trying to get Statistics for data based on another parameter - sql

Struggling again on statistics on data based on other sets of data.
I have a list of customers. like the following:
CustomerID Value Date
1 3 01/01/2017
2 2 01/02/2017
3 1 01/02/2017
1 5 01/04/2017
1 6 01/04/2017
2 1 01/04/2017
2 2 01/04/2017
I want to get an average for a date range for Customer 1 on the days where customer 2 also has values. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Select avg(value)
from Table where customerid=1
and (customer 2 values are not blank)
and date between '01/01/2017' and '01/31/2017'
I am using SQL Server Express 2012.

Another Option
Select AvgValue = Avg(Value+0.0) -- Remove +0.0 if you want an INT
From YourTable
Where CustomerID = 1
and Date in (Select Distinct Date from YourTable Where CustomerID=2)

You can select the dates using exists or in and then calculate the average:
select avg(value)
from datatbl t
where customerid = 1 and
exists (select 1 from datatbl t2 where t2.customerId = 2 and =;
If you want the average per date, then include group by date.


Select rows from a particular row to latest row if that particular row type exist

I want to achieve these two requirements using a single query. Currently I'm using 2 queries in the program and use C# to do the process part something like this.
select top 1 id from table where type=b
if result.row.count > 0 {var typeBid = row["id"]}
select * from table where id >= {typeBid}
select * from table
Req1: If there is records exist with type=b, Result should be latest row with type=b and all other rows added after.
id type date
1 b 2021-10-15
2 a 2021-11-16
3 b 2021-11-19
4 a 2021-12-02
5 c 2021-12-12
6 a 2021-12-16
id type date
3 b 2021-11-19
4 a 2021-12-02
5 c 2021-12-12
6 a 2021-12-16
Req2: There is NO record exist with type=b. Query should select all the records in the table
id type date
1 a 2021-10-15
2 a 2021-11-16
3 a 2021-11-19
4 a 2021-12-02
5 c 2021-12-12
6 a 2021-12-16
id type date
1 a 2021-10-15
2 a 2021-11-16
3 a 2021-11-19
4 a 2021-12-02
5 c 2021-12-12
6 a 2021-12-16
with max_b_date as (select max(date) as date
from table1 where type = 'b')
select t1.*
from table1 t1
cross join max_b_date
where >=
or is null
(table is a SQL reserved word,, so I used table1 as table name instead.)
Please try this(It's somewhat deep but might you exact looking for)
select ab.* from
((select top 1 id, type, date from test where type = 'b' order by id desc)
select * from test where type != 'b') as ab
where >= (select COALESCE((select top 1 id from test where type = 'b' order by id desc), 0))
order by;
Looks Like you can use an OR condition here
BCount = COUNT(CASE type WHEN 'B' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)-- to get the Count of Records with Type b.
FROM Table
BCount > 0 AND id >= (select top 1 id from table where type=b)-- if there are Row's with Type b then select Req#1
BCount = 0 -- if THere are no rows with Type B select All

Count rows within each group when condition is satisfied Sql Server

I have at table which looks like below:
ID Date IsFull
1 2020-01-05 0
1 2020-02-05 0
1 2020-02-25 1
1 2020-03-01 1
1 2020-03-20 1
I want to display how many months for ID = 1
have sum(isfull)/count(*) > .6 in a given month (More than 60% of the times in that month isfull = 1)
So the final output should
ID HowManyMonths
1 1 --------(Only month 3----2 out 2 cases)
If the question changes to sum(isfull)/count(*) > .4
then the final output should be
ID HowManyMonths
1 2 --------(Month 2 and Month 3)
You can do this with two levels of aggregation:
select id, count(*) howManyMonths
from (
select id
from mytable
group by id, year(date), month(date)
having avg(1.0 * isFull) > 0.6
) t
group by id
The subquery aggregates by id, year and month, and uses a having clause to filter on groups that meet the success rate (avg() comes handy for this). The outer query counts how many month passed the target rate for each id.

Get time stamp of change in column value

I have a table that tracks a certain status using a bit column.I want to get the first timestamp of the status change. I have got the desired output using temp table but is there a better way to do this?
I get the max time stamp for status 1, then I get the min timestamp for status 0 and if the min timestamp for status 0 is greater than max timestamp for status 1 then I include it in the result set.
Sample data
123 0 2016-12-21 20:04:56.217
123 0 2016-12-21 19:00:28.980
123 0 2016-12-21 17:00:10.207 <-- Get this record because this is the latest status change from 1 to 0
123 1 2016-12-20 16:15:58.787
123 1 2016-12-20 16:11:36.523
123 1 2016-12-20 14:20:02.467
123 1 2016-12-20 13:57:57.623
123 0 2016-12-20 13:55:31.421 <-- This should not be included in the result even though it is a status change but since it is not the latest
123 1 2016-12-20 13:54:57.307
123 0 2016-12-19 12:23:46.103
123 0 2016-12-18 11:47:21.267
CREATE TABLE #temp_status_changed
enabled BIT NOT NULL,
dt_create DATETIME NOT null
INSERT INTO #temp_status_changed
SELECT id,enabled,MAX(dt_create) FROM mytable WHERE enabled=1
GROUP BY id,enabled
SELECT,a.enabled,MIN(a.dt_create) FROM mytable a
JOIN #temp_status_changed b ON
WHERE a.enabled=0
GROUP BY,a.enabled
HAVING MIN(a.dt_create) > (SELECT dt_create FROM #temp_status_changed WHERE
DROP TABLE #temp_status_changed
There are several ways to achieve that.
For example, using LAG() function you can always get the previous value and compare it:
SELECT *, LAG(Enabled) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY dt_create) PrevEnabled
FROM YourTable
) x
WHERE Enabled = 0 AND PrevEnabled = 1
Another approach without window functions would be:
dt_create = MIN(sc.dt_create)
YourTable AS sc
max_dt_create = MAX(dt_create)
enabled = 1
) as MaxStatusChanges
sc.dt_create > MaxStatusChanges.max_dt_create
The query returns no rows for an id if there's no rows with status 1 for that id, as well as if the most recent status for the id is 1. An unclustered index on enabled column with included id and dt_create columns could improve query performance.

How to use a select command to find all the records that has the maximum date value for a specific item?

Say I have a table like this, we call it tbl_test
ID thedate actionid songid
1 2014-10-01 100 10
2 2014-09-30 100 10
3 2014-10-01 80 10
4 2014-09-30 80 10
5 2014-10-01 80 21
6 2014-09-30 100 21
Now I want to find all the record thats in the tbl_test where actionid=100 and with the latest [thedate] value. In this case, I want the final select result to be
(this is the result I want, not an existing table)
ID thedate actionid songid
1 2014-10-01 100 10
6 2014-09-30 100 21
Question, how am I going to do that use nothing but a single select command in MS SQL Server?
Use a join to a query that returns the latest date for each song:
select tbl_test.*
from tbl_test
join (select songid, max(theDate) maxDate
from tbl_test
where actionId = 100
group by songid) t on t.songId = tbl_test.songId and theDate = maxDate
where actionid = 100
This should perform pretty well as it makes only 2 passes over the table - one for the inner query that determines the latest date, and another to output the matching rows
A general SQL way to get this is using not exists:
select t.*
from tbl_test t
where actionid = 100 and
not exists (select 1
from tbl_test t2
where t2.songid = t.songid and t2.actionid = 100 and t2.thedate > t.thedate
For performance, you want an index on songid, actionid, thedate.

SQL query to return rows in multiple groups

I have a SQL table with data in the following format:
1 2 1 100
2 4 2 240
3 5 4 200
This shows a quoted value which should be delivered starting on the FIRSTMONTH and split over NoMONTHS
I want to calculate the SUM for each month of the potential deliveries from the quoted values.
As such I need to return the following result from a SQL server query:
2 100 <- should be all of REF=1
4 120 <- should be half of REF=2
5 170 <- should be half of REF=2 and quarter of REF=3
6 50 <- should be quarter of REF=3
7 50 <- should be quarter of REF=3
8 50 <- should be quarter of REF=3
How can I do this?
You are trying extract data from what should be a many to many relationship.
You need 3 tables. You should be able to write a JOIN or GROUP BY select statement from there. The tables below don't use the same data values as yours, and are merely intended for a structural example.
REF Month Value
1 2 100
2 3 120
MonthREF MonthGroupREF
1 1
2 2
2 3
The first part of this query gets a set of numbers between the start and the end of the valid values
The second part takes each month value, and divides it into the monthly amount
Then it is simply a case of grouping each month, and adding up all of the monthly amounts.
number as month, sum(amount)
select number
from master..spt_values
where type='p'
and number between (select min(firstmonth) from yourtable)
and (select max(firstmonth+nomonths-1) from yourtable)
) numbers
inner join
firstmonth+nomonths-1 as lastmonth,
value / nomonths as amount
from yourtable) monthly
on numbers.number between firstmonth and lastmonth
group by number