Is there a special name for a toolbar like thing at the bottom of Instagram? - mobile-application

The attached Instagram snapshot has a collection of buttons like Home, Search, Add etc. at the very bottom. What is this component called? Is it called tab navigator? Any special name for it?

iOS calls this a Tab Bar, which appears at the bottom of an app screen and is used for navigation between an app's various functions.
It's not the same as a Toolbar, which appears at the bottom of an app screen and contains actions relevant to the current view.


React native container subpages navigation

I am creating a React native application with the following scenario:
There is a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, allowing the user to navigate between three main pages. On one of these pages, there is a backdrop with a container overlayed on it with two buttons. Each of these buttons should show open different "pages" in that container, and the navigation bar will be hidden when the user opens one of those "pages". An image is included below.
App layout example
My question is: how is this best implemented in react native?
My original idea was to implement a custom Stack Navigator with createStackNavigator. While this does work, I was wondering if this is a good way to go about it.
One result from using a custom navigator is that the navigation state in the container is also bound to the back button of the device (on Android). However, this is a welcome feature in this case as it makes sense in the navigation flow.

React Native & React Navigation 5.x: hiding bottom tab bar in specific screens

I'm currently building an app that has a bottom tab bar with a navigation stack in each tab. Now I want to create an image screen where the tab bar is hidden. I've followed the docs at, which works fine if you only want the user to able to navigate to the screen and then navigate back to the tab stack.
The problem is that I want it to feel like the image screen is part of the tab stack so the user can navigate from the image screen to another screen (i.e. push another screen on top of the stack). This doesn't work for me using the method mentioned above...
I've also tried using the option tabBarVisible: false, but it makes the "hide animation" glitchy (which the docs also warns for:

Navigation bar doesn't show back button

I have a navigation controller with a table full of buttons that cause various settings pages to push in. I needed to add a new one, so I copied one of my existing ones, changed the VC, and off I go.
But there's no nav bar on the screen. I can see the navigation object in the storyboard and the editor simulates it's display. I compared it to the other pages that are displaying the bar, and they look the same.
I tried changing some settings, like "Hide Bottom Bar On Push" and that had an effect, but my attempts to get the bar to show up fail.
I looked at other questions that suggested it had something to do with naming, but I've tried various name fields - on the Navigation Item, the VC's Title, etc. - with no effect.
I am not sure, but the problem may be that in case the segue to the new View Controller Scene is set to modal, it would not have a Nav Bar, To be able to see one, you need to embed that in another Navigation Controller.

How to customize tab bar controller so that tabs appear on the top of the screen?

How to customize tab bar controller so that tabs appear on the top of the screen?Tabs should not appear at bottem of the screen.
Try this,
self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 70);
You will need to create a custom control. The standard UITabBar does not offer the option to place tabs at the top unfortunately.
Tabs should not appear at bottem of the screen.
Actually, according to the iOS human interface guidelines, they should:
A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be accessible from every location in the application.
If you really wanted to do what you are asking, you could use a UITabBar directly (not touching UITabBarController). That handles drawing the tab bar itself, but doesn't do any view swapping for you. You should then write a custom container view controller using the view controller containment APIs (iOS 5 only) which you set as a delegate method on your tab bar, and then when the user changes tab, you swap in and out the relevant views.
Or you could use this open source version.
Don't make your top tab bar look like a standard Apple tab bar though, because they'll probably reject it from review. If you use a completely custom look you should be fine.

Scrolling Tab Bar with Navigation Tab in each view

Project need to show 7 tab bars in the application. So as per TabBar controller I am able to show the 4 tabs at a time along with "More" button which after clicking shows remaining tabs.
Also I need to show Navigation Tab for each View.
I am able to achieve this till now. But we need to make the Tab Bar in scrolling manner so that user can scroll the remaining tabs and after clicking particular tab that view is loaded along with Navigation Controller.
So can any body tell me how to achieve Scrolling TabBar along with Navigation bar in each view.
Any sample code will be more great full......
Thanks in advance.
You already mentioned the "more"-button... This should be the way to manage too many tabs, in order not to break the common iPhone l&f and keep users on track.