TCL (expect): can't read "NF" (from awk): no such variable - awk

Attempting to get the last word of the first line from a file. Not sure why the following command:
send "cat moo.txt | grep QUACK * | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}' meow.txt >> bark.txt "
is getting the error message can't read "NF": no such variable.
I can run the awk 'NF>1{print $NF}' meow.txt >> bark.txt snippet just fine on my machine. Yet, when it runs in my expect script, it gives me that error.
Anyone know why expect doesn't recognize the awk built-in variable?

I think your script is trying to expand the variable $NF with it's value before shooting that command through send. $NF isn't set in your shell since it's internal to awk, which hasn't had a chance to even run yet and so it's balking.
Try escaping that variable so it is treated as a string literal and awk will be able to use it when it comes time for awk to run:
send "cat moo.txt | grep QUACK * | awk 'NF>1{print \$NF}' meow.txt >> bark.txt "


Find replace "./." in awk

I am very new to using linux and I am trying to find/replace some of the text in my file.
I have successfully been able to find and replace "0/0" using gsub:
awk '{gsub(/0\/0/,"0")}; 1' filename
However, if I try to replace "./." using the same idea
awk '{gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")}; 1' filename
the output is truncated and stops at the location of the first "./." in the file. I know that "." is a special wildcard character, but I thought that having the "\" in front of it would neutralize it. I have searched but have been unable to find an explanation why the formula I used would truncate the file.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Recall that the basic outline of an awk is:
awk 'pattern { action }'
The most common patterns are regexes or tests against line counts:
awk '/FOO/ { do_something_with_a_line_with_FOO_in_it }'
awk 'FNR==10'
The last one has no action so the default is to print the line.
But functions that return a value are also useable as patterns. gsub is a function and returns the number of substitutions.
So given:
$ echo "$txt"
abc./.def line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abc./.def abc./.def printed
To print only lines that have a successful substitution you can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")'
abcUdef line 1
abcUdef abcUdef printed
You do not need to put gsub into an action block since you want to run it on every line and the return tells you something about what happened. The lines that successfully are matched are printed since gsub returns the number of substitutions.
If you want every line printed regardless if there is a match:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'gsub(/\.\/\./,"U") || 1'
abcUdef line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abcUdef abcUdef printed
Or, you can use the function as an action with an empty pattern and then a 1 with an empty action:
$ echo "$txt" | awk '{gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")} 1'
abcUdef line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abcUdef abcUdef printed
In either case, 1 as a pattern with no action prints the line regardless if there is a match and the gsub makes the substitution if any.
The second awk is what you have. Why it is not working on your input data is probably related to you input data.
Your awk script is fine, your input contains control-Ms, probably from being created by a Windows program. You can see them with cat -v file and use dos2unix or similar to remove them.

Can we use shell variables in awk?

Can we use shell variables in AWK like $VAR instead of $1, $2? For example:
NUSR=`echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, '{print NF}'`
echo $NUSR
echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, '{print $NUSR}'
Actually am an oracle DBA we get lot of import requests. I'm trying to automate it using the script. The script will find out the users in the dump and prompt for the users to which dump needs to be loaded.
Suppose the dumps has two users AKHIL, SWATHI (there can be may users in the dump and i want to import more number of users). I want to import the dumps to new users AKHIL_NEW and SWATHI_NEW. So the input to be read some think like AKHIL:AKHIL_NEW,SWATHI:SWATHI_NEW.
First, I need to find the Number of users to be created, then I need to get new users i.e. AKHIL_NEW,SWATHI_NEW from the input we have given. So that I can connect to the database and create the new users and then import. I'm not copying the entire code: I just copied the code from where it accepts the input users.
NUSR=`echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, '{print NF}'` #finding number of fields or users
while [ $y -le $NUSR ] ; do
USER=`echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, -v NUSR=$y '{print $NUSR}' |awk -F: '{print $2}'` #getting Users to created AKHIL_NEW and SWATHI_NEW and passing to SQLPLUS
if [[ $USER = SCPO* ]]; then
if [[ $USER = WWF* ]]; then
if [[ $USER = STSC* ]]; then
if [[ $USER = CSM* ]]; then
if [[ $USER = TMM* ]]; then
if [[ $USER = IGP* ]]; then
sqlplus -s '/ as sysdba' <<EOF # CREATING the USERS in the database
to $USER;
y=`expr $y + 1`
impdp sysem/manager DIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP DUMPFILE=imp.dp logfile=impdp.log SCHEMAS=AKHIL,SWATHI REMPA_SCHEMA=${UL[*]}
In the last impdp command I need to get the original users in the dumps i.e AKHIL,SWATHI using the variables.
Yes, you can use the shell variables inside awk. There are a bunch of ways of doing it, but my favorite is to define a variable with the -v flag:
$ echo | awk -v my_var=4 '{print "My var is " my_var}'
My var is 4
Just pass the environment variable as a parameter to the -v flag. For example, if you have this variable:
$ VAR=3
$ echo $VAR
Use it this way:
$ echo | awk -v env_var="$VAR" '{print "The value of VAR is " env_var}'
The value of VAR is 3
Of course, you can give the same name, but the $ will not be necessary:
$ echo | awk -v VAR="$VAR" '{print "The value of VAR is " VAR}'
The value of VAR is 3
A note about the $ in awk: unlike bash, Perl, PHP etc., it is not part of the variable's name but instead an operator.
Awk and Gawk provide the ENVIRON associative array that holds all exported environment variables. So in your awk script you can use ENVIRON["VarName"] to get the value of VarName, provided that VarName has been exported before running awk.
Note ENVIRON is a predefined awk variable NOT a shell environment variable.
Since I don't have enough reputation to comment on the other answers I have to include them here!
The earlier answer showing $ENVIRON is incorrect - that syntax would be expanded by the shell, and probably result in expanding to nothing.
Further earlier comments about C not being able to access environment variable is wrong. Contrary to what is said above, C (and C++) can access environment variables using the getenv("VarName") function. Many other languages provide similar access (e.g., Java: System.getenv(), Python: os.environ, Haskell System.Environment, ...). Note in all cases access to environment variables is read-only, you cannot change an environment variable in a program and get that value back to the calling script.
There are two ways to pass variables to awk: one way is defining the variable in a command line argument:
$ echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, -v NUSR=$NUSR '{print $NUSR}'
Another way is converting the shell variable to an environment variable using export, and reading the environment variable from the ENVIRON array:
$ export NUSR
$ echo ${UL[*]}|awk -F, '{print $ENVIRON["NUSR"]}'
Update 2016: The OP has comma-separated data and wants to extract an item given its index. The index is in the shell variable NUSR. The value of NUSR is passed to awk, and awk's dollar operator extracts the item.
Note that it would be simpler to declare UL as an array of more than one element, and do the extraction in bash, and take awk out of the equation completely. This however uses 0-based indexing.
echo ${UL[NUSR]} # prints SWATHI:SWATHI_NEW
There is another way, but it could cause immense confusion:
$ VarName="howdy" ; echo | awk '{print "Just saying '$VarName'"}'
Just saying howdy
So you are temporarily exiting the single quote environment (which would normally prevent the shell from interpreting '$') to interpret the variable and then going back into it. It has the virtue of being relatively brief.
Not sure if i understand your question.
But lets say we got a variable number=3 and we want to use it istead of $3, in awk we can do that with the following code
results="100 Mbits/sec 110 Mbits/sec 90 Mbits/sec"
speed=$(echo $results | awk '{print '"\$${number}"'}')
so the speed variable will get the value 110.
Hope this helps.
No. You can pass the value of a shell variable to an awk script just like you can pass the value of a shell variable to a C program but you cannot access a shell variable in an awk script any more than you could access a shell variable in a C program. Like C, awk is not shell. See question 24 in the FAQ at
One way to write your code would be:
NUSR=$(awk -F, -v ul="$UL" 'BEGIN{print gsub(FS,""); exit}')
echo "$NUSR"
echo "$UL" | awk -F, -v nusr="$NUSR" '{print $nusr}' # could have just done print $NF
but since your original starting point:
was declaring UL as an array with just one entry, you might want to rethink whatever it is you're trying to do as you may have completely the wrong approach.

Why doesn't this ssh command work in ksh?

I'm tweaking a KSH script and I'm trying to ssh into various hosts and execute a grep command on vfstab that will return a certain line. The problem is, I can't get the following to work below. I'm trying to get the line it returns and append it to a destination file. Is there a better way to do this, ex assign the grep statement to a command variable? The command works fine within the script, but the nested quotations seems to bugger it. Anyways, here's the line:
ssh $user#$host "grep '/var/corefiles' $VFSTAB_LOC | awk '{print $3, $7}' " >> $DEST
This results in:
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line one
If there is a better/more correct way to do this please let me know!
You're putting the remote command in double quotes, so the $3 and $7 in the awk body will be substituted. awk probably sees '{print ,}'. Escape the dollar signs in the awk body.
ssh $user#$host "grep '/var/corefiles' $VFSTAB_LOC | awk '{print \$3, \$7}' " >> $DEST
^ ^
I tried below and it worked for me (in ksh) not sure why it would error out in your case
echo $DEST;
`ssh $user#$host "grep '/abc/dyf' $VFSTAB_LOC | awk '{print $3, $1}'" >> $DEST`;

How to quote a shell variable in a TCL-expect string

I'm using the following awk command in an expect script to get the gateway for a particular destination
route | grep $dest | awk '{print $2}'
However the expect script does not like the $2 in the above statement.
Does anyone know of an alternative to awk to perform the same function as above? ie. output 2nd column.
You can use cut:
route | grep $dest | cut -d \ -f 2
That uses spaces as the field delimiter and pulls out the second field
To answer your Expect question, single quotes have no special meaning to the Tcl parser. You need to use braces to protect the body of the awk script:
route | grep $dest | awk {{print $2}}
And as awk can do what grep does, you can get away with one less process:
route | awk -v d=$dest {$0 ~ d {print $2}}
Before switching to another utility, check if changing field separator worrks. Documentation for field separators in GNU Awk here.
SED is the best alternative to use. If you don't mind a dependency, Perl should also be sufficient to solve the task
Depending on the structure of your data, you can use either cut, or use sed to do both filtering and printing the second column.
Alternatively, you could use Perl:
perl -ne 'if(/foo/) { #_ = split(/:/); print $_[1]; }'
This will print second token of each line containing foo, with : as token separator.

Solaris awk Troubles

I'm writing a shell script and I need to strip FIND ME out of something like this:
* *[**FIND ME**](find me)*
and assign it to an array. I had the code working flawlessly .. until I moved the script in Solaris to a non-global zone. Here is the code I used before:
objectArray[$i]=`echo $line | nawk -F '*[**|**]' '{print $2}'`
Now Prints:
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1
It was suggested that I try the same command with nawk, but I receive this error now instead:
nawk: illegal primary in regular expression `* *[**|**]` at `*[**|**]`
input record number 1
source line number 1
Also, /usr/xpg4/bin/awk does not exist.
I think you need to be clearer on what you want to get. For me your awk line doesn't 'strip FIND ME out'
echo "* *[**FIND ME**](find me)*" | nawk -F '* *[**|**]' '{print $2}'
So it would help if you gave some examples of the input/output you are expecting. Maybe there's a way to do what you want with sed?
From comments you actually want to select "FIND ME" from line, not strip it out.
I guess the dialect of regular expressions accepted by this nawk is different than gawk. So maybe a tool that's better suited to the job is in order.
echo "* *[**FIND ME**](find me)*" | sed -e"s/.*\* \*\[\*\*\(.[^*]*\)\*\*\].*/\1/"
quote your $line variable like this: "$line". If still doesn't work, you can do it another way with nawk, since you only want to find one instance of FIND ME,
$ echo "$line" | nawk '{gsub(/.*\*\[\*\*|\*\*\].*/,"");print}'
or if you are using bash/ksh on Solaris,
$ line="${line#*\[\*\*}"
$ echo "${line%%\*\*\]*}"