JIRA Issue/Filter Macro in Confluence generates invalid link - apache

The setup:
Ubuntu 16.04
JIRA Software 7.03 (on port 8080)
Confluence 6.03 (on port 8090)
NGINX 1.10.0 as a reverse proxy to...
Apache 2.4.18
The problem: Whenever I try to embed a JIRA issue into a Confluence page via the built-in JIRA Issue/Filter macro, the issue is successfully located and its status is successfully listed. However, the link from the Confluence page to the actual issue in JIRA points to localhost:8080.
As per the suggestion in Incorrect Links in JIRA Issues Macro (cause #1), I tried enabling ProxyPreserveHost in Apache, with no discernible effect.
Question 1: Am I even digging in the right direction, or is there some other likely cause for the issue that I'm missing?
Question 2: If the issue really is likely due to a configuration mismatch between Confluence and the web server, where should I start digging, given that I'm using NGINX as a reverse proxy?
I'm very hazy on the specifics of configuring web servers. Do I need to verify my settings in both NGINX and Apache, or just Apache (NGINX is set to pass through pretty much everything non-static)? Do I just follow the instructions for Proxying Atlassian server applications with Apache HTTP Server (mod_proxy_http)?
I haven't done this yet because I'm worried my lack of understanding will cause something to explosively decompress.
Thanks in advance!

Since you redirect to localhost:8080 and 8080 is JIRA's default port, I believe that you need to check following and most likely it's related to misconfiguration of the proxy:
Configuration of JIRA Base URL - Is it configured properly?
Do you have proxyPort and proxyName in the connector of server.xml?
What you are seeing when you navigate to Application Link configuration of JIRA and Confluence? Is is showing any errors?


What would happen if I made a HTTP request to a server without Apache installed?

Doesn't have to be Apache, but that's just the only HTTP server I know of (Actually could you guys recommend alternatives that I could look into as well?)
Anyways, so I have been messing around with Amazon Web Services and I created an EC2 server instance with an Amazon Linux Image. On that, (Following guides and examples) I installed Apache and now when I make a GET request to my public IP, it returns to me the HTML files I created on my server.
My question is, what if I never installed Apache, and then made an HTTP request to my public IP? For no reason really, the question just came up in my head and I'm curious. I'd rather not figure out how to uninstall Apache or create a new instance to figure it out, so I was wondering if somebody could weigh in as well as tell me a little more about what it is exactly apache does on a server. My understanding is that it is a layer you can install on your server OS that will create a socket listener to port 80 (HTTP), and when a request is made on that port, Apache will return web pages? Also I think I read somewhere you could configure Apache to forward a port to something like a python server script?
Thanks in advance for your time!
could you guys recommend alternatives that I could look into as well?)
nginx is a popular alternative to apache. It's much more efficient.
what if I never installed Apache, and then made an HTTP request to my public IP?
Your browser would get a "connection reset" because there is nothing on port 80. Your browser would display a message (Chrome says "This webpage is not available"). You would NOT get a "404" because that requires an HTTP server to send HTTP codes.
If your server was firewalled instead, you'd bet a busy wait for a while, then a message about the server not responding.
Also I think I read somewhere you could configure Apache to forward a port to something like a python server script?
Yes, that is called "reverse proxy" mode. It's essential to any application website if you want to scale. The web server(s) can distribute traffic to one or more backends running the application. The web server is useful for filtering bad requests (since your backend in Ruby/Python will be 1000's of times slower than the reverse proxy.)
Well, if you want to test what will happen if Apache isn't installed, you can always just stop the Apache service by typing:
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo service httpd stop
depending on your version. Then if you visit your site's webpage you'll get a 404 error or something similar.
There are ways to use python scripts to run simple servers, but in general it's easier to just let Apache handle that and use a framework like Ruby on Rails or Django to control the display and creation of content for your server.

Problems running ServiceStack as daemon on Linux (Ubuntu 13) as described on the wiki page

I have a problem running ServiceStack as daemon on Linux.
I just started to work into creating a REST API with C# on Mono. I studied your Wiki about it and yesterday I tried to run ServiceStack as daemon on Linux (Ubuntu 13) exactly as described on the wiki page:
But I encountered a problem, tried every possible solution I found in the web, but nothing helped.. The problem:
If I access on the Ubuntu System everything is fine and I am beeing redirected to and get the Service Metadata.
If I access I get the static content. Also fine.
BUT if I access I'm being redirected to and get a 404. Which is absolutely understandable because there is no such thing on Port 80.
You know I'm not that good in apache, but after reading the configuration mentioned in the wiki I thought this should work normally. Am I wrong? Or do you have any idea how I can solve this?
Another problem is that if i access the service on my ubuntu system from another system, e.g. Windows through http://ubuntu-dev:8080, I get Bad Request (invalid host).
I also get the 404 there if I accesshttp://ubuntu-dev/api.
I think the Bad Request Thing must have something to do with servicestack because apache only listens on port 80 (as it should I think). Do you have any suggestions about this?
It would be really nice if someone could help me because I really don't know what to do with these problems.
Greetings, daily
It might be a problem that only occurs when it runs on a different port than 80.
Probably it's not redirecting properly when a port is set.
Try running it on nginx with fastcgi (fastcgi-mono-server4), there you can run it on port 80.

mod_spdy cannot work on Apache

I use mod_spdy to realize SPDY on apache. But I met some problems.
I did every step on ubuntu according to Google's document of installing mod_spdy.And I realized https on Apache. When I checked if mod_spdy has worked, I sent https request to the server, but I donot see server's domain listed in the "SPDY session" table that means the mod_spdy don't work. I also checked Apache server logs, and I didn't find any error message from mod_spdy.
I hope somebody can help me to deal with this problem.

How to configure apache to proxy requests

I want to add a javascript based chat system to my web app. I have read in many places that apache needs to forward(proxy) the requests to the xmpp chat server.
From what I have understood , I either need to add proxying support to apache server
OR use the jabberHTTPbind servelet.
I am trying the first thing. Add proxy support to apache. Now within Eclipse I am using Tomcat 7.0. I think this Tomcat comes with its own web server and is not using Apache. Is that true ?I am using Tomcat from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi and added server in Eclipse by providing its extracted path.
I am not able to find any apache related folder structure eg(/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) within my Tomcat extracted directory.Also can't find httpd.conf anywhere .
Should I need to download apache separately and connect my tomcat to it.
I think adding proxy support to apache is required because javascript code won't be able to connect to any URL other than the current domain. so the question again is the same , where are all these apache2.conf and httpd.conf to add mod_proxy. and where can I do the virtual host mapping.
Any help to move ahead with be very much appreciated.
You need to install the Apache HTTPD server and enable reverse proxying. Read the doc on mod_proxy on how to do this. There are tons of resources on Stackoverflow as well; search for Apache reverse Proxy. The conf files you mention are part of the Apache HTTPD install.
javascript code won't be able to connect to any URL other than the current domain
That is generally true unless you enable CORS

is setting tomcat application url to http:// hostname/application/ possible?

I have a setup, with tomcat running on port 8080 and apache webserver running on port 80.
So if I access http://localhost:8080/myapplication/ , it works.
But I need to be able to make it like : http://localhost/application/, but since my http web server runs on port 80, it seems that i need some re-direction logic or changes at the tomcat to achieve this.
Can anyone please suggest i way out. Thanks.
Just found that there is already a solution provided here: How do I redirect from Apache to Tomcat?
You need to look at the Tomcat-Apache HOWTO.
It is entirely possible and in fact quite common for apache and tomcat to be used in combination by the tactics described in this page.
And this question really probably belongs on serverfault...
Since you mentioned about "users", I am guessing you are implying "hostname", when you mention "localhost". If you have a Load Balancer and a user friendly DNS name that you would give to the users, you can configure your Load Balancer software to route all requests to "hostnameyougavetotheUsers" to "yourinternalhostname:8080".