Computing Frequencies Across Multiple Variables SPSS - frequency

I am working on a clinical research project using a large dataset of nationwide hospital discharges. We are using SPSS for statistical analysis.
The dataset contains 25 diagnoses variables (DX1-DX25) which capture up to 25 diagnoses per discharge. A patient could have multiple diagnoses, so DX1 would be the primary diagnosis, DX2 is the secondary, etc.
The DXn variables are string variables that contain ICD-9 codes. ICD-9 is a system of diagnostic codes for classifying diseases.
We would like to know the 10 most common diagnoses (ICD-9 codes) across all 25 diagnoses variables. Is there a way to run a frequency analysis across all 25 diagnoses variables in SPSS? In other words, I would like one frequency table that shows the combined frequency/occurrence of each ICD-9 code.

If you have access to the Custom Tables (CTABLES) procedure, you can define a multiple category set (Analyze > Tables > Multiple Response Sets and use the Custom Tables procedure to tabulate across all the variables in the set. This works whether the variables are string or numeric.

You could restructure (to get all the diagnoses in one variable) and then use a simple frequency analysis:
varstocases /make DX from DX1 to DX25.
freq DX.
You should do this in a separate dataset and keep your original dataset structure. For example:
dataset name OrigData.
dataset copy ForRestr.
dataset activate ForRestr.
varstocases .....
freq ....
dataset activate OrigData.


Stata Create panel dataset with two dataframes, no common variable

I am creating a city-by-day panel from scratch, but I'm having trouble balancing and filling in the data. Every city needs to have an observation every day between 01jan2000 and 31dec2019, my variable of interest is a dummy variable recording whether or not an event took place on that day in that city.
My original dataset only recorded observations if event == 1, and I managed to fill in time gaps using tsfill, but I can't figure out how to balance the data or extend it to start on 01jan2000 and 31dec2019. I need every date and city because eventually it will be merged with data that uses that sample period.
My current approach is to create a balanced & filled in panel and then merge the event data using the date it took place. I have a stata df containing the 7,305 dates, and another containing the 273 cityid's I'm observing. Is it possible to generate a new df that combines these two so all 273 cities are observed every day? essentially there will be 273 x 7,304 observations, no variables of interest.
Any help figuring out how to solve the unbalanced issue using either of these approaches is hugely appreciated.

How to populate all possible combination of values in columns, using Spark/normal SQL

I have a scenario, where my original dataset looks like below
Image of the above csv:
Now there is a very small country lookup table which has all possible countries the source data can come with, listed. PFB:
I want to have the output data's number of columns always fixed (this is to ensure the reporting/visualization tool doesn't get dynamic number columns with every day's new source data ingestions depending on the varying distinct number of countries present).
So, I've to somehow join the source data with the country_lookup csv and populate all those columns with default value as F. Every country column would be binary with T or F being the possible values.
The original dataset from the above has to be converted into below:
Data (I've kept the Amount field unsolved for column Type having Derived Yield as is, rather than calculating them below for a better understanding and for you to match with the formulae):
US,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+15.2)/(6.48+2.66),T,T,F,F,F,F
US,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+7)/(6.48+5),T,F,T,F,F,F
US,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+15.2+7)/(6.48+2.66+5),T,T,T,F,F,F
US,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+10)/(3+9),T,T,F,F,F,F
US,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+2)/(3+3),T,F,T,F,F,F
US,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+10+2)/(3+9+3),T,T,T,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+15.2)/(6.48+2.66),T,T,F,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(15.2+7)/(2.66+5),F,T,T,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+15.2+7)/(6.48+2.66+5),T,T,T,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+10)/(3+9),T,T,F,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(10+2)/(9+3),F,T,T,F,F,F
Argentina,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+10+2)/(3+9+3),T,T,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+7)/(6.48+5),T,F,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(15.2+7)/(2.66+5),F,T,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2010,Derived Yield,(2.44+15.2+7)/(6.48+2.66+5),T,T,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(2.44+7)/(6.48+5),T,F,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(10+2)/(9+3),F,T,T,F,F,F
Bhutan,Vegetable,2011,Derived Yield,(6+10+2)/(3+9+3),T,T,T,F,F,F
The image of the above expected output data for a structured look at it:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Formulae for populating Amount Field for Derived Type:
Derived Amount = Sum of Harvested of all countries with T (True) grouped by Year and Commodity columns divided by Sum of Production of all countries with T (True)grouped by Year and Commodity columns.
So, the target is to have a combination of all the countries from source and calculate the sum of respective Harvested and Production values which then has to be divided. The commodity can be more than one in the actual scenario for any given country, but that should not bother as the summation of amount happens on grouped commodity and year.
Note: The users in the frontend can select any combination of countries. The sole purpose of doing it in the backend rather than dynamically doing it in the frontend is because AWS QuickSight (our visualisation tool), even though can populate sum on selected column filters but doesn't yet support calculation on those derived summed fields. Hence, the entire calculation of all combination of countries has to be pre-populated (very naive approach) in order to make it available in report on dynamic users selection of countries.
Also if you've any better approach (than the above naive approach mentioned in note) to solve this problem, you are most welcome to guide me. I've also posted a question on the same problem without writing my expected approach for experts to show me the path on how we can solve this kind of a problem better than this naive approach. If you want to help solve it with some other technique, you're most welcome, here is the link to that question.
Any help shall be greatly acknowledged.

Import data from csv into database when not all columns are guaranteed

I am trying to build an automatic feature for a database that takes NOAA weather data and imports it into our own database tables.
Currently we have 3 steps:
1. Import the data literally into its own table to preserve the original data
2. Copy it's data into a table that better represents our own data in structure
3. Then convert that table into our own data
The problem I am having stems from the data that NOAA gives us. It comes in the following format:
Station Station_Name Elevation Latitude Longitude Date MXPN Measurement_Flag Quality_Flag Source_Flag Time_Of_Observation ...
Starting with MXPN (Maximum temperature for water in a pan) which for example is comprised of it's column and the 4 other columns after it, it repeats that same 5 columns for each form of weather observation. The problem though is that if a particular type of weather was not observed in any of the stations reported, that set of 5 columns will be completely omitted.
For example if you look at Central Florida stations, you will find no SNOW (Snowfall measured in mm). However, if you look at stations in New Jersey, you will find this column as they report snowfall. This means a 1:1 mapping of columns is not possible between different reports, and the order of columns may not be guaranteed.
Even worse, some of the weather types include wild cards in their definition, e.g. SN*# where * is a number from 0-8 representing the type of ground, and # is a number 1-7 representing the depth at which soil temperature was taken for the minimum soil temperature, and we'd like to collect these together.
All of these are column headers, and my instinct is to build a small Java program to map these properly to our data set as we'd like it. However, my superior believes it may be possible to have the database do this on a mass import, but he does not know how to do it.
Is there a way to do this as a mass import, or is it best for me to just write the Java program to convert the data to our format?
Systems in use:
MariaDB for the database.
Centos7 for the operating system (if it really becomes an issue)
Java is being done with JPA and Spring Boot, with hibernate where necessary.
You are creating a new table per each file.
I presume that the first 6 fields are always present, and that you have 0 or more occurrences of the next 5 fields. if you are using SQL Server i would approach it as follows,
Query the information_schema catalog to get a count of the fields in
the table. If the count= 6 then no observations are present, if 11
columns ,then you have 1 observation, if 17 then you have 2
observations, etc.
Now that you know the number of observations you can write some SQL
that will loop the over the observations and insert them into a
child table with a link back to a parent table which has the 1st 6
apologies if my assumptions are way off.

Merge two CSV and collate data

I have two CSV files, the first like so:
And then a second CSV with items associated with the first list, with ID being the common attribute between the two.
The real datasets are millions of records, so I'm sorry in advance for my simple example.
The problem I need to solve is getting the data merged and collated in a way where I can see which item groupings most commonly appear together on the same ID. (e.g. GRAPE,GUM,SEASHELL appear together 340 times, ORANGE and STICK 89 times, etc...)
Then I need to see if there is any change/deviation to the general results in common appearance when grouped by SUBJECT.
Tools I'm familiar with are Excel and SQL, but I also have PowerBI and Alteryx at my disposal.
Full disclosure: Not homework, or work, but a volunteer project, thus my unfamiliarity with this kind of data manipulation.
Thanks in advance.
An Alteryx solution:
Drag the two .csv files onto your canvas (seen as book1.csv and book2.csv in my picture; Alteryx will create "Input" tools for you.
Drag a "Join" tool on and connect the two .csv files to its inputs; select "ID" as the join field; unselect the "Right_ID" as output since it's merely a duplicate of "ID"
Drag a "Summary" tool on and connect the Join tool's output to the Summary tool's input; select all three of the outputs and add as a "group by"... then add the ID column with a "count"
Drag a browse tool on and connect the summary's output to the browse tool's input.
run the workflow
After all that, click on the browse tool and you should see what is seen in my screenshot: (which is showing just the first ten rows of output):
+1 for taking on a volunteer project - I think anyone who knows data can have a big impact in support of their favourite group or cause.
I would just pull the 2 files into Power BI as 2 separate tables (Get Data / From File). Create a relationship between the 2 tables based on ID (it might get auto-generated). It should be one to many.
Then I would add a Calculated Column to the Book1 table to Concatenate the related ITEM values, eg.
Items =
DISTINCT ( 'Book2'[ITEM] ),
", ",
'Book2'[ITEM], ASC
Now you can use that Items field in visuals (e.g. a Table), along with Count of ID to get the frequency.
Adding Subject to a copy of the table (e.g. to the Columns well of a Matrix) will produce your grouped scenario, or you could add a Subject Slicer.
As you will be comparing subsets of varying size, I would change Count of ID to Show value as - % of grand total.
Little different solution using Alteryx.
With this dataset, there are very few repeating 3 or 4 item groups. You can do the two item affinity analysis and get a probability of 3 or 4 item groups, or you can count the 3 and 4 item groups individually. I believe what you want is the latter as your probability of getting grapes with oranges may be altered by whether you have bananas in the cart or not.
Anyway, I did not join in the subject until after finding all of my combinations. I found all the combinations by taking the Cartesian join of two, then three, then four of the original set. I then removed all duplicates by ensuring items were always in alphabetical order in each row. I then counted occurrences of each combination. More joins can be added in the same pattern to count groups of 5,6,7...
Once you have the counts of occurrences, then I would join back with the subjects and perform this analysis on each group and compare to the overall results.
I'm supposed to disclose that I work for Alteryx.
first of all if you are using windows
just navigate to the directory which contains the CSV and write the following command:
copy pattern newfileName.csv
copy *.csv merged.csv
now you created one csv file, the file is too large now you can't process it once, depending on your programming language you can use appropriate way, for python you can use generators to process line by line, or pandas you can read chunk by chunk it will be easy.
I hope this help you.

SSAS how to build up dynamic range dimension

In current cube, I have a calculated measure of average investment dollars. Now I want to create a range dimension table dynamically based on different amount for every department. The table would be something looks like this:
ID MinRange MaxRange Description
1 1 2 1-2
2 3 5 3-5
3 6 9 6-9
4 10 14 10-14
So basically there are two questions:
1) How to set up dimension table based on measures in cube dynamically?
2) How to look up in range dimension in SSAS?
I'm new to SSAS, thx for any answers or tutorials!
Use the views that feed the Data Source Views to check the related fact data in your source system and filter the resulting dimesion list accordingly. If you do not have a set of views interfacing between your source and cube, you can perform the same within your queries directly, it is just not as clean.
I use this technique to limit long dimension lists to only used values, providing users that directly access the cube (with Excel etc) a precise list of used options within their filters / slicers. It does have the downside of masking possible options from users reports until they are consumed i.e. you will not see Cancelled Orders = 0 until the first cancelled order triggers of its creation.
I am assuming that you want the data to be dynamic, not the creation of Dimenions i.e. you know you require Dimension A, B, C and they relate to Fact Y and Z. If you truely want to dynamically create whole dimensions (dimension name, measure group relationships etc), I do not think this is possible.