Broken return type declarations in PHP7? - php-7

I can't do something like this:
$a = 5;
function a():int use($a) {
return $a + 5;
Do return type declaration break scope inheritance?

You can only use the use keyword for inheriting variables in anonymous functions (closures). This has nothing to do with the declared return type.
To clarify a bit here is an example:
$a = 1;
$func = function () use ( $a ) {
return $a + 1;
// Call the closure that has captured $a


Returning a 'raw' scalar container from AT-POS method (rather than a Proxy instance) in a class that 'does' Positional?

I'm attempting to implement a class that 'does' Positional that also allows me to update its values by assigning to the result returned by the AT-POS method. Eventually, I was able to concoct the following class that works as intended:
class Test does Positional
has $.slot_1 is rw = 12;
has $.slot_2 is rw = 24;
method AT-POS(\position)
my $t = self;
FETCH => method ()
position % 2 ?? $t.slot_1 !! $t.slot_2
STORE => method ($v)
if position % 2
$t.slot_1 = $v
$t.slot_2 = $v
my $test =;
die unless $test[2] == 24;
die unless $test[5] == 12;
$test[7] = 120;
die unless $test[2] == 24;
die unless $test[5] == 120;
$test[10] = 240;
die unless $test[2] == 240;
die unless $test[5] == 120;
Would it be possible to somehow (and: simply) return the container bound to $!slot_1 (or $!slot_2) inside the Test class implementation?
Before I discovered the use of Proxy instances I attempted to return (and return-rw) the result of expression position % 2 ?? $!slot_1.VAR !! $!slot_2.VAR, because I'm under the impression that the VAR method gives me access to the underlying container, in the hope that I can simply return it. That didn't really work, and I do not understand why yet: I suspect it somehow gets coerced back to a value somehow?
So in other words: is it possible to simplify my AT-POS implementation in this particular situation?
Assuming you do not want accessors for "slot_1" and "slot_2", and if I understand the question correctly, this would be my implementation. I wouldn't call it a Test class, as that would interfere with the Test class that is used for testing.
class Foo {
has #elements = 24, 12;
method AT-POS(Int:D $pos) is raw {
#elements[$pos % 2]
my $f =;
say $f[2]; # 24
say $f[5]; # 12
$f[2] = 666;
say $f[4]; # 666
Note that the defaults in the array have changed order, that's to keep the arithmetic in AT-POS simple.
Also note the is raw in the definition of the AT-POS method: it will ensure that no de-containerization will take place when returning a value. This allows you to just assign to whatever $f[2] returns.
Hope this made sense!
Also: the Array::Agnostic module may be of interest for you, to use directly, or to use as a source of inspiration.
First off if you aren't going to use an attribute outside of the object, there isn't a reason to declare them as public, and especially not rw.
class Foo {
has $!odd = 12;
has $!even = 24;
You can also directly return a Scalar container from a method. You should declare the method as rw or raw. (raw doesn't guarantee that it is writable.)
class Foo {
has $!odd = 12;
has $!even = 24;
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even
# we actually get the Scalar container given to us
say[10]; # $!even
Note that even if you declare the attributes as public they still have a private name. The private attribute is always rw even if it isn't publicly declared as rw.
class Foo {
has $.odd = 12;
has $.even = 24;
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even
If you are going to use a Proxy, I would consider moving the common code outside of it.
class Foo {
has $.odd = 12;
has $.even = 24;
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
# no need to write this twice
my $alias := (position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even);
FETCH => method () { $alias },
STORE => method ($new-value) { $alias = $new-value }
Of course the ?? !! code is a core feature of this module, so it would make sense to put it into a single method so that you don't end up with duplicate code all over your class. In this case I made it a private method.
class Foo {
has $.odd = 12;
has $.even = 24;
# has to be either `raw` or `rw`
# it is debatable of which is better here
method !attr(\position) is raw {
position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
my $alias := self!attr(position);
FETCH => -> $ { $alias },
STORE => -> $, $new-value { $alias = $new-value }
Again, not much reason to use a Proxy.
class Foo {
has $.odd = 12;
has $.even = 24;
method !attr(\position) is raw {
position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
Instead of ?? !! you could use an indexing operation.
method !attr(\position) is raw {
($!even,$!odd)[position % 2]
Which would allow for a ternary data structure.
method !attr(\position) is raw {
($!mod0,$!mod1,$!mod2)[position % 3]
There was no need to write the if statement that you did as Raku usually passes Scalar containers around instead of the value.
(position % 2 ?? $t.slot_1 !! $t.slot_2) = $v;

Multimethod for Proxy

Is it possible to use multidispatch for the store method when using a Proxy? In the following minimal example, the code is called when storing an Int
my $foo := do {
my $bar = 1;
:FETCH( method { return $bar} ),
:STORE( method (Int $i) { $bar = $i } )
say $foo; # 1
$foo = 2;
say $foo; # 2
$foo = "3"; # error, need to pass an Int
But I'd like to handle the STORE differently if given, say, a Str. The work around I've found (other than doing a mega method with given/where is to create a multi sub inside of a block, and return the sub (because a multi method can't be referred to with &foo) with an dummy first parameter:
my $foo := do {
my $bar = 1;
:FETCH( method { return $bar} ),
do {
multi sub xyzzy ($, Int $i) { $bar = $i }
multi sub xyzzy ($, Str $i) { $bar = +$i + 1}
say $foo; # 1
$foo = 2;
say $foo; # 2
$foo = "3";
say $foo; # 4
Is there a better way to do this (mainly for code clarity using method because sub feels...misleading)?
With regards to being misleading: the FETCH and STORE values expecte Callables, which could be either a method or a sub.
Getting back to the question, there is no direct way of doing this, but there is a better indirect way that may be clearer. You can do this by setting up the multi sub first, and then passing the proto as the parameter:
proto sub store(|) {*}
multi sub store(\self, Int) { say "Int" }
multi sub store(\self, Str) { say "Str" }
my $a :=
FETCH => -> $ { 42 },
STORE => &store,
say $a; # 42
$a = 42; # Int
$a = "foo"; # Str
And if you want to make the code shorter, but possibly less understandable, you can get rid of the proto (because it will be auto-generated for you) and the sub in the multi (because you can):
multi store(\self, Int) { say "Int" }
multi store(\self, Str) { say "Str" }
my $a :=
FETCH => -> $ { 42 },
STORE => &store,
say $a; # 42
$a = 42; # Int
$a = "foo"; # Str

Cannot return a cli array of a generic type

I got this function
array<ItemType>^ GetNextItems(int n) {
auto ret = gcnew Collections::Generic::List < ItemType > ;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
auto item = GetNextItem();
if (item == ItemType()) break;
return ret->ToArray();
But the compile gives me an error: cannot convert from 'cli::array< ItemType,1 > ^' to 'cli::array< ItemType,1 > ^'
ItemType is a template parameter ie.
generic <typename ItemType>
I've been staring at this for a while, I can't detect the fault. Why won't it compile?
If ItemType is a .NET/CLR type, then you'll need the ^-hat inside the return type declaration. The ^ is still not included in the actual type declaration.
So it would be something like this:
generic <typename ItemType>
ref class Test
array<ItemType ^>^
GetNextItems(int n)
List<ItemType ^> ^ ret = gcnew List<ItemType ^>(n);
return ret->ToArray();
Notice the added caret inside the <ItemType ^> return type declaration, but not in the class' generic definition.

PHP anonymous function causes syntax error on some installations

I have the following code:
$file_check_method_func = function($n) {
$n = absint($n);
if(1 !== $n) { $n = 0; }
return $n;
$valid['file_check_method'] = array_map($file_check_method_func, $input['file_check_method']);
This works on my PHP 5.3.5 installation but when I run this code on a PHP 5.2.15 installation I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/xxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-file-monitor-plus/classes/wpfmp.settings.class.php on line 220
Line 220 being the first line of the above code.
So my question(s), is there something wrongly written in my code that would give this error? If not is it because of a bug or not supported feature in PHP 5.2.15? If yes then how can I write the above code so not to generate the error?
The above code is in a function in a class.
Anonymous functions is a feature added in 5.3
For earlier versions, create a named function and refer it by name. Eg.:
function file_check_method_func($n) {
$n = absint($n);
if(1 !== $n) { $n = 0; }
return $n;
$valid['file_check_method'] = array_map('file_check_method_func', $input['file_check_method']);
or inside a class:
class Foo {
protected function file_check_method_func($n) {
$n = absint($n);
if(1 !== $n) { $n = 0; }
return $n;
function validate($input) {
$valid = array();
$valid['file_check_method'] = array_map(array($this, 'file_check_method_func'), $input['file_check_method']);
return $valid;
I would strongly suggest not to rely on create_function.
The syntax for anonymous functions in the example can only be used in PHP >= 5.3. Before PHP 5.3, anonymous functions can only be created with create_function().
Anonymous functions using this function-syntax has been added 5.3. But you can define anonymous functions using

Function and delegate literals in D

Reading TDPL about function and delegate literals (5.6.1)
auto f = (int i) {};
assert(is(f == function));
I've got an assertion failure. Is this assertion correct?
I tried the following:
int z = 5;
auto f = (int i) { return i < 5; };
auto d = (int i) { return i < z; };
assert(is(typeof(f) == typeof(d)));
Assertion is valid there. Actually f is a delegate, not a function even if it doesn't need a frame pointer to access local variables. Is this a bug?
Also, I do not understand how assert(is(f == function)); should work.
I tried assert(is(f == delegate)); but it was failed also. What's wrong?
I use DMD32 D Compiler v2.053
auto f = (int i) {};
assert(is(typeof(f) == delegate))
Works correct, although there is no reason to be a delegate
auto f = function (int i) {};
assert(is(typeof(f) == void function(int))); // correct
assert(is(typeof(f) == function)); // failed!!!!!
Miracle. It seems D2 is not ready for production use yet.
"f" is a variable. The is expression compares types. This should work:
assert(is(typeof(f) == delegate));
If you want to create a function instead of a delegate, you can use the function literal syntax:
auto f = function (int i) { ... };
assert(is(typeof(f) == function)); // should be true
If the function literal syntax is not used, the literal is assumed to be delegate (Expressions, look under "Function Literals". This makes sense because D should not change the type based on the whether the body of the literal needs the stack frame (this would be super screwy). EDIT: TDPL does actually specify that the compiler will infer a function instead of a delegate if it can, regardless of the "function" keyword. This seems like a poor idea to me, so this might be something that has been dropped.
As to why the is(f == function) doesn't work, this looks like a regression.
You might find isFunctionPointer and isDelegate helpful.
See this, taken from traits.d:
template isSomeFunction(/+###BUG4217###+/T...)
if (/+###BUG4333###+/staticLength!(T) == 1)
enum bool isSomeFunction = isSomeFunction_bug4333!(T).isSomeFunction;
private template isSomeFunction_bug4333(T...)
/+###BUG4333###+/enum dummy__ = T.length;
static if (is(typeof(& T[0]) U : U*) && is(U == function))
// T is a function symbol.
enum bool isSomeFunction = true;
else static if (is(T[0] W) || is(typeof(T[0]) W))
// T is an expression or a type. Take the type of it and examine.
static if (is(W F : F*) && is(F == function))
enum bool isSomeFunction = true; // function pointer
else enum bool isSomeFunction = is(W == function) || is(W == delegate);
else enum bool isSomeFunction = false;
I think it might explain some things.
In other words:
void main()
static if (is(typeof(&main) T : T*)) static assert( is(T == function));
static if (is(typeof(&main) U)) static assert(!is(U == function));