SQL Get aggregate as 0 for non existing row using inner joins - sql

I am using SQL Server to query these three tables that look like (there are some extra columns but not that relevant):
Customers -> Id, Name
Addresses -> Id, Street, StreetNo, CustomerId
Sales -> AddressId, Week, Total
And I would like to get the total sales per week and customer (showing at the same time the address details). I have come up with this query
SELECT a.Name, b.Street, b.StreetNo, c.Week, SUM (c.Total) as Total
FROM Customers a
INNER JOIN Addresses b ON a.Id = b.CustomerId
INNER JOIN Sales c ON b.Id = c.AddressId
GROUP BY a.Name, c.Week, b.Street, b.StreetNo
and even if my SQL skill are close to none it looks like it's doing its job. But now I would like to be able to show 0 whenever the one customer don't have sales for a particular week (weeks are just integers). And I wonder if somehow I should get distinct values of the weeks in the Sales table, and then loop through them (not sure how)
Any help?

Use CROSS JOIN to generate the rows for all customers and weeks. Then use LEFT JOIN to bring in the data that is available:
SELECT c.Name, a.Street, a.StreetNo, w.Week,
COALESCE(SUM(s.Total), 0) as Total
Addresses a
ON c.CustomerId = a.CustomerId LEFT JOIN
Sales s
ON s.week = w.week AND s.AddressId = a.AddressId
GROUP BY c.Name, a.Street, a.StreetNo, w.Week;
Using table aliases is good, but the aliases should be abbreviations for the table names. So, a for Addresses not Customers.

You should generate a week numbers, rather than using DISTINCT. This is better in terms of performance and reliability. Then use a LEFT JOIN on the Sales table instead of an INNER JOIN:
,COALESCE(SUM(c.Total),0) as Total
FROM Customers a
INNER JOIN Addresses b ON a.Id = b.CustomerId
-- Generate a sequence of 52 integers (13 x 4)
FROM (VALUES(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) a(x)
CROSS JOIN (SELECT x FROM (VALUES(1),(1),(1),(1)) b(x)) b
) weeks
LEFT JOIN Sales c ON b.Id = c.AddressId AND c.[Week] = weeek.[Week]

Please try the following...
END ) AS Total
FROM Customers a
JOIN Addresses b ON a.Id = b.CustomerId
RIGHT JOIN Sales c ON b.Id = c.AddressId
GROUP BY a.Name,
I have modified your statement in three places. The first is I changed your join to Sales to a RIGHT JOIN. This will join as it would with an INNER JOIN, but it will also keep the records from the table on the right side of the JOIN that do not have a matching record or group of records on the left, placing NULL values in the resulting dataset's fields that would have come from the left of the JOIN. A LEFT JOIN works in the same way, but with any extra records in the table on the left being retained.
I have removed the word INNER from your surviving INNER JOIN. Where JOIN is not preceded by a join type, an INNER JOIN is performed. Both JOIN and INNER JOIN are considered correct, but the prevailing protocol seems to be to leave the INNER out, where the RDBMS allows it to be left out (which SQL-Server does). Which you go with is still entirely up to you - I have left it out here for illustrative purposes.
The third change is that I have added a CASE statement that tests to see if the Total field contains a NULL value, which it will if there were no sales for that Customer for that Week. If it does then SUM() would return a NULL, so the CASE statement returns a 0 instead. If Total does not contain a NULL value, then the SUM() of all values of Total for that grouping is performed.
Please note that I am assuming that Total will not have any NULL values other than from the RIGHT JOIN. Please advise me if this assumption is incorrect.
Please also note that I have assumed that either there will be no missing Weeks for a Customer in the Sales table or that you are not interested in listing them if there are. Again, please advise me if this assumption is incorrect.
If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to post a Comment accordingly.


sql multiple left joins with sum

I have 3 tables as below. What I need to do is create a sumamry after left joining the 1st table to the 2nd and the 2nd to the 3rd.
The code I'm using ends up resulting in a cartesian join. My query to create the 1st table (person) is complicated and resource intensive while the volume of data is table 2(shopping list) is massive so having a nested query is not ideal. Below is the code I'm using right now and the expected output (image 1) & what I get (image 2)
sum(b.cost) total_cost,
sum(c.discount_amount) total_discount
person a,
left join shopping_list b on a.id=b.id
left join discount c on b.item = c.item
group by
I've looked at the below links but I was hoping there's a solution that may work better give the size of my dataset
Multiple Left Join with sum
Thanks in advance for your help
You have multiple rows for the discounts, so presummarize those:
select p.id, p.name, coalesce(sl.cost, 0) as cost,
coalesce(d.discount_amount, 0) as discount_amount
from person p left join
shopping_list sl
on sl.id = p.id left join
(select d.item, sum(discount_amount) as discount_amount
from discount
group by d.item
) d
on sl.item = d.item
group by p.id, p.name;
The problem with your query is that the multiple rows of discount end up multiplying the rows of shopping_list -- resulting in the inaccurate totals.
Notice that in this query, the table aliases are abbreviations for the table names. This is a best practice that makes it much, much easier to follow the logic of a query.

2 Tables - one customer, one transactions. How to handle a customer with no transaction?

I have 2 tables-one customers, one transactions. One customer does not have any transactions. How do I handle that? As I'm trying to join my tables, the customer with no transaction does not show up as shown in code below.
SELECT Orders.Customer_Id, Customers.AcctOpenDate, Customers.CustomerFirstName, Customers.CustomerLastName, Orders.TxnDate, Orders.Amount
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.Customer_Id=Customers.Customer_Id;
I need to be able to account for the customer with no transaction such as querying for least transaction amount.
Use below updated query - Right Outer join is used instead of Inner join to show all customers regardless of the customer placed an order yet.
SELECT Orders.Customer_Id, Customers.AcctOpenDate,
Customers.CustomerFirstName, Customers.CustomerLastName,
Orders.TxnDate, Orders.Amount
FROM Orders
Right Outer JOIN Customers ON Orders.Customer_Id=Customers.Customer_Id;
INNER Joins show only those records that are present in BOTH tables
OUTER joins gets SQL to list all the records present in the designated table and shows NULLs for the fields in the other table that are not present
LEFT OUTER JOIN (the first table)
RIGHT OUTER JOIN (the second table)
FULL OUTER JOIN (all records for both tables)
Get up to speed on the join types and how to handle NULLS and that is 90% of writing SQL script.
Below is the same query with a left join and using ISNULL to turn the amount column into 0 if it has no records present
SELECT Orders.Customer_Id, Customers.AcctOpenDate, Customers.CustomerFirstName, Customers.CustomerLastName
, Orders.TxnDate, ISNULL(Orders.Amount,0)
FROM Customers
LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON Orders.Customer_Id=Customers.Customer_Id;
try this :
SELECT Orders.Customer_Id, Customers.AcctOpenDate, Customers.CustomerFirstName, Customers.CustomerLastName, Orders.TxnDate, Orders.Amount
FROM Orders
Right OUTER JOIN Customers ON Orders.Customer_Id=Customers.Customer_Id;
I strongly recommend LEFT JOIN. This keeps all rows in the first table, along with matching columns in the second. If there are no matching rows, these columns are NULL:
SELECT c.Customer_Id, c.AcctOpenDate, c.CustomerFirstName, c.CustomerLastName,
o.TxnDate, o.Amount
FROM Customers c LEFT JOIN
Orders o
ON o.Customer_Id = c.Customer_Id;
Although you could use RIGHT JOIN, I never use RIGHT JOINs, because I find them much harder to follow. The logic of "keep all rows in the first table I read" is relatively simple. The logic of "I don't know which rows I'm keeping until I read the last table" is harder to follow.
Also note that I included table aliases and change the CustomerId to come from customers -- the table where you are keeping all rows.
Using CASE will replace "null" with 0 then you can sum the values. This will count customers with no transactions.
SELECT c.Name,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TransactionsPerCustomer
FROM Customers c
LEFT JOIN Transactions t
ON c.Name = t.customerID
group by c.Name
SELECT c.Name,
SUM(CASE WHEN t.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as numberoftransaction
FROM customers c
LEFT JOIN transactions t
ON c.Name = t.customerID
group by c.Name

LEFT JOIN help in sql

I have to make a list of customer who do not have any invoice but have paid an invoice … maybe twice.
But with my code (stated below) it contains everything from the left join. However I only need the lines highlighted with green.
How should I make a table with only the 2 highlights?
Select paymentsfrombank.invoicenumber,paymentsfrombank.customer,paymentsfrombank.value
FROM paymentsfrombank
ON debtors.value = paymentsfrombank.value
You only want to select columns from paymentsfrombank. So why do you even join?
select invoice_number, customer, value from paymentsfrombank
select invoice_number, customer, value from debtors;
(This requires exact matches as in your example, i.e. same amount for the invoice/customer).
There are two issues in your SQL. First, you need to join on Invoice number, not on value, as joining on value is pointless. Second, you need to only pick those payments where there are no corresponding debts, i.e. when you left-join, the table on the right has "null" in the joining column. The SQL would be something like this:
SELECT paymentsfrombank.invoicenumber,paymentsfrombank.customer,paymentsfrombank.value
FROM paymentsfrombank
ON debtors.InvoiceNumber = paymentsfrombank.InvoiceNumber
WHERE debtors.InvoiceNumber is NULL
in mysql we usually have this way to flip the relation and extract the rows that dosen't have relation.
Select paymentsfrombank.invoicenumber,paymentsfrombank.customer,paymentsfrombank.value
FROM paymentsfrombank
ON debtors.value = paymentsfrombank.value where debtors.value is null
You can use NOT EXISTS :
FROM paymentsfrombank p
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM debtors d WHERE d.invoice_number = p.invoice_number);
However, the LEFT OUTER JOIN would also work if you add filtered with WHERE Clause to filtered out only missing customers that haven't any invoice information :
SELECT p.invoicenumber, p.customer, p.value
FROM paymentsfrombank P LEFT OUTER JOIN
debtors d
ON d.InvoiceNumber = p.InvoiceNumber
WHERE d.InvoiceNumber IS NULL;
Note : I have used table alias (p & d) that makes query to easier read & write.

Excluding multiple results in specific column (SQL JOIN)

I'm taking my first steps in terms of practical SQL use in real life.
I have a few tables with contractual and financial information and the query works exactly as I need - to a certain point. It looks more or less like that:
SELECT /some columns/ from CONTRACTS
Linked 3 extra tables with INNER JOIN to add things like department names, product information etc. This all works but they all have simplish one-to-one relationship (one contract related to single department in Department table, one product information entry in the corresponding table etc).
Now this is my challenge:
I also need to add contract invoicing information doing something like:
inner join INVOICES on CONTRACTS.contnoC = INVOICES.contnoI
(and selecting also the Invoice number linked to the Contract number, although that's partly optional)
The problem I'm facing is that unlike with other tables where there's always one-to-one relationship when joining tables, INVOICES table can have multiple (or none at all) entries that correspond to a single contract no. The result is that I will get multiple query results for a single contract no (with different invoice numbers presented), needlessly crowding the query results.
Essentially I'm looking to add INVOICES table to a query to just identify if the contract no is present in the INVOICES table (contract has been invoiced or not). Invoice number itself could be presented (it is with INNER JOIN), however it's not critical as long it's somehow marked. Invoice number fields remains blank in the result with the INNER JOIN function, which is also necessary (i.e. to have the row presented even if the match is not found in INVOICES table).
SELECT DISTINCT would look to do what I need, but I seemed to face the problem that I need to levy DISTINCT criteria only for column representing contract numbers, NOT any other column (there can be same values presented, but all those should be presented).
Unfortunately I'm not totally aware of what database system I am using.
Seems like the question is still getting some attention and in an effort to provide some explanation here are a few techniques.
If you just want any contract with details from the 1 to 1 tables you can do it similarily to what you have described. the key being NOT to include any column from Invoices table in the column list.
DISTINCT Contract, Department, ProductId .....(nothing from Invoices Table!!!)
Contracts c
INNER JOIN Departments D
ON c.departmentId = d.Department
INNER JOIN Product p
ON c.ProductId = p.ProductId
INNER JOIN Invoices i
ON c.contnoC = i.contnoI
Perhaps a Little cleaner would be to use IN or EXISTS like so:
Contract, Department, ProductId .....(nothing from Invoices Table!!!)
Contracts c
INNER JOIN Departments D
ON c.departmentId = d.Department
INNER JOIN Product p
ON c.ProductId = p.ProductId
EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Invoices i WHERE i.contnoI = c.contnoC )
Contract, Department, ProductId .....(nothing from Invoices Table!!!)
Contracts c
INNER JOIN Departments D
ON c.departmentId = d.Department
INNER JOIN Product p
ON c.ProductId = p.ProductId
contnoC IN (SELECT contnoI FROM Invoices)
Don't use IN if the SELECT ... list can return a NULL!!!
If you Actually want all of the contracts and just know if a contract has been invoiced you can use aggregation and a case expression:
Contract, Department, ProductId, CASE WHEN COUNT(i.contnoI) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as Invoiced
Contracts c
INNER JOIN Departments D
ON c.departmentId = d.Department
INNER JOIN Product p
ON c.ProductId = p.ProductId
LEFT JOIN Invoices i
ON c.contnoC = i.contnoI
Contract, Department, ProductId
Then if you actually want to return details about a particular invoice you can use a technique similar to that of cybercentic87 if your RDBMS supports or you could use a calculated column with TOP or LIMIT depending on your system.
Contract, Department, ProductId, (SELECT TOP 1 InvoiceNo FROM invoices i WHERE c.contnoC = i.contnoI ORDER BY CreateDate DESC) as LastestInvoiceNo
Contracts c
INNER JOIN Departments D
ON c.departmentId = d.Department
INNER JOIN Product p
ON c.ProductId = p.ProductId
Contract, Department, ProductId
I would do it this way:
with mainquery as(
<<here goes you main query>>
invoices_rn as(
select *,
<<some column to decide which invoice you want to take eg. date>>) as rn
invoices as (
select * from invoices_rn where rn = 1
select * from mainquery
left join invoices i on contnoC = i.contnoI
This gives you an ability to get all of the invoice details to your query, also it gives you full control of which invoice you want see in your main query. Please read more about CTEs; they are pretty handy and much easier to understand / read than nested selects.
I still don't know what database you are using. If ROW_NUMBER is not available, I will figure out something else :)
Also with a left join you should use COALESCE function for example:
Of course this gives you some more possibilities, you could for example in your main select do:
CASE WHEN i.invoicenumber is null then 'NOT INVOICED'
END as isInvoiced
You can use
SELECT ..., invoiced = 'YES' ... where exists ...
SELECT ..., invoiced = 'NO' ... where not exists ...
or you can use a column like "invoiced" with a subquery into invoices to set it's value depending on whether you get a hit or not

SQL server SELECT with join performance issue

Sorry about the saga here but am trying to explain everything.
We have 2 databases that I would like to join some tables in.
1 database holds sales data from various different stores/sites. This database is quite large (over 3mill rows currently) This table is ItemSales
The other holds application data from an in house web app. These tables are Departments and GroupItems
I would like to create a query that joins 2 tables from the app database with the sales database table. This is so we can group some items together for a date range and see the amount sold for example.
My first attempt was (DealId being the variable that it is grouped on in the App):
SELECT d.Id, d.ItemNo, d.UnitValue, d.NoGST, d.ItemStartDate, d.ItemEndDate,
(SELECT SUM(ItemQty) AS Expr1
FROM Sales.dbo.ItemSales AS s
WHERE (Store = d.SiteId) AND (ItemNo = d.ItemNo) AND (ItemSaleDate >= d.ItemStartDate) AND (ItemSaleDate <= d.ItemEndDate)) AS ItemsSold, Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemDesc, Departments.Description
Sales.dbo.ItemSales ON Departments.Id = Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemDept RIGHT OUTER JOIN
GroupItems AS d ON Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemNo = d.ItemNo
WHERE (d.DealId = 11)
GROUP BY d.Id, d.ItemNo, d.UnitValue, d.NoGST, d.ItemStartDate, d.ItemEndDate, ItemDesc, Departments.Description, d.SiteId
This does exactly what I want which is:
-Give me all the details from the GroupItems table (UnitValue, ItemStartDate, ItemEndDate etc)
-Gives me the SUM() on the ItemQty column for the amount sold (plus the description etc)
-Returns NULL for something with no sales for the period
It is VERY slow though. To the point that if the GroupItems table has more than about 7 items in it, it times out.
Second attempt has been:
SELECT d.Id, d.ItemNo, d.UnitValue, d.NoGST, d.ItemStartDate, d.ItemEndDate, SUM(ItemQty) AS ItemsSold, Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemDesc, Departments.Description
Sales.dbo.ItemSales ON Departments.Id = Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemDept RIGHT OUTER JOIN
GroupItems AS d ON Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemNo = d.ItemNo
WHERE (Store = d.SiteId) AND (d.DealId = 11) AND (Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemSaleDate >= d.ItemStartDate) AND (Sales.dbo.ItemSales.ItemSaleDate <= d.ItemEndDate)
GROUP BY d.Id, d.ItemNo, d.UnitValue, d.NoGST, d.ItemStartDate, d.ItemEndDate, ItemDesc, Departments.Description
This is very quick and does not time out but does not return the NULLs for no sales items in the ItemSales table. This is a problem as we need to see nothing or 0 for a no sales item otherwise people will think we forgot to check that item.
Can someone help me come up with a query please that returns everything from the GroupItems table, shows the SUM() of items sold and doesn't time out? I have also tried a SELECT x WHERE EXISTS (Subquery) but this also didn't return the NULLs for me but I may have had that one wrong.
If you want everything from GroupItems regardless of the sales, use it as the base of the query and then use left outer joins from there. Something along these lines:
SELECT GroupItems.Id, GroupItems.ItemNo, GroupItems.UnitValue, GroupItems.NoGST,
GroupItems.ItemStartDate, GroupItems.ItemEndDate,
SUM(ItemQty) AS SumOfSales,
FROM GroupItems
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tempSales AS Sales ON
Sales.ItemNo = GroupItems.ItemNo
AND Sales.Store = GroupItems.SiteId
AND Sales.ItemSaleDate >= GroupItems.ItemStartDate
AND Sales.ItemSaleDate <= GroupItems.ItemEndDate
LEFT OUTER JOIN Departments ON Departments.Id = Sales.ItemDept
WHERE GroupItems.DealId = 11
GROUP BY GroupItems.Id, GroupItems.ItemNo, GroupItems.UnitValue, GroupItems.NoGST,
GroupItems.ItemStartDate, GroupItems.ItemEndDate,
SUM(ItemQty) AS SumOfSales,
ORDER BY GroupItems.Id
Does changing the INNER JOIN to Sales.dbo.ItemSales into a LEFT OUTER JOIN to Sales.dbo.ItemSales and changing the RIGHT OUTER JOIN to GroupItems into an INNER JOIN to GroupItems fix your issue?