Azure File Storage Error: Condition Headers Are Not Supported - azure-storage

When attempting to download a PDF file to a browser directly from Azure File Storage I get this error:
Condition headers are not supported. RequestId:a84ee68e- 001a-001b-4223-bff5e7000000 Time:2017-04-27T06:57:22.2002199Z
Edge: Blank page or blank page with frozen loading indicator.
FireFox: Second time, shows dialog to download file.
Chrome: Blank page or When PDF Documents “Open PDF files in default PDF viewer application” setting is checked, shows dialog to download file.
IE: Shows dialog to download file.
Safari: Displays PDF.
The behavior can be seen here:

We were also facing this issue and the easiest way, till Azure File Team implements the suggestion given in the Azure Feedback forum, a workaround is to append extra parameter at the end of URL.
So, for the above URL -- of client
This will ensure browser is not caching and hence conditional headers will not be added

There is noting wrong or any issue with Azure file storage, its because of some proxy/cache server. You can use following solution.
/// token = SharedAccessSignature
string tick = $"&{ DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Ticks}";
Uri url = new Uri(file.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString() + token + tick);

Azure File Storage Error: Condition Headers Are Not Supported
Since the new Edge browser will not have any support for ActiveX plug-ins. Therefore, Acrobat/Reader plug-in won't work with Edge. We can get more details for Change in support for Acrobat and Reader plug-ins in modern web browsers and Microsoft Edge: Building a safer browser.
If we try to download the PDF file with Edge in the private and develop mode, we can get the error message "Something’s keeping this PDF from opening" and also can know that edge browser has sent 2 requests. And second request with Header 'If-range'. According the Azure file storage Get File API, there is no specifying Conditional Headers If-Range supported. I also find a similar issue about edge browser.
I also test in the Firefox and Chrome, then just get the 1 request.
Note: For Azure Blob Service, the pdf file can be opened correctly from the edge browser. As Blob Get Blob API that supports a successful operation to read the full blob returns status code 200 (OK) and
a successful operation to read a specified range returns status code 206 (Partial Content).

If you are using C# and the Nuget packages then you can do this programatically like so
var sas = fileRef.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessFilePolicy()
Permissions = SharedAccessFilePermissions.Read,
SharedAccessExpiryTime = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1))
new SharedAccessFileHeaders()
CacheControl = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

Azure File storage doesn't support Conditional Headers at this time.
A workaround is to use the CacheControl property and set it to no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate.
You can do this for new files during upload by setting the Properties
of the File.
For existing files, they can be updated via a Powershell script, or one by one using Storage Explorer. You'll need to clear your browser cache to remove existing cached header information.

I think you need to set the CORS rule for your share
or you might have uploaded an empty file.


Moodle File Upload errors: An error occured whilst communicating with the server

With some Uploads in Moodle (3.9) Uploads are not successful, mainly pdf.
The message that comes up is: "An error occured whilst communicating with the server".
not successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php undefined
successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php HTTP/1.1
When a pdf is reexported with libre office for example the same pdf can be uploaded without problems.
any ideas?
Is the LibreOffice pdf smaller? It could be PHP timing out.
What is the value for max_execution_time ? You can check the PHP values here -
Site administration > Server > PHP info
Also, try switching debug to developer level and see what the error message is.
Site administration > Development > Debugging
Debug messages = Developer
Display debug messages = checked
Although be cautious changing the debug level if its a production site. If you have access to the config.php file then you can specify a user.
// You can specify a comma separated list of user ids that that always see
// debug messages, this overrides the debug flag in $CFG->debug and $CFG->debugdisplay
// for these users only.
// $CFG->debugusers = '2';
Thanks for the response, in the meantime a solution to the problem was found. On the server a measurement against log4j2-vulnerability has been implemented: This caused the misbehaviour, the iRule has been removed, now it works again.

javascript was blocked due to MIME type mismatch Domino 10.0.4

After upgrading our domino server to V10.0.4 the traditional web application fails to load the scripts on page with error MIME type (text/HTML) is not executable.. Is there any notes.ini I need to include or change any server configuration
I assume that the JS files are stored in the Resources - Files section of the nsf.
Try setting the MIME type manually on each file by adding "application/javascript" as Mime Type on the Web Properties tab:
Use this NOTES.INI setting on your servers
That came from HCL support March 2021.
Also try:
HTTPAdditionalRespHeader01=X-Content-Type-Options: sniff
Was having Javascript errors after upgrading from Domino R9.0.1FP8 to R11.0.1FP3
I applied this setting, restarted the HTTP task and everything worked again.
Browser in use was IE11

re-configuring a worklight application with analytics

After redeploying a worklight application, some configuration for analytics got lost and I'm trying to configure worklight with analytics again.
The dashboard shows "No data available" for time after the deployment although there are old records displayed for the time before the deployment of the application. So the db was not affected.
I set the property to "true" in;
also I set the of the db to be something like:
The dashboard is on
That is the URL for the analytics server.
Although if I put the db URL in a browser I get something like:
Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /data
Checked SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log (WAS logs) and I did not see errors there.
Does anybody know which is the XML I need to check in order to validate the configuration is OK for analytics? How could I troubleshoot this problem? Are there other logs I could check?
In the list of environment variables you gave I do not see any for username and password. Try to set:
It would be useful to see a wireshark trace, maybe you are not getting 403s. The Analytics data uploader generally has a small bit of protections and you have the option to keep or remove it.
#patbarron is correct about the multiple WAR files though. You need to send your analytics data to the /analytics-service context. The WAR analytics-service is the WAR that handles all the data processing, querying, etc. The other WAR analytics just handles the console UI.
When testing it might be beneficial to lower the and, those values are for collecting data on the MobileFirst runtime server. Data is collected at the runtime server then sent to the analytics server. The larger these values are generally, the longer it will take to send. There are good to set for production

How can you include http://foo.local in CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin?

I'm using *, but apparently that's not enough. I'm trying to upload a file from a client browser. It works when the client's URL is localhost:3000 or It's not working when the URL is http://meteor.local. I've tried changing the third line to <AllowedOrigin>http://meteor.local</AllowedOrigin>, but get the same error.
The browser error:
The error text was misleading – error was not due to the header sent by s3. Adding an access rule to Cordova fixed it. (In meteor, add it with App.accessRule('http://meteor.local'); in mobile-config.js.)

IIS shows 500 Internal server error on everything

I have a shared Windows hosting account with IIS7.5 and Plesk 10.4 .
Now, when I try to visit every page, an aspx page, some php pages, or even a jpg file, it shows This error:
Server Error
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
This is last lines of log file: (which plesk shows for me)
2012-03-01 18:25:59 W3SVC100 H105 GET /15iya/31.jpg - 80 HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.63+Safari/535.7 jsuid=1735775291;+_cfduid=dcb02ca5c638c5a33cf10003ae6ac2c561326405625;+_utma=117785567.65259312.1326369096.1330372520.1330376628.15;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/ 500 19 13 1380 627 531 2012-03-01 18:26:13 W3SVC100 H105 GET / - 80 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.63+Safari/535.7 jsuid=1735775291;+_cfduid=dcb02ca5c638c5a33cf10003ae6ac2c561326405625;+_utma=117785567.65259312.1326369096.1330372520.1330376628.15;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/ 500 19 13 1380 615 515
try check with your version enable properly in plesk
To configure ASP.NET Settings for a site:
If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to several webspaces associated with your account, in the Subscription menu at the top of the screen, select the required webspace.
Go to the Websites & Domains tab and click your website's domain name.
Click ASP.NET Settings.
Set up the strings that determine database connection data for ASP.NET applications that use databases. This option is available only for ASP.NET 2.0.x.
When you open the ASP.NET configuration screen for the first time, sample connection parameters with common constructions are displayed. You can delete them and specify your own strings.
To add a string, enter the required data into the Name and Connection Parameters input fields and click next to them.
To remove a string, click next to it.
Set up custom error messages that will be returned by ASP.NET applications in the Custom Error Settings field:
To set the custom error messages mode, select an appropriate option from the Custom error mode menu:
On - custom error messages are enabled.
Off - custom error messages are disabled and detailed errors are to be shown.
RemoteOnly - custom error messages are displayed only to remote clients, and ASP.NET errors are shown to the local host users.
To add a new custom error message (which will be applied unless the Off mode was selected), enter the values in the Status Code and Redirect URL fields, and click .
Status Code defines the HTTP status code resulting in redirection to the error page.
Redirect URL defines the web address of the error page presenting information about the error to the client.
Due to possible conflicts, you cannot add a new custom error message with an error code that already exists, but you can redefine the URL for the existing code.
To remove a custom error message from the list, click next to it.
Configure compilation settings in the Compilation and Debugging field:
To determine the programming language to be used as default in dynamic compilation files, choose an entry from Default web page language list.
To enable compiling retail binaries, leave the Switch on debugging checkbox empty.
To enable compiling debug binaries, select the Switch on debugging checkbox. In this case, the source code fragments containing error will be shown in a diagnostic page message.
Note. When running applications in debug mode, a memory and/or performance overhead occurs. It is recommended to use debugging when testing an application and to disable it before deploying the application into production scenario.
Configure encoding settings for ASP.NET applications in the Globalization Settings section:
To set an adopted encoding of all incoming requests, enter an encoding value into the Request encoding field (default is utf-8).
To set an adopted encoding of all responses, enter an encoding value into the Response encoding field (default is utf-8).
To set an encoding which must be used by default for parsing of .aspx, .asmx, and .asax files, enter an encoding value into the File encoding field (default is Windows-1252).
To set a culture which must be used by default for processing incoming web requests, select an appropriate item from the Culture list.
To set a culture which must be used by default when processing searches for a locale-dependent resource, select an appropriate item from the UI Culture list.
Set a code access security trust level for ASP.NET applications in the Code Access Security field.
CAS trust level is a security zone to which applications execution is assigned, defining what server resources the applications will have access to.
Important: When an assembly is assigned a trust level that is too low, it does not function correctly. For more information on the permissions levels see
Enable the usage of the auxiliary scripts in the Script Library Settings field. Specifying the script library settings is necessary if the validation web controls are used on your web site. This option is available only for ASP.NET 1.1.x.
If you need to use auxiliary scripts (specifically, scripts implementing objects for validating input data), provide the settings for .NET framework script library. To do so, enter the path beginning with the domain root directory preceded by the forward slash into the Path to Microsoft script library field, or click the folder icon next to the Path to Microsoft script library field and browse for the required location.
To initiate the auto-installation of files containing the scripts to the specified location, select the Install checkbox. If the files already exist there, they will be rewritten.
Set client session parameters in the Session Settings field:
To set up the default authentication mode for applications, select an appropriate item from the Authentication mode list. Windows authentication mode should be selected if any form of IIS authentication is used.
To set up time that a session can remain idle, type the number of minutes into the Session timeout box.
Click OK to apply all changes.
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