React Native Picker Styling - ANDROID - react-native

I'm trying to add some styling to react-native picker, like underlying and set placeholder, but unable to do so.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
picker: {
textDecorationLine: 'underline'
<Picker.Item label="Country" value="" />
<Picker.Item label="United States" value="US" />
<Picker.Item label="India" value="IN" />
If i use value="", then it shows country as a selectable value, which i don't want.
textDecorationLine is not able to set the underline styling to picker.
Basically, i am looking to create something like this,
where, i can set the color of placeholder as well.
Thanks in adv.

Picker and Picker item's styling is handled natively on Android. You need to define style for Android's SpinnerItem in android/app/src/res/styles.xml see: How to style the standard react-native android picker?
I tried to test the underline but couldn't seem to find anything that worked. Here is couple of workarounds Android spinner with underline appcompat
However, I would simply use react native's components to our advantage. I'd create a new component that wraps React Native's Picker and put the picker in a View with the underline style that renders a placeholder if the Picker's value is undefined.

You can also use this one for make more attractive to your react-native picker.You can add styles to your view so it can easily make changes to your picker.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Picker } from 'react-native';
export default class DropdownDemo extends Component{
state = { user: '' }
updateUser = (user) => {
this.setState({ user: user })
width: 300,
marginTop: 15,
borderColor: 'black',
borderRadius: 10,
alignSelf: 'center'
<Picker.Item label="Male" value="Male" />
<Picker.Item label="Female" value="Female" />
<Picker.Item label="Other" value="Other" />

You need to modify your activity theme as follows:
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="colorAccent">#color/colorAccent</item>
<item name="android:spinnerStyle">#style/Base.Widget.AppCompat.Spinner.Underlined</item>
The colorAccent controls the color of the underline, and using #style/Base.Widget.AppCompat.Spinner.Underline provides the underline on your Picker.
You can use this technique to set the styling on almost any android component in React. android:editTextStyle, android:textViewStyle, etc.
Unfortunately, because the React Picker extends Spinner and not AppCompatSpinner, the styling will be a bit different if you're running on API < 21.

The issue here is an assumption that Picker has the properties and styling of TextInput, which it does not. There's a related question here: Have a placeholder for react native picker where a comment outlines what you'll need to render something akin to placeholder text.
In order to achieve something like to textDecorationLine you might apply a borderBottomWidth style to the component.
Also, remember to bind the selectedValue and onValueChange props:
selectedValue={} onValueChange={(country) => this.setState({country: country})}>

This is the closest I can get on iOS:
Few things to note:
1) there is itemStyle property for setting the specific style for single picker item
2) In order to get down arrow, you have to mimic it manually. You would probably like to attach it's functionality with TouchableHighlight (which isn't done in the example)
3) This doesn't look similar in the Android, so you probably need to append additional, platform specific styling.

This piece of the code is working on my machine:
<View style={{borderBottomWidth:1, borderColor: 'rgb(204, 204,
204)',width: "28%"}}>
<Picker.Item label="+31" value="+31" />
<Picker.Item label="+41" value="+41" />
<Picker.Item label="+51" value="+51" />
<Picker.Item label="+61" value="+61" />


React Native how to remove the blue glow outline on input component

I have a react native project (react native for macOS) I am using the input component but notice there is a blue outline. Not sure how to remove it. I am using Native base input component which I am told it's using the react native input component. How can I remove the ugly blue outline when focus. I am mainly trying to remove the one that is square
import React from 'react';
import {Icon, Input} from 'native-base';
import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';
const SearchBar = () => {
return (
// w={{
// base: '75%',
// md: '25%',
// }}
as={<Ionicons name="ios-search" />}
export default SearchBar;
When using a React native TextInput component the css styling outline: "none" can be used to remove the outline on focus. This can be done by passing it directly into the style prop.
<View style={styles.body}>
style={{ outline: "none" }}
onChangeText={(newText) => setText(newText)}
However since you are using a custom component you will need to make sure that the styles are passed to the component.

How to change color in Input from react native elements

I have an Input from react native elements which looks like this
inputContainerStyle={{marginTop: 30, borderBottomColor: constants.dimmedFontColor}}
leftIconContainerStyle={{marginRight: 10, marginBottom: 8}}
size={ 24 }
color= {constants.iconColor}/>
onChangeText={input => this.setState({numberOfPlayers: input})}
I tried to set the color by
style={{color: 'white'}}
inputStyle={{color: 'white'}}
inputContainerStyle={{color: 'white'}}
The documentation says: "This component inherits all native TextInput props that come with a standard React Native TextInput element, along with the following..." so I dont understand why the style property doesn't work because it works with the standard TextInput component.
Also, the documentation says about inputStyle: "style that will be passed to the style props of the React Native TextInput" so that should also work because this is the way to set color on the standard Text component.
Am I missing something?
I've created an example on snack.expo and inputStyle works perfectly on both iOS and Android. Most probably there is another issue, that's why I would recommend to reimplement my simple example and see if it works.
Update: Maybe only your placeholdertext is shown. I can't see the place in your code, where you pass the value prop to your input.
export default function App() {
const [text, setText] = React.useState('Test');
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
onChangeText={(text) => setText(text)}
inputStyle={{'color': 'red'}}

How to position the dropdown menu of React Native Picker

I'm trying to display a dropdown menu in a React Native android app. I used React Native Picker for the purpose, and it seems very limited in styling and positioning the dropdown menu. I cannot get the menu to pop up below the carret (the down arrow button) position.
I tried setting the margin with hope to push the menu down, to no avail.
// selectedValue={stateValue}
height: 36,
width: 261,
onValueChange={itemValue => {
console.log('item value ', itemValue);
<Picker.Item key={-1} label={'Search By...'} value="first" />
{, index) => (
<Picker.Item key={index} label={item} value={item} />
The menu always covers the Picker component. I want it to appear below the Picker.
Actual behavior:
Expected behavior:
After some research, this is an Android limitation and it seems there's little we can do with React Native Picker. Some custom packages may give us more control such as, or

React Native Custom font Picker (Android)

Hi I want to set a custom font I downloaded to the react-native Picker component.
Any idea or solution how to achieve this?
React Native currently doesn't support much styling for Picker component. You can use the itemStyle prop for styling the items on IOS, but it's not supported on Android yet. You can also change the color of the items with the color prop.
itemStyle={ style.items } // works only on IOS
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => this.setState({language: itemValue})}>
<Picker.Item color='#000' label="something" value="something" />
<Picker.Item color='#000' label="something" value="something" />

ReactNative TextInput placeholderTextColor doesn't seem to be working

It seems like such a simple thing, I don't see how I'm not getting this right, but placeholderTextColor on a ReactNative TextInput isn't doing anything for me.
does nothing....
This works -
placeholder="Enter password"
Hope it helps! Cheers!
onChangeText={(environment) => this.setState({ environment })}
I did this and it works quite well:
// use standard input
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
style={[styles.searchInput, { opacity: this.state.location.length ? 1 : 0.6 }]}
onChangeText={location => this.setState({ location })}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
searchInput: {
flex: 1,
lineHeight: 22,
fontSize: 17,
fontFamily: fonts.secondary.regular,
color: colors.white,
padding: 5,
I was having issues getting the opacity to work, so I found the above solution worked well as a minimal markup solution:
style={[styles.searchInput, { opacity: this.state.location.length ? 1 : 0.6 }]}
The style prop can accept an Array of style Objects which has right to left precedence, so you can override default styles with state-based addons. I might also say it is related to CSS specificity.
In my case, I was having trouble modulating the text colours between the placeholder text and 'filled-in text. The opacity of styles.searchInput was affecting the <TextInput placeholderTextColor=""> prop.
My solution here handles the opacity concern on both iOS and Android and demonstrates a pretty normal <TextInput> setup.
In the context of my example code above, a person can always examine this.state.location.length to see if the field is empty or not.
If so, use TextInput's style prop with computed props (same as in Vue.js). You could drop a function in there, like:
style={[styles.textInput, calculatedStyles()]}
Don't forget you can spread in Objects also:
style={[...inputStyles, ...errorStyles]}
As Asanka Sampath shows in another answer, depending on your design, underlineColorAndroid can be a very useful TextInput prop.
placeholder: "Enter password",
placeholderTextColor: "white"
try this in Latest Version in React Native
Simple and easy solution
style={styles.textInputStyle} //if you want give style to the TextInput