how the server send message SSE worked in multiple server instance environments - load-balancing

I have a question on how to make SSE worked in multiple server environments.
In UI, there are two steps:
1. source = new EventSource('http://localhost:3000/stream');
source.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
}, false);
user in UI can post to api to update data
after user post to api, server is sending event to UI to udpate UI
In one server environement, this worked perfect fine, no problem at all.
But in multi server instance environments, this won't be working. For example, I have two server instance, and UI subscribed to server 1, then server 1 is remembering the connection, but data update is from server 2, when data is changed, there is no connection for SSE in server 2. Then in this senario, how can server 2 send SSE to UI?
In order to make SSE working in multiple server environments, do we need to adopt any saving solution to save the connection information so that any server instance can send SSE accurately to UI?
Let me clarify this more:
yes, both service 1 and service 2 are behind load balancer, they do not have to have same URL. UI is pure frontend end application, can even be mobile app. So, if UI is sending a eventSource request to LB of server1, then only this instance can use this connection to send event back to UI, right? But if we have multiple instance of server 1, that means any server 1 instance other than current one can NOT send event back to UI.
I believe this is the limitation of SSE unless the connection can be shared among all the instances. But how.

If you have two servers, with different URLs, make one SSE connection (from each client) to each server.
Be aware of CORS restrictions, i.e. the same origin policy. (It works identically to xhr2 CORS, so fairly easy to google; my book also covers it in detail, chapter 9.)
If you have two servers behind a load balancer, which is presenting a single URL to the clients, then you just have to make sure the load balancer is configured correctly. I.e. to always pass through that socket to the correct server. If a back-end server dies, and needs replacing, the load balancer should close the SSE socket; the client will then auto-reconnect, and get a new back-end server.
The multiple servers behind a load balancer, should either be having their own data push socket connections to a master data source, or should all be polling the master data source.


Load balancer confusion (Load balancer mechanism )

Hi I'm little confused about load balancer concept
I've read some articles about loadbalancer in nginx and from what I've understand is that the load balancer spread the request into multiple servers !
But i thought if one server is down another one is up and running (not simultaneously all server together)
and another thing is when request spread between servers what happen to static data like sessions and InMemory Database like RedisDB
I think i'm confused and missunderstood the loadbalancer mechanism
and from what I've understand is that the load balancer spread the request into multiple servers ! But i thought if one server is down another one is up and running (not simultaneously all server together)
As it comes from the name the goal of load balancer (LB) is to balance the load. As per wiki definition for example:
In computing, load balancing is the process of distributing a set of tasks over a set of resources (computing units), with the aim of making their overall processing more efficient. Load balancing can optimize the response time and avoid unevenly overloading some compute nodes while other compute nodes are left idle.
To perform this task load balancer obviously need to have some monitoring over the resources, including liveness checks (so it can bring out of the rotation the failing servers/nodes). Ideally LB should work with stateless services (i.e. request could be routed to any of the servers supporting handling such request type) but that is not always the case due to multiple reasons, for example in ASP.NET in case of non-distributed session requests should have been routed to servers which handled the previous request from the session, which could have been handled with so called sticky session/cookie.
and another thing is when request spread between servers what happen to static data like sessions and InMemory Database like RedisDB
It is not very clear what is the question here. As I mentioned before ideally you will want to have stateless services which will use some shared datastore (s) to handle the requests, so if request comes for any server/node it can load all the needed data to handle it.
So in short when request comes to LB it selects one of the servers based on some algorithm (round robin, resource based, sharding, response time based, etc.) and send this request to this server so in theory based on the used approach sequential requests from the same source can hit different nodes/servers (so basically this is one of the ways to horizontally scale your application).
I actually found my answer in nginx doc page
Short answer is IP-Hash mechanism
Nginx doc word :
Please note that with round-robin or least-connected load balancing, each subsequent client’s request can be potentially distributed to a different server. There is no guarantee that the same client will be always directed to the same server.
If there is the need to tie a client to a particular application server — in other words, make the client’s session “sticky” or “persistent” in terms of always trying to select a particular server — the ip-hash load balancing mechanism can be used.
With ip-hash, the client’s IP address is used as a hashing key to determine what server in a server group should be selected for the client’s requests. This method ensures that the requests from the same client will always be directed to the same server except when this server is unavailable.
To configure ip-hash load balancing, just add the ip_hash directive to the server (upstream) group configuration:
upstream myapp1 {

How do Cloud Run instances perceive multiple requests from HTTP2 connections?

HTTP2 has this multiplexing feature.
From this [answer](Put simply, multiplexing allows your Browser to fire off multiple requests at once on the same connection and receive the requests back in any order.) we get that:
Put simply, multiplexing allows your Browser to fire off multiple requests at once on the same connection and receive the requests back in any order.
Let's say I split my app into 50 small bundled files, to take advantage of the multiplex communication.
My server is an express app hosted in a Cloud Run instance.
Here is what Cloud Run says about concurrency:
By default Cloud Run container instances can receive many requests at the same time (up to a maximum of 250).
So, if 5 users hit my app at the same time, does it mean that my instance will be max'ed out for a brief moment?
Because each browser (from the 5 users) will make 50 requests (for the 50 small bundled files), resulting on a total of 250.
Does the fact that multiplex traffic occurs on over the same connection change any thing? How does it work?
Does it mean that my cloud run will perceive 5 connections and my express server will perceive 250 requests? I think I'm confused about the request expression in these 2 perspectives (the cloud run instance and the express server).
A "request" is :
the establishment of the connexion between the server and the client (the browser here)
The data transfert
The connexion close.
With streaming capacity of HTTP2 and websocket, the connexion can takes minutes (and up to 1 hour) and you can send data through the channel as you want. 1 connexion = 1 request, 5 connexions = 5 requests.
But keep in mind that keeping this connexion open and processing data in it consume resources on your backend and you can't have dozens of connexion that actively send/receive data, you will saturate your instance.

Verify Load balancing Azure Container Service

I am using the Azure Container Service with Kubernetes orchestrator and have an app deployed on a cluster with 3 nodes. It has 5 replicas. How can I verify load balancing in action e.g. I want to be able to see that every time I hit the external IP I am being routed to perhaps a different node. Thanks.
The simplest solution is to connect (over ssh for example) to 3 nodes and run WinDump there. In order everything is working properly you will be able to see what happens on every node.
Also here is Microsoft documentation for testing a load balancer:
The default Load Balancer which are available to your Windows Azure Web and Worker roles are software load balancers and not so much configurable however they do work in Round Robin setting. If you want to test this behavior this is what you need to do:
Create two (or more) instances of your service with RDP access
enabled so you can RDP to both instances
RDP to your both instances and run NETMON or any network monitor
solution in it.
Now access your Windows Azure web application from your desktop You
need to understand that when a network connection is made from your
desktop the connection is still alive based on network settings
(default 60 seconds) so you need to wait until default timeout is
passed to access your Windows Azure web application again.
When you will access your Windows Azure Web application again you can
verify that seconds time the request went to next instance. BE sure
to pass the connection timeout otherwise your request will be keep
handled by same instance.
Note: If you dont want to use RDP, you sure can also create a test ASP.NET page to write some special code based on your specific instance which will show you that this page is specific to certain instance. The best way to do is to read the Instance ID as below:
int instanceID = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id;
If you want to have more control over Windows Azure Load Balancing, i would suggest using the Windows Azure Traffic Manager which will help you to route the traffic to your site via Round-Robin, Performance or backup based scenario. More info on using Traffis Manager is in this article.

Backplane vs Sticky Load balancer

I am developing SignalR application.There will be multiple instances of my application running on different servers behind the load balancer. I read about the backplane and found out that it is mainly serves the purpose of server failure and handles the request hops between multiple servers.(there might be another benefits).
Please consider below scenario and suggest if I still needs backplane.
I am using sticky load balancing(i.e. all subsequent request from client goes to same server) ? So there is no chance of request hops in good scenario.
How I handled server down scenario - When server goes down. Client tries to reconnect and gets "404-not found" error.At this time client start new connection and it works.
The main reason for having a backplane when developing SignalR application comes from the following scenario:
let's say you have 2 web servers hosting your application, serverA and serverB
you have 2 clients connecting to your application, client1 who is served by serverA and client2 who is served by serverB
A good assumption when developing a SignalR application is that you want these 2 clients to communicate with one another. So client1 sends a message to client2.
The moment client1 sends a message, his request is completed by server1. But server1 keeps a mapping of connected users in memory. It looks for client2, but client2 is kept in the memory of serverB, so the message will never get there.
By using a backplane, basically every message that comes in one server is broadcast to all other servers.
One solution is to forward messages between servers, using a component called a backplane. With a backplane enabled, each application instance sends messages to the backplane, and the backplane forwards them to the other application instances.
Taken from SignalR Introduction to scaleout
Be sure to check this backplane with Redis from the SignalR documentation.
Hope this helps. Best of luck!

Upload text logs to MVC 4 web server every second

I have a Web Server implemented using dot net MVC4. There are clients connected to this web server which perform some operations and upload live logs to the server using WebClient.UploadString method. Sending these logs from client to server is being done in group of 2500 characters at a time.
Things work fine until 2-3 client upload logs. However when more than 3 clients try to upload logs simultaneously they start receiving "http 500 internal server error".
I might have to scale up and add more slaves but that will make the situation worse.
I want to implement Jenkins like live logging, where logs from slave are updated live.
Please suggest some better and scalable solution to this problem.
Have you considered looking into SignalR?
It can be used for anything from instant messaging to stocks! I have implemented both a chatbox, and a custom system that sends off messages, does calculations and then passes them back down to client. It is very reliable, there are some nice tutorials, and I think it's awesome.