normally, I will be passing a set of strings to this function, but for now, I have embedded the strings inside of the function, as if I am only planning on swapping one string (for any number of instances), with another predetermined string.
Function Story_Test()
Dim File As String
Dim Tag As String
Dim ReplacementString As String
Dim a As Integer
Dim WordObj As Object
Dim WordDoc As Object
Dim StoryRange As Word.Range
Dim Junk As Long
Dim BaseFile As String
'Normally, these lines would be strings which get passed in
File = "Z:\File.docx"
Tag = "{{Prepared_By}}"
ReplacementString = "Joe Somebody"
'Review currently open documents, and Set WordDoc to the correct one
'Don't worry, I already have error handling in place for the more complex code
Set WordObj = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
BaseFile = Basename(File)
For a = 1 To WordObj.Documents.Count
If WordObj.Documents(a).Name = BaseFile Then
Set WordDoc = WordObj.Documents(a)
Exit For
End If
Next a
'This is a fix provided to fix the skipped blank Header/Footer problem
Junk = WordDoc.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
'Okay, this is the line where we can see the error.
'When this code is run from Excel VBA, problem. From Word VBA, no problem.
'Anyone known why this is???
For Each StoryRange In WordObj.Documents(a).StoryRanges
'All you need to know about the following function call is
' that I have a function that works to replace strings.
'It works fine provided it has valid strings and a valid StoryRange.
Call SearchAndReplaceInStory_ForVariants(StoryRange, Tag, _
ReplacementString, PreAdditive, FinalAdditive)
Set StoryRange = StoryRange.NextStoryRange
Loop Until StoryRange Is Nothing
Next StoryRange
Set WordObj = Nothing
Set WordDoc = Nothing
End Function
For Each StoryRange In WordObj.Documents(a).StoryRanges
should probably be
For Each StoryRange In WordDoc.StoryRanges
since you just assigned that in the loop above.
For now, I will have to conclude, as I don't have the possibility of testing the contrary, that there is a difference between using Microsoft Office 12 Object Library in one VBA environment, and Microsoft Office 14 Object Library in another. I don't have the means/authorizations to change either, so I must conclude, for now that is, that the difference between the two is the culprit. So, if I was to go forward and expect different results, I would assume Microsoft Office 12 Object Library to be the correct library, where 14 has a few differences that I am not aware of.
Thank you to all who provided input. If you have any other suggestions, we can discuss and forward. Thanks!
This is to update a bunch of links spread over body & Headers footers.
I didn't write this only from memory made a bunch of fixes, inclusions and tweaks.
It shows you how to cover all the different sections and can easily be modified to work within your parameters.
Please post your final code once done.
Public Sub UpdateAllFields()
Dim doc As Document
Dim wnd As Window
Dim lngMain As Long
Dim lngSplit As Long
Dim lngActPane As Long
Dim rngStory As Range
Dim TOC As TableOfContents
Dim TOA As TableOfAuthorities
Dim TOF As TableOfFigures
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sctn As Section
Dim Hdr As HeaderFooter
Dim Ftr As HeaderFooter
' Set Objects
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set wnd = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow
' get Active Pane Number
lngActPane = wnd.ActivePane.Index
' Hold View Type of Main pane
lngMain = wnd.Panes(1).View.Type
' Hold SplitSpecial
lngSplit = wnd.View.SplitSpecial
' Get Rid of any split
wnd.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone
' Set View to Normal
wnd.View.Type = wdNormalView
' Loop through each story in doc to update
For Each rngStory In doc.StoryRanges
If rngStory.StoryType = wdCommentsStory Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
' Update fields
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll
' Update fields
End If
'Loop through text boxes and update
For Each shp In doc.Shapes
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
' Loop through TOC and update
For Each TOC In doc.TablesOfContents
' Loop through TOA and update
For Each TOA In doc.TablesOfAuthorities
' Loop through TOF and update
For Each TOF In doc.TablesOfFigures
For Each sctn In doc.Sections
For Each Hdr In sctn.Headers
For Each shp In Hdr.Shapes
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
Next shp
Next Hdr
For Each Ftr In sctn.Footers
For Each shp In Ftr.Shapes
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
Next shp
Next Ftr
Next sctn
' Return Split to original state
wnd.View.SplitSpecial = lngSplit
' Return main pane to original state
wnd.Panes(1).View.Type = lngMain
' Active proper pane
' Close and release all pointers
Set wnd = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing
End Sub

MS Access VBA convert query output to Excel format but not saving anywhere

I've been trying to use transfer spreadsheet methods but they appear to require an output path.
I just need to find out how to take a given query and simply "open up" an Excel file that contains the query output. I don't need the file actually saved anywhere.
You can open up your file without saving it by creating an Excel instance (or grabbing an existing one) and using the CopyFromRecordset function of the Excel.Range object.
This assumes your data are in an ADO recordset. You need to have references to Microsoft Excel XX.0 Object Library and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects X.X Library` (if you are using ADO. If you use DAO then use whatever DAO reference you need)
I use this to grab an an Excel app or create a new one is Excel is not open already. I use WasANewInstanceReturned to figure how I need to clean up the Excel resources at the end. (Obviously I don't want to quit Excel if it is being use by something else).
Function GetExcelApplication(Optional ByRef WasANewInstanceReturned As Boolean) As Excel.Application
If ExcelInstanceCount > 0 Then
Set GetExcelApplication = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
WasANewInstanceReturned = False
Set GetExcelApplication = New Excel.Application
WasANewInstanceReturned = True
End If
End Function
Then grab that instance
Dim ApXL As Excel.Application, WasANewInstanceReturned as Boolean
Set ApXL = GetExcelApplication(WasANewInstanceReturned)
Add a workbook
Dim wbExp As Excel.Workbook
Set wbExp = ApXL.Workbooks.Add
Grab the first sheet
Dim wsSheet1 As Excel.Worksheet
Set wsSheet1 = wbExp.Sheets(1)
Put your recordset's field names in the first row
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim col As Integer
col = 1
With wsSheet1
For Each fld In rst.Fields
.Cells(1, col).Value = fld.Name 'puts the field names in the first row
End With
col = col + 1
Next fld
End With
Then move the data just below the field names
wsSheet1 .Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst
Voila! You have an excel file open, with your data that has not been saved anywhere!
I usually set ApXL.ScreenUpdating = False before doing any of this and ApXL.ScreenUpdating = True at the end.
I'll let you stitch this together for your needs.
The file must be saved somewhere for Excel to open it.
If the dataset is small enough, you can use copy/paste (no file here). Otherwise, just use the %TEMP% folder for the file location.
One simple way to get the TEMP folder is to use =Environ("TEMP")
I open and export a query from access to excel. First I created a worksheet in excel and saved it. Then I created a module in the vba part of Access (2013):
Option Compare Database
' Testtoexporttoexcel'
Function ExportQuerytoExcel()
On Error GoTo ExportQuerytoExcel_Err
' Exports the query to excel to a sheet named Nameofyoursheet
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 10, "nameofyourquery", "yourPath:\nameofyourworkbook", False, "Nameofyour worksheet"
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume ExportQuerytoExcel_Exit
End Function
-----then add another function that says:
Option Compare Database
Function OpenExcelFromAccess()
'Opens Excel to the chart
Dim MYXL As Object
Set MYXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
.Application.Visible = True
.workbooks.Open "Yourpath:\nameofyourworkbook"
End With
End Function
hope this helps, this is my first time answering a question.