Rails app can't verify CSRF token on chrome only - ruby-on-rails-5

I have a Rails app running in a Docker container. I use Devise for authenticating and Rack::Cors for CORS.
On my machine, everything is okay. Once deployed, I can GET the login page correctly, but when I fill in the login form and submit it, Chrome replies with a blank page and a 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code. The Rails logs reads:
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
Interestingly enough, on Firefox, everything runs smoothly.
I've tried everything I could find about Rails, CORS, CSRF, but I wasn't able to find a solution.
I don't really know what kind of information can be relevant here, so feel free to ask for details in the comments, I'll edit the question.

So, I had a similar problem; only I didn't have Devise or Docker. It was a simple form. Your question is missing a lot of contextual information like logs, so I can't tell if you have the same problem, but here's how I fixed mine.
I was getting InvalidAuthenticityToken errors for simple form submissions. Puzzling since it worked fine on Firefox, but would randomly fail on Chrome sometimes, and it always failed on Chrome on Android.
I took a look at the log and found the following:
Started POST "/invitations" for at 2019-09-26 22:34:26 +0000
Processing by InvitationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"F4ToAfkdPSnJsYewqvxXpsze3XitKHbiGnuEOR+628SdAY5jGRiG15GEuCSSoaVeVdO7eugAnsjKwmZPUpIepg==", "invitation"=>{"name"=>"[FILTERED]", "business"=>"[FILTERED]", "email"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "commit"=>"Apply for invite"}
HTTP Origin header (https://www.example.com) didn't match request.base_url (http://www.example.com)
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 4ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 226)
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
The line that stands out is:
HTTP Origin header (https://www.example.com) didn't match request.base_url (http://www.example.com)
https://www.example.com indeed does not match http://www.example.com, the former has SSL. I was routing my app through Cloudflare, so I had SSL, but my app was expecting a request.base_url without SSL.
You need to force your app to use SSL. This is what I did to fix this; your exact steps may depend on your architecture. Because I was using Cloudflare, I had to perform these steps in this exact order otherwise, my app could have been knocked offline:
First: I configured SSL on my server. In this case, I was using Heroku, which can use Let's Encrypt to provision SSL automatically.
Second: I configured my app to force SSL by adding the following to production.rb
config.force_ssl = true
Third: Since I no longer needed an HTTP connection between my server and Cloudflare, I switched it to from Flexible to Full.

For what it's worth, I looked back at my code to find how I solved the issue.
I wasn't able to find a clean solution, so I worked around it by disabling the origin check :
# config/initializers/csrf_workaround.rb
Rails.application.config.action_controller.forgery_protection_origin_check = false
Of course, this introduces security vulnerabilities so be sure to post your own answer if you have a cleaner way to get this to work and/or have a real explanation for the question above.

I have same problem when I change from http to https on my gitlab config. As you can see the log below.
Processing by Ldap::OmniauthCallbacksController#ldapmain as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "username"=>"user1", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms | Allocations: 308)
Processing by OmniauthCallbacksController#failure as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "username"=>"user1", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Redirected to
User cannot login with LDAPs account. I found that this problem only in chrome (I try to use firefox and firefox work like charm). After update chrome to new version this problem was gone. So may be the solution is update chrome to the lastest version. I also try lots of solutions that I found on stackoverflow but that not work.


frontend cloud run app can not access my backend cloud run app due a MixedContent problem

I have two cloud services up and running.
frontend (URL: https://frontend-abc-ez.a.run.app/)
backend (URL: http://backend-abc-ez.a.run.app/)
Frontend is calling the backend through a nuxt.js server middleware proxy to dodge the CORS problematics.
The call is coming through - I can see that in the backend log files. However the response is not really coming back through because of CORS. I see this error in the console:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://frontend-abc-ez.a.run.app/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://backend-abc-ez.a.run.app/login'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
What I find weird is that I configured the backend url with https but it is enforced as http - at least that is what the error is telling me. Also I see a /login path segment in the unsecure URL. Why is that? I never explicitly defined that endpoint. Is it the security layer proxy of the run service itself?
Anyway - I need to get through this properly and am having a hard time to understand the source of the problem.
For some reason as I rechecked the applications today in the morning everything went fine. I have really no idea why it is working now. I did not change a thing - I waited for the answers here before I'd continue.
Very weird. But the solution so far seems to be waiting. Maybe Cloud Run had some troubles.

Bad Request (400) response from Cowboy server, when hosting on heroku

I have an app running on heroku and noticed today, that a particular request leads to a 400 response on Firefox but it works on Chrome. I also found out that if I remove an unnecessary cookie that requests succeeds again.
While investigating I also found an issue with chrome, where it wasn't able to fetch the CSS file, while loading the website:
However, opening that link in a new tab, I managed to load the CSS without any problems. Also removing that one extra cookie managed to sort it out.
All these 400 responses have one thing in common, they are served by the server "Cowboy"
The application I'm running is asp.net core, so it should return "Kestrel" as the server instead, but it seems that the request doesn't even get to the heroku router, because I can't even find them in the logs of the dyno.
I've tried to search online for an explanation and it seems that in case I'd be running against some limits, this is the response I should be expecting, but this is just a staging application and it works in chrome but doesn't work in firefox, so it's hard for me to imagine which limits I could be running against.
We've removed those unnecessary cookies, and now chrome loading the CSS seems to work fine, but Firefox is still getting a 400 Bad Request from the Cowboy server. Any ideas? I've only found Why do I get a "400 Bad Request" response when I have large cookies?
- which doesn't seem to apply to me, the cookies are less than 4k and all browsers should have the same cookies, there is nothing on the server to differentiate between browsers.

Mobile Edge For Android, 302 redirect issue with Service Worker and authentication cookie

I have a PWA site which is working fine on Firefox, Chrome and Edge on Windows, and all of those on Android, Edge (EdgeA).
The problem
This much I know from looking at my Azure server logs:
(1) The login POST is hits a Core 2.2 controller which does the authentication and returns 302 along with a standard Core 2.2 cookie set including the authentication token for the user.
(2) The EdgeAndroid browser receives that, and immediately GETs the location specified.... except this GET doesn't include the cookies from (1), so the Core 2.2 system responds with a 302 back to the login page.
It's a redirect loop.
-> EdgeA is eating my cookies!
I can run this perfectly on the above browsers, and the logs show Edge/Windows for example has the (1)(2) sequence exactly as you'd expect, with the cookie credentials in the second request.
The only thing different is Edge Android. I stripped out all the caching from my service worker for that browser and it's still broken - I think I may need to just not run the service worker for it at all.
... and my questions are:
Does anyone have a PWA which actually works in EdgeA?
Does anyone have any idea what I may have missed? Note it's just this one browser which is broken, hence it may be them not me.
In case it is them not me, is there a place I have not yet googled where I can report defects in this possibly minor-interest browser?
This sounds similar, although that's cross-domain, and my 302 is not cross domain.
I think this was caused by the Edge Android Browser interpreting the display:standalone directive and consequently opening a "stand alone" window, which does not carry over the cookies from the original browser.
The server logs show that the EdgeA client "drops the cookies" when handling a "login successful" 302 response from the standard Core 2.2 login stuff.
My work around is to serve a specific manifest.json to the EdgeA browser, so that it reads display:browser.
At the same time I fixed this MS released a new version of EdgeA, so I can't be 100% sure if my change fixed this or if they actually listened to my whining.

Getting 411 Response for http GET request on cloudflare URL

Our website uses cloudflare as it's CDN to handle loads.
One of our apps requests the URL http://www.codenameone.com/files/cn1libs/CN1JSON.cn1lib with a get request. This works fine for every machine/location we tested but we have user complaints that they are getting an HTTP 411: "Length Required" response.
Since this is a GET request content-length doesn't seem like a header we would need to send...
Our server logs don't show any 411 response so my only conclusion is that this is a failure on the cloudflare side. However, since we can't reproduce this and the cloudflare aspect is a black box I don't have much to go on in terms of debugging.
I tried contacting cloudflare support but effectively got the usual "run around" asking me to send traces from a users machine on the other side of the world which is not something I can realistically do.
After a long session with cloudflare support it seems that unless you are an enterprise subscriber log files for access just don't exist. So effectively their support sees cloudflare as a black box just like we do.
Since the problem clearly isn't in our servers my educated guess is that this is a bug in cloudflare related to some odd edge case.
If someone has a better answer than this I'll gladly accept it.

Internet Explorer: SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2f7d, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002f7d

This problem is driving me nuts. Our web app uses HTTP POST to login users and now IE 10 is aborting the connection and saying:
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2f7d, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002f7d.
Here are all the details I have
IE version, update version 10.0.6. I've also reproduced this on IE version 10.0.9200.16635, update version 10.0.7.
The domain is using HTTPS. The problem doesn't occur on HTTP connections
I've read that for some reason IE needs to get a certificate before it can do an HTTP POST, so I have HTTP GETs running before my POST request, but now the GET is erroring out. See network flow screen shot. The GET is super simple, just a PING page that returns "I'm up."
Asyn is turned off $.ajax({type: 'POST',url: url,async: false...}); I've read in other posts that this matters.
The certificate is good, see screen shot.
The problem goes away if the site is added as a "trusted site" but that's not really the user experience we're shooting for.
This just started about a month ago. Did Microsoft push some new updates recently?
I've already read: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/dd5d2762-7643-420e-880a-9bf75554e383/intermittent-xmlhttprequest-network-error-0x2f7d-could-not-complete-the-operation-due-to-error. It doesn't help.
Screen shots:
Network flow:
Cert is good:
Any help is greatly appreciated. I've spent a lot of hours on this with no luck. As you would expect this works fine in Chrome and Firefox. If you need any more detail about what's happening please let me know.
Certificate revocation checks may block the initial JSON POST, but allow subsequent requests after the GET callback
We recently determined that URLMon's code (Win8, Win7, and probably earlier) to ignore certificate revocation check failures is not applied for content uploads (e.g. HTTP POST). Hence, if a Certificate Revocation check fails, that is fatal to the upload (e.g. IE will show a Page Cannot Be Displayed error message; other clients would show a different error). However, this rarely matters in the real world because in most cases, the user first performs a download (HTTP GET) from the target HTTPS site, and as a result the server's certificate is cached with the "ignore revocation check failures" exemption for the lifetime of the process and thus a subsequent POST inherits that flag and succeeds. The upload fails if the very first request to the HTTPS site in the current process was for an upload (e.g. as in a cross-origin POST request).
Here is how it works:
A little background: When a web browser initiates a HTTPS handshake with a web server, the server immediately sends down a digital certificate. The hostname of the server is listed inside the digital certificate, and the browser compares it to the hostname it was attempting to reach. If these hostnames do not match, the browser raises an error.
The matching-hostnames requirement causes a problem if a single-IP is configured to host multiple sites (sometimes known as “virtual-hosting”). Ordinarily, a virtual-hosting server examines the HTTP Host request header to determine what HTTP content to return. However, in the HTTPS case, the server must provide a digital certificate before it receives the HTTP headers from the browser. SNI resolves this problem by listing the target server’s hostname in the SNI extension field of the initial client handshake with the secure server. A virtual-hosting server may examine the SNI extension to determine which digital certificate to send back to the client.
The GET may be victim of the operation aborted scenario:
The HTML file is being parsed, and encounters a script block. The script block contains inline script which creates a new element and attempts to add it to the BODY element before the closing BODY tag has been encountered by the parser.
Note that if I removed the <div> element, then this problem would not occur because the script block's immediate parent would be BODY, and the script block's immediate parent is immune to this problem.
Understanding Certificate Revocation Checks
Client Certificates vs Server Certificates
Understanding and Managing the Certificate Stores
Preventing Operation Aborted Scenarios
HTTPS Improvements in IE
Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP
I only observed this error today. for me the Error code was different though.
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2efd, Could not complete
the operation due to error 00002efd.
I was occuring randomly and not all time. but what it noticed is, if it comes it comes for subsequent ajax calls.. so i put some delay of 5 seconds between the ajax calls and it resolved.
Also the CORS must be configured on your web server.
I had the same exact issue and I just finally resolved it. For some reason I got the same error that you were receiving on IE when connecting to the API using OWIN middleware that was used to receive login credentials. It seemed to work fine while connecting to any other sort of API though. For some reason it didnt like cross domain request even though I had CORS enabled server side on the API.
Anyways I was able to resolve the issue using the xdomain library. Make sure you load this script before loading any other javascript.
First create a proxy.html page on the root of your API server and add this code. Replace placeholder URL.
<script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/jpillora/xdomain/0.7.3/dist/xdomain.min.js" master="http://insert_client_url_here.com"></script>
Now simply add this to your client replacing the placeholder URL pointing to the proxy.html page on your API server.
<script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/jpillora/xdomain/0.7.3/dist/xdomain.min.js" slave="http://Insert_Api_Url_Here.com/proxy.html"></script>
Adding a delay is not a proper solution.
This can be because the IE will treat it as an network error when the empty body request is made.
Try adding a empty class as the parameter in the server and IE should start working.